28 research outputs found

    Imunohistohemijska identifikacija citokeratina u submandibularnoj pljuvačnoj žlezdi pacova u toku ontogeneze

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    Cytokeratins (CK) are a group of proteins comprised of at least 20 different skeletal polypeptides specific for simple and complex epithelia of almost all tissues. Until recently only a few antibodies for cytoskeletal proteins were available and thus it was very difficult to visualize all the components of postnatal cytodifferentiation of salivary glands. Therefore, morphologic and immunophenotypic features of the CK polypeptides, have been analized within the rat submandibular salivary glands (SSG) during postnatal development. SSG were obtained from 1, 30 and 60 days old, male, AO rats. Streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method was used for immunohistochemistry. Cryostat sections were fixed in acetone and incubated with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which specifically react with CK polypeptides (CK7, CK8, CK18, CK kidney, K8.12, K8.13) and rat epithelium (PT13D11). Immunohistochemical analysis of the rat SSG showed phenotypic heterogeneity of particular components of this gland during postnatal development. Regarding CK profiles it was shown that epithelial cells of the acini expressed CK18, whereas epithelial cells of the duct expressed K8.12 and K8.13 mAbs. Epithelial cells of the acini were not stained by K8.12 and PT13D11 mAbs. Intercalated ducts were strongly CK kidney+ and PT13D11+. Myoepithelial cells of the acini were stained by K8.13 mAbs, whereas these cells were not stained by mAbs specific for simple epithelia. This immunohistological study showed that the heterogeneity expression of CK polypeptides might also be useful to further understand the origin of epithelial SSG cells, as well as their development and function.Citokeratini (CK) su grupa složenih proteina koji se sastoje od najmanje 20 različitih polipeptida citoskeleta, specifični za običan i složeni epitel skoro svih tkiva. Do skoro je bilo dostupno samo nekoliko antitela specifičnih za proteine citoskeleta i zbog toga je bila otežana vizualizacija komponenti postnatalne citodiferencijacije pljuvačnih žlezda. U ovoj studiji su, pomoću panela monoklonskih antitela (mAt), analizirane morfološke i imunofenotipske osobine CK polipeptida, u submandibularnoj pljuvač noj žlezdi (SPŽ) pacova tokom ontogeneze. Submandiblarne pljuvačne žlezde uzimane su od soja AO pacova, muškog pola, starosti 1, 30 i 60 dana. U ovom radu korišćena je imunohistohemijska metoda streptavidin-biotin peroksidaznog bojenja. Tkivni preseci fiksirani su u acetonu i inkubirani sa mAt specifičnim za CK polipeptide (CK7, CK 8, CK 18, CK bubrega, K8.12, K8.13) i epitel pacova (PT13D11). U ovoj imunohistohemijskoj analizi, ekspresija anti -CK antitela na SPŽ pacova, pokazuje fenotipsku heterogenost određenih komponenti ove žlezde tokom postnatalnog perioda. Epitelne ćelije acinusa su CK18+, dok epitelne ćelije kanalića imaju izražene CK definisane sa K8.12 i K8.13 mAt. Epitelne ćelije acinusa nisu bile obojene sa K8.12 i PT13D11 mAt. Umetnuti kanali su bili izrazito CK bubrega+ i PT13D11+. Mioepitelne ćelije acinusa su bile obojene sa K8.13 i PT13D11 mAt, dok su ove ćelije imale negativnu reakciju sa mAt specifičnim za obični epitel. Ova imunohistohemijska studija pokazuje heterogenost u ekspresiji CK polipeptida i može poslužiti za razumevanje porekla, razvoja i funkcije epitelnih ćelija SPŽ pacova

    Immunohistological characterization of myoepithelial cells using monoclonal antibodies

