60 research outputs found
Modelling of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Pretreatment on Fresh Moringa oleifera Leaves Extraction Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
AbstractMoringa leaves are a source of high antioxidants. This study aims to find an equation model for the extraction conditions of Moringa leaves with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) pretreatment. Fresh Moringa leaves were treated with PEF in various voltages (1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 Volts), frequency (1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 Hz) and extraction time (4, 5 and 6 hours) as the factors studied. The best results and mathematical equation models obtained were determined from the extraction process. The parameters observed were yield, total phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activity. The Response Surface Method (RSM) was chosen to determine the equation model for the voltage, frequency, and extraction time combination. The results of ANOVA (Sum of Squares, Lack of Fit, and p-value) show that the model is adequate to present experimental data. The analysis results showed a significant value for total phenol in a quadratic equation, extract yields in a linear equation, and antioxidant activity in a linear equation. The model is presented in a 2-D contour graph and a 3-D response surface. The equation model shows that the best treatment is a PEF voltage of 2,000 Volts, frequency of 1,000 Hz, and extraction time of 4 hours.Keywords: antioxidant, equation model, moringa leaf, Pulsed Electric Field, Response Surface Method AbstrakDaun kelor merupakan salah satu sumber antioksidan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari model persamaan kondisi ekstraksi daun kelor dengan perlakuan pendahuluan Pulsed Electric Field (PEF). Daun kelor segar diperlakukan dengan PEF dalam berbagai tegangan (1.000, 1.500, dan 2.000 Volt), frekuensi (1.000, 1.500 dan 2.000 Hz) dan waktu ekstraksi (4, 5 dan 6 jam) sebagai faktor yang diteliti. Hasil terbaik dan model persamaan matematika ditentukan dari proses ekstraksi. Parameter yang diamati adalah rendemen, total senyawa fenol, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Response Surface Method (RSM) dipilih untuk mengetahui model persamaan kombinasi tegangan, frekuensi, dan waktu ekstraksi. Hasil ANOVA (Sum of Squares, Lack of Fit, dan p-value) menunjukkan bahwa model layak untuk menyajikan data eksperimen. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan pada total fenol dalam persamaan kuadratik, hasil ekstrak dalam persamaan linier, dan aktivitas antioksidan dalam persamaan linier. Model dipresentasikan dalam grafik kontur 2-D dan permukaan respons 3-D. Model persamaan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adalah tegangan PEF 2.000 Volt, frekuensi 1.000 Hz dan waktu ekstraksi 4 jam.Kata kunci: antioksidan, daun kelor, model persamaan, Pulsed Electric Field, Response Surface Metho
Optimization of Microencapsulation Process of Green Coffee Extract With Spray Drying Method as a Dietary Supplement.
Green coffee has high content of chlorogenic acid which is potential to be developed into slimming diet supplement. Microencapsulation was used tomake herbal supplement. Spray drying process with the addition of maltodextrin as a coating material will protect the extract from high temperatures. The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of maltodextrin and optimal skim milk to produce dietary supplement preparations and find out the quality of dietary supplement preparations obtained. Robusta coffee beans from Argopuro, Jember, East Java, was dry processed. This research optimized the microencapsulation process of green coffee extract using central composite design method. The method was response surface with two factors namely percentage of maltodextrin and percentage of skim milk. The response used was total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. The results showed the optimal percentage of maltodextrin and combined skim milk were 8.61% and 3.22% respectively with total phenol obtained at 58.75 mg GAE/g with an accuracy of 93.10% and IC50 65.10 ppm with an accuracy of 95.76%. Dietary supplement products on the market contain total phenol of 57.52 mg GAE/g and IC50 87.65 ppm. Comparison with other green coffee supplement products showed this microencapsulation have higher total phenol content and antioxidant activity
