178 research outputs found

    Whole-stream metabolism: strategies for measuring and modeling diel trends of dissolved oxygen

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    Stream metabolism is used to characterize the allochthonous and autochthonous basis of stream foodweb production. The metabolic rates of respiration and gross primary production often are estimated from changes in dissolved O2 concentration in the stream over time. An upstream–downstream O2 accounting method (2-station) is used commonly to estimate metabolic rates in a defined length of stream channel. Various approaches to measuring and analyzing diel O2 trends have been used, but a detailed comparison of different approaches (e.g., required reach length, method of measuring aeration rate [k], and use of temperature-corrected metabolic rates) is needed. We measured O2 upstream and downstream of various reaches in Kings Creek, Kansas. We found that 20 m was the approximate minimum reach length required to detect a significant change in O2, a result that matched the prediction of a calculation method to determine minimum reach length. We assessed the ability of models based on 2-station diel O2 data and k measurements in various streams around Manhattan, Kansas, to predict k accurately, and we tested the importance of accounting for temperature effects on metabolic rates. We measured gas exchange directly with an inert gas and used a tracer dye to account for dilution and to measure velocity and discharge. Modeled k was significantly correlated with measured k (Kendall's τ, p < 0.001; regression adjusted R²  =  0.70), but 19 published equations for estimating k generally provided poor estimates of measured k (only 6 of 19 equations were significantly correlated). Temperature correction of metabolic rates allowed us to account for increases in nighttime O2, and temperature-corrected metabolic rates fit the data somewhat better than uncorrected estimates. Use of temperature-correction estimates could facilitate cross-site comparisons of metabolism

    Fire and Grazing Influences on Rates of Riparian Woody Plant Expansion along Grassland Streams.

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    Citation: Veach AM, Dodds WK, Skibbe A (2014) Fire and Grazing Influences on Rates of Riparian Woody Plant Expansion along Grassland Streams. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106922. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106922Grasslands are threatened globally due to the expansion of woody plants. The few remaining headwater streams within tallgrass prairies are becoming more like typical forested streams due to rapid conversion of riparian zones from grassy to wooded. Forestation can alter stream hydrology and biogeochemistry. We estimated the rate of riparian woody plant expansion within a 30 m buffer zone surrounding the stream bed across whole watersheds at Konza Prairie Biological Station over 25 years from aerial photographs. Watersheds varied with respect to experimentally-controlled fire and bison grazing. Fire frequency, presence or absence of grazing bison, and the historical presence of woody vegetation prior to the study time period (a proxy for proximity of propagule sources) were used as independent variables to predict the rate of riparian woody plant expansion between 1985 and 2010. Water yield was estimated across these years for a subset of watersheds. Riparian woody encroachment rates increased as burning became less frequent than every two years. However, a higher fire frequency (1–2 years) did not reverse riparian woody encroachment regardless of whether woody vegetation was present or not before burning regimes were initiated. Although riparian woody vegetation cover increased over time, annual total precipitation and average annual temperature were variable. So, water yield over 4 watersheds under differing burn frequencies was quite variable and with no statistically significant detected temporal trends. Overall, burning regimes with a frequency of every 1–2 years will slow the conversion of tallgrass prairie stream ecosystems to forested ones, yet over long time periods, riparian woody plant encroachment may not be prevented by fire alone, regardless of fire frequency

    Retrospective analysis of fish community change during a half-century of landuse and streamflow changes.

