611 research outputs found

    Using ordinary multiplication to do relativistic velocity addition

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    Relativistic addition of velocities in one dimension, though a mainstay of introductory physics, contributes much less physical insight than it could. For such calculations, we propose the use of velocity factors (two-way doppler factors). Velocities can easily, often by inspection, be turned into velocity factors, and vice versa. Velocity factors compose by ordinary multiplication. This simple device considerably extends the kinds of questions that can be asked and answered in an introductory course.Comment: 6 page

    Allergic Responses Induced by a Fungal Biopesticide Metarhizium anisopliae and House Dust Mite Are Compared in a Mouse Model

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    Biopesticides can be effective in controlling their target pest. However, research regarding allergenicity and asthma development is limited. We compared the ability of fungal biopesticide Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) and house dust mite (HDM) extracts to induce allergic responses in BALB/c mice. The extracts were administered by intratracheal aspiration at doubling doses (2.5–80 μg protein) 4X over a four-week period. Three days after the last exposure, serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were collected. The extracts' relative allergenicity was evaluated based on response robustness (lowest significant dose response compared to control (0 μg)). MACA induced a more robust serum total IgE response than HDM. However, in the antigen-specific IgE assay, a similar dose of both MACA and HDM was required to achieve the same response level. Our data suggest a threshold dose of MACA for allergy induction and that M. anisopliae may be similar to HDM in allergy induction potential

    Oral Delivery of Acid Alpha Glucosidase Epitopes Expressed in Plant Chloroplasts Suppresses Antibody Formation in Treatment of Pompe Mice

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    Deficiency of acid alpha glucosidase (GAA) causes Pompe disease in which the patients systemically accumulate lysosomal glycogen in muscles and nervous systems, often resulting in infant mortality. Although enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is effective in treating patients with Pompe disease, formation of antibodies against rhGAA complicates treatment. In this report, we investigated induction of tolerance by oral administration of GAA expressed in chloroplasts. Because full-length GAA could not be expressed, N-terminal 410-amino acids of GAA (as determined by T-cell epitope mapping) were fused with the transmucosal carrier CTB. Tobacco transplastomic lines expressing CTB-GAA were generated through site-specific integration of transgenes into the chloroplast genome. Homoplasmic lines were confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Despite low-level expression of CTB-GAA in chloroplasts, yellow or albino phenotype of transplastomic lines was observed due to binding of GAA to a chloroplast protein that has homology to mannose-6 phosphate receptor. Oral administration of the plant-made CTB-GAA fusion protein even at 330-fold lower dose (1.5 μg) significantly suppressed immunoglobulin formation against GAA in Pompe mice injected with 500 μg rhGAA per dose, with several-fold lower titre of GAA-specific IgG1 and IgG2a. Lyophilization increased CTB-GAA concentration by 30-fold (up to 190 μg per g of freeze-dried leaf material), facilitating long-term storage at room temperature and higher dosage in future investigations. This study provides the first evidence that oral delivery of plant cells is effective in reducing antibody responses in ERT for lysosomal storage disorders facilitating further advances in clinical investigations using plant cell culture system or in vitro propagation

    Atypical and Severe Nonsuicidal Self-Injury as an Indicator of Severe Psychopathology: Findings From a Sample of High-Risk Community Mental Health Clients

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    This study examined whether atypical/severe nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI; e.g., foreign body ingestion, cutting necessitating sutures) serves as a marker of severe psychopathology among 467 adult community mental health clients (n = 33 with an atypical/severe NSSI history). Information regarding psychiatric risk indicators was extracted from participants’ psychiatric records. Generalized linear models with negative binomial distribution and log link function, as well as chi-square tests, were used to address study aims. Clients with a lifetime atypical/severe NSSI history met criteria for a significantly greater number of psychiatric risk indicators than clients with a lifetime history of common NSSI only; however, these clients were not significantly more likely to report recent suicidal actions. Individuals with an atypical/severe NSSI history may demonstrate more severe psychopathology than those with a history of common NSSI only. Thus, it may be clinically useful to consider individuals with an atypical/severe NSSI history as a high-risk subgroup

    PubMeth: a cancer methylation database combining text-mining and expert annotation

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    Epigenetics, and more specifically DNA methylation is a fast evolving research area. In almost every cancer type, each month new publications confirm the differentiated regulation of specific genes due to methylation and mention the discovery of novel methylation markers. Therefore, it would be extremely useful to have an annotated, reviewed, sorted and summarized overview of all available data. PubMeth is a cancer methylation database that includes genes that are reported to be methylated in various cancer types. A query can be based either on genes (to check in which cancer types the genes are reported as being methylated) or on cancer types (which genes are reported to be methylated in the cancer (sub) types of interest). The database is freely accessible at http://www.pubmeth.org