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of monoclonal antibody (mAbs) in the myoepithelial cells of the rat submandibular salivary glands (SSG) during postnatal development. Material and method: SSG were obtained from 1, 30 and 60 days old, male, AO rats. Streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method was used for immunohistochemistry. Cryostat sections were fixed in acetone and incubated with mAbs which specifically reacts with cytokeratins (CK) polypeptides ( CK7, CK8, CK18, CK kidney, K8.12, K8.13), rats epithelial (PT13D11), rats collagen (RMC-23), laminin (α6β1) and rats sialoadhesin (ED3). Results: Immunohistochemical analysis of the myoepithelial cells showed phenotypic heterogeneity during the postnatal development. Myoepithelial cells of acini were stained by K8.13, PT13D11 and ED3 mAbs, whereas these cells were not stained by mAbs CK7, CK8, CK18, CK-kidney, RMC-23 and α6β1. In adult rats, myoepithelial cells of excretory duct were stained by K8.12 mAb. Conclusion: The obtained results show phenotypic heterogeneity of myoepithelial cells and might also be useful to further understanding of myoepithelial cells development and functions

    Imunohistološke karaktersitike kolagena, laminina i sijaloadhezina u podviličnoj pljuvačnoj žlezdi pacova tokom ontogeneze

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of collagen, laminin and sialoadhesin in the rat submandibular salivary gland during postnatal development (1st, 30th,and 60th day) by using various monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) RMC-23 (specific for collagen),a6ß1 (specific for laminin) and ED3 (specific for sialoadhezin). These components of extracellular matrix were detected. RMC-23 mAb showed strong positivity to the basal membranes of the ductal system (intercalated, striated and excretory ducts) and of intersticium. Increased expression in the basal membrane of acini during development of glands was noted. Similar immunoreactivity was shown byßmAb but the intersticium showed a negative reaction to 1a6 this antibody. Positive reactivity of ß1a6 mAb of epithelial ductal cells, particularly of the neonatal animals, was found. In contrast to ß 1a6 and RMC23 mAbs, ED3 mAb was increasingly expressed in the myoepithelial cells during ontogenesis. Our findings regarding the immunoreactivity of collagens and laminins are in accordance with the findings of other autors. The very interesting finding of sialoadhesin in myoepithelial cells of the rat submandibular salivary gland, which is not described in literature and needs further investigation. Our results suggest that adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix proteins have an important biochemical role during postnatal development of the submandibular salivary gland.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita ekspresija kolagena, laminina i sijaloadhezina u podviličnoj pljuvačnoj žlezdi (PPŽ) pacova tokom postnatalnog razvoja (1, 30, 60 dana). Imunohistohemijski streptavidin-biotin peroksidaznom bojenjem, upotrebom različitih monoklonskih antitela RMC-23 (specifično za kolagen), aß1(specifično za laminin) i ED3 (specifično za sijaloadhezin) detektovane su ove komponente ekstraćelijskog matriksa. RMC-23 mAt se snažno vezuje za bazalne membrane izvodnih kanala (umetnuti, prugasti i ekskretorni kanali) i intersticijum. Ekspresija u bazalnim membranama acinusa se povećava u toku razvoja žlezde. Sličnu imunoreaktivnost ima aß1 mAt, ali je intersticijum pokazivao negativnu reakciju. Epitelne ćelije izvodnih kanala posebno neonatalnih životinja bile suaß+. ED3 mAt je za razliku odaßi RMC-23 mAt detektovano i u mioepitelnim ćelijama čija se reaktivnost povećava tokom ontogeneze. Veoma je interesantan nalaz sijaloadhezina u mioepitelnim ćelijama PPŽ pacova koji nije opisan u literaturi, što zahteva dalja ispitivanja. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da adhezioni molekuli i proteini ekstraćelijskog matriksa imaju značajnu biohemijsku ulogu u toku postnatalnog razvoja podvilične pljuvačne žlezde