Keakraban Produk dan Minat Beli Frozen Food: Peran Pengetahuan Produk, Kemasan, dan Lingkungan Sosial
The dynamics condition of society is increasing due to the lifestyle change including shifthing patterns of food consumption from fresh raw food to frozen food products in some of consumers. Nowdays, frozen food products become an alternative options of households to fulfill food needed. Frozen food products is vary so will be influence that the demand of consumers’s ability in choosing the best processed food products. This research aimed to analyze the relationship between the product knowledge, packaging, and social environment on familiarity of products and relationship between familiarity of products and purchasing intention among consumers of frozen food. This research was conducted in the Ketawanggede and Dinoyo Village, Lowokwaru Subdistrict, Malang City. Data collection used judgement sampling with the questionnaire as instrument of data collecting. The total of respondents were 111 customers who have cunsomed frozen food at least twice a month in the last-three month when data collecting was conducted. The data analysis used the Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The result showed that product knowledge has no significant effect on product familiarity. Packaging and social environment proven have significant effect on product familiarity. Product familiarity also have significant effect on purchasing intention of frozen food
Bedda Lotong merupakan lulur tradisional dari suku Bugis yang memiliki karakteristik kasar sehingga diperlukan inovasi untuk meningkatkan mutu, baik sifat fisik kimia maupun nutrisi. Salah satu bahan alami yang diduga dapat meningkatkan mutu lulur Bedda Lotong adalah VCO. Lulur Bedda Lotong tidak dapat dikombinasikan langsung dengan VCO, dikarenakan VCO merupakan emulsi minyak yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, sehingga diperlukan emulgator sebagai bahan untuk menstabilkan emulsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh formulasi Bedda Lotong dengan penambahan konsentrasi VCO dan emulgator yang dapat memperbaiki karakteristik fisik dan meningkatkan nutrisi berupa antioksidan dalam sediaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran diameter droplet meningkat seiring dengan penambahan konsentrasi VCO sebesar 15,85-34,93 µm. Nilai viskositas mengalami penurunan seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi VCO dimana formulasi F6 berbeda nyata dengan formulasi lainnya (p<0,05). Nilai pH menunjukkan adaya perubahan di hari ke-7, namun emulgator Trietanolamin/TEA cenderung stabil. Nilai aktivitas antioksidan (IC50) terbukti mengami penurunan seiring dengan penambahan konsentrasi VCO. Kandungan aktivitas antioksidan terbaik diperoleh pada formulasi F6. Secara umum formulasi terbaik diperoleh pada formulasi F3 dengan penembahan VCO 25% dan emulgator jenis Trietenolamin/TEA
Buah jeruk merupakan salah satu buah yang berpotensi tinggi di Indonesia dengan hasil produksi menduduki peringkat ke-10 dunia. Varietas yang cukup banyak dibudidayakan yaitu jeruk manis baby java (Citrus sinensis). Jeruk diproduksi menjadi sirup dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek, yaitu efektivitas proses terhadap penurunan kontaminasi mikroba dan masa simpan produk. Pengujian efektivitas proses dilakukan dengan mendeteksi kandungan mikroorganisme bahan setelah melewati tiap stasiun proses. Masa simpan produk diuji dengan metode Accelerated Shelf Life Time (ASLT) yang dioptimalkan dengan persamaan Arrhenius. Metode ini menggunakan faktor suhu penyimpanan sebagai penentu kecepatan reaksi kerusakan bahan. Adapun suhu penyimpanan yaitu 35 °C, 40 °C, dan 45 °C dengan parameter yang diamati yaitu total mikroba, kadar vitamin C, total padatan terlarut, dan pH. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa proses produksi dapat secara signifikan menurunkan kandungan mikroba pada bahan dengan kandungan mikroba pada stasiun proses pertama dan akhir masing-masing sebesar 9.87x 102 CFU/ml dan 0 CFU/ml. Pendugaan masa simpan didapatkan pH memiliki energi aktivasi (EA) terendah sebesar 467.46 dengan pendugaan apabila sirup jeruk disimpan pada suhu 7 °C dapat bertahan hingga 42 hari
