53 research outputs found

    Generalized Initialization of the Duplex Construction

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    The duplex construction is already well analyzed with many papers proving its security in the random permutation model. However, so far, the first phase of the duplex, where the state is initialized with a secret key and an initialization vector (IV\mathit{IV}), is typically analyzed in a worst case manner. More detailed, it is always assumed that the adversary is allowed to choose the IV\mathit{IV} on its will. In this paper, we analyze how the security changes if restrictions on the choice of the IV\mathit{IV} are imposed, varying from the global nonce case over the random IV\mathit{IV} case to the IV\mathit{IV} on key case. The last one, in particular, is the duplex analogue of the use of a nonce masked with a secret in AES-GCM in TLS 1.3. We apply our findings to duplex-based encryption and authenticated encryption, and discuss the practical applications of our results

    Leakage Resilient Value Comparison With Application to Message Authentication

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    Side-channel attacks are a threat to secrets stored on a device, especially if an adversary has physical access to the device. As an effect of this, countermeasures against such attacks for cryptographic algorithms are a well-researched topic. In this work, we deviate from the study of cryptographic algorithms and instead focus on the side-channel protection of a much more basic operation, the comparison of a known attacker-controlled value with a secret one. Comparisons sensitive to side-channel leakage occur in tag comparisons during the verification of message authentication codes (MACs) or authenticated encryption, but are typically omitted in security analyses. Besides, also comparisons performed as part of fault countermeasures might be sensitive to side-channel attacks. In this work, we present a formal analysis on comparing values in a leakage resilient manner by utilizing cryptographic building blocks that are typically part of an implementation anyway. Our results indicate that there is no need to invest additional resources into implementing a protected comparison operation itself if a sufficiently protected implementation of a public cryptographic permutation, or a (tweakable) block cipher, is already available. We complement our contribution by applying our findings to the SuKS message authentication code used by lightweight authenticated encryption scheme ISAP, and to the classical Hash-then-PRF construction

    Impossible-Differential and Boomerang Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Kiasu-BC

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    Kiasu-BC is a tweakable block cipher proposed by Jean et al. at ASIACRYPT 2014 alongside their TWEAKEY framework. The cipher is almost identical to the AES-128 except for the tweak, which renders it an attractive primitive for various modes of operation and applications requiring tweakable block ciphers. Therefore, studying how the additional tweak input affects security compared to that of the AES is highly valuable to gain trust in future instantiations. This work proposes impossible-differential and boomerang attacks on eight rounds of Kiasu-BC in the single-key model, using the core idea that the tweak input allows to construct local collisions. While our results do not threat the security of the full-round version, they help concretize the security of Kiasu-BC in the single-key model

    Suit up! Made-to-Measure Hardware Implementations of Ascon

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    Having ciphers that provide confidentiality and authenticity, that are fast in software and efficient in hardware, these are the goals of the CAESAR authenticated encryption competition. In this paper, the promising CAESAR candidate Ascon is implemented in hardware and optimized for different typical applications to fully explore Ascon\u27s design space. Thus, we are able to present hardware implementations of Ascon suitable for RFID tags, Wireless Sensor Nodes, Embedded Systems, and applications that need maximum performance. For instance, we show that an Ascon implementation with a single unrolled round transformation is only 7 kGE large, but can process up to 5.5 Gbit/sec of data (0.75 cycles/byte), which is already enough to encrypt a Gigabit Ethernet connection. Besides, Ascon is not only fast and small, it can also be easily protected against DPA attacks. A threshold implementation of Ascon just requires about 8 kGE of chip area, which is only 3.1 times larger than the unprotected low-area optimized implementation

    Square Attack on 7-Round Kiasu-BC

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    Kiasu-BC is a tweakable block cipher presented within the TWEAKEY framework at AsiaCrypt 2014. Kiasu-BC is almost identical to AES-128, the only difference to AES-128 is the tweak addition, where the 64-bit tweak is xored to the first two rows of every round-key. The security analysis of the designers focuses primarily on related-key related-tweak differential characteristics and meet-in-the-middle attacks. For other attacks, they conclude that the security level of Kiasu-BC is similar to AES-128. In this work, we provide the first third-party analysis of Kiasu-BC. We show that we can mount Square attacks on up to 7-round Kiasu-BC with a complexity of about 248.52^{48.5} encryptions, which improves upon the best published 7-round attacks for AES-128. Furthermore, we show that such attacks are applicable to the round-reduced OCB3-like mode of the CAESAR candidate Kiasu. To be specific, we show a key-recovery attack on 7-round Kiasu≠\neq with a complexity of about 2822^{82} encryptions

