117 research outputs found

    Optical analysis of homocysteine metabolites using vibrational spectroscopy

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    Funding: Funding: European Union FAMOS project (FP7-ICT-317744); Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P030017/1); RS MacDonald Charitable Trust.Homocysteine (HCy) is a sulphur-containing amino acid that correlates with several maladaptive health conditions, including an enhanced risk of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Detection of HCy and its potentially pathogenic metabolites are studied here for the first time, to the first of our knowledge, using Raman spectroscopy. This study shows that different HCy metabolites have distinct Raman spectra and that the limits of detection reach the sub-mM level for these compounds. This investigation paves the way for photonics–based approaches for detection of HCy–related fluids as predictive biomarkers of disease in blood, which would assist in early intervention for improved clinical outcomes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Ethics and Acceptance of Smart Homes for Older Adults

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    Societal challenges associated with caring for the physical and mental health of the elderly worldwide have grown at an unprecedented pace, increasing demand for healthcare services and technologies [1]. Despite the development of several assistive systems tailored to older adults, the rate of adoption of health technologies is low [2, 3]. This review discusses the ethical and acceptability challenges resulting in low adoption of health technologies specifically focused on smart homes for the elderly. The findings have been structured in two categories: Ethical Considerations (Privacy, Social Support, Autonomy) and Technology Aspects (User Context, Usability, Training). The findings conclude that the elderly community is more likely to adopt assistive systems when four key criteria are met. The technology should: be personalized towards their needs, protect their dignity and independence, provide user control, and not be isolating. Finally, we recommend researchers and developers working on assistive systems to: (1) Provide interfaces via smart devices to control and configure the monitoring system with feedback for the user, (2) Include various sensors/devices to architect a smart home solution in a way that is easy to integrate in daily life and (3) Define policies about data ownership

    Collaborative systems for enhancing the analysis of social surveys: the grid enabled specialist data environments

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    This paper describes a group of online services which are designed to support social survey research and the production of statistical results. The 'Grid Enabled Specialist Data Environment' (GESDE) services constitute three related systems which offer facilities to search for, extract and exploit supplementary data and metadata concerned with the measurement and operationalisation of survey variables. The services also offer users the opportunity to deposit and distribute their own supplementary data resources for the benefit of dissemination and replication of the details of their own analysis. The GESDE services focus upon three application areas: specialist data relating to the measurement of occupations; educational qualifications; and ethnicity (including nationality, language, religion, national identity). They identify information resources related to the operationalisation of variables which seek to measure each of these concepts - examples include coding frames, crosswalk and translation files, and standardisation and harmonisation recommendations. These resources constitute important supplementary data which can be usefully exploited in the analysis of survey data. The GESDE services work by collecting together as much of this supplementary data as possible, and making it searchable and retrievable to others. This paper discusses the current features of the GESDE services (which have been designed as part of a wider programme of ‘e-Science’ research in the UK), and considers ongoing challenges in providing effective support for variable-oriented statistical analysis in the social sciences

    Long-term culture of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells in the absence of neurotrophins : a novel model of neuronal ageing

