280 research outputs found

    Data on fluoride concentrationlevelinvillages of Asara(Alborz,Iran)anddaily fluoride intake based ondrinkingwaterconsumption

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    In thepresentdataarticle, fluoride concentrationlevelsofdrinking water(withspringorgroundwatersources)in10villagesofAsara area locatedinAlborzprovinceweredeterminedbythestandard SPADNSmethodusingaspectrophotometer(DR/2000Spectro- photometer,USA).Daily fluoride intakeswerealsocalculated based ondailydrinkingwaterconsumption.The fluoride content werecomparedwithEPAandWHOguidelinesfordrinkingwater

    High potential for the formation of haloacetic acids in the Karoon River water in Iran

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    The impact of the total organic carbon (TOC), chlorine dosage, water temperature, reaction time, pH, and seasonal variation on the formation of haloacetic acids (HAAs) in the Karoon River in Iran was studied. The results showed that dichloroacetic acid and trichloroacetic acid were the most detected HAA5. The HAA5 formation potential (HAA5FP) levels in the Karoon River water in spring time, when the water TOC content exceeded 4 mg/L, were 1.38 times higher than during the winter season, when the water TOC content was below 3.5 mg/L. There was not a strong correlation between the HAA5FP and the residence time for the Karoon River water. For the rang

    Heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb) content in two fish species of Persian Gulf in Bushehr Port, Iran

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    Heavy metal (HMs) pollution of aquatic environment has become a great concern in recent years. In this study, cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) levels were determined in muscle and skin of two important consumed fishes (Indo-Pacific king mackerel and Tigertooth croaker) in Bushehr Province in the Southwestern of Iran. Heavy metal concentrations were analyzed by using inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The mean contents of metal, expressed in mg/kg wet weight, varied from 0.17 to 0.26 for Cd, 1.25 to 1.84 for Cu, 0.6 to 0.84 for Ni and 0.31 to 0.7 for Pb. Results showed that the highest and lowest contents of heavy metals in muscle and skin of both fish samples were related to Cu and Cd concentration, respectively, and heavy metal contents in both skin fish samples and muscle of Tigertooth croaker were found to decrease in sequence as Cu>Pb>Ni>Cd.Key words: Heavy metal, fish, Bushehr, Iran

    Kinetic and degradation efficiency of trichloroethylene (TCE) via photochemical process from contaminated water

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    Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a common pollutant in groundwater and one of the priority pollutants listed by the U.S. EPA. With regard to concentration ranges in previous studies exceeding environmental levels by far with millimolar concentrations of TCE, this study deals with the degradation of TCE at micromolar concentrations by UV/H2O2. The degradation rate of TCE at different dilute solution levels, 30, 300 and 3000 g L-1 (0.22, 2.28 and 22.83 micromolar) at different initial pHs was examined. In addition, samples were taken from four contaminated wells to measure the degradation rate of TCE. It was shown that thedegradation rate of TCE increased due to the reduction of initial concentration in both aqueous solution and groundwater samples. The TCE degradation constants in groundwater samples increased by a factor of 2.05, while the initial concentration reduced from 1345.7 to 97.7 μg1 L-1. By increasing the molar ratios of H2O2 to TCE from 13 to 129, caused the degradation rates to increase in aqueous solutions. No harmful byproducts such as aloacetic acids (HAAs) were detected at these low levels of initial concentration of TCE during process. This study confirmed that application of UV/H2O2 process could be an effective method in treating contaminated groundwater by TCE at low concentrations

    Data ondaily fluoride intakebasedondrinking waterconsumptionpreparedbyhousehold desalinatorsworkingbyreverseosmosisprocess

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    In thisdataarticle,weevaluatedthedaily fluoride contentsin20 householddesalinatorsworking byreverseosmosis(RO)1 processin Bushehr,Iran.Theconcentrationlevelsof fluoride ininletandoutlet watersweredeterminedbythestandardSPADNSmethodusinga spectrophotometer(M501SingleBeamScanningUV/VIS,UK).The fluoridecontentinoutletwaterswerecomparedwithEPAandWHO guidelinesfordrinkingwater

    Data onmetals(Zn,Al,Sr,andCo)andmetalloid(As) concent rationlevels of ballastwaterincommercial ships entering Bushehr port ,alongthe Persian Gulf

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    In thisarticle,wedeterminedtheconcentrationlevelsofmetals including Zn,Al,Sr,andCoandmetalloidofAsofballastwaterin commercial shipsenteringBushehrport,alongthePersianGulf. Ballast watersamplesweretakenfromcommercialshipsentering Bushehr portfrom34portsaroundtheworldduring15February and 25August2016.Theconcentrationlevelsofmetalsand metalloid weredeterminedbyusingagraphitefurnaceabsorption spectrometer(AAS)

    Data onmetallevelsintheinletandoutlet wastewatertreatmentplantofhospitals in Bushehrprovince,Iran

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    In thispaper,wemeasuredthelevelsofmetalsincludingPb,Cr, Cd, Ni,Hg,Fe,andCuintheinletandoutletwastewaterofhos- pitals. ThesamplesweretakenfromwastewaterinBushehr's provincehospitals,Iran.Afterthecollectionofsamples,thecon- centration levelsofmetalsweredeterminedbyusinggraphite furnace absorptionspectrometer(AAS)method(Varian,SpectrAA 240, Australia).Statisticalanalysisofthedatawascarriedoutusing Special PackageforSocialSciences(SPSS16)

    Dataonmetalcontents(As,Ag,Sr,Sn,Sb,andMo) in sedimentsandshellsof Trachycardiumlacunosum in thenorthernpartofthePersianGulf

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    In thisdataarticle,byusinginductivelycoupledplasmaoptical spectrometry (ICP-OES)1, weaimedto(1)determinethecon- centration levelsofAs,Ag,Sr,Sn,Sb,andMointhesedimentsand the shellsof Trachycardiumlacunosum simultaneously intwo separatedareas(unpollutedandpollutedareas)(2)comparison between themetalcontentsofsedimentsintheunpollutedand polluted areasaswellasshells.Analysisofdatashowedthat sediment aswellasshellsamplesinpollutedareacontainedsig- nificantly higherconcentrationlevelsofallmeasuredmetals compared withunpollutedare

    Data on heavy metal levels (Cd, Co, and Cu) in wheat grains cultured in Dashtestan County, Iran.

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    Due to importance of wheat as the most popular food, in this data article, we determined the accumulation of heavy metal levels including Cd, Co, and Cu in wheat grains in Dashtestan county, Iran. The concentration levels of heavy metals in wheat grains cultured were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS)