58 research outputs found

    Maternal and fetal outcome in cases of eclampsia

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    Background: Eclampsia refers to occurrence of generalized tonic clonic convulsions (GTCS) followed by confusion or coma during pregnancy or puerperium in patients with preeclampsia excluding other neurological conditions. Purpose of this study was to evaluate the risk factors, management protocols and determine maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in patients of eclampsia.Methods: This is retrospective study of 180 cases of eclampsia carried out from June 2017 to December 2019 including all the antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum cases at tertiary care centre. Immediate management was focused to control the convulsion and lower the blood pressure followed by NST and USG foetus with Doppler study.Results: In this study, 72.2% cases reported antepartum eclampsia while 27.8% cases were postpartum and overall incidence was 0.91% of total deliveries conducted during the study period. Incidence was higher in primigravida (74.4%) and below 25 years age (68.8%). Magnesium sulphate was effective in 94.4% cases. Study reports 63 normal vaginal delivery, 5 assisted vaginal delivery, 110 caesarean section and 2 women expired undelivered. There were 10 maternal deaths.Conclusions: Time interval between eclamptic seizures and initiation of therapy is an important prognostic factor affecting maternal and perinatal outcome. Public awareness regarding the importance of regular antenatal visits can help in reducing chances of development of eclampsia. Even though various drugs and methods have been tried for the treatment of eclampsia, the definitive management is the delivery of foetus after control of convulsion, hypertension and should be managed at tertiary care hospital

    Role of hypogastric artery ligation in obstetrics and gynaecology: a 20-year study at tertiary care center, Ahmedabad, western India

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    Background: Hypogastric artery ligation (HAL) was first introduced by the end of the 19th century to control intractable haemorrhage from the uterus of women with advanced cervical cancer. Bilateral HAL is a lifesaving procedure in massive pelvic haemorrhage.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 58 cases in which HAL was performed in the obstetrics and gynecology department at tertiary care center from January 2000 to December 2020. History, operative procedure findings, immediate and late postoperative complications, morbidity and mortality data were collected and reviewed from records.Results: In this study, total of 58 women who underwent HAL s; 53 bilateral and 5 unilateral. Fifty-three women required HAL for obstetric indications, in 5 cases it was required for gynaecological indications. 20 cases (34.5%) underwent bilateral HAL for atonic PPH, 16 cases (27.6%) during obstetric hysterectomy for morbidly adherent placenta, 5 (8.6%) for colporrhexis, 2 (3.4%) for broad ligament hematoma, 1 (1.7%) for colporrhexis and left sided broad ligament hematoma, 2 cases (3.4%) for secondary PPH and 7 cases (12.1%) for the ruptured uterus. In gynecological cases 4 cases (80%) underwent after vaginal hysterectomy to control pelvic haemorrhage and 1 case (20%) underwent HAL after myomectomy.Conclusions: HAL is an important surgical procedure and should be performed to reduce blood loss when conservation of the uterus is desired. It is also useful in controlling haemorrhage after major gynaecological surgeries and secondary hemorrhage following hysterectomy.

    Pumping behavior of solar irrigation farmers for assessing the sustainability of groundwater in Bangladesh and India

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    The increasing use of Solar Irrigation Pumps (SIPs) has raised concerns about the overexploitation of groundwater. So, this study aims to evaluate the impact of SIPs on pumping behaviour of farmers and its subsequent effect on overall groundwater resources in Bangladesh and India. In Bangladesh, the study is being carried out in the intensively irrigated North-West region, where the government is promoting the feefor- service model for solar irrigation. This model creates a solar irrigation command area by setting up centralized sponsored SIPs. In India, the study is being conducted in the state of Gujarat, where the grid-connected solar irrigation pump model has been implemented under the Suryashakti Kisan Yojana (SKY) scheme

    NPT088 reduces both amyloid-b and tau pathologies in transgenic mice

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    Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by appearance of both extracellular senile plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles, comprised of aggregates of misfolded amyloid-b (Ab) and hyper-phosphorylated tau, respectively. In a previous study, we demonstrated that g3p, a capsid protein from bacteriophage M13, binds to and remodels misfolded aggregates of proteins that assume an amyloid conformation. We engineered a fusion protein (“NPT088”) consisting of the active fragment of g3p and human-IgG1-Fc. Methods: Aged Tg2576 mice or rTg4510 mice received NPT088 weekly via IP injection. Cognitive and/or functional motor endpoints were monitored during dosing. Pathology was quantified biochemically and immunohistochemically. Results: NPT088-lowered Ab plaque and improved cognitive performance of aged Tg2576 mice. Moreover, NPT088 reduced phospho-tau pathology, reduced brain atrophy, and improved cognition in rTg4510 mice. Discussion: These observations establish NPT088 as a novel therapeutic approach and potential drug class that targets both Ab and tau, the hallmark pathologies of AD

