98 research outputs found

    High-contrast, ultra-intense laser-solid interaction physics with engineered targets

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    The key objectives of this thesis are to understand how to efficiently couple a high power laser to a target and produce bright X-ray and energetic ion sources. The approaches taken are to use plasma mirrors to improve the laser contrast, structure the target surface to increase the laser absorption and the use of ultra thin targets for ion acceleration. The experimental work is combined with computational calculations to further develop an understanding of the laser-target physics. The suppression of the early interaction is investigated using a double plasma mirror setup. This is studied by developing a model using geometric optics and ionisation thresholds of plasma mirrors. By using these calculations in Helios simulations it is inferred that the laser interaction with the target is delayed closer to the peak of the pulse. As a result, the target expansion is reduced to sub-micron lengths by the time the main laser peak interacts with the target. On an experiment using silicon targets with micro-structured surfaces we observe an enhancement in the X-ray emission. A conical crystal spectrometer is used for recording the emission centralised on K-alpha. The enhancement is interpreted from comparing the emission between micro-structured and flat surfaced targets. By combining the micro-structured targets with a double plasma mirror setup, a method for engineering plasma density scale length is achieved. By laser irradiating graphene we observe the generation of protons and carbon ions using radiochromic film and CR-39. The measurements are linked to EPOCH particle-in-cell simulations. From simulations it is inferred that the onset of relativistically induced transparency is important for producing energetic ions. The ion motion is determined by the emerging electric fields in experiment and simulations

    The Leishmania major BBSome subunit BBS1 is essential for parasite virulence in the mammalian host

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    Bardetā€“Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a human genetic disorder with a spectrum of symptoms caused by primary cilium dysfunction. The disease is caused by mutations in one of at least 17 identified genes, of which seven encode subunits of the BBSome, a protein complex required for specific trafficking events to and from the primary cilium. The molecular mechanisms associated with BBSome function remain to be fully elucidated. Here, we generated null and complemented mutants of the BBSome subunit BBS1 in the protozoan parasite, Leishmania. In the absence of BBS1, extracellular parasites have no apparent defects in growth, flagellum assembly, motility or differentiation in vitro but there is accumulation of vacuole-like structures close to the flagellar pocket. Infectivity of these parasites for macrophages in vitro is reduced compared with wild-type controls but the null parasites retain the ability to differentiate to the intracellular amastigote stage. However, infectivity of BBS1 null parasites is severely compromised in a BALB/c mouse footpad model. We hypothesize that the absence of BBS1 in Leishmania leads to defects in specific trafficking events that affect parasite persistence in the host. This is the first report of an association between the BBSome complex and pathogen infectivity

    Genetic validation of Leishmania genes essential for amastigote survival in vivo using N-myristoyltransferase as a model

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    BACKGROUND: Proving that specific genes are essential for the intracellular viability of Leishmania parasites within macrophages remains a challenge for the identification of suitable targets for drug development. This is especially evident in the absence of a robust inducible expression system or functioning RNAi machinery that works in all Leishmania species. Currently, if a target gene of interest in extracellular parasites can only be deleted from its genomic locus in the presence of ectopic expression from a wild type copy, it is assumed that this gene will also be essential for viability in disease-promoting intracellular parasites. However, functional essentiality must be proven independently in both life-cycle stages for robust validation of the gene of interest as a putative target for chemical intervention. METHODS: Here, we have used plasmid shuffle methods in vivo to provide supportive genetic evidence that N-myristoyltransferase (NMT) is essential for Leishmania viability throughout the parasite life-cycle. Following confirmation of NMT essentiality in vector-transmitted promastigotes, a range of mutant parasites were used to infect mice prior to negative selection pressure to test the hypothesis that NMT is also essential for parasite viability in an established infection. RESULTS: Ectopically-expressed NMT was only dispensable under negative selection in the presence of another copy. Total parasite burdens in animals subjected to negative selection were comparable to control groups only if an additional NMT copy, not affected by the negative selection, was expressed. CONCLUSIONS: NMT is an essential gene in all parasite life-cycle stages, confirming its role as a genetically-validated target for drug development