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    LS is sponsored by a Wellcome Trust ISSF studentship and YC is a recipient of a China Scholarship Council award.Background Studying human ageing is of increasing importance due to the worldwide ageing population. However, it faces the challenge of lengthy experiments to produce an ageing phenotype. Often, to recreate the hallmarks of ageing requires complex empirical conditions that can confound data interpretation. Indeed, many studies use whole organisms with relatively short life spans, which may have little, or limited, relevance to human ageing. There has been extensive use of cell lines to study ageing in human somatic cells, but the modelling of human neuronal ageing is somewhat more complex in vitro. New Method We cultured the well-characterised SH-SY5Y human neural cell line to produce high purity cultures of cells differentiated to express a neuronal phenotype, and designed a protocol to maintain these cells in culture until they accumulated biomarkers of cellular ageing. Results Our data validate a novel and simple technique for the efficient differentiation and long-term maintenance of SH-SY5Y cells, expressing markers of neuronal differentiation and demonstrating electrical activity in culture. Over time in vitro, these cells progressively accumulate markers of ageing such as enhanced production of reactive oxygen species and accumulation of oxidative damage. Comparison to Existing Methods In comparison to existing techniques to model neuronal ageing our method is cost effective, requiring no specialist equipment or growth factors. Conclusions We demonstrate that SH-SY5Y cells, grown under these culture conditions, represent a simple model of neuronal ageing that is amenable to cell biological, biochemical and electrophysiological investigation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    Angkutan umum massal berbasis jalan telah dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang sejak tahun 2009 hingga kini (Trans Semarang). Disisi lain, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah sejak tahun 2017 juga melakukan hal yang sama di Wilayah Aglomerasi Kedungsepur (Trans Jateng). Namun terkesan berjalan sendiri-sendiri dan terjadi tumpang tindih layanan di ruas-ruas jalan tertentu. Dengan demikian, perlu dilakukan penelitian kebutuhan pengintegrasian layanan angkutan umum massal di Kota Semarang dan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis spasial untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan pola permintaan perjalanan penggunanya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguna Koridor 1 dan 2 Trans Semarang dari luar Kota Semarang mencapai 39,14% dan 60,86% berasal dari dalam Kota Semarang. Pengguna dengan tujuan ke luar Kota Semarang mencapai 42,23% dan 57,77% tujuan di dalam Kota Semarang. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Koridor 1 dan 2 mengakomodasi penumpang yang asal tujuannya cukup besar dari luar Kota Semarang. Terdapat tumpang tindih layanan mencapai 60% dari panjang lintasan di Koridor 1 Trans Jateng dan Koridor 2 Trans Semarang. Moda first mile pengguna Koridor 2 didominasi oleh Trans Jateng sebesar 51,51% dan last mile didominasi oleh penggunaan motor sebesar 48,10%. Penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa rute layanan Trans Jateng kedepannya dapat mengakomodir permintaan perjalanan di dalam kawasan penyangga dengan konsep layanan loop (mengelilingi), berbeda dari kondisi saat ini. Selanjutnya, layanan Trans Jateng yang menuju ke Kota Semarang dapat berhenti di titik perbatasan, dimana pergerakan kemudian dilayani oleh Trans Semarang dan diharapkan dapat memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada masyarakat di Kota Semarang dan sekitarnya.

    Automated Remote Pulse Oximetry System (ARPOS)

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    Funding: This research is funded by the School of Computer Science and by St Leonard’s Postgraduate College Doctoral Scholarship, both at the University of St Andrews for Pireh Pirzada’s PhD. Early work was funded by the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI).Current methods of measuring heart rate (HR) and oxygen levels (SPO2) require physical contact, are individualised, and for accurate oxygen levels may also require a blood test. No-touch or non-invasive technologies are not currently commercially available for use in healthcare settings. To date, there has been no assessment of a system that measures HR and SPO2 using commercial off-the-shelf camera technology that utilises R, G, B and IR data. Moreover, no formal remote photoplethysmography studies have been done in real life scenarios with participants at home with different demographic characteristics. This novel study addresses all these objectives by developing, optimising, and evaluating a system that measures the HR and SPO2 of 40 participants. HR and SPO2 are determined by measuring the frequencies from different wavelength band regions using FFT and radiometric measurements after pre-processing face regions of interest (forehead, lips, and cheeks) from Colour, IR and Depth data. Detrending, interpolating, hamming, and normalising the signal with FastICA produced the lowest RMSE of 7.8 for HR with the r-correlation value of 0.85 and RMSE 2.3 for SPO2. This novel system could be used in several critical care settings, including in care homes and in hospitals and prompt clinical intervention as required.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Neuroprotective actions of leptin facilitated through balancing mitochondrial morphology and improving mitochondrial function