    Analysis of SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256

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    In 2012, NIST standardized SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256, two truncated variants of SHA-512, in FIPS 180-4. These two hash functions are faster than SHA-224 and SHA-256 on 64-bit platforms, while maintaining the same hash size and claimed security level. So far, no third-party analysis of SHA-512/224 or SHA-512/256 has been published. In this work, we examine the collision resistance of step-reduced versions of SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256 by using differential cryptanalysis in combination with sophisticated search tools. We are able to generate practical examples of free-start collisions for 44-step SHA-512/224 and 43-step SHA-512/256. Thus, the truncation performed by these variants on their larger state allows us to attack several more rounds compared to the untruncated family members. In addition, we improve upon the best published collisions for 24-step SHA-512 and present practical collisions for 27 steps of SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256, and SHA-512

    Related-Key Forgeries for Prøst-OTR

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    We present a forgery attack on Prøst-OTR in a related-key setting. Prøst is a family of authenticated encryption algorithms proposed as candidates in the currently ongoing CAESAR competition, and Prøst-OTR is one of the three variants of the Prøst design. The attack exploits how the Prøst permutation is used in an Even-Mansour construction in the Feistel-based OTR mode of operation. Given the ciphertext and tag for any two messages under two related keys K and K + Delta with related nonces, we can forge the ciphertext and tag for a modified message under K. If we can query ciphertexts for chosen messages under K + Delta, we can achieve almost universal forgery for K. The computational complexity is negligible

    Leakage and Tamper Resilient Permutation-Based Cryptography

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    Implementation attacks such as power analysis and fault attacks have shown that, if potential attackers have physical access to a cryptographic device, achieving practical security requires more considerations apart from just cryptanalytic security. In recent years, and with the advent of micro-architectural or hardware-oriented attacks, it became more and more clear that similar attack vectors can also be exploited on larger computing platforms and without the requirement of physical proximity of an attacker. While newly discovered attacks typically come with implementation recommendations that help counteract a specific attack vector, the process of constantly patching cryptographic code is quite time consuming in some cases, and simply not possible in other cases. What adds up to the problem is that the popular approach of leakage resilient cryptography only provably solves part of the problem: it discards the threat of faults. Therefore, we put forward the usage of leakage and tamper resilient cryptographic algorithms, as they can offer built-in protection against various types of physical and hardware oriented attacks, likely including attack vectors that will only be discovered in the future. In detail, we present the - to the best of our knowledge - first framework for proving the security of permutation-based symmetric cryptographic constructions in the leakage and tamper resilient setting. As a proof of concept, we apply the framework to a sponge-based stream encryption scheme called asakey and provide a practical analysis of its resistance against side channel and fault attacks

    Heuristic Tool for Linear Cryptanalysis with Applications to CAESAR Candidates

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    Differential and linear cryptanalysis are the general purpose tools to analyze various cryptographic primitives. Both techniques have in common that they rely on the existence of good differential or linear characteristics. The difficulty of finding such characteristics depends on the primitive. For instance, AES is designed to be resistant against differential and linear attacks and therefore, provides upper bounds on the probability of possible linear characteristics. On the other hand, we have primitives like SHA-1, SHA-2, and Keccak, where finding good and useful characteristics is an open problem. This becomes particularly interesting when considering, for example, competitions like CAESAR. In such competitions, many cryptographic primitives are waiting for analysis. Without suitable automatic tools, this is a virtually infeasible job. In recent years, various tools have been introduced to search for characteristics. The majority of these only deal with differential characteristics. In this work, we present a heuristic search tool which is capable of finding linear characteristics even for primitives with a relatively large state, and without a strongly aligned structure. As a proof of concept, we apply the presented tool on the underlying permutations of the first round CAESAR candidates Ascon, Icepole, Keyak, Minalpher and Proest

    Higher-Order Cryptanalysis of LowMC

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    LowMC is a family of block ciphers developed particularly for use in multi-party computations and fully homomorphic encryption schemes, where the main performance penalty comes from non-linear operations. Thus, LowMC has been designed to minimize the total quantity of logical and operations, as well as the and depth. To achieve this, the LowMC designers opted for an incomplete S-box layer that does not cover the complete state, and compensate for it with a very dense, randomly chosen linear layer. In this work, we exploit this design strategy in a cube-like key-recovery attack. We are able to recover the secret key of a round-reduced variant of LowMC with 80-bit security, where the number of rounds is reduced from 11 to 9. Our attacks are independent of the actual instances of the used linear layers and therefore, do not exploit possible weak choices of them. From our results, we conclude that the resulting security margin of 2 rounds is smaller than expected
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