549 research outputs found

    Fractional Brownian fields, duality, and martingales

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    In this paper the whole family of fractional Brownian motions is constructed as a single Gaussian field indexed by time and the Hurst index simultaneously. The field has a simple covariance structure and it is related to two generalizations of fractional Brownian motion known as multifractional Brownian motions. A mistake common to the existing literature regarding multifractional Brownian motions is pointed out and corrected. The Gaussian field, due to inherited ``duality'', reveals a new way of constructing martingales associated with the odd and even part of a fractional Brownian motion and therefore of the fractional Brownian motion. The existence of those martingales and their stochastic representations is the first step to the study of natural wavelet expansions associated to those processes in the spirit of our earlier work on a construction of natural wavelets associated to Gaussian-Markov processes.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921706000000770 in the IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Creating medical terminology: from Latin and Greek influence to the influence of English as the current lingua franca of medical communication

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    The language of medicine is a broad research field, so broad that there ought to be a special field of linguistics called medical linguistics. its development, especially the development of medical terminology, is interesting both to medical historians and to linguists. Hippocratic writings dating from the 5th and the 4th century Bc contain many medical terms which were the foundation of the language of medicine in the greek era. At the beginning of the first century ad greek medical terminology was latinized and stomachos (gr.) turned into stomachus (latin). This started the era of medical latin. This latin still contained numerous greek terms, which resulted in a mixture of latin and greek terms and prefixes and suffixes thereof. In the past medical terminology was borrowed from greek and latin but, today, with english becoming the language of international medical conferences, medical terms are often composed of words borrowed from english e.g. bypass or screening, these being terms accepted both in german and croatian. The latter, however, tends to use the croatian equivalents for the above mentioned terms. two attempts will be emphasized in this paper in order to illustrate the methods used in importing and creating new terms for medical concepts. The status of greeek and latin medical terms in national languages will be briefly outlined. Special emphasis will be put on english terms in both german and croatian languages of medicine

    Professor A. Bernard Ackerman (1936-2008)

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    Dependence of stock returns in bull and bear markets

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    Pearson's correlation coefficient is typically used for measuring the dependence structure of stock returns. Nevertheless, it has many shortcomings often documented in the literature. We suggest to use a conditional version of Spearman's rho as an alternative dependence measure. Our approach is purely nonparametric and we avoid any kind of model misspecification. We derive hypothesis tests for the conditional Spearman's rho in bull andbearmarkets and verify the tests by Monte Carlo simulation.Further, we study the daily returns of stocks contained in the German stock index DAX 30. We find some significant differences in dependence of stock returns in bull and bear markets. On the other hand the differences are not so strong as one might expect. --bear market,bootstrapping,bull market,conditional Spearman's rho,copulas,Monte Carlo simulation,stock returns

    Raspetljavanje gordijskog čvora u proširenih obrazaca za tvorbu nazivlja

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    While it is true that phraseological units in legal discourse have received some attention in recent years, the fact remains that extended units of meaning (Sinclair 2004) have not been investigated sufficiently enough. This also applies to complex term-forming patterns (Biel 2014b), which “may be seen as frozen collocations due to their high structural stability” (Biel 2014b: 180). The paper thus examines extended term-forming patterns extracted from two comparable corpora of contracts by means of WordsmithTools 6.0 (Scott 2012) and accounts for their interpretation by consulting the extralinguistic context. The paper also attempts to propose a translation approach to such extended units of meaning, given the fact that some of their constituents are often specific either to a certain legal system or to an area other than law, thus calling for a complex interdisciplinary approach to the interpretation of such units. The paper may thus represent a useful resource for legal translator training since it reveals the patterning of terms in the genre of English and Croatian contracts.Frazeološke jedinice u pravnom žanru posljednjih su se godina podosta istraživale, ali činjenica jest da se proširenim jedinicama značenja (Sinclair 2004) još uvijek nije posvetilo dovoljno pozornosti. Ta se tvrdnja odnosi i na kompleksne obrasce za tvorbu nazivlja (Biel 2014b), koji se mogu smatrati „zamrznutim kolokacijama zbog svoje visoke strukturalne stabilnosti“ (Biel 2014b: 180). U ovom se radu istražuju prošireni obrasci za tvorbu nazivlja izvučeni iz dva usporediva korpusa ugovora s alatom WordsmithTools 6.0 (Scott 2012) te se tumače s pomoću izvanjezičnog konteksta. U radu se također nastoji predložiti pristup prevođenju takvim proširenim jedinicama značenja budući da su neki njihovi dijelovi nerijetko tipični za neki pravni sustav ili nepravno područje koje pravo regulira te kao takve zahtijevaju interdisciplinarni pristup. S obzirom na to da se u radu raspravlja o obrascima naziva u žanru hrvatskih i engleskih ugovora, rad može predstavljati koristan izvor u obuci pravnih prevoditelja