    TNF signalling drives expansion of bone marrow CD4+ T cells responsible for HSC exhaustion in experimental visceral leishmaniasis

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    Visceral leishmaniasis is associated with significant changes in hematological function but the mechanisms underlying these changes are largely unknown. In contrast to naĆÆve mice, where most long-term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs; LSK CD150+ CD34- CD48- cells) in bone marrow (BM) are quiescent, we found that during Leishmania donovani infection most LT-HSCs had entered cell cycle. Loss of quiescence correlated with a reduced self-renewal capacity and functional exhaustion, as measured by serial transfer. Quiescent LT-HSCs were maintained in infected RAG2 KO mice, but lost following adoptive transfer of IFNĪ³-sufficient but not IFNĪ³-deficient CD4+ T cells. Using mixed BM chimeras, we established that IFNĪ³ and TNF signalling pathways converge at the level of CD4+ T cells. Critically, intrinsic TNF signalling is required for the expansion and/or differentiation of pathogenic IFNĪ³+CD4+ T cells that promote the irreversible loss of BM function. These finding provide new insights into the pathogenic potential of CD4+ T cells that target hematopoietic function in leishmaniasis and perhaps other infectious diseases where TNF expression and BM dysfunction also occur simultaneously

    Leishmania HASP and SHERP Genes are Required for In Vivo Differentiation, Parasite Transmission and Virulence Attenuation in the Host

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    Differentiation of extracellular Leishmania promastigotes within their sand fly vector, termed metacyclogenesis, is considered to be essential for parasites to regain mammalian host infectivity. Metacyclogenesis is accompanied by changes in the local parasite environment, including secretion of complex glycoconjugates within the promastigote secretory gel and colonization and degradation of the sand fly stomodeal valve. Deletion of the stage-regulated HASP and SHERP genes on chromosome 23 of Leishmania major is known to stall metacyclogenesis in the sand fly but not in in vitro culture. Here, parasite mutants deficient in specific genes within the HASP/SHERP chromosomal region have been used to investigate their role in metacyclogenesis, parasite transmission and establishment of infection. Metacyclogenesis was stalled in HASP/SHERP mutants in vivo and, although still capable of osmotaxis, these mutants failed to secrete promastigote secretory gel, correlating with a lack of parasite accumulation in the thoracic midgut and failure to colonise the stomodeal valve. These defects prevented parasite transmission to a new mammalian host. Sand fly midgut homogenates modulated parasite behaviour in vitro, suggesting a role for molecular interactions between parasite and vector in Leishmania development within the sand fly. For the first time, stage-regulated expression of the small HASPA proteins in Leishmania (Leishmania) has been demonstrated: HASPA2 is expressed only in extracellular promastigotes and HASPA1 only in intracellular amastigotes. Despite its lack of expression in amastigotes, replacement of HASPA2 into the null locus background delays onset of pathology in BALB/c mice. This HASPA2-dependent effect is reversed by HASPA1 gene addition, suggesting that the HASPAs may have a role in host immunomodulation

    Effect of plastic coating on the density of plasma formed in Si foil targets irradiated by ultra-high-contrast relativistic laser pulses

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    The formation of high energy density matter occurs in inertial confinement fusion, astrophysical, and geophysical systems. In this context, it is important to couple as much energy as possible into a target while maintaining high density. A recent experimental campaign, using buried layer (or "sandwich" type) targets and the ultrahigh laser contrast Vulcan petawatt laser facility, resulted in 500 Mbar pressures in solid density plasmas (which corresponds to about 4.6Ɨ107J/cm3 energy density). The densities and temperatures of the generated plasma were measured based on the analysis of X-ray spectral line profiles and relative intensities

