9,791 research outputs found

    A longitudinal investigation of information processing and cognitive organization in clinical depression: stability of schematic interconnectedness.

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    This study longitudinally investigated information processing and cognitive organization in clinical depression. The main hypothesis was that individuals whose depression had remitted would show a significant cognitive shift on information processing (e.g., deactivation of negative processing) but not on cognitive organizational tasks, Forty-five individuals with clinical depression completed 2 information processing and 2 cognitive organizational tasks at initial assessment. At 6-month follow-up, the sample (23 remitted, 22 stable depressed) was readministered the tasks. As expected, information processing shifted significantly in individuals who had improved symptomatically, whereas negative cognitive organizational indices remained stable. The implications of these results are discussed as they pertain to the cognitive vulnerability, maintenance, treatment, and recurrence of depression. Directions for future research are suggested

    Transmission dynamics and prospects for the elimination of canine rabies

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    Rabies has been eliminated from domestic dog populations in Western Europe and North America, but continues to kill many thousands of people throughout Africa and Asia every year. A quantitative understanding of transmission dynamics in domestic dog populations provides critical information to assess whether global elimination of canine rabies is possible. We report extensive observations of individual rabid animals in Tanzania and generate a uniquely detailed analysis of transmission biology, which explains important epidemiological features, including the level of variation in epidemic trajectories. We found that the basic reproductive number for rabies, R<sub>0</sub>, is very low in our study area in rural Africa (∼1.2) and throughout its historic global range (<2). This finding provides strong support for the feasibility of controlling endemic canine rabies by vaccination, even near wildlife areas with large wild carnivore populations. However, we show that rapid turnover of domestic dog populations has been a major obstacle to successful control in developing countries, thus regular pulse vaccinations will be required to maintain population-level immunity between campaigns. Nonetheless our analyses suggest that with sustained, international commitment, global elimination of rabies from domestic dog populations, the most dangerous vector to humans, is a realistic goal

    Time-dependent density functional theory beyond the adiabatic local density approximation

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    In the current density functional theory of linear and nonlinear time-dependent phenomena, the treatment of exchange and correlation beyond the level of the adiabatic local density approximation is shown to lead to the appearance of viscoelastic stresses in the electron fluid. Complex and frequency-dependent viscosity/elasticity coefficients are microscopically derived and expressed in terms of properties of the homogeneous electron gas. As a first consequence of this formalism, we provide an explicit formula for the linewidths of collective excitations in electronic systems.Comment: RevTeX, 4 page

    Experimentally increased brood size accelerates actuarial senescence and increases subsequent reproductive effort in a wild bird population

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    The assumption that reproductive effort decreases somatic state, accelerating ageing, is central to our understanding of life-history variation. Maximal reproductive effort early in life is predicted to be maladaptive by accelerating ageing disproportionally, decreasing fitness. Optimality theory predicts that reproductive effort is restrained early in life to balance the fitness contribution of reproduction against the survival cost induced by the reproductive effort. When adaptive, the level of reproductive restraint is predicted to be inversely linked to the remaining life expectancy, potentially resulting in a terminal effort in the last period of reproduction. Experimental tests of the reproductive restraint hypothesis require manipulation of somatic state and subsequent investigation of reproductive effort and residual life span. To our knowledge the available evidence remains inconclusive, and hence reproductive restraint remains to be demonstrated. We modulated somatic state through a lifelong brood size manipulation in wild jackdaws and measured its consequences for age-dependent mortality and reproductive success. The assumption that lifelong increased brood size reduced somatic state was supported: Birds rearing enlarged broods showed subsequent increased rate of actuarial senescence, resulting in reduced residual life span. The treatment induced a reproductive response in later seasons: Egg volume and nestling survival were higher in subsequent seasons in the increased versus reduced broods' treatment group. We detected these increases in egg volume and nestling survival despite the expectation that in the absence of a change in reproductive effort, the reduced somatic state indicated by the increased mortality rate would result in lower reproductive output. This leads us to conclude that the higher reproductive success we observed was the result of higher reproductive effort. Our findings show that reproductive effort negatively covaries with remaining life expectancy, supporting optimality theory and confirming reproductive restraint as a key factor underpinning life-history variation