Antosianin Ekstrak Ubi Jalar Ungu Kering untuk Donor Elektron Sel Surya Pewarna Tersensitisasi (SSPT)
AbstrakUbi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L., Poir) memiliki kandungan antosianin tinggi, bersifat alami sehingga menjadikan antosianin aman digunakan dan dapat diperbarui. Antosianin dapat digunakan sebagai dye dalam rangkaian sel surya pewarna tersensitisasi (SSPT). Antosianin diperoleh dari sel tanaman dengan maserasi dan pelarut etanol yang diasamkan dengan asam asetat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat keasaman pelarut dalam menghasilkan antosianin tertinggi, panjang gelombang serapan dan kemampuan dye sebagai donor elektron pada SSPT. Penelitian rancangan acak lengkap satu faktor dengan empat level keasaman (pH 4,00; 4,25; 4,50 dan 4,75), diulang 2 kali digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pembuatan SSPT dengan cara perakitan elektroda kerja, elektroda lawan, elektrolit, dan dye antosianin. SSPT diuji di bawah sinar matahari selama 60 menit setiap hari untuk mengetahui kemampuan dalam menghasilkan tegangan dan arus listrik. Nilai absorbansi tertinggi sebesar 0,0485±0,20 dan kandungan antosianin terbaik sebesar 224,97±0,02 mg/100 g diperoleh pada perlakuan pH 4,00 dan panjang gelombang antosianin 520-700 nm. Dye antosianin sebagai donor elektron SSPT mampu menghasilkan tegangan listrik selama 15 hari dan arus listrik selama 10 hari. Tegangan listrik dan arus listrik tertinggi sebesar 0,25 volt dan 0,12 ampere.Kata kunci: antosianin, maserasi, sel surya pewarna tersensitisasi (SSPT), ubi jalar ungu AbstractPurple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) is a variety which has high anthocyanin. One of the benefits of anthocyanin extract obtained will be made as an electron donor dye in a series of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). Anthocyanins can be extracted by a maceration method which utilizes acidified solvent of ethanol using acetic acid. The purpose of this research is to find out the acidity of the solvent extraction the highest anthocyanin, the wavelength of anthocyanin uptake and the ability of an anthocyanin dye as an electron donor. The research was designed by a completely randomized design one factor with four levels namely acidity (pH 4.00; 4.25; 4.50 and 4.75) and twice repeated. Then it is made to make DSSC by assembling working electrodes, opposing electrodes, electrolytes, and anthocyanin dye. DSSC is tested under sunlight for 60 minutes per days to determine the ability to produce voltage and electric current. The best anthocyanin content was obtained at 224.97±0.02 mg /100 g and absorbancy value 0.0485±0.20 in solvents with a pH of 4.00. The wavelength of anthocyanins ranged from 520-700 nm. Dye anthocyanin as an electron donor in DSSC can produce electricity for 15 days and electric current for ten days, the highest electricity voltage and electric current is 0.25 volts and 0.12 amperes respectively.Keywords: anthocyanin, dye-sensitized solar cells, maceration, purple sweet potato
The Ethanol Extract Nanoemulsion Production of Abelmoschus Manihot L by the Combination of Homogenization and Solvent Displacement Technique
The ethanol extract of Abelmoschus Manihot L. has a compound of flavonoid glycosides having the potential as a source of antioxidants, but the bioavailability of these antioxidants tends to be low on form of large molecular size. The aim of this study was to obtain the process conditions, which is able to produce nano emulsion and has the best antioxidant characteristics, as well as to obtain the indicators of the stability of the nano emulsion
Optimization of Javanese Long Pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl) extract nanoparticles as an aphrodisiac preparation