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    Authors would like to acknowledge ARUK for supporting this research. YC is Chinese Scholarship recipient. The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland: No SC013532Mitochondrial dysfunction has a recognised role in the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathophysiology. Cerebral perfusion becomes increasingly inefficient throughout ageing, leading to unbalanced mitochondrial dynamics. This effect is exaggerated by amyloid β (Aβ) and phosphorylated tau, two hallmark proteins of AD pathology. A neuroprotective role for the adipose‐derived hormone, leptin, has been demonstrated in neuronal cells. However, its effects with relation to mitochondrial function in AD remain largely unknown. To address this question, we have used both a glucose‐serum deprived (CGSD) model of ischaemic stroke in SH‐SY5Y cells and a Aβ1‐42‐treatment model of AD in differentiated hippocampal cells. Using a combination of JC‐1 and MitoRed staining techniques, we show that leptin prevents depolarisation of the mitochondrial membrane and excessive mitochondrial fragmentation induced by both CGSD and Aβ1‐42. Thereafter, we used ELISAs and a number of activity assays to reveal the biochemical underpinnings of these processes. Specifically, leptin was seen to inhibit upregulation of the mitochondrial fission protein Fis1 and downregulation of the mitochondrial fusion protein, Mfn2. Furthermore, leptin was seen to upregulate the expression and activity of the antioxidant enzyme, monoamine oxidase B. Herein we provide the first demonstration that leptin is sufficient to protect against aberrant mitochondrial dynamics and resulting loss of function induced by both CGSD and Aβ1‐42. We conclude that the established neuroprotective actions of leptin may be facilitated through regulation of mitochondrial dynamics.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Deep-brain photoreception links luminance detection to motor output in Xenopus frog tadpoles

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    SPC was supported by a BBSRC studentship.Nonvisual photoreceptors are widely distributed in the retina and brain, but their roles in animal behavior remain poorly understood. Here we document a previously unidentified form of deep-brain photoreception in Xenopus laevis frog tadpoles. The isolated nervous system retains sensitivity to light even when devoid of input from classical eye and pineal photoreceptors. These preparations produce regular bouts of rhythmic swimming activity in ambient light but fall silent in the dark. This sensitivity is tuned to short-wavelength UV light; illumination at 400 nm initiates motor activity over a broad range of intensities, whereas longer wavelengths do not cause a response. The photosensitive tissue is located in a small region of caudal diencephalon—this region is necessary to retain responses to illumination, whereas its focal illumination is sufficient to drive them. We present evidence for photoreception via the light-sensitive proteins opsin (OPN)5 and/or cryptochrome 1, because populations of OPN5-positive and cryptochrome-positive cells reside within the caudal diencephalon. This discovery represents a hitherto undescribed vertebrate pathway that links luminance detection to motor output. The pathway provides a simple mechanism for light avoidance and/or may reinforce classical circadian systems.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A Leptin Fragment Mirrors the Cognitive Enhancing and Neuroprotective Actions of Leptin

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    J.H. is funded by The Anonymous Trust and Cunningham Trust. GD is funded by ARUK, DR received a University of St Andrews Research Internship. JAA is funded by the Carnegie Trust.A key pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is amyloid β (Aβ) accumulation which triggers synaptic impairments and neuronal death. Metabolic disruption is common in AD and recent evidence implicates impaired leptin function in AD. Thus the leptin system may be a novel therapeutic target in AD. Indeed, leptin has cognitive enhancing properties and it prevents the aberrant effects of Aβ on hippocampal synaptic function and neuronal viability. However as leptin is a large peptide, development of smaller leptin-mimetics may be the best therapeutic approach. Thus, we have examined the cognitive enhancing and neuroprotective properties of known bioactive leptin fragments. Here we show that the leptin (116-130) fragment, but not leptin (22-56), mirrored the ability of leptin to promote AMPA receptor trafficking to synapses and facilitate activity-dependent hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Administration of leptin (116-130) also mirrored the cognitive enhancing effects of leptin as it enhanced performance in episodic-like memory tests. Moreover, leptin (116-130) prevented hippocampal synaptic disruption and neuronal cell death in models of amyloid toxicity. These findings establish further the importance of the leptin system as a therapeutic target in AD.PostprintPeer reviewe