43 research outputs found

    Acetazolamide in prevention of altitude disease

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    Mountain climbing is associated with many risky, life-threatening situations. One of the most common attacking diseases at altitudes above 2500 m is altitude disease (HAI). This disease consists of: acute alpine disease, cerebral oedema and pulmonary oedema at altitude. The best way to prevent altitude diseases is by means of alcomatisation and slow increase in altitude. Climbers should follow the principle "climb high, sleep low". Sometimes, however, time or inability to descend do not allow for acclimatization. In such conditions, it is necessary to use pharmaceuticals that prevent the occurrence of an illness of altitude. The following article discusses research on the most commonly used drug in the prevention of acute mountain disease - acetazolamide. This drug was first used in the 60s of the XX century, demonstrating its effectiveness in the prevention of mountain disease. Since then, it has been the subject of many studies

    The importance of physical activity in obesity

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    Obesity is the result of an excessive supply of energy in relation to the body's needs. The etiological factors include environmental factors, genetic factors, sedentary lifestyle, avoiding physical activity, stress or eating excessive amounts of fat. It is estimated that the problem concerns almost 60 million Europeans. Obesity is associated with the possibility of many health complications, including hypertension, carbohydrate disorders, insulin resistance and cancers. Treatment of obesity is a long-term process that needs to be started by finding the main cause, by choosing the right diet, pharmacology, and psychotherapy for rehabilitation. The essence of the fight against obesity is physical activity, which in addition to reducing weight and improving the appearance of other results, such as: strengthening the osteoarticular system, improving the lipid profile, increasing efficiency and physical fitness and improving the mental state. Typical training used in the treatment of obesity are general exercises, characterized by medium or low intensity, effective use of oxygen by working muscles, mobilization of large muscle groups working alternately during exercise, cyclicity and the possibility of long-term exercise without breaks. The features of general fitness exercises include, among others: Nordic walking, walking, cycling, swimming and water exercises, aerobics, dancing and much more

    Impact of suplementation vitamins d, c and k on osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis is a skeleton disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass, disturbance of their microarchitecture and reduction of bone mineral density (BMD). Decreased bone quality is manifested by a higher risk of fractures, but bone pain and lowering of growth may occur earlier, although osteoporosis may occur asymptomatically before the fracture occurs. It is a disease of older people, affects 25 to 30% of postmenopausal women, while morbidity among men over 50 is around 8%. Bone tissue is subject to continuous remodeling as a result of resorption processes (release of minerals from the tissue) regulated by osteoclast activity and bone matrix construction by absorption of mineral components to maintain quality and bone mass resistance. In this study attention will be focused on the impact of vitamin supplementation on the development of osteoporosi

    The rehabilitation in carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a neuropathy of the upper limb. It occurs in the wrist. To present the different physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Physiotherapeutic methods can be divided into methods of kinesitherapy and physiotherapy. Techniques include kinesiotherapeutic neuromobilization, taping rehabilitation. While the physiotherapy: sonotherapy, laser and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. The effectiveness of these treatments in the carpal tunnel syndrome has been supported by research

    Nutrition practice during ultramarathon running in theory and reality

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    The article presents the theory of nutrition during extreme efforts as are races on ultramarathon distances. It shortly depicts processes and mechanisms taking place in human body in order to replenish energy reserves needed to complete the race and presents theoretically optimal nutrition plan for a sample runner. It mentions potential health issues waiting for athletes hindering, and sometimes making it impossible to complete the run. Finally it compares the theory with reality, showing nutrition plans used by elite athletes during competitions

    Sports massage as a method of preventing delayed onest muscle soreness

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    Physical activity, despite it鈥檚 many advantages for health and fitness, can have negative effects on humans. One of them may be delayed muscle soreness (DOMS), which appears 48-72 hours after the end of training. People performing intensive training, performing eccentric exercises, as well as people who take up activity once in a while are exposed. DOMS can meet both qualified athletes and amateurs of sport. There is a collage of hypotheses explaining the formation of delayed muscle soreness. The most recent one is that DOMS is the result of muscle micro-injuries. There is also no single effective method of pain treatment. Pharmacology, hot and cold treatment methods, stretching and massage are applied. Research on athletes as well as amateur athletes shows that sports massage leads to faster regeneration of muscles affected by DOMS

    Biological effects of cold and its use in sport

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    Using the cold properly can have many health benefits. The impact of cold on the human body is multidimensional and affects various systems and organs. Cold has found its application in medicine, sport, biological regeneration and physical recreation in the form of cold baths

    Possibilities of using Nordic walking training in cardiac rehabilitation

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    Cardiac rehabilitation means that cardiac rehabilitation should be considered as multidirectional and comprehensive activities, considering human health in a holistic approach. Cardiac rehabilitation should be implemented as soon as possible, immediately after the end of life-threatening conditions in the course of coronary events or the direct effects of invasive treatment. Many scientific studies indicate the effectiveness of Nordic Walking training in cardiac rehabilitation. It has the benefits of increasing exercise tolerance and oxygen uptake, and improves quality of life. Patients willingly choose this type of activity and tolerate it well, moreover, it is a generally available form of activity that can be practiced anytime and anywhere. This training can be recommended to a wide group of patients both as prevention and as a form of rehabilitation

    Diagnostics of lateral support syndrome of the patellofemoral joint

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    The lateral support syndrome of the patella and thigh joint is classified as a kind of dysplasia of this joint. The causes may be a muscular balance disorder, congenital abnormalities in the locomotor system or posture defects. Lateral support syndrome is most easily diagnosed through physical and subjective examination of the patient, while imaging is the best method to determine the exact type and scale of the abnormality

    Physical activity as an essential aspect of integral upbringing

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    Integral upbringing of a young person is an extremely important issue. This type of upbringing consists of many different factors. Speaking of human upbringing, it is also necessary to take into account the complexity of the human person (psycho-physical-spiritual). The physical activity of a young person is one of the elements which significantly influence his integral upbringing. Sports tasks undertaken at a young age and their positive consequences will be meaningful in the adult life of a growing man