601 research outputs found

    Complement deficiencies limit CD20 monoclonal antibody treatment efficacy in CLL

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    Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) form a central part of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) treatment. We therefore evaluated whether complement defects in CLL patients reduced the induction of complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) by using anti-CD20 MAbs rituximab (RTX) and ofatumumab (OFA). Ofatumumab elicited higher CDC levels than RTX in all CLL samples examined, particularly in poor prognosis cohorts (11q− and 17p−). Serum sample analyses revealed that 38.1% of patients were deficient in one or more complement components, correlating with reduced CDC responses. Although a proportion of patients with deficient complement levels initially induced high levels of CDC, on secondary challenge CDC activity in sera was significantly reduced, compared with that in normal human serum (NHS; P<0.01; n=52). In addition, a high CLL cell number contributed to rapid complement exhaustion. Supplementing CLL serum with NHS or individual complement components, particularly C2, restored CDC on secondary challenge to NHS levels (P<0.0001; n=9). In vivo studies revealed that complement components were exhausted in CLL patient sera post RTX treatment, correlating with an inability to elicit CDC. Supplementing MAb treatment with fresh-frozen plasma may therefore maintain CDC levels in CLL patients with a complement deficiency or high white blood cell count. This study has important implications for CLL patients receiving anti-CD20 MAb therapy

    Statistical methodology for the analysis of dye-switch microarray experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In individually dye-balanced microarray designs, each biological sample is hybridized on two different slides, once with <it>Cy3 </it>and once with <it>Cy5</it>. While this strategy ensures an automatic correction of the gene-specific labelling bias, it also induces dependencies between log-ratio measurements that must be taken into account in the statistical analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present two original statistical procedures for the statistical analysis of individually balanced designs. These procedures are compared with the usual ML and REML mixed model procedures proposed in most statistical toolboxes, on both simulated and real data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The UP procedure we propose as an alternative to usual mixed model procedures is more efficient and significantly faster to compute. This result provides some useful guidelines for the analysis of complex designs.</p

    Characterization of Shewanella oneidensis MtrC: a cell-surface decaheme cytochrome involved in respiratory electron transport to extracellular electron acceptors

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    MtrC is a decaheme c-type cytochrome associated with the outer cell membrane of Fe(III)-respiring species of the Shewanella genus. It is proposed to play a role in anaerobic respiration by mediating electron transfer to extracellular mineral oxides that can serve as terminal electron acceptors. The present work presents the first spectropotentiometric and voltammetric characterization of MtrC, using protein purified from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Potentiometric titrations, monitored by UV–vis absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, reveal that the hemes within MtrC titrate over a broad potential range spanning between approximately +100 and approximately -500 mV (vs. the standard hydrogen electrode). Across this potential window the UV–vis absorption spectra are characteristic of low-spin c-type hemes and the EPR spectra reveal broad, complex features that suggest the presence of magnetically spin-coupled low-spin c-hemes. Non-catalytic protein film voltammetry of MtrC demonstrates reversible electrochemistry over a potential window similar to that disclosed spectroscopically. The voltammetry also allows definition of kinetic properties of MtrC in direct electron exchange with a solid electrode surface and during reduction of a model Fe(III) substrate. Taken together, the data provide quantitative information on the potential domain in which MtrC can operate

    Valtion aluehallintovirastot ja niiden ylijohtajat: Pohjoiseurooppalainen analogia Ranskan prefeikteille

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    This chapter examines the closest Finnish analogy to the French function of the prefect. In Finland, since 2010, this function has been vested in the institution of the State Regional Administrative Agency (SRAA, aluehallintovirasto, ‘AVI’). There are six SRAAs, each headed by a Chief Director (ylijohtaja) nominated by the government. The study had four main findings. First, despite ambiguity in institutional terminology, classifications, boundaries and identities concerning the SRAA, one can discern few true functional or structural deficiencies. Second, the SRAA is a hybrid between an institution of its own and a territorial representative of either government ministries or government agencies, to which is related the fact that each SRAA has both responsibilities concerning its territory and nationwide responsibilities. Third, tensions between performance and institutional legitimation prevail in the institution of the SRAA, but again without serious deficiencies. Fourth, the 2010 substitution of the SRAA for the former Province comprised a radical institutional change. The 2015–2019 Finnish government intended to abolish the SRAAs, but the subsequent government abandoned that reform, and ultimately by mid-2020 it became clear that the institution of the SRAA was here to stay after all.Peer reviewe

    Urinary And Breast Milk Biomarkers To Assess Exposure Ro Naphthalene In Pregnant Women: An Investigation Of Personal And Indoor Air Sources

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    Naphthalene exposures for most non-occupationally exposed individuals occur primarily indoors at home. Residential indoor sources include pest control products (specifically moth balls), incomplete combustion such as cigarette smoke, woodstoves and cooking, some consumer and building products, and emissions from gasoline sources found in attached garages. The study aim was to assess naphthalene exposure in pregnant women from Canada, using air measurements and biomarkers of exposure
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