    Biohemijski markeri u pljuvački osoba sa šećernom bolešću

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    Diabetes mellitus is metabolic syndrome characterized by disorder in metabolism of carbon hydrates, lipids and proteins. The diagnosis of diabetes is established by measuring the blood glucose level using standardized methods. Frequent monitoring of blood glucose level could be inconvenient for patients because of possible pain during blood sample taking. In the last few years biological materials with non invasive sampling, like saliva, have been analyzed. Research has confirmed that some organic and inorganic components of saliva are modified in diabetic patients (glucose, lipid and protein components, oxidative stress markers, electrolytes). Beside other markers, the analysis of glucose in saliva is an attempt to find a non-invasive and painless way for frequent monitoring of glucose concentration in diabetic patients. Collecting saliva is simple and economical, it neither requires expensive equipment nor specially trained staff. Saliva can be taken many times and in unlimited quantity. In regards to the data about the possibilities for using saliva as biological sample in monitoring diabetes mellitus, which could be alternative to blood serum or plasma, the conclusion is that saliva becomes more important in this context.Diabetes mellitus (DM) ili šećerna bolest je metabolički sindrom koji se odlikuje poremećajem metabolizma ugljenih hidrata, lipida i proteina. Dijagnoza dijabetesa postavlja se određivanjem koncentracije glukoze u krvnom serumu standardizovanim metodama. Često merenje nivoa šećera u krvi izaziva nelagodnost kod bolesnika tokom postupka venepunkcije. Poslednjih godi na sve više se analiziraju biološki materijali, kao što je pljuvačka, čiji je postupak prikupljanja neinvazivan. Na osnovu brojnih istraživanja dokazano je da dolazi do modifikacije organskih i neorganskih sastojaka pljuvačke (glukoza, lipidne i proteinske komponente, markeri oksidativnog stresa, elektroliti) kod osoba obolelih od DM. Pored ostalih markera, analiza glukoze u pljuvački je pokušaj da se pronađe neinvazivan i bezbolan način za često merenje glikemije kod ovih bolesnika. Prikupljanje pljuvačke jednostavno je za bolesnika, ne zahteva skupu opremu, niti posebno obučeno osoblje. Takođe, moguće je pljuvačku uzeti nekoliko puta i u neograničenim količinama. Na osnovu podataka o mogućnostima korišćenja pljuvačke kao biološkog uzorka u dijagnostikovanju DM, koji bi bio alternativa krvnom serumu, tj. plazmi, nameće se zaključak da ovaj sekret sve više dobija značaja u pomenutom kontekstu