    Influence of peripartum dietary supplementation of choline and fat in protected form on production performance of Gir cows

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    In this experiment, the effects of supplementing choline and fat in rumen protected form during peripartum period on feed intake, milk production and composition of Gir cows were studied. Twenty four Gir cows of 1st to 3rd parity were used from 30 days pre-partum through 60 days post-partum and randomly assigned to four equal treatment groups (n=6) on the basis of their parity, body weight and previous lactation yield. Control diet was fed to cows in group T1 (control). Additionally, rumen protected choline (RPC) @45 g/d in group T2; rumen protected fat (RPF) 80 g/d in group T3 and RPC @45 g/d + RPF @80 g/d in group T4 were supplemented along with control diet. The treatments significantly affected dry mater intake (DMI) and milk production of cows. DMI was increased in the cows fed with RPC as compared to control. Milk yield, 4% fat-corrected milk, solid-corrected milk and energy- corrected milk were higher in the cows fed with RPC and RPF alone or in combination, as compared to control. No synergistic effect was observed with these supplements on DMI or milk production. None of these supplements influenced the milk composition significantly, however yield of milk fat, protein and lactose were higher in all the nutrient supplemented cows compared to control. Net return over feed cost was higher in supplemented cows compared to control. Results indicated that supplementation of RPC or RPF can improve feed intake and productive performance of Gir cows for overall economic benefits

    Increased Intestinal Permeability Correlates with Sigmoid Mucosa alpha-Synuclein Staining and Endotoxin Exposure Markers in Early Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder of aging. The pathological hallmark of PD is neuronal inclusions termed Lewy bodies whose main component is alpha-synuclein protein. The finding of these Lewy bodies in the intestinal enteric nerves led to the hypothesis that the intestine might be an early site of PD disease in response to an environmental toxin or pathogen. One potential mechanism for environmental toxin(s) and proinflammatory luminal products to gain access to mucosal neuronal tissue and promote oxidative stress is compromised intestinal barrier integrity. However, the role of intestinal permeability in PD has never been tested. We hypothesized that PD subjects might exhibit increased intestinal permeability to proinflammatory bacterial products in the intestine. To test our hypothesis we evaluated intestinal permeability in subjects newly diagnosed with PD and compared their values to healthy subjects. In addition, we obtained intestinal biopsies from both groups and used immunohistochemistry to assess bacterial translocation, nitrotyrosine (oxidative stress), and alpha-synuclein. We also evaluated serum markers of endotoxin exposure including LPS binding protein (LBP). Our data show that our PD subjects exhibit significantly greater intestinal permeability (gut leakiness) than controls. In addition, this intestinal hyperpermeability significantly correlated with increased intestinal mucosa staining for E. coli bacteria, nitrotyrosine, and alpha-synuclein as well as serum LBP levels in PD subjects. These data represent not only the first demonstration of abnormal intestinal permeability in PD subjects but also the first correlation of increased intestinal permeability in PD with intestinal alpha-synuclein (the hallmark of PD), as well as staining for gram negative bacteria and tissue oxidative stress. Our study may thus shed new light on PD pathogenesis as well as provide a new method for earlier diagnosis of PD and suggests potential therapeutic targets in PD subjects.Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01155492

    Conventional and microwave techniques for the synthesis and antimicrobial studies of novel 1-[2-(2-chloro-6-methyl(3-quinolyl))-5-(4-nitrophenyl)-(1,3,4-oxadiazolin-3-yl)]-3-(aryl)prop-2-en-1-ones

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    In this paper, we have described the conventional and microwave methods for the synthesis of 1-[2-(2-chloro-6-methyl(3-quinolyl))-5-(4-nitrophenyl)(1,3,4-oxadiazolin-3-yl)]-3-(aryl)prop-2-en-1-ones (4a–l). Through this method, we have observed a decrease in reaction time and a better yield than the previously described conventional method. The application of microwave irradiation (MWI) is used for carrying out chemical transformations which were pollution free and eco-friendly. The structures of the compounds were characterized by IR, NMR and mass spectral data. These compounds (4a–l) were evaluated for their in vitro antimicrobial screening on different strains of bacteria and fungi. Among the compounds tested, compound 4h showed the highest activity
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