10 research outputs found

    Identification of and Molecular Basis for SIRT6 Loss-of-Function Point Mutations in Cancer

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    SummaryChromatin factors have emerged as the most frequently dysregulated family of proteins in cancer. We have previously identified the histone deacetylase SIRT6 as a key tumor suppressor, yet whether point mutations are selected for in cancer remains unclear. In this manuscript, we characterized naturally occurring patient-derived SIRT6 mutations. Strikingly, all the mutations significantly affected either stability or catalytic activity of SIRT6, indicating that these mutations were selected for in these tumors. Further, the mutant proteins failed to rescue sirt6 knockout (SIRT6 KO) cells, as measured by the levels of histone acetylation at glycolytic genes and their inability to rescue the tumorigenic potential of these cells. Notably, the main activity affected in the mutants was histone deacetylation rather than demyristoylation, pointing to the former as the main tumor-suppressive function for SIRT6. Our results identified cancer-associated point mutations in SIRT6, cementing its function as a tumor suppressor in human cancer

    Validation of Tuba1a as Appropriate Internal Control for Normalization of Gene Expression Analysis during Mouse Lung Development

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    The expression ratio between the analysed gene and an internal control gene is the most widely used normalization method for quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) expression analysis. The ideal reference gene for a specific experiment is the one whose expression is not affected by the different experimental conditions tested. In this study, we validate the applicability of five commonly used reference genes during different stages of mouse lung development. The stability of expression of five different reference genes (Tuba1a, Actb Gapdh, Rn18S and Hist4h4) was calculated within five experimental groups using the statistical algorithm of geNorm software. Overall, Tuba1a showed the least variability in expression among the different stages of lung development, while Hist4h4 and Rn18S showed the maximum variability in their expression. Expression analysis of two lung specific markers, surfactant protein C (SftpC) and Clara cell-specific 10 kDA protein (Scgb1a1), normalized to each of the five reference genes tested here, confirmed our results and showed that incorrect reference gene choice can lead to artefacts. Moreover, a combination of two internal controls for normalization of expression analysis during lung development will increase the accuracy and reliability of results

    MiCEE is a ncRNA-protein complex that mediates epigenetic silencing and nucleolar organization

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    The majority of the eukaryotic genome is transcribed into noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), which are important regulators of different nuclear processes by controlling chromatin structure. However, the full extent of ncRNA function has remained elusive. Here we deciphered the function of the microRNA Mirlet7d as a key regulator of bidirectionally transcribed genes. We found that nuclear Mirlet7d binds ncRNAs expressed from these genes. Mirlet7d-ncRNA duplexes are further bound by C1D, which in turn targets the RNA exosome complex and the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) to the bidirectionally active loci. The exosome degrades the ncRNAs, whereas PRC2 induces heterochromatin and transcriptional silencing through EZH2. Moreover, this multicomponent RNA-protein complex, which we named MiCEE, tethers the regulated genes to the perinucleolar region and thus is required for proper nucleolar organization. Our study demonstrates that the MiCEE complex mediates epigenetic silencing of bidirectionally expressed genes and global genome organization

    Positioning of nucleosomes containing γ-H2AX precedes active DNA demethylation and transcription initiation

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    International audienceAbstract In addition to nucleosomes, chromatin contains non-histone chromatin-associated proteins, of which the high-mobility group proteins are the most abundant. Chromatin-mediated regulation of transcription involves DNA methylation and histone modifications. However, the order of events and the precise function of high-mobility group proteins during transcription initiation remain unclear. Here we show that high-mobility group AT-hook 2 protein (HMGA2) induces DNA nicks at the transcription start site, which are required by the histone chaperone FACT complex to incorporate nucleosomes containing the histone variant H2A.X. Further, phosphorylation of H2A.X at S139 (γ-H2AX) is required for repair-mediated DNA demethylation and transcription activation. The relevance of these findings is demonstrated within the context of TGFB1 signaling and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, suggesting therapies against this lethal disease. Our data support the concept that chromatin opening during transcriptional initiation involves intermediates with DNA breaks that subsequently require DNA repair mechanisms to ensure genome integrity

    Inactivation of nuclear histone deacetylases by EP300 disrupts the MiCEE complex in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    International audienceIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, and highly lethal lung disease with unknown etiology and poor prognosis. IPF patients die within 2 years after diagnosis mostly due to respiratory failure. Current treatments against IPF aim to ameliorate patient symptoms and to delay disease progression. Unfortunately, therapies targeting the causes of or reverting IPF have not yet been developed. Here we show that reduced levels of miRNA lethal 7d (MIRLET7D) in IPF compromise epigenetic gene silencing mediated by the ribonucleoprotein complex MiCEE. In addition, we find that hyperactive EP300 reduces nuclear HDAC activity and interferes with MiCEE function in IPF. Remarkably, EP300 inhibition reduces fibrotic hallmarks of in vitro (patient-derived primary fibroblast), in vivo (bleomycin mouse model), and ex vivo (precision-cut lung slices, PCLS) IPF models. Our work provides the molecular basis for therapies against IPF using EP300 inhibition

    Non-invasive lung cancer diagnosis by detection of GATA6 and NKX2-1 isoforms in exhaled breath condensate

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    Lung cancer (LC) is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Early LC diagnosis is crucial to reduce the high case fatality rate of this disease. In this case-control study, we developed an accurate LC diagnosis test using retrospectively collected formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) human lung tissues and prospectively collected exhaled breath condensates (EBCs). Following international guidelines for diagnostic methods with clinical application, reproducible standard operating procedures (SOP) were established for every step comprising our LC diagnosis method. We analyzed the expression of distinct mRNAs expressed from GATA6 and NKX2-1, key regulators of lung development. The Em/Ad expression ratios of GATA6 and NKX2-1 detected in EBCs were combined using linear kernel support vector machines (SVM) into the LC score, which can be used for LC detection. LC score-based diagnosis achieved a high performance in an independent validation cohort. We propose our method as a non-invasive, accurate, and low-price option to complement the success of computed tomography imaging (CT) and chest X-ray (CXR) for LC diagnosis