    Uticaj skladištenja uzoraka pljuvačke na koncentraciju biohemijskih markera

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    Salivary analysis is rapid, simple and non invasive, so it is often used as a sample for measuring levels of different biomarkers. Storage of saliva samples can influence their concentration. Aim: To investigate the influence of different storage conditions of saliva samples on the level of various biomarkers. Material and methods: Samples of unstimulated saliva were collected from 34 healthy volunteers, male and female, 25­70 years old, with the special test tubes - Salivette. We analyzed glucose, urea, uric acid, triglycerides, calcium and iron, using spectrophotometric method. Sodium and potassium in saliva were measured by flame photometry. Biomarkers' analysis was done in native samples of saliva, then after seven days of storage on +4 oC, finaly after thirty days of storage on ­20 oC. Results: Mean values of biomarkers' concentrations in native saliva were similar as results of other authors. After 7 days of storage on +4 oC, levels of glucose (0,66 mmol/L), urea (5,3 mmol/L), uric acid (228 µmol/L), triglycerides (0,27 mmol/L), calcium (2,11 mmol/L), iron (8,5 µmol/L), potassium (14,9 mmol/L) and sodium (10,3 mmol/L) didn't show statistically significant difference (p > 0,05) related to their concentrations in native saliva samples. Also, mean values of investigated biomarkers weren't statistically different in samples of native saliva and those stored 30 days on ­20 oC. Conclusion: Various storage conditions didn't influence on investigated biomarkers' levels. Stability of these biomarkers shows that saliva has big potential as a diagnostic fluid.Analiza pljuvačke je brza, jednostavna i neinvazivna, pa se pljuvačka sve češće koristi kao biološki uzorak za analizu različitih markera. Način čuvanja uzoraka pljuvačke do analize može da utiče na njihovu koncentraciju. Cilj: Ispitati uticaj različitih uslova čuvanja uzoraka pljuvačke na koncentraciju biomarkera. Materijal i metode: Uzorci nestimulisane pljuvačke sakupljeni su od 34 zdrava dobrovoljca, oba pola, starosti 25-70 godina, u specijalne epruvete - salivete. Analizirani su glukoza, urea, mokraćna kiselina, trigliceridi, kalcijum i gvožđe, metodom spektrofotometrije, a kalijum i natrijum su određeni plamenom fotometrijom. Analiza biohemijskih markera je urađena u svežem uzorku pljuvačke na sobnoj temperaturi, zatim u uzorku koji je čuvan sedam dana na +4 oC i uzorku koji je čuvan 30 dana na ­20 oC. Rezultati: Srednje vrednosti koncentracija biohemijskih markera u svežem uzorku pljuvačke odgovarale su vrednostima koje su dobili drugi autori. Nakon čuvanja pljuvačke sedam dana na +4 oC, koncentracije glukoze (0,66 mmol/L), uree (5,3 mmol/L), mokraćne kiseline (228 µmol/L), triglicerida (0,27 mmol/L), kalcijuma (2,11 mmol/L), gvožđa (8,5 µmol/L), kalijuma (14,9 mmol/L) i natrijuma (10,3 mmol/L) nisu pokazale statistički zna­ čajnu razliku (p > 0,05) u odnosu na njihove koncentracije u svežem uzorku pljuvačke. Takođe, nema statistički značajne razlike između srednjih vrednosti koncentracija ispitivanih markera u svežem uzorku pljuvačke i nakon 30 dana čuvanja na ­20 oC. Zaključak: Različiti uslovi čuvanja pljuvačke nisu uticali na koncentraciju ispitanih biohemijskih markera. Stabilnost ovih biomarkera ukazuje da pljuvačka ima sve više udela kao dijagnostička tečnost

    The influence of sampling method on electrolyte concentrations, ph and buffer capacity of saliva in healthy individuals

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    Introduction Saliva is a complex secretion, which plays an important role in maintenance of oral health. Analysis of saliva is fast, simple and non-invasive, and it is increasingly used as a biological sample for determination of various biochemical markers. The aim was to determine the influence of unstimulated saliva collection methods for measuring electrolytes concentration (sodium, potassium, calcium), pH and buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects. Material and methods 30 healthy subjects, males and females, aged 18 to 20 years, without oral and systemic diseases were included in the study. Unstimulated saliva samples were taken using a special tube (Salivette) and via direct spitting into the test tube. The concentrations of sodium and potassium were determined by flame emission photometry while spectrophotometry was used for calcium concentration. For the analysis of pH value of saliva pH-meter was used, while saliva buffer capacity was determined by titration with HCl (0.005 mol/L). Results The level of sodium in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 8.43 ± 3.92 mmol/L and in special tubes 7.90 ± 4.33 mmol/L. Potassium level in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 13.62 ± 0.99 mmol/L while in special tubes it was 13.54 ± 0.94 mmol/L. Mean values of sodium and potassium in unstimulated saliva didn't show statistically significant difference in their concentrations between the two methods of collecting saliva. In contrast to these electrolytes, calcium concentration was higher in the samples of saliva collected with special tubes (2.04 ± 1.05 mmol/L) compared to the samples taken by direct spitting into the test tube (1.38 ± 1.18 mmol/L) with statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). By analyzing the pH of unstimulated saliva it was found that the average pH value of saliva collected with special tubes was 7.05 ± 0.32, and after direct spitting into test tubes it was 7.35 ± 0.41. Buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects was lower after taking with special tubes (5.18 ± 0.74) compared to test tubes (5.36 ± 0.85), but without statistical difference. Conclusion Unstimulated saliva collecting methods using cotton pads (salivette) and direct spitting in the test tube did not affect the value of pH, buffer capacity, the concentrations of sodium and potassium, but affected the concentration of calcium in saliva from healthy subjects

