38 research outputs found

    <i>HvDep</i>1 Is a Positive Regulator of Culm Elongation and Grain Size in Barley and Impacts Yield in an Environment-Dependent Manner

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    Heterotrimeric G proteins are intracellular membrane-attached signal transducers involved in various cellular processes in both plants and animals. They consist of three subunits denoted as α, β and γ. The γ-subunits of the so-called AGG3 type, which comprise a transmembrane domain, are exclusively found in plants. In model species, these proteins have been shown to participate in the control of plant height, branching and seed size and could therefore impact the harvestable yield of various crop plants. Whether AGG3-type γ-subunits influence yield in temperate cereals like barley and wheat remains unknown. Using a transgenic complementation approach, we show here that the Scottish malting barley cultivar (cv.) Golden Promise carries a loss-of-function mutation in HvDep1, an AGG3-type subunit encoding gene that positively regulates culm elongation and seed size in barley. Somewhat intriguingly, agronomic field data collected over a 12-year period reveals that the HvDep1 loss-of-function mutation in cv. Golden Promise has the potential to confer either a significant increase or decrease in harvestable yield depending on the environment. Our results confirm the role of AGG3-type subunit-encoding genes in shaping plant architecture, but interestingly also indicate that the impact HvDep1 has on yield in barley is both genotypically and environmentally sensitive. This may explain why widespread exploitation of variation in AGG3-type subunit-encoding genes has not occurred in temperate cereals while in rice the DEP1 locus is widely exploited to improve harvestable yield

    A guide to barley mutants

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    BACKGROUND: Mutants have had a fundamental impact upon scientific and applied genetics. They have paved the way for the molecular and genomic era, and most of today's crop plants are derived from breeding programs involving mutagenic treatments.RESULTS: Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the most widely grown cereals in the world and has a long history as a crop plant. Barley breeding started more than 100 years ago and large breeding programs have collected and generated a wide range of natural and induced mutants, which often were deposited in genebanks around the world. In recent years, an increased interest in genetic diversity has brought many historic mutants into focus because the collections are regarded as valuable resources for understanding the genetic control of barley biology and barley breeding. The increased interest has been fueled also by recent advances in genomic research, which provided new tools and possibilities to analyze and reveal the genetic diversity of mutant collections.CONCLUSION: Since detailed knowledge about phenotypic characters of the mutants is the key to success of genetic and genomic studies, we here provide a comprehensive description of mostly morphological barley mutants. The review is closely linked to the International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks ( bgs.nordgen.org ) where further details and additional images of each mutant described in this review can be found.</p

    A guide to barley mutants

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    BACKGROUND: Mutants have had a fundamental impact upon scientific and applied genetics. They have paved the way for the molecular and genomic era, and most of today's crop plants are derived from breeding programs involving mutagenic treatments.RESULTS: Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the most widely grown cereals in the world and has a long history as a crop plant. Barley breeding started more than 100 years ago and large breeding programs have collected and generated a wide range of natural and induced mutants, which often were deposited in genebanks around the world. In recent years, an increased interest in genetic diversity has brought many historic mutants into focus because the collections are regarded as valuable resources for understanding the genetic control of barley biology and barley breeding. The increased interest has been fueled also by recent advances in genomic research, which provided new tools and possibilities to analyze and reveal the genetic diversity of mutant collections.CONCLUSION: Since detailed knowledge about phenotypic characters of the mutants is the key to success of genetic and genomic studies, we here provide a comprehensive description of mostly morphological barley mutants. The review is closely linked to the International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks ( bgs.nordgen.org ) where further details and additional images of each mutant described in this review can be found.</p

    Disentangling hydroxynitrile glucoside biosynthesis in a barley (Hordeum vulgare) metabolon provides access to elite malting barleys for ethyl carbamate-free whisky production