    Interferon-Ī³-Producing CD4+ T Cells Drive Monocyte Activation in the Bone Marrow During Experimental Leishmania donovani Infection

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    Ly6Chi inflammatory monocytes develop in the bone marrow and migrate to the site of infection during inflammation. Upon recruitment, Ly6Chi monocytes can differentiate into dendritic cells or macrophages. According to the tissue environment they can also acquire different functions. Several studies have described pre-activation of Ly6Chi monocytes in the bone marrow during parasitic infection, but whether this process occurs during experimental visceral leishmaniasis and, if so, the mechanisms contributing to their activation are yet to be established. In wild type C57BL/6 (B6) mice infected with Leishmania donovani, the number of bone marrow Ly6Chi monocytes increased over time. Ly6Chi monocytes displayed a highly activated phenotype from 28 days to 5 months post infection (p.i), with >90% expressing MHCII and >20% expressing iNOS. In comparison, in B6.Rag2 -/- mice <10% of bone marrow monocytes were MHCII+ at day 28 p.i., an activation deficiency that was reversed by adoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells. Depletion of CD4+ T cells in B6 mice and the use of mixed bone marrow chimeras further indicated that monocyte activation was driven by IFNĪ³ produced by CD4+ T cells. In B6.Il10 -/- mice, L. donovani infection induced a faster but transient activation of bone marrow monocytes, which correlated with the magnitude of CD4+ T cell production of IFNĪ³ and resolution of the infection. Under all of the above conditions, monocyte activation was associated with greater control of parasite load in the bone marrow. Through reinfection studies in B6.Il10 -/- mice and drug (AmBisomeĀ®) treatment of B6 mice, we also show the dependence of monocyte activation on parasite load. In summary, these data demonstrate that during L. donovani infection, Ly6Chi monocytes are primed in the bone marrow in a process driven by CD4+ T cells and whereby IFNĪ³ promotes and IL-10 limits monocyte activation and that the presence of parasites/parasite antigen plays a crucial role in maintaining bone marrow monocyte activation

    Host skin immunity to arthropod vector bites: from mice to humans

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    Infections caused by vector-borne pathogens impose a significant burden of morbidity and mortality in a global scale. In their quest for blood, hematophagous arthropods penetrate the host skin and may transmit pathogens by the bite. These pathogens are deposited along with saliva and a complex mixture of vector derived factors. Hematophagous arthopod vectors have evolved a complex array of adaptations to modulate the host immune response at the bite site with the primary goal to improve blood feeding, which have been exploited throughout evolution by these pathogens to enhance infection establishment in the host. While this paradigm has been firmly established in mouse models, comparable data from human studies are scarce. Here we review how the host skin immune response to vector bites in animal models is hijacked by microbes to promote their pathogenesis. We mainly explored four distinct vector-pathogen pairs of global health importance: sand flies and Leishmania parasites, Ixodes scapularis ticks and Borrelia burgdorferi, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and arboviruses, and Anopheles gambiae mosquitos and Plasmodium parasites. Finally, we outline how critical it is for the field of vector biology to shift from rodent models to clinical studies focused on the interface of vector-pathogen-host immune system to push further the frontiers of knowledge of the field

    Features of the generation of fast particles from microstructured targets irradiated by high intensity, picosecond laser pulses

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    The use of targets with surface structures for laser-driven particle acceleration has potential to significantly boost the particle and radiation energies because of enhanced laser absorption. We investigate, via experiment and particle-in-cell simulations, the impact of micron-scale surface-structured targets on the spectrum of electrons and protons accelerated by a picosecond laser pulse at relativistic intensity. Our results show that, compared with flat-surfaced targets, structures on this scale give rise to a significant enhancement in particle and radiation emission over a wide range of laser-target interaction parameters. This is due to the longer plasma scale length when using micro-structures on the target front surface. We do not observe an increase in the proton cutoff energy with our microstructured targets, and this is due to the large volume of the relief
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