22 research outputs found

    What does it take to succeed? : A study about project members’ experiences of success factors in projects

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    Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka projektmedlemmarnas upplevelser av framgÄngsfaktorer i projektet. En kvalitativ undersökning med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio projektmedlemmar. Intervjumaterialet bearbetades via tematisk analys och genererade ett resultat som visar att delaktighet och kommunikation Àr bidragande faktorer för framgÄng. Att det krÀvs förstÄelse för det som sker i projektet för att lyckas, detta genom att skapa tydlighet om projektets helhet och roller. Resultatet visar Àven att det behövs insyn i projektets olika delar och att delarna behöver samverka med varandra för att nÄ ett lyckat projektresultat. Slutsatserna Àr att projektmedlemmarnas olika tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt och agerande i projektet Àr faktorer som bidrar till framgÄng, vilket tydliggör betydelsen av mÀnskliga faktorer i lyckade projekt. The purpose of the study is to examine the project members' experiences of success factors in the project. A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine project members. The interview material was processed through thematic analysis and generated a result that shows that participation and communication are a contributing factors for success. That it is necessary to understand what is happening in the project in order to succeed, by creating clarity about the project's whole and roles. The result also shows that transparency is needed in the different parts of the project and that the parts need to cooperate with each other to achieve a successful project result. The conclusions are that the different approaches and actions of the project members in the project are factors that contribute to success, which clarifies the importance of human factors in successful projects

    What does it take to succeed? : A study about project members’ experiences of success factors in projects

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    Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka projektmedlemmarnas upplevelser av framgÄngsfaktorer i projektet. En kvalitativ undersökning med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio projektmedlemmar. Intervjumaterialet bearbetades via tematisk analys och genererade ett resultat som visar att delaktighet och kommunikation Àr bidragande faktorer för framgÄng. Att det krÀvs förstÄelse för det som sker i projektet för att lyckas, detta genom att skapa tydlighet om projektets helhet och roller. Resultatet visar Àven att det behövs insyn i projektets olika delar och att delarna behöver samverka med varandra för att nÄ ett lyckat projektresultat. Slutsatserna Àr att projektmedlemmarnas olika tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt och agerande i projektet Àr faktorer som bidrar till framgÄng, vilket tydliggör betydelsen av mÀnskliga faktorer i lyckade projekt. The purpose of the study is to examine the project members' experiences of success factors in the project. A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine project members. The interview material was processed through thematic analysis and generated a result that shows that participation and communication are a contributing factors for success. That it is necessary to understand what is happening in the project in order to succeed, by creating clarity about the project's whole and roles. The result also shows that transparency is needed in the different parts of the project and that the parts need to cooperate with each other to achieve a successful project result. The conclusions are that the different approaches and actions of the project members in the project are factors that contribute to success, which clarifies the importance of human factors in successful projects

    Men and womens experiences about gender roles : A qualitative study in banking industry