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    Barley produces several specialized metabolites, including five α-, β-, and γ-hydroxynitrile glucosides (HNGs). In malting barley, presence of the α-HNG epiheterodendrin gives rise to undesired formation of ethyl carbamate in the beverage production, especially after distilling. Metabolite-GWAS identified QTLs and underlying gene candidates possibly involved in the control of the relative and absolute content of HNGs, including an undescribed MATE transporter. By screening 325 genetically diverse barley accessions, we discovered three H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum (wild barley) lines with drastic changes in the relative ratios of the five HNGs. Knock-out (KO)-lines, isolated from the barley FIND-IT resource and each lacking one of the functional HNG biosynthetic genes (CYP79A12, CYP71C103, CYP71C113, CYP71U5, UGT85F22 and UGT85F23) showed unprecedented changes in HNG ratios enabling assignment of specific and mutually dependent catalytic functions to the biosynthetic enzymes involved. The highly similar relative ratios between the five HNGs found across wild and domesticated barley accessions indicate assembly of the HNG biosynthetic enzymes in a metabolon, the functional output of which was reconfigured in the absence of a single protein component. The absence or altered ratios of the five HNGs in the KO-lines did not change susceptibility to the fungal phytopathogen Pyrenophora teres causing net blotch. The study provides a deeper understanding of the organization of HNG biosynthesis in barley and identifies a novel, single gene HNG-0 line in an elite spring barley background for direct use in breeding of malting barley, eliminating HNGs as a source of ethyl carbamate formation in whisky production.</p

    A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome

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    Untersuchung der Struktur und Assemblierung des Lichtsammelkomplexes II höherer Pflanzen mittels elektronenparamagnetischer Resonanz (EPR)

