121 research outputs found

    Instability of the Proca field on Kerr spacetime

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    The field of a massive vector boson in the vicinity of a rotating black hole is known to suffer an instability, due to the exponential amplification of (co-rotating, low-frequency) bound state modes by black hole superradiance. Here we calculate the bound state spectrum by exploiting the separation of variables recently achieved by Frolov, Krtou, Kubiz'ak and Santos (FKKS) for the Proca field on Kerr-(A)dS-NUT spacetimes of arbitrary dimension. Restricting to the 4D Kerr case, we first establish the relationship between the FKKS and Teukolsky variables in the massless case; obtain exact results for the angular eigenvalues in the marginally-bound case; and present a spectral method for solving the angular equation in the general case. We then demonstrate that all three physical polarizations can be recovered from the FKKS ansatz, resolving an open question. We present numerical results for the instability growth rate for a selection of modes of all three polarizations, and discuss physical implications

    Electromagnetic fields on Kerr spacetime, Hertz potentials, and Lorenz gauge

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    We review two procedures for constructing the vector potential of the electromagnetic field on Kerr spacetime, namely, the classic method of Cohen & Kegeles, yielding AμA^\mu in a radiation gauge, and the newer method of Frolov et al., yielding AμA^\mu in Lorenz gauge. We demonstrate that the vector potentials are related by straightforward gauge transformations, which we give in closed form. We obtain a new result for a separable Hertz potential HμνH^{\mu \nu} such that Alorμ=νHμνA_{\text{lor}}^\mu = \nabla_\nu H^{\mu \nu}.Comment: 19 pages, 0 figures. To match published versio

    Addendum to “Absorption of a massive scalar field by a charged black hole”

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    In [1] we studied the absorption cross section of a scalar field of mass m impinging on a static black hole of mass M and charge Q. We presented numerical results using the partial-wave method, and analytical results in the high- and low-frequency limit. Our low-frequency approximation was only valid if the (dimensionless) field velocity v exceeds vc=2πMm. In this addendum we give the complementary result for v≲vc, and we consider the possible physical relevance of this regime

    Rainbow scattering of gravitational plane waves by a compact body

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    We study the time-independent scattering of a planar gravitational wave propagating in the curved spacetime of a compact body with a polytropic equation of state. We begin by considering the geometric-optics limit, in which the gravitational wave propagates along null geodesics of the spacetime; we show that a wavefront passing through a neutron star of tenuity R/M=6 will be focused at a cusp caustic near the star’s surface. Next, using the linearized Einstein field equations on a spherically symmetric spacetime, we construct the metric perturbations in the odd and even parity sectors; and, with partial-wave methods, we numerically compute the gravitational scattering cross section from helicity-conserving and helicity-reversing amplitudes. At long wavelengths, the cross section is insensitive to stellar structure and, in the limit Mω→0, it reduces to the known low-frequency approximation of the black hole case. At higher frequencies Mω≳1, the gravitational wave probes the internal structure of the body. In essence, we find that the gravitational wave cross section is similar to that for a massless scalar field, although with subtle effects arising from the nonzero helicity-reversing amplitude, and the coupling in the even-parity sector between the gravitational wave and the fluid of the body. The cross section exhibits rainbow scattering with an Airy-type oscillation superposed on a Rutherford cross section. We show that the rainbow angle, which arises from a stationary point in the geodesic deflection function, depends on the polytropic index. In principle, rainbow scattering provides a diagnostic of the equation of state of the compact body; but, in practice, this requires a high-frequency astrophysical source of gravitational waves

    Quasinormal modes of massive vector fields on the Kerr spacetime

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    We study the spectrum of quasinormal mode frequencies for a Proca field on a rotating black hole spacetime. First, we review how the introduction of field mass modifies the spectrum in the scalar-field case, leading to evanescent modes and to quasiresonance. Next, we examine the three physical polarizations of the Proca field and their relation to the electromagnetic field modes in the massless limit. Exploiting a separation of variables, we obtain a five-term recurrence relation from an appropriate ansatz for the radial function. Gaussian elimination and the modified Lentz algorithm are applied, and the quasinormal frequencies are computed from the roots of a continued fraction. We validate our method by calculating quasibound state frequencies, which are complementary to quasinormal modes, and which can be calculated using the same method. We present a selection of results for the low-lying overtones of all three polarizations, across a range of black hole spins and field masses