    Epidemiološko istraživanje lajšmanijaze u Crnoj Gori 1992-2013. godine

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    Introduction The diseases caused by Leishmania are spread worldwide and represent a significant public health problem. Objective The aim of this study was to present the results of epidemiological surveillance of leishmaniasis in humans in Montenegro in the period from 1992 to 2013. Methods The study was planned and realized as a descriptive epidemiological study. The sample included patients of leishmaniasis in Montenegro in the period from 1992 to 2013. The health and demographic data were collected from medical records. The disease was microbiologically proven in the patients. For statistical analysis the χ2-test was used, which examined the significance of the incidence rate. Results During this period, 66 cases of leishmaniasis were identified (40 men and 26 women) aged 0 to 62 (mean 15.61±16.76 years). A visceral form of the disease was diagnosed in 65 (98%) patients, and one patient was diagnosed with cutaneous leishmaniasis. The average incidence rate for the abovementioned period is 0.48 per 100,000 inhabitants. The highest average incidence rate was identified in patients up to seven years of age (3.50 per 100,000 inhabitants). The highest average incidence rates of leishmaniasis were identified in the coastal region of Montenegro, while seasonal distribution indicates that the disease occurs throughout the year with predominance in late spring and summer. Conclusion The research has shown that Montenegro is among the countries with low incidence of leishmaniasis. Nevertheless, because of leishmaniasis re-emergence in the entire Mediterranean Basin, a comprehensive research of ecological and epidemiological characteristics of leishmaniasis, including better monitoring and notification system, is required.Uvod Oboljenja izazvana lajšmanijama su rasprostranjena širom sveta i značajan su zdravstveni problem. Cilj rada Cilj rada je bio da se predstave rezultati epidemiološkog istraživanja lajšmanijaze kod ljudi na području Crne Gore u periodu 1992-2013. godine. Metode rada Istraživanje je planirano i realizovano kao deskriptivna epidemiološka studija. Uzorak istraživanja su činili oboleli od lajšmanijaze u Crnoj Gori od 1992. do 2013. godine. Zdravstveni i demografski podaci prikupljeni su iz medicinske dokumentacije. Kod svih obolelih bolest je mikrobiološki dokazana. Za statističku analizu rezultata korišćen je χ2-test, kojim je ispitana značajnost stopa incidencije. Rezultati U navedenom periodu od lajšmanijaze je obolelo 66 osoba (40 muškaraca i 26 žena) starih do 62 godine (prosečno 15,61±16,76 godina). Kod 65 (98%) bolesnika dijagnostikovan je visceralni oblik oboljenja, a kod jednog bolesnika kožni tip lajšmanijaze. Prosečna stopa incidencije bila je 0,48 obolelih na 100.000 stanovnika. Najviša prosečna stopa incidencije bila je u uzrastu do sedam godina (3,50 na 100.000 stanovnika). Prosečne stope incidencije lajšmanijaze s najvišom vrednosti bile su u priobalju Crne Gore, dok sezonska distribucija ukazuje na to da se bolest javlja tokom cele godine s predominacijom s kraja proleća i na leto. Zaključak Naše istraživanje je pokazalo da je Crna Gora među državama s niskom stopom incidencije obolevanja od lajšmanijaze. Ipak, zbog ponovnog pojavljivanja ove bolesti u Mediteranskom basenu i značaja za narodno zdravlje, potrebno je sveobuhvatno istraživanje ekoloških i epidemioloških odlika lajšmanijaze, uključujući bolji monitoring i sistem registracije

    Zajedničke imunofenotipske odlike podvilične pljuvačne žlezde i grudne žlezde pacova