Piper retrofractum Vahl contains piperine compounds that, once extracted, have the disadvantages of low solubility and bioavailability. The enhanced solubility will significantly impact the absorption of medications in the body, resulting in rapid and noticeable results. Nanoparticle technology was developed to overcome this problem. The research aims to obtain optimum conditions for synthesizing Javanese long pepper extract nanoparticles under optimal particle size, Polydispersity Index (PDI), and piperine content. The research employed the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method utilizing Central Composite Design (CCD) with a ratio factor of chitosan:STTP and the stirring speed. The utilization of RSM facilitated the optimization of nanoparticle manufacturing by considering various treatment parameters. RMS was selected due to its relevance as a tool for optimizing the manufacturing process of nanoparticles. The RMS result represents the optimal state of the nanoparticle manufacturing process, effectively addressing the study objectives. The research findings indicated that the most favorable circumstances for producing nanoparticles from Javanese long pepper extract were achieved with a chitosan:STTP ratio of 3,241:1 and a stirring speed of 826,133 rpm. The nanoparticles were obtained under these specific conditions, resulting in an optimal particle size of 33,884 nm, an optimal Polydispersity Index (PDI) of 0.675, and an optimal piperine content of 26,936%. This research provides valuable insights for the community and the pharmaceutical/herbal sector regarding using piperine compounds as therapeutic substances. Specifically, it highlights their potential to enhance bioavailability and absorption in the body
Optimasi Suhu dan Konsentrasi Maltodekstrin pada Proses Pembuatan Serbuk Lobak dengan Metode Foam Mat Drying
AbstrakLobak memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dikembangkan. Pengolahan lebih lanjut akan memberikan nilai tambah terhadap lobak. Salah satu alternatif pengolahannya adalah dibuat menjadi serbuk lobak siap seduh sehingga dapat dikonsumsi dengan lebih efisien dan efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui suhu dan konsentrasi maltodekstrin yang tepat pada proses pembuatan serbuk lobak serta mengetahui total fenol maksimum dari serbuk lobak yang telah dibuat. Proses pembuatan serbuk lobak menggunakan metode foam mat drying. Metode optimasi yang digunakan adalah Response Surface Method (RSM) dengan rancangan komposit terpusat faktorial 22. Faktor yang digunakan adalah suhu (50, 60 dan 70 °C) dan konsentrasi maltodekstrin (6, 8 dan 10%). Respon yang dijadikan parameter adalah total fenol, aktivitas antoksidan, dan rendemen. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, telah didapatkan formulasi yang tepat dan pedoman design space dapat menggunakan model kuadratik. Komposisi formula terbaik yaitu suhu 58,49 °C dan konsentrasi maltodekstrin 7,31%. Formula optimal tersebut diprediksikan mendapatkan nilai total fenol sebesar 7,69389%, aktivitas antioksidan (IC50) sebesar 37,6631 mg/ml per 100 mg, dan rendemen sebesar 8,73042%. Total fenol yang didapatkan dari serbuk terbaik adalah 7,88%.Kata kunci: foam mat drying, response surface method, serbuk lobak AbstractRadish has great potential to be developed for further processing which will add value on it. An alternative of further processing of radish is ready-cooked radish powder which so that it can be consumed more efficiently and effectively. This study aims to determine the right temperature and concentration of maltodextrin in the process of radish powder production and find out the maximum total phenol from the radish powder. The process of radish powder production uses the Foam Mat Drying method. The optimization method used is Response Surface Method (RSM) with a factorial composite design 22. The factors used are temperature (50, 60, and 70 °C) and maltodextrin concentrations (6, 8, and 10%). The responses used as parameters are total phenol, antioxidant activity, and yield. The research result showed that the appropriate formulation and the design space guidelines can use a quadratic model. The best formula composition is temperature 58.49 °C and 7.31% maltodextrin concentration. The optimal formula is predicted to get a total phenol value of 7.69389%, antioxidant activity (IC50) of 37.66631 mg/ml per 100 mg, and a yield of 8.73042%. The total phenol obtained from the best formula radish powder is 7.88%.Keywords: foam mat drying, radish powde, response surface metho
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