95 research outputs found

    To Investigate Teachers Attitudes Towords Inclusion

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    DergiPark: 326182trakyasobedThe purpose of this descriptive study is to investigate teachers' attitudes towards inclusion using simple random sampling. The class teachers and the branch teachers at the primary and the secondary schools at the centre of the city of Edirne were the subjects of the study. One hundred teachers from 14 primary and secondary state schools were sampled. The 14 schools in the study were selected from neighbourhoods with different social and economic backgrounds. Simple random sampling method was used for determining the sample. A questionnaire of personal information and attitude scale for inclusion, which were prepared by the researcher herself, were used to determine personal characteristics of teachers and their attitudes towards inclusion. Independent sample t test and Kruskal Wallis-H test were used for statistical analysis. The results indicated that attitudes of teachers towards inclusion were affected by age and teaching branch. Teachers opted positively towards inclusion with increasing age and professional experience. Class teachers took more positive attitude towards inclusion than branch teachersBu araştırma öğretmenlerin kaynaştırmaya ilişkin tutumlarının incelenmesi amacı ile planlanmış betimsel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın evrenini Edirne ili, merkez ilkokul ve ortaokullarında öğretmenlik yapan sınıf ve branş öğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini M.E.B. bağlı Edirne merkezindeki 14 ilkokul ve ortaokulda görev yapan 100 öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Örneklem grubunu oluşturan öğretmenler farklı sosyo-ekonomik seviyelerdeki mahallelerde yer alan 14 okuldan seçilmiştir. Örneklem belirlemede basit rastgele örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öğretmenlerin bazı kişisel özelliklerini belirleyebilmek için araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan, kişisel bilgi formu, kaynaştırmaya ilişkin tutumlarını belirlemek için ise kaynaştırmaya ilişkin tutum ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler bilgisayarda SPSS 17.0 programında çözümlenmiş, manidarlıklar .05 düzeyinde sınanmıştır.Bağımsız gruplar t testi, Kruskal Wallis-H