89 research outputs found

    Environmental extremes and the immune response to exercise

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    Exercising in hot and cold conditions poses one of the greatest challenges to human homeostasis. Popular belief is that cold exposure increases susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections, however, evidence to support a link between cold exposure, impaired immune function and increased incidence of infection is not well defined. On the other hand, if heat production during exercise is not effectively dissipated, core body temperature can rise to dangerous levels, thereby placing the individual at risk of developing exertional heat-illness (EHI), or the more serious, and potentially fatal, condition of exertional heat stroke (EHS). In addition to exercising in hot and humid environments, a number of risk factors for EHI/EHS have been identified. Other potential risk factors, which are less well supported, include the circulating inflammatory response that follows a muscle-damaging exercise bout. All together, these conditions might potentially affect athletes and military personnel, which are expected to perform arduous physical activity, often in extreme environments. Hypothermia is common in trauma victims and is associated with an increase in mortality. Its causes are still not well understood. We found (Chapter 4) that after mildhypothermia (Body rectal temperature (Tre) 35.17 ± 0.33 °C) vaccine-stimulated IFN-γ production significantly decreased by 44% suggesting temporary immune suppression. Moreover, despite rewarming and feeding, vaccine-stimulated IFN-γ production did not return to control values within 3-hour, suggesting more prolonged immune suppression, specifically, impaired antimicrobial capacity and increased risk of infection. This might partially explain the increased mortality reported after mild-hypothermia. During exercise heat stress (HS) (Chapter 5), ΔTre was significantly greater following EIMD than in CON (0.52 ºC). Therefore, HS was increased during endurance exercise in the heat conducted 30min trial after, and to a much lesser extent, 24h after muscledamaging exercise. These data indicate that EIMD is a likely risk factor for EHI particularly during exercise-heat stress. After a repeated bout of muscle-damaging exercise (EIMD trial 2) (Chapter 6), final Tre during HS was lower (39.25 ± 0.47 ºC) than in EIMD trial 1 (39.59 ± 0.49 ºC), whilst no differences between repeat trials were observed in control trials (CON). Thus, incorporating a muscle-damaging bout into training is a strategy to reduce the risk of EHI in individuals undertaking heavy exercise with an eccentric heat component. Further research is required clarify the role of thermo-genic activity on innate immune markers during cold exposure needs clarification. In addition, future studies would need to examine the supposed contribution of pyrogenic pathways after muscle damage upon exercise heat strain in more depth

    Autonomous Observations in Antarctica with AMICA

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    The Antarctic Multiband Infrared Camera (AMICA) is a double channel camera operating in the 2-28 micron infrared domain (KLMNQ bands) that will allow to characterize and exploit the exceptional advantages for Astronomy, expected from Dome C in Antarctica. The development of the camera control system is at its final stage. After the investigation of appropriate solutions against the critical environment, a reliable instrumentation has been developed. It is currently being integrated and tested to ensure the correct execution of automatic operations. Once it will be mounted on the International Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope (IRAIT), AMICA and its equipment will contribute to the accomplishment of a fully autonomous observatory.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, Advances in Astronomy Journal, Special Issue "Robotic Astronomy", Accepted 11 February 201