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    Ecological thresholds that lead to alternative community states can be exceeded through gradual perturbation or as a result of sudden disturbance. Many Great Plains streams have experienced dramatic changes in their hydrologic regime resulting from water and landuse changes that began as early as 1880. These changes, combined with the presence of many invasive species, have substantially altered the fish communities in this area. We quantified temporal changes in fish communities in 3 large river basins in relation to putative anthropogenic stressors, including increased sediment supply derived from row-crop agriculture (beginning in 1880), habitat fragmentation caused by reservoir construction (beginning in the 1950s), and reduced discharge caused by groundwater withdrawal (beginning in the 1960s). We hypothesized that these abiotic regime shifts, coupled with species invasions, would shift the system from a fish community dominated by lotic (flowing water) species to one dominated by lentic (still water) species. Further, we predicted that the timing and intensity of community change would vary across basins that experienced different types and levels of stressors. Restructuring of fish communities across the 3 river basins was driven primarily by similar increases in lentic species, with only a few declines in several large-river species. Current fish communities in these basins share ,50% of the species recorded in historic collections, and these differences were driven by species extirpations and invasions. The greatest levels of community divergence over time occurred in western Kansas basins that experienced the most intense groundwater withdrawals and fragmentation by reservoirs. An alarming result from this analysis was the recent (after 1991) expansion of several invasive species in the Arkansas and lower Kansas River basins and the decline or extirpation of several native species where flow regimes are less heavily altered. Accelerating changes in the biota and habitat identified by our retrospective analysis highlight potential complications for restoring the habitat and native fish communities to a previous state

    The Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiments: an example of successful ecological research collaboration

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    Collaboration is an essential skill for modern ecologists because it brings together diverse expertise, viewpoints, and study systems. The Lotic Intersite Nitrogen eXperiments (LINX I and II), a 17-y research endeavor involving scores of early- to late-career stream ecologists, is an example of the benefits, challenges, and approaches of successful collaborative research in ecology. The scientific success of LINX reflected tangible attributes including clear scientific goals (hypothesis-driven research), coordinated research methods, a team of cooperative scientists, excellent leadership, extensive communication, and a philosophy of respect for input from all collaborators. Intangible aspects of the collaboration included camaraderie and strong team chemistry. LINX further benefited from being part of a discipline in which collaboration is a tradition, clear data-sharing and authorship guidelines, an approach that melded field experiments and modeling, and a shared collaborative goal in the form of a universal commitment to see the project and resulting data products through to completion

    A portable, modular, self-contained recirculating chamber to measure benthic processes under controlled water velocity

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    Citation: Ruegg, J., Brant, J. D., Larson, D. M., Trentman, M. T., & Dodds, W. K. (2015). A portable, modular, self-contained recirculating chamber to measure benthic processes under controlled water velocity. Freshwater Science, 34(3), 831-844. doi:10.1086/682328We report the design, construction, and functional characteristics of a sealable, portable chamber for measuring benthic metabolic process rates, particularly those under unidirectional flow as found in streams. The design optimizes inherent tradeoffs, such as size, stability, and cost, associated with chambers built for field-based measurements. The chamber is small enough to be portable and minimizes the water-volume: benthic surface-area ratio. In addition, the chamber is clear to allow measurement of photosynthetic rates. The design minimizes power draw to sustain water velocities found at stream field sites and is modular to allow easy disassembly and cleaning. The design is relatively simple, thereby increasing sturdiness, minimizing construction costs, and decreasing the expertise required to build the unit. We demonstrated the performance characteristics, specifically amperage needed to achieve desired water velocity, flow heterogeneity and turbulence in the working area, the degree of isolation from atmosphere, mixing rate of solute injectate, and heating rate of the chamber. We provide proof of concept with data for in situ benthic rates (gross community production, community respiration, and NH4+ uptake). Publications on metabolic chambers built for in situ use do not typically report performance characteristics, so it is difficult to compare our design to existing literature. We include chamber characteristics to clarify the advantages and limitations of benthic rates measured in such chambers

    The Stream Biome Gradient Concept: factors controlling lotic systems across broad biogeographic scales