    Center of mass and relative motion in time dependent density functional theory

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    It is shown that the exchange-correlation part of the action functional Axc[ρ(r,t)]A_{xc}[\rho (\vec r,t)] in time-dependent density functional theory , where ρ(r,t)\rho (\vec r,t) is the time-dependent density, is invariant under the transformation to an accelerated frame of reference ρ(r,t)ρ(r,t)=ρ(r+x(t),t)\rho (\vec r,t) \to \rho ' (\vec r,t) = \rho (\vec r + \vec x (t),t), where x(t)\vec x (t) is an arbitrary function of time. This invariance implies that the exchange-correlation potential in the Kohn-Sham equation transforms in the following manner: Vxc[ρ;r,t]=Vxc[ρ;r+x(t),t]V_{xc}[\rho '; \vec r, t] = V_{xc}[\rho; \vec r + \vec x (t),t]. Some of the approximate formulas that have been proposed for VxcV_{xc} satisfy this exact transformation property, others do not. Those which transform in the correct manner automatically satisfy the ``harmonic potential theorem", i.e. the separation of the center of mass motion for a system of interacting particles in the presence of a harmonic external potential. A general method to generate functionals which possess the correct symmetry is proposed

    Cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies

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    In this chapter we will provide a brief review of some of the major historical forces that lead to the development of the cognitive behavioral therapies. We will then define what are the common characteristics among this increasingly diverse set of interventions, and in doing so also attempt to differentiate the cognitive-behavioral therapies from related approaches to psychotherapy. We will then turn our primary focus to a description of the major models within the cognitive-behavioral paradigm, and to discussing their current empirical status. The chapter will conclude with a discussion of current issues related to the cognitive-behavioral therapies, and with predictions and suggestions for the future development of the approach

    Crop classification using multidate/multifrequency radar data

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    Both C- and L-band radar data acquired over a test site near Colby, Kansas during the summer of 1978 were used to identify three types of vegetation cover and bare soil. The effects of frequency, polarization, and the look angle on the overall accuracy of recognizing the four types of ground cover were analyzed. In addition, multidate data were used to study the improvement in recognition accuracy possible with the addition of temporal information. The soil moisture conditions had changed considerably during the temporal sequence of the data; hence, the effects of soil moisture on the ability to discriminate between cover types were also analyzed. The results provide useful information needed for selecting the parameters of a radar system for monitoring crops

    Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Brugia Pahangi Survivorship in Aedes polynesiensis with Artificial Wolbachia Infection Types

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    Heterologous transinfection with the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia has been shown previously to induce pathogen interference phenotypes in mosquito hosts. Here we examine an artificially infected strain of Aedes polynesiensis, the primary vector of Wuchereria bancrofti, which is the causative agent of Lymphatic filariasis (LF) throughout much of the South Pacific. Embryonic microinjection was used to transfer the wAlbB infection from Aedes albopictus into an aposymbiotic strain of Ae. polynesiensis. The resulting strain (designated MTB ) experiences a stable artificial infection with high maternal inheritance. Reciprocal crosses of MTB with naturally infected wild-type Ae. polynesiensis demonstrate strong bidirectional incompatibility. Levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the MTB strain differ significantly relative to that of the wild-type, indicating an impaired ability to regulate oxidative stress. Following a challenge with Brugia pahangi, the number of filarial worms achieving the infective stage is significantly reduced in MTB as compared to the naturally infected and aposymbiotic strains. Survivorship of MTB differed significantly from that of the wild-type, with an interactive effect between survivorship and blood feeding. The results demonstrate a direct correlation between decreased ROS levels and decreased survival of adult female Aedes polynesiensis. The results are discussed in relation to the interaction of Wolbachia with ROS production and antioxidant expression, iron homeostasis and the insect immune system. We discuss the potential applied use of the MTB strain for impacting Ae. polynesiensis populations and strategies for reducing LF incidence in the South Pacific

    A label-free, quantitative assay of amyloid fibril growth based on intrinsic fluorescence.

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    Kinetic assay of seeded growth: The graph shows the variation in intrinsic fluorescence intensity of amyloid fibrils. Fluorescence increases during the seeded aggregation of α-synuclein seeds with α-synuclein monomeric protein (blue curve) but not when α-synuclein seeds are incubated with β-synuclein monomeric protein (black curve), thus showing that no seeded growth occurred in this case

    Linear Response Calculations of Spin Fluctuations

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    A variational formulation of the time--dependent linear response based on the Sternheimer method is developed in order to make practical ab initio calculations of dynamical spin susceptibilities of solids. Using gradient density functional and a muffin-tin-orbital representation, the efficiency of the approach is demonstrated by applications to selected magnetic and strongly paramagnetic metals. The results are found to be consistent with experiment and are compared with previous theoretical calculations.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex; 3 Figures, postscript, high-resolution printing (~1200dpi) is desire