801 research outputs found

    Caracterização de resíduos gerados em análises químicas de tecidos vegetais.

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    Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização dos resíduos gerados em análises químicas de tecidos vegetais do Laboratório de Análises de Solos e Plantas - LASP da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental

    Diagnóstico rápido participativo (DRP) como método de avaliação do programa de gerenciamento de resíduos laboratoriais (PGRL).

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    Na Embrapa, o DRP vem sendo utilizado pelo grupo de educação ambiental que adaptou o nome Diagnóstico Rural Participativo para Diagnóstico Rápido Participativo

    Análise dos resíduos gerados no Laboratório de Análises de Solos e Plantas da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental.

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    Este trabalho apresenta as ações iniciais de implantação do PGR do Laboratório de Análises de Solos e Plantas (LASP) da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental

    Performance of a Low Noise Front-end ASIC for Si/CdTe Detectors in Compton Gamma-ray Telescope

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    Compton telescopes based on semiconductor technologies are being developed to explore the gamma-ray universe in an energy band 0.1--20 MeV, which is not well covered by the present or near-future gamma-ray telescopes. The key feature of such Compton telescopes is the high energy resolution that is crucial for high angular resolution and high background rejection capability. The energy resolution around 1 keV is required to approach physical limit of the angular resolution due to Doppler broadening. We have developed a low noise front-end ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit), VA32TA, to realize this goal for the readout of Double-sided Silicon Strip Detector (DSSD) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) pixel detector which are essential elements of the semiconductor Compton telescope. We report on the design and test results of the VA32TA. We have reached an energy resolution of 1.3 keV (FWHM) for 60 keV and 122 keV at 0 degree C with a DSSD and 1.7 keV (FWHM) with a CdTe detector.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, IEEE style file, to appear in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc

    Geothermal state of the deep Western Alpine Molasse Basin, France-Switzerland

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    Over the last few years the Western Alpine Molasse Basin (WAMB) has been attracting large institutional, industrial and scientific interest to evaluate the feasibility of geothermal energy production. However, the thermal state of the basin, which is instrumental to the development of such geothermal projects, has remained to date poorly known. Here, we compile and correct temperature measurements (mostly bottom hole temperature) from 26 existing well data mostly acquired during former hydrocarbon exploration in the basin. These data suggest that the average geothermal gradient of the WAMB is around 25–30 °C/km. We further use these data to build the first well data-driven 3D geostatistical temperature model of the whole basin and generate probabilistic maps of isotherms at 70 and 140 °C. This model highlights a number of positive and negative thermal anomalies that are interpreted in the context of heat advection caused by fluid circulation along faults and/or karst systems. This study confirms that the WAMB has a great potential for low-enthalpy geothermal resources and presents a typology of advection-dominated potential targets

    Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) Balloon Flight Data Handling Overview

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    The GLAST Balloon Flight Engineering Model (BFEM) represents one of 16 towers that constitute the Large Area Telescope (LAT), a high-energy (>20 MeV) gamma-ray pair-production telescope being built by an international partnership of astrophysicists and particle physicists for a satellite launch in 2006. The prototype tower consists of a Pb/Si pair-conversion tracker (TKR), a CsI hodoscopic calorimeter (CAL), an anti-coincidence detector (ACD) and an autonomous data acquisition system (DAQ). The self-triggering capabilities and performance of the detector elements have been previously characterized using positron, photon and hadron beams. External target scintillators were placed above the instrument to act as sources of hadronic showers. This paper provides a comprehensive description of the BFEM data-reduction process, from receipt of the flight data from telemetry through event reconstruction and background rejection cuts. The goals of the ground analysis presented here are to verify the functioning of the instrument and to validate the reconstruction software and the background-rejection scheme.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in IEEE Transacations on Nuclear Science, August 200

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Massive Absorbers for Cryogenic Calorimeters

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    There is a growing interest in cryogenic calorimeters with macroscopic absorbers for applications such as dark matter direct detection and rare event search experiments. The physics of energy transport in calorimeters with absorber masses exceeding several grams is made complex by the anisotropic nature of the absorber crystals as well as the changing mean free paths as phonons decay to progressively lower energies. We present a Monte Carlo model capable of simulating anisotropic phonon transport in cryogenic crystals. We have initiated the validation process and discuss the level of agreement between our simulation and experimental results reported in the literature, focusing on heat pulse propagation in germanium. The simulation framework is implemented using Geant4, a toolkit originally developed for high-energy physics Monte Carlo simulations. Geant4 has also been used for nuclear and accelerator physics, and applications in medical and space sciences. We believe that our current work may open up new avenues for applications in material science and condensed matter physics.United States. Dept. of Energy (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515

    A logística reversa de cartuchos e tonners no município de Belém-PA.

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    A Lei 12.305/2010 institui a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos - PNRS, estabelece a Logística Reversa - LR e dá responsabilidade aos partícipes do ciclo de vida de produtos. Este trabalho objetivou verificar como se dá a LR de cartuchos e tonners em Belém - PA, apresentando a destinação final destes produtos. Foi realizada uma entrevista, com vendedores de cartuchos e tonners utilizado questionário, com 5 perguntas objetivas e subjetivas. Foram realizadas até três tentativas de ligação, no mês de setembro de 2017, para 40 lojas na cidade de Belém. A maioria, quando souberam o tema (LR), recusaram a participar da pesquisa. Foram entrevistadas 11 lojas, das quais 6 possuem até 7 (sete) anos no mercado, ou seja, foram criadas a partir da implantação da Lei 12.305/2010, e 5 possuem mais de 8 anos de funcionamento. Quanto ao porte: 2 de grande, 7 de médio e 2 de pequeno porte. Duas lojas afirmam não saber do que se trata a LR, 5 realizam LR e 4 não realizam. Das 6 lojas que não realizam e não saberem o que é LR, nenhuma manifestou interesse em implementar. Quando questionados sobre ?Como é realizado o processo de LR? ? Das 5 Lojas que realizam a LR, 2 não souberam explicar o procedimento; 3 Lojas disseram que recebem na própria Loja e destas 1 também manda buscar na casa do consumidor. Os cartuchos e tonners coletados em boas condições são reutilizados para revenda; os que não estão em boas condições são descartados no lixo comum por duas lojas e enviados para incineração por uma entrevistada. Foi possível observar que no município de Belém, o nível de conhecimento dos responsáveis pelo ciclo de vida dos produtos cartuchos e tonners, em sua maioria desconhecem a legislação vigente e não executam o que rege a Lei


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    Recebido em 17/12/2014; aceito em 25/06/2015; publicado na web em 13/07/2015 Bioresorbable polymeric films were prepared by solvent casting using a tyrosine-derived polycarbonate and metronidazole (MDZ) as the model drug at 2.5%, 5% and 10% (w/w). Drug loading did not affect the water uptake, drug release, polymer degradation or erosion profiles. All devices released approximately 85% (w/w) of the drug within a 1.5 h period. This may be attributed to the rapid water uptake of the polymer. An increase in the water uptake correlated with a linear rate increase of the polymer degradation (0.968 ≤ R 2 ≤ 0.999). Moreover, MDZ presented a remarkable plasticizing effect for the polymer and drug loading exerted a significant impact on the mechanical properties of the obtained films. The results obtained can be used to further the development of novel biocompatible and biodegradable polymeric platforms for the delivery of metronidazole and other drugs in a broad range of pharmaceutical applications