3 research outputs found

    Environmental Outcomes of Food Packaging

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    More complex and larger problems to be achieved by mankind for the preservation of the biosphere as a global ecological system, clearly demonstrates the importance of recycling packaging waste. The rapid development of new technology packages should be harmonized with the legislation and strict environmental standards. Ecology and conservation of the ecological system of circulation of matter - recycling, are highly significant discovery of the twentieth century. Recycling is the most appropriate and economic way to use packaging waste. Its development will undoubtedly be continued in future in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. Packaging as an essential part of most industrial products, occupies a significant place, both in economic and in ecological terms. Taking into account that has not yet been found in containers that would fully meet all environmental criteria, it is necessary to find the most appropriate solution that will at least to reduce the harmful effects of packaging on the environment

    Position of Entrepreneurship in Serbia Influenced By Transition Process and Macroeconomic Trends

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    Rapid changes, uncertainty and risk require a new approach to business, new business orientation and strategies. Economic relations that reproduce the transition are directly related to the present and future position of each individual, households, businesses, state and nation in the world. It is necessary to create the conditions for rapid economic development, the need to maintain economic stability, narrowing the technological and social gap between the rich and the poor, the role and influence of multinational companies in the modern world, providing higher living standards and a common understanding of human rights in the homogenized world. At the beginning of this century, developed economies of the world entered a phase of change, and from the century of information technology entered the century of knowledge, and the global economy became based on knowledge and irreplaceable factor of development. Developing and undeveloped countries are in the permanent transition period. Entrepreneurship is interesting for all economies in transition as a factor that can significantly accelerate growth and mitigate the consequences of changes in economic structures through self-employment and job creation, as well as an engine for growth. Entrepreneurship is a feature of developed economies and market economies, and it achieves the best results in such a business climate and business environment. However, entrepreneurship reaffirmed its full creativity and experience in countries that are returning to an open market economy

    Tetraoxane antimalarials and their reaction with Fe(II)

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    Mixed tetraoxanes 5a and 13 synthesized from cholic acid and 4-oxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid were as active as artemisinin against chloroquine-susceptible, chloroquine-resistant, and multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains (IC50, IC90). Most active 13 is metabolically stable in in vitro metabolism studies. In vivo studies on tetraoxanes with a C(4'') methyl group afforded compound 15, which cured 4/5 mice at 600 and 200 mg, kg(-1), day(-1), and 2/5 mice at 50 mg, kg(-1), day(-1), showing no toxic effects. Tetraoxane 19 was an extremely active antiproliferative with LC50 of 17 nM and maximum tolerated dose of 400 mg/kg. In Fe(II)-induced scission of tetraoxane antimalarials only RO center dot radicals were detected by EPR experiments. This finding and the indication of Fe(IV)=O species led us to propose that RO center dot radicals are probably capable of inducing the parasite's death. Our results suggest that C radicals are possibly not the only lethal species derived from peroxide prodrug antimalarials, as currently believed