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    I denna kvalitativa studie har det undersökts om vilken betydelse könsroller har pĂ„ bankanstĂ€llda samt om manliga och kvinnliga anstĂ€llda upplever sin yrkesroll annorlunda. I undersökningen Ă„terfinns nio respondenters upplevelser varav sex anstĂ€llda Ă€r respondenter som identifierar sig som kvinnor och tre som identifierar sig som mĂ€n. Studien har genomförts pĂ„ tre olika organisationer pĂ„ olika orter i Sverige. Denna undersökning belyser respondenternas subjektiva upplevelser och erfarenheter om könsroller. Resultatet har analyserats utifrĂ„n de sociologiska perspektiven: rollteorin och symbolisk interaktionism som förklarar hur respondenternas roller skapats och hur de utspelar sig samt hur de uppfattar sig sjĂ€lva utifrĂ„n könsroller. Studiens resultat Ă€r att manliga och kvinnliga anstĂ€llda upplever könsroller pĂ„ liknande sĂ€tt, det vill sĂ€ga i enlighet med de stereotypa egenskaperna utifrĂ„n vad som anses manligt respektive kvinnligt. Dock skiljer sig betydelsen av könsroller i upplevelser och Ă€ven att det rĂ„der en ojĂ€mlikhet. Kvinnliga anstĂ€llda upplever att de behöver prestera mer för att bli lika uppskattade som manliga kollegor. Kvinnor upplevde Ă€ven i större utstrĂ€ckning att de blev negativt bemötta av frĂ€mst kunder pĂ„ grund av deras kön. De manliga anstĂ€llda upplevde att deras manliga kön fungerade som en positiv tillgĂ„ng nĂ€r det gĂ€ller respekt och karriĂ€rsuppgĂ„ng. Resultatet visade att samtliga respondenter anpassade sig efter de rĂ„dande stereotypa könsrollerna dock att det sker utan nĂ„gon större reflektion. In this qualitative study, we have investigated which meaning gender roles have on bank and financial employees’ professional role, and whether male and female employees perceive their professional role differently. The study includes nine respondents' experiences of which six employees identify as female and three employees identify as male. The study has been conducted within three different organizations in different locations in Sweden. This study highlights the respondents' subjective experiences and experiences about gender roles. The results have been analysed using the sociological perspectives: role theory and symbolic interactionism, which explain how the respondents' roles are created, how they take place and how they perceive themselves based on gender roles. The study reveals that male and female employees experience gender roles in a similar way, that is, in accordance with the stereotypical characteristics based on what is considered male and female, respectively. However, the importance of gender roles in experiences differs and that inequality exists. Employees who identify as female feel that they need to perform at a higher level to become as appreciated as male colleagues. Women, to a greater extent than the men, felt that they were negatively addressed primarily by customers because of their perceived gender. The employees who identify as male felt that their gender served as a positive asset when it comes to respect and career advancement. The result showed that all respondents adapted to the prevailing stereotypical gender roles, however, that it occurs without any major reflection

    Examination of Sleep Quality, Anxiety and Depression in Stroke Patients

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    Assessment of the effects of zinc on the growth and antioxidant enzymes in Scenedesmus ellipsoideus Chodat

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    This study explores the activity of total superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR), biomass accumulation and chlorophyll a content in Scenedesmus ellipsoideus Chodat grown under conditions of varying zinc (Zn) concentrations. In addition, the activity of different SOD isozymes (MnSOD, FeSOD and CuZnSOD) was measured separately to determine the intracellular extent of oxidative stress resulting from Zn toxicity. We found that the activity of FeSOD and MnSOD was induced by lower Zn concentration (2 mu g ml(-1) and 4 mu g ml(-1), respectively), whereas CuZnSOD activity was not affected, which indicates that chloroplasts are the first location in S. ellipsoideus cells where superoxide accumulation is accelerated by Zn toxicity. The activity of total SOD and APX was significantly increased by moderate Zn concentrations, probably due to some oxidative stress caused by Zn toxicity. The higher level of Zn application, however, led not only to the inhibition of total SOD and APX activity, but also to the reduction of biomass accumulation and chlorophyll a content. As a result, it can be concluded that the accumulation of superoxide radicals and H2O2 in S. ellipsoideus cells induced by Zn toxicity may be responsible for the reduced growth rate and the impairment of photosynthetic pigments

    EMMPRIN and ADAM12 in prostate cancer: preliminary results of a prospective study

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    Extracellular metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM12) play a major role in cancer invasion and metastasis owing to the fact that they are directly related to the cell microenvironment and extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation. The aim of this study was to search for an answer to the question "whether the determination of EMMPRIN and ADAM12 values especially in urine may be helpful for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer without employing invasive methods" and also to check whether they may be useful for the determination of the patients with high metastasis risk. Peripheral blood and urine from 66 prostate cancer patients (40 local, 20 locally advanced, 6 metastatic) and 14 healthy controls were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Serum EMMPRIN and ADAM12 values of the patients were seen to be statistically higher than the serum EMMPRIN and ADAM12 values of the healthy controls (p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively). The urine ADAM12 levels were significantly higher in patients (p = 0.013). No significant relationships were found between urine EMMPRIN values of the patients and the healthy controls (p > 0.05). Positive correlation between urine EMMPRIN-urine ADAM12 tests was found in total patients group (r = 0.683, p = 0.001). Our preliminary results revealed that serum EMMPRIN and ADAM12 values and urine ADAM12 values may be useful markers in prostate cancer therapy. Due to the high correlation between these two tests, we are of the opinion that the use of urine ADAM12 in clinic may be sufficient and favorable together with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for treatment