    Definition of the Immune Parameters Related to COVID-19 Severity

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    A relevant portion of patients with disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (COVID-19) experience negative outcome, and several laboratory tests have been proposed to predict disease severity. Among others, dramatic changes in peripheral blood cells have been described. We developed and validated a laboratory score solely based on blood cell parameters to predict survival in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. We retrospectively analyzed 1,619 blood cell count from 226 consecutively hospitalized COVID-19 patients to select parameters for inclusion in a laboratory score predicting severity of disease and survival. The score was derived from lymphocyte- and granulocyte-associated parameters and validated on a separate cohort of 140 consecutive COVID-19 patients. Using ROC curve analysis, a best cutoff for score of 30.6 was derived, which was associated to an overall 82.0% sensitivity (95% CI: 78–84) and 82.5% specificity (95% CI: 80–84) for detecting outcome. The scoring trend effectively separated survivor and non-survivor groups, starting 2 weeks before the end of the hospitalization period. Patients’ score time points were also classified into mild, moderate, severe, and critical according to the symptomatic oxygen therapy administered. Fluctuations of the score should be recorded to highlight a favorable or unfortunate trend of the disease. The predictive score was found to reflect and anticipate the disease gravity, defined by the type of the oxygen support used, giving a proof of its clinical relevance. It offers a fast and reliable tool for supporting clinical decisions and, most important, triage in terms of not only prioritization but also allocation of limited medical resources, especially in the period when therapies are still symptomatic and many are under development. In fact, a prolonged and progressive increase of the score can suggest impaired chances of survival and/or an urgent need for intensive care unit admission

    Responsabilidad social universitaria en Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    This article aims to analyze university social responsibility in Maracaibo, Venezuela. The work is based on the postulates of Rodriguez (2010), De la Cuesta (2011) and the Ministry of Education in Spain (2011), among others. It is a descriptive, field study. The population consisted of authorities from five universities, one (1) public and four (4) private, located in Maracaibo, who were accessed through a questionnaire composed of thirty-two (32) closed items. The instrument was validated by experts in the university management field. To determine the questionnaire’s reliability, the test-retest method was applied, obtaining a 0.94 coefficient. To analyze data, the arithmetic mean or average was used. Results indicate that the universities under study exhibit a social responsibility model with an instrumental, entrepreneurial tendency, where knowledge is seen as the main asset available for society’s use. However, a greater integration of these higher education institutions with their stakeholders is required.  El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la responsabilidad social universitaria en Maracaibo, Venezuela. El trabajo se sustenta en los postulados de Rodríguez (2010), De la Cuesta (2011), el Ministerio de Educación de España (2011), entre otros. El estudio fue descriptivo, de campo. La población estuvo conformada por autoridades de cinco (5) universidades, una (1) pública y cuatro (4) privadas ubicadas en Maracaibo, a las cuales se accedió mediante un cuestionario compuesto por treinta y dos (32) ítems cerrados. El instrumento fue validado por expertos en el ámbito de la gerencia universitaria. Para determinar la confiabilidad del cuestionario se aplicó el método test-retest, obteniéndose un coeficiente de 0,94. Para analizar los datos se utilizó el promedio aritmético o media. Los resultados indican que las universidades estudiadas exhiben un modelo de responsabilidad social de tendencia empresarial instrumental, donde el conocimiento se perfila como el principal activo disponible para su uso por la sociedad, pero se requiere una mayor integración de las instituciones de educación superior con sus stakeholders. &nbsp

    Three-dimensional facial morphometry in patients rehabilitated with implant-supported prostheses

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    The aim of the present study was to assess a low-cost, non-invasive facial morphometric digitizer to assist the practitioner in three-dimensional soft-tissue changes before and after oral rehabilitation. The method should provide quantitative data to support an objective assessment of the facial esthetic outcome [1]. Twenty-two patients aged 45-82 years, all with edentulous maxilla and mandible, were assessed both before and after receiving their definitive complete implant-supported prostheses (each received 4-11 implants in each dental arch; full-arch fixed prostheses were made). The three-dimensional coordinates of 50 soft-tissue facial landmarks were collected with a non-invasive digitizer; labial and facial areas, volumes, angles and distances were compared without/ with the prostheses [2]. Dental prostheses induced significant reductions in the nasolabial, mentolabial and interlabial angles, with increased labial prominence (p<0.05, Wilcoxon test). Lip vermilion area and volume significantly increased; significant increments were found in the vertical and anteroposterior labial dimensions. The presence of the dental prostheses significantly (p<0.001) modified the three-dimensional positions of several soft-tissue facial landmarks. The current approach enabled quantitative evaluation of the final soft-tissue results of oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses, without submitting the patients to invasive procedures. The method could assess the three-dimensional appearance of the facial soft tissues of the patient while planning the provisional prosthetic restoration, providing quantitative information to prepare the best definitive prosthesis. Dote ricerca: FSE, Regione Lombardi