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    Der Haupt-Lichtsammelkomplex (LHCII) des Photosyntheseapparates höherer Pflanzen gehört zu den häufigsten Membranproteinen der Erde. Seine Kristallstruktur ist bekannt. Das Apoprotein kann rekombinant in Escherichia coli überexprimiert und somit molekularbiologisch vielfältig verändert werden. In Detergenzlösung besitzt das denaturierte Protein die erstaunliche Fähigkeit, sich spontan zu funktionalen Protein-Pigment-Komplexen zu organisieren, welche strukturell nahezu identisch sind mit nativem LHCII. Der Faltungsprozess findet in vitro im Zeitbereich von Sekunden bis Minuten statt und ist abhängig von der Bindung der Cofaktoren Chlorophyll a und b sowie verschiedenen Carotinoiden.rn Diese Eigenschaften machen LHCII besonders geeignet für Strukturuntersuchungen mittels der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanz (EPR)-Spektrokopie. Diese setzt eine punktspezifische Spinmarkierung des LHCII voraus, die in dieser Arbeit zunächst optimiert wurde. Einschließlich der Beiträge Anderer stand eine breite Auswahl von über 40 spinmarkierten Mutanten des LHCII bereit, einen N-terminalen „Cys walk“ eingeschlossen. Weder der hierfür notwendige Austausch einzelner Aminosäuren noch die Anknüpfung des Spinmarkers beeinträchtigten die Funktion des LHCII. Zudem konnte ein Protokoll zur Präparation heterogen spinmarkierter LHCII-Trimere entwickelt werden, also von Trimeren, die jeweils nur ein Monomer mit einer Spinmarkierung enthalten.rn Spinmarkierte Proben des Detergenz-solubilisierten LHCII wurden unter Verwendung verschiedener EPR-Techniken strukturell analysiert. Als besonders aussagekräftig erwies sich die Messung der Wasserzugänglichkeit einzelner Aminosäurepositionen anhand der Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM). In Kombination mit der etablierten Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER)-Technik zur Detektion von Abständen zwischen zwei Spinmarkern wurde der membranständige Kernbereich des LHCII in Lösung eingehend untersucht und strukturell der Kristallstruktur für sehr ähnlich befunden. Die Vermessung kristallographisch nicht erfasster Bereiche nahe dem N-Terminus offenbarte die schon früher detektierte Strukturdynamik der Domäne in Abhängigkeit des Oligomerisierungsgrades. Der neue, noch zu vervollständigende Datensatz aus Abstandsverteilungen und ESEEM-Wasserzugänglichkeiten monomerer wie trimerer Proben sollte in naher Zukunft die sehr genaue Modellierung der N-terminalen Domäne des LHCII ermöglichen.rn In einem weiteren Abschnitt der Arbeit wurde die Faltung des LHCII-Apoproteins bei der LHCII-Assemblierung in vitro untersucht. Vorausgegangene fluoreszenzspektroskopi-sche Arbeiten hatten gezeigt, dass die Bindung von Chlorophyll a und b in aufeinanderfolgenden Schritten im Zeitbereich von weniger als einer Minute bzw. mehreren Minuten erfolgten. Sowohl die Wasserzugänglichkeit einzelner Aminosäurepositionen als auch Spin-Spin-Abstände änderten sich in ähnlichen Zeitbereichen. Die Daten deuten darauf hin, dass die Ausbildung der mittleren Transmembran-Helix mit der schnelleren Chlorophyll-a-Bindung einhergeht, während sich die Superhelix aus den beiden anderen Transmembranhelices erst im langsameren Schritt, zusammen mit der Chlorophyll-b-Bindung, ausbildet.rnThe major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex (LHCII) of the photosynthetic apparatus in plants largely increases the efficiency of the photosynthesis process by collecting light energy and conducting it to a photosynthetic reaction center where light-driven charge separation takes place. The apoprotein of LHCII is one of the most abundant membrane proteins on Earth. An estimated 109 t are produced per year and assembled with the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids. The crystal structure of the protein-pigment complex is known in detail. Additionally, the recombinant apoprotein can be overex-pressed in Escherichia coli and, therefore, it can be modified by biomolecular engineering. Denatured in dodecyl sulfate, the recombinant apoprotein spontaneously folds when it is mixed with its pigments in detergent solution, and assembles into structurally authentic LHCII in the course of several minutes.rnThese characteristics qualify LHCII for an analysis of protein structure, dynamics and function by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. In a first series of experiments, site directed spin-labeling (SDSL) of LHCII was optimised to meet the demands of EPR spectroscopy. Labeling positions were chosen such that labels were facing the peptide surface to avoid structural pertubations due to steric clashes. Reconstitution of spin-labeled versions of LHCII resulted in virtually identical protein-pigment complexes without loss of function. With the kind help of Diplom students, more than 40 different spin-labeled versions of LHCII were engineered, including a “Cys walk” within the N-terminal domain. Additionally, a protocol for the preparation of heterogeneous spin-labeled LHCII-trimers was designed that consist of one labeled and two unlabeled monomers.rnThe structure of spin-labeled LHCII in detergent solution was analysed in detail using a variety of EPR monitors. Especially electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy, a pulsed EPR-technique used to define precisely the water accessibility of individual residues, provided significant insight in structural details. In combination with double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy, an established technique to measure distances between pairs of spin labels, the membrane spanning protein domains in the centre of LHCII were structurally analysed, exhibiting a conformation consistent with the one in crystals. Furthermore, EPR analysis of the LHCII N terminus, not yet entirely resolved by X-ray crystallography, verified the dynamic character of this domain in response to protein oligomerisation. The combined data set, consisting of numerous ESEEM and DEER data of monomeric and trimeric samples, confirmed the assumed two-state conformation model of the N-terminal domain and leads towards a more detailed modelling approach.rnAdditionally the thesis focuses on the folding of the LHCII apoprotein during LHCII assembly in vitro. Earlier time-resolved fluorescence measurements had shown that LHCII formation in vitro occurred in at least two apparent phases; a faster one in the range of some tens of seconds and a slower one taking several minutes, represented by the binding of chlorophyll a and b, respectively. EPR-analysis of the assembly process revealed that both the water accessibility of singly spin-labeled residues and the distances between spin pairs changed within similar time scales. These data indicate that the formation of the middle transmembrane helix takes place upon a fast chlorophyll a binding step. The assembly of the central superhelical structure then occurs in a second step, triggered by the slower binding of chlorophyll b.r

    Improving barley culm robustness for secured crop yield in a changing climate.

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    The Green Revolution combined advancements in breeding and agricultural practice, and provided food security to millions of people. Daily food supply is still a major issue in many parts of the world and is further challenged by future climate change. Fortunately, life science research is currently making huge progress, and the development of future crop plants will be explored. Today, plant breeding typically follows one gene per trait. However, new scientific achievements have revealed that many of these traits depend on different genes and complex interactions of proteins reacting to various external stimuli. These findings open up new possibilities for breeding where variations in several genes can be combined to enhance productivity and quality. In this review we present an overview of genes determining plant architecture in barley, with a special focus on culm length. Many genes are currently known only through their mutant phenotypes, but emerging genomic sequence information will accelerate their identification. More than 1000 different short-culm barley mutants have been isolated and classified in different phenotypic groups according to culm length and additional pleiotropic characters. Some mutants have been connected to deficiencies in biosynthesis and reception of brassinosteroids and gibberellic acids. Still other mutants are unlikely to be connected to these hormones. The genes and corresponding mutations are of potential interest for development of stiff-straw crop plants tolerant to lodging, which occurs in extreme weather conditions with strong winds and heavy precipitation