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    Introduction. Submandibular salivary gland is a part of the neuro-immune-endocrine system. It contains biological factors which regulate a number of functions in the body including the modulation of thymus function. Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate immunophenotypic characteristics of submandibular salivary glands of rats during ontogenesis, using the panels of monoclonal antibodies and to compare with the phenotypic characteristics of epithelial components of the thymus. Methods. Submandibular salivary glands and thymus were obtained from 1, 30 and 60 days old male AO (Albino, Oxford) rats. Streptavidin-biotin peroxidase method was used for staining. Results. Immunohistochemical analysis of rat submandibular salivary glands showed phenotypic heterogeneity of particular components of this gland during the postnatal development. We demonstrated that rat submandibular salivary glands share common antigens with rat thymic epithelial cells, but the observed phenotypic similarity between the individual regions was considered much more significant. Our data showed that the phenotypic similarity between duct epithelial cells and subcapsular epithelial cells and most medullary cells, whereas cortical epithelial cells are phenotypically similar to acinar cells. Conclusion. This immunohistological study showed phenotypic complexity of the submandibular salivary gland and similarity to the thymus that opens new perspectives in studying phenotypic similarities between this gland and lymphatic organs.Uvod. Submandibularna pljuvačna žlezda je deo neuroimunoendokrinog sistema koja posredstvom bioloških faktora reguliše mnoge funkcije u organizmu, uključujući i modulaciju funkcije timusa. Cilj rada. Cilj rada bio je da se ispitaju imunofenotipske odlike submandibularne pljuvačne žlezde pacova tokom ontogeneze pomoću panela monoklonskih antitela i uporede s fenotipskim svojstvima epitelnih komponenti timusa. Metode rada. Istraživanja su rađena na pacovima soja AO (Albino Oxford), muškog pola, starosti od jednog, 30 i 60 dana. Za fenotipsku analizu korišćena je streptavidin-biotin- peroksidazna metoda bojenja. Rezultati. Ova imunohistološka studija ukazuje na heterogenost fenotipskih odlika pojedinih komponenti submandibularne pljuvačne žlezde tokom postnatalnog razvoja. Takođe je ustanovljeno da submandibularna pljuvačna žlezda i timus imaju zajedničke antigene, ali je mnogo značajnija fenotipska sličnost između pojedinih regiona u oba ispitivana organa. Epitelne ćelije izvodnih kanala submandibularne pljuvačne žlezde su fenotipski slične epitelnim ćelijama subkapsularne i većini ćelija u meduli timusa. Epitelne ćelije acinusa su fenotipski slične epitelnim ćelijama korteksa timusa. Zaključak. Fenotipska kompleksnost submandibularne pljuvačne žlezde i sličnost s timusom otvara nove mogućnosti za analizu fenotipske sličnosti između ove žlezde i limfatičnih organa

    Uticaj metode uzorkovanja pljuvačke na koncentraciju elektrolita, pH vrednost i puferski kapacitet zdravih ispitanika