    Portable prehospital methods to treat near-hypothermic shivering cold casualties

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    Objectives To compare the effectiveness of a single-layered polyethylene survival bag (P), a single-layered polyethylene survival bag with a hot drink (P+HD), a multi-layered metalized plastic sheeting survival bag (MPS: Blizzard Survival), and a multi-layered MPS survival bag with four large chemical-heat pads (MPS+HP: Blizzard Heat) to treat cold casualties. Methods Portable cold casualty treatment methods were compared by examining core and skin temperature, metabolic heat production and thermal comfort during a 3-h, 0°C cold-air exposure in seven shivering, near-hypothermic men (35.4°C). The hot drink (70°C, ~400ml, ~28kJ) was consumed at 0, 1 and 2 h during the cold-air exposure. Results During the cold-air exposure, core-rewarming and thermal comfort were similar on all trials (P = 0.45 and P = 0.36, respectively). However, skin temperature was higher (10-13%, P 2.7) and metabolic heat production lower (15-39%, P 0.9) on MPS and MPS+HP than P and P+HD. The addition of heat pads further lowered metabolic heat production by 15% (MPS+HP vs. MPS, P = 0.05, large effect size d = 0.9). The addition of the hot drink to polyethylene survival bag did not increase skin temperature or lower metabolic heat production. Conclusions Near-hypothermic cold casualties are rewarmed with less peripheral cold stress and shivering thermogenesis using a multi-layered MPS survival bag compared with a polyethylene survival bag. Prehospital rewarming is further aided by large chemical heat pads but not by hot drinks

    A 3D non invasive assessment of the position of the occlusal plane

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    Introduction. The occlusal plane has a key-role in various dental and medical fields. Several methods have analyzed and measured the relative positions of the occlusal and facial planes; most of these investigations used 2D radiographic exams. Currently, 3D assessments may be performed overlapping CT reconstructions and digitized dental casts, but the method requires ionizing radiations, and it is not applicable in reference studies performed with healthy subjects. The efficacy of these measurements could be improved by a 3D, non invasive approach to the problem. Methods. 20 healthy subjects were selected to have their maxillary dental casts digitized by laser scanning, and their 3D facial soft tissue stereophotogrammetry acquisition merged in a single file. The digital 3D coordinates of three facial (right and left Tragus, Subnasale) and three dental landmarks (inter-incisor, tips of the mesio-vestibular cuspids of right and left first permanent molars), were obtained and exported in a 3D CAD (computed aided design) software for a geometrical analysis. The 3D orientation of the planes, referred to a Cartesian orthogonal reference system, was estimated calculating angular values between the sagittal midlines of the two planes. To evaluate the repeatability of the measurements the protocol was performed independently by two different operators. In total 120 measurements were obtained; descriptive statistics were calculated for each variable. To evaluate the method repeatability mean absolute difference between repeated measurements (MAD), technical error of measurement (REM) and Paired Student’s T tests (P<0.05) were computed. Results. In the frontal and horizontal projections, the occlusal plane resulted nearly parallel to Camper’s plane, with average inclinations of 1.5 (frontal) and 1.9 (horizontal) degrees. In the sagittal projection, the two planes had an average angle of 4.9 degrees, with the occlusal plane more anteriorly inclined than Camper’s plane. For all three projections, a fair inter-operator repeatability was found, with all MADs and TEMs slightly lower than 2 degrees. No systematic errors between repeated measurements were found (T test > 0.05). Conclusions. The current non-invasive method resulted appropriate to the aims. Camper’s and occlusal planes resulted almost parallel in the frontal and horizontal projections, while in the sagittal projection the occlusal plane was 5 degrees more anteriorly inclined than Camper’s plane
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