    Raspetljavanje gordijskog čvora u proširenih obrazaca za tvorbu nazivlja

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    While it is true that phraseological units in legal discourse have received some attention in recent years, the fact remains that extended units of meaning (Sinclair 2004) have not been investigated sufficiently enough. This also applies to complex term-forming patterns (Biel 2014b), which “may be seen as frozen collocations due to their high structural stability” (Biel 2014b: 180). The paper thus examines extended term-forming patterns extracted from two comparable corpora of contracts by means of WordsmithTools 6.0 (Scott 2012) and accounts for their interpretation by consulting the extralinguistic context. The paper also attempts to propose a translation approach to such extended units of meaning, given the fact that some of their constituents are often specific either to a certain legal system or to an area other than law, thus calling for a complex interdisciplinary approach to the interpretation of such units. The paper may thus represent a useful resource for legal translator training since it reveals the patterning of terms in the genre of English and Croatian contracts.Frazeološke jedinice u pravnom žanru posljednjih su se godina podosta istraživale, ali činjenica jest da se proširenim jedinicama značenja (Sinclair 2004) još uvijek nije posvetilo dovoljno pozornosti. Ta se tvrdnja odnosi i na kompleksne obrasce za tvorbu nazivlja (Biel 2014b), koji se mogu smatrati „zamrznutim kolokacijama zbog svoje visoke strukturalne stabilnosti“ (Biel 2014b: 180). U ovom se radu istražuju prošireni obrasci za tvorbu nazivlja izvučeni iz dva usporediva korpusa ugovora s alatom WordsmithTools 6.0 (Scott 2012) te se tumače s pomoću izvanjezičnog konteksta. U radu se također nastoji predložiti pristup prevođenju takvim proširenim jedinicama značenja budući da su neki njihovi dijelovi nerijetko tipični za neki pravni sustav ili nepravno područje koje pravo regulira te kao takve zahtijevaju interdisciplinarni pristup. S obzirom na to da se u radu raspravlja o obrascima naziva u žanru hrvatskih i engleskih ugovora, rad može predstavljati koristan izvor u obuci pravnih prevoditelja

    Towards an error taxonomy for student writing

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    Nuclear accidents in the world from 1950 to 2005

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    Corruption represents a deviant behavior of state officials and public servants which is contradictious to their formal duties, but provides a personal gain or privileged status for them or for the members of their family. As a phenomenon, corruption affects almost all aspects of society, politics, public institutions, private sector, media and economy. In the first part oft he article the authors discuss types of corruption that appears in public administration and analyze the examples of corrupt activities on the state and local level. In the second part attention is focused on anticorruption strategies and instruments for combating corruption, especially with reference to the Republic of Croatia. The variation of the corruption perceptions index over the years in Croatia is also analyzed, as well as survey results about the prevalence of corruption in different categories of public servants.Korupcija predstavlja devijantno ponašanje državnih dužnosnika i javnih službenika kojemu, iako nije u skladu s njihovim službenim dužnostima, podliježu s ciljem stjecanja privatnog bogatstva ili statusa pojedinca, uže obitelji ili povezane grupe ljudi. Kao fenomen prisutna je u gotovo svim područjima života i djelovanja, u javnim institucijama, privatnom sektoru, politici, medijima, gospodarstvu. U prvom dijelu rada autorice analiziraju vrste korupcije u javnoj upravi te sistematiziraju konkretne primjere koruptivnih aktivnosti na državnoj i lokalnoj razini. U drugom dijelu rada pozornost je posvećena modelima antikorupcijskih strategija te instrumentima za suzbijanje korupcije. Detaljno je razrađen institucionalni okvir za borbu protiv korupcije u Republici Hrvatskoj uz prikaz kretanja indeksa percepcije korupcije tijekom godina te rezultata istraživanja stope raširenosti korupcije prema kriteriju vrste službenika zaposlenih u javnoj upravi