    Analysis of early-flowering genes at barley chromosome 2H expands the repertoire of mutant alleles at the Mat-c locus

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    Key message: Analyses of barley mat-c loss of function mutants reveal deletions, splice-site mutations and nonsynonymous substitutions in a key gene regulating early flowering. Abstract: Optimal timing of flowering is critical for reproductive success and crop yield improvement. Several major quantitative trait loci for flowering time variation have been identified in barley. In the present study, we analyzed two near-isogenic lines, BW507 and BW508, which were reported to carry two independent early-flowering mutant loci, mat-b.7 and mat-c.19, respectively. Both introgression segments are co-localized in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2H. We mapped the mutation in BW507 to a 31 Mbp interval on chromosome 2HL and concluded that BW507 has a deletion of Mat-c, which is an ortholog of Antirrhinum majus CENTRORADIALIS (AmCEN) and Arabidopsis thaliana TERMINAL FLOWER1 (AtTFL1). Contrary to previous reports, our data showed that both BW507 and BW508 are Mat-c deficient and none of them are mat-b.7 derived. This work complements previous studies by identifying the uncharacterized mat-c.19 mutant and seven additional mat-c mutants. Moreover, we explored the X-ray structure of AtTFL1 for prediction of the functional effects of nonsynonymous substitutions caused by mutations in Mat-c

    Semi-dwarf barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) brh2 and ari-l mutants are deficient in a U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase

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    Lodging is the process where crop plants fall over and lie on the ground due to strong winds and heavy precipitation. This problem reduces yield and increases the risk of fungal infections and pre-harvest germination. In order to avoid lodging, plant breeders utilize short-culm mutants, which often have a robust culm that can support the weight of a heavy spike. In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), thousands of short-culm mutants have been isolated in breeding programs around the world. Our long-term goal is to reveal the genetic network underlying culm length, with the objective to provide an enlarged repertoire of genes and alleles suitable for future breeding of lodging resistant barley. In the present work we studied a group of allelic brh2 and ari-l mutants, which have a relatively strong semi-dwarf phenotype and are phenotypically similar to previously identified mutants deficient in brassinosteroid signalling or metabolism. The Brh2 gene is located in the centromeric region of chromosome 4H and we applied a candidate gene approach to identify the gene. Brh2 is orthologous to TUD1 in rice (Orysa sativa L.), which encodes a U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase. We identified one missense mutation, one nonsense mutation and four deletions of the complete Brh2 gene. The mutants could respond to exogenously applied brassinolide, which suggests that the apparent brassinosteroid deficient phenotype of barley brh2 and ari-l mutants is related to brassinosteroid metabolism rather than signalling

    Analysis of barley mutants ert-c.1 and ert-d.7 reveals two loci with additive effect on plant architecture

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    Main conclusion: Both mutant ert-c.1 and ert-d.7 carry T2-T3 translocations in the Ert-c gene. Principal coordinate analyses revealed the translocation types and translocation breakpoints. Mutant ert-d.7 is an Ert-cErt-d double mutant. Abstract: Mutations in the Ert-c and Ert-d loci are among the most common barley mutations affecting plant architecture. The mutants have various degrees of erect and compact spikes, often accompanied with short and stiff culms. In the current study, complementation tests, linkage mapping, principal coordinate analyses and fine mapping were conducted. We conclude that the original ert-d.7 mutant does not only carry an ert-d mutation but also an ert-c mutation. Combined, mutations in Ert-c and Ert-d cause a pyramid-dense spike phenotype, whereas mutations in only Ert-c or Ert-d give a pyramid and dense phenotype, respectively. Associations between the Ert-c gene and T2-T3 translocations were detected in both mutant ert-c.1 and ert-d.7. Different genetic association patterns indicate different translocation breakpoints in these two mutants. Principal coordinate analysis based on genetic distance and screening of recombinants from all four ends of polymorphic regions was an efficient way to narrow down the region of interest in translocation-involved populations. The Ert-c gene was mapped to the marker interval of 2_0801to1_0224 on 3HL near the centromere. The results illuminate a complex connection between two single genes having additive effects on barley spike architecture and will facilitate the identification of the Ert-c and Ert-d genes