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    Citation: Dodds, W. K., Gido, K., Whiles, M. R., Daniels, M. D., & Grudzinski, B. P. (2015). The Stream Biome Gradient Concept: factors controlling lotic systems across broad biogeographic scales. Freshwater Science, 34(1), 1-19. doi:10.1086/679756We propose the Stream Biome Gradient Concept as a way to predict macroscale biological patterns in streams. This concept is based on the hypothesis that many abiotic and biotic features of streams change predictably along climate (temperature and precipitation) gradients because of direct influences of climate on hydrology, geomorphology, and interactions mediated by terrestrial vegetation. The Stream Biome Gradient Concept generates testable hypotheses related to continental variation among streams worldwide and allows aquatic scientists to understand how results from one biome might apply to a less-studied biome. Some predicted factors change monotonically across the biome/climate gradients, whereas others have maxima or minima in the central portion of the gradient. For example, predictions across the gradient from drier deserts through grasslands to wetter forests include more permanent flow, less bare ground, lower erosion and sediment transport rates, decreased importance of autochthonous C inputs to food webs, and greater stream animal species richness. In contrast, effects of large ungulate grazers on streams are expected to be greater in grasslands than in forests or deserts, and fire is expected to have weaker effects in grassland streams than in desert and forest streams along biome gradients with changing precipitation and constant latitude or elevation. Understanding historic patterns among biomes can help describe the evolutionary template at relevant biogeographic scales, can be used to broaden other conceptual models of stream ecology, and could lead to better management and conservation across the broadest scales

    Thresholds, breakpoints, and nonlinearity in freshwaters as related to management.

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    Nonlinear ecological responses to anthropogenic forcing are common, and in some cases, the ecosystem responds by assuming a new stable state. This article is an overview and serves as the introduction to several articles in this BRIDGES cluster that are directed toward managers interested in dealing with nonlinear responses in freshwaters, particularly streams. A threshold or breakpoint occurs where the system responds rapidly to a relatively small change in a driver. The existence of a threshold can signal a change in system configuration to an alternative stable state, although such a change does not occur with all thresholds. In general, a mechanistic understanding of ecological dynamics is required to predict thresholds, where they will occur, and if they are associated with the occurrence of alternative stable states. Thresholds are difficult to predict, although a variety of univariate methods has been used to indicate thresholds in ecological data. When we applied several methods to one type of response variable, the resulting threshold values varied 3-fold, indicating that more research on detection methods is necessary. Numerous case studies suggest that the threshold concept is important in all ecosystems. Managers should be aware that human actions might result in undesirable rapid changes and potentially an unwanted alternative stable state, and that recovery from that state might require far more resources and time than avoiding entering the state in the first place would have required. Given the difficulties in predicting thresholds and alternative states, the precautionary approach to ecosystem management is probably the most prudent

    Consumer Return Chronology Alters Recovery Trajectory of Stream Ecosystem Structure and Function Following Drought

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    Consumers are increasingly being recognized as important drivers of ecological succession, yet it is still hard to predict the nature and direction of consumer effects in nonequilibrium environments. We used stream consumer exclosures and large outdoor mesocosms to study the impact of macroconsumers (i.e., fish and crayfish) on recovery of intermittent prairie streams after drying. In the stream, macroconsumers altered system recovery trajectory by decreasing algal and macroinvertebrate biomass, primary productivity, and benthic nutrient uptake rates. However, macroconsumer influence was transient, and differences between exclosures and controls disappeared after 35 days. Introducing and removing macroconsumers after 28 days resulted mainly in changes to macroinvertebrates. In mesocosms, a dominant consumer (the grazing minnow Phoxinus erythrogaster) reduced macroinvertebrate biomass but had little effect on algal assemblage structure and ecosystem rates during recovery. The weak effect of P. erythrogaster in mesocosms, in contrast to the strong consumer effect in the natural stream, suggests that both timing and diversity of returning consumers are important to their overall influence on stream recovery patterns. Although we found that consumers significantly altered ecosystem structure and function in a system experiencing rapid changes in abiotic and biotic factors following disturbance, consumer effects diminished over time and trajectories converged to similar states with respect to primary producers, in spite of differences in consumer colonization history. Thus, consumer impacts can be substantial in recovering ecosystems and are likely to be dependent on the disturbance regime and diversity of the consumer community
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