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    Introduction Saliva is a complex secretion, which plays an important role in maintenance of oral health. Analysis of saliva is fast, simple and non-invasive, and it is increasingly used as a biological sample for determination of various biochemical markers. The aim was to determine the influence of unstimulated saliva collection methods for measuring electrolytes concentration (sodium, potassium, calcium), pH and buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects. Material and methods 30 healthy subjects, males and females, aged 18 to 20 years, without oral and systemic diseases were included in the study. Unstimulated saliva samples were taken using a special tube (Salivette) and via direct spitting into the test tube. The concentrations of sodium and potassium were determined by flame emission photometry while spectrophotometry was used for calcium concentration. For the analysis of pH value of saliva pH-meter was used, while saliva buffer capacity was determined by titration with HCl (0.005 mol/L). Results The level of sodium in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 8.43 ± 3.92 mmol/L and in special tubes 7.90 ± 4.33 mmol/L. Potassium level in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 13.62 ± 0.99 mmol/L while in special tubes it was 13.54 ± 0.94 mmol/L. Mean values of sodium and potassium in unstimulated saliva didn't show statistically significant difference in their concentrations between the two methods of collecting saliva. In contrast to these electrolytes, calcium concentration was higher in the samples of saliva collected with special tubes (2.04 ± 1.05 mmol/L) compared to the samples taken by direct spitting into the test tube (1.38 ± 1.18 mmol/L) with statistically significant difference (p lt 0.05). By analyzing the pH of unstimulated saliva it was found that the average pH value of saliva collected with special tubes was 7.05 ± 0.32, and after direct spitting into test tubes it was 7.35 ± 0.41. Buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects was lower after taking with special tubes (5.18 ± 0.74) compared to test tubes (5.36 ± 0.85), but without statistical difference. Conclusion Unstimulated saliva collecting methods using cotton pads (salivette) and direct spitting in the test tube did not affect the value of pH, buffer capacity, the concentrations of sodium and potassium, but affected the concentration of calcium in saliva from healthy subjects.Uvod Pljuvačka je složen sekret koji ima značajnu ulogu u održavanju oralnog zdravlja. Analiza pljuvačke je brza, jednostavna i neinvazivna, pa se sve češće koristi kao biološki uzorak za određivanje različitih biohemijskih markera. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se proceni uticaj metode sakupljanja nestimulisane pljuvačke na koncentraciju elektrolita (natrijuma, kalijuma, kalcijuma), pH i puferski kapacitet pljuvačke kod zdravih ispitanika. Materijal i metode rada U istraživanje je uključeno 30 zdravih ispitanika muškog i ženskog pola, starosti od 18 do 20 godina, bez oralnih i sistemskih oboljenja. Uzorci nestimulisane pljuvačke su uzimani pomoću specijalnih epruveta - saliveta, i direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvete. Koncentracije natrijuma i kalijuma u pljuvački određivane su metodom plamene emisione fotometrije, a koncentracija kalcijuma metodom spektrofotometrije. Za analizu pH pljuvačke korišćen je pH-metar, a puferski kapacitet pljuvačke je određivan titracijom sa HCl (0,005 mol/L). Rezultati Koncentracija natrijuma u nestimulisanoj pljuvački sakupljenoj epruvetama iznosila je 8,43 ± 3,92 mmol/L, a u salivetama 7,90 ± 4,33 mmol/L. Koncentracija kalijuma u nestimulisanoj pljuvački sakupljenoj epruvetama iznosila je 13,62 ± 0,99 mmol/L, a u salivetama 13,54 ± 0,94 mmol/L. Analiza natrijuma i kalijuma u nestimulisanoj pljuvački nije pokazala statistički značajnu razliku u njihovoj koncentraciji između dve metode sakupljanja pljuvačke. Za razliku od ovih elektrolita, koncentracija kalcijuma je bila veća u uzorku pljuvačke sakupljene salivetama (2,04 ± 1,05 mmol/L) u odnosu na uzorak koji je uzet direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvetu (1,38 ± 1,18 mmol/L), sa statistički značajnom razlikom (p lt 0,05). Analizom pH nestimulisane pljuvačke utvrđeno je da je srednja pH vrednost pljuvačke sakupljene salivetama 7,05 ± 0,32, a direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvete 7,35 ± 0,41. Puferski kapacitet pljuvačke zdravih ispitanika je bio niži nakon uzimanja salivetama (5,18 ± 0,74) nego epruvetama (5,36 ± 0,85), ali bez statistički značajne razlike. Zaključak Metode sakupljanja nestimulisane mešovite pljuvačke pomoću pamučnih uložaka (salivete) i direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvete ne utiču na vrednost pH, puferski kapacitet, koncentraciju natrijuma i kalijuma u pljuvački, ali utiču na koncentraciju kalcijuma u pljuvački zdravih ispitanika