    Conversion of electromagnetic and gravitational waves by a charged black hole

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    In a strong electromagnetic field, gravitational waves are converted into electromagnetic waves of the same frequency, and vice versa. Here, we calculate scattering and conversion cross sections for a planar wave impinging upon a Reissner-Nordström black hole in electrovacuum, using the partial-wave expansion and numerical methods. We show that, at long wavelengths, the conversion cross section matches that computed by Feynman-diagram techniques, and at short wavelengths, the essential features are captured by a geometric-optics approximation. We demonstrate that the converted flux can exceed the scattered flux at large scattering angles, for highly-charged black holes. In the short-wavelength regime, the conversion effect may be understood in terms of a conversion phase that accumulates along a ray. We compute the scattering angle for which the converted and scattered fluxes are equal, as a function of charge-to-mass ratio; and we show that this scattering angle approaches 90° in the extremal limit

    Electromagnetic self-force on a charged particle on Kerr spacetime: equatorial circular orbits

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    We calculate the self-force acting on a charged particle on a circular geodesic orbit in the equatorial plane of a rotating black hole. We show by direct calculation that the dissipative self-force balances with the sum of the flux radiated to infinity and through the black hole horizon. Prograde orbits are found to stimulate black hole superradiance, though we confirm that the condition for floating orbits cannot be met. We calculate the conservative component of the self-force by application of the mode sum regularization method, and we present a selection of numerical results. We obtain the leading-order coefficients in post-Newtonian expansions of the dissipative and conservative components of the self-force, using an analytical method and numerical fitting, respectively. The self-force on the innermost stable circular orbits of the Kerr spacetime is calculated, and comparisons are drawn between the electromagnetic and gravitational self forces

    Tidal invariants for compact binaries on quasicircular orbits

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    We extend the gravitational self-force approach to encompass "self-interaction" tidal effects for a compact body of mass μ on a quasicircular orbit around a black hole of mass M=μ. Specifically, we define and calculate at O(μ) (conservative) shifts in the eigenvalues of the electric- and magnetic-type tidal tensors, and a (dissipative) shift in a scalar product between their eigenbases. This approach yields four gauge-invariant functions, from which one may construct other tidal quantities such as the curvature scalars and the speciality index. First, we analyze the general case of a geodesic in a regular perturbed vacuum spacetime admitting a helical Killing vector and a reflection symmetry. Next, we specialize to focus on circular orbits in the equatorial plane of Kerr spacetime at O(μ). We present accurate numerical results for the Schwarzschild case for orbital radii up to the light ring, calculated via independent implementations in Lorenz and Regge-Wheeler gauges. We show that our results are consistent with leading-order post-Newtonian expansions, and demonstrate the existence of additional structure in the strong-field regime. We anticipate that our strong-field results will inform (e.g.) effective one-body models for the gravitational two-body problem that are invaluable in the ongoing search for gravitational waves

    Electromagnetic self-force on a charged particle on Kerr spacetime : equatorial circular orbits

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    We calculate the self-force acting on a charged particle on a circular geodesic orbit in the equatorial plane of a rotating black hole. We show by direct calculation that the dissipative self-force balances with the sum of the flux radiated to infinity and through the black hole horizon. Prograde orbits are found to stimulate black hole superradiance, but we confirm that the condition for floating orbits cannot be met. We calculate the conservative component of the self-force by application of the mode sum regularization method, and we present a selection of numerical results. By numerical fitting, we extract the leading-order coefficients in post-Newtonian expansions. The self-force on the innermost stable circular orbits of the Kerr spacetime is calculated, and comparisons are drawn between the electromagnetic and gravitational self forces

    Octupolar invariants for compact binaries on quasicircular orbits

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    We extend the gravitational self-force methodology to identify and compute new O(μ) tidal invariants for a compact body of mass μ on a quasicircular orbit about a black hole of mass Mμ. In the octupolar sector we find seven new degrees of freedom, made up of 3+3 conservative/dissipative 'electric' invariants and 3+1 'magnetic' invariants, satisfying 1+1 and 1+0 trace conditions. We express the new invariants for equatorial circular orbits on Kerr spacetime in terms of the regularized metric perturbation and its derivatives; and we evaluate the expressions in the Schwarzschild case. We employ both Lorenz gauge and Regge-Wheeler gauge numerical codes, and the functional series method of Mano, Suzuki and Takasugi. We present (i) highly-accurate numerical data and (ii) high-order analytical post-Newtonian expansions. We demonstrate consistency between numerical and analytical results, and prior work. We explore the application of these invariants in effective one-body models and binary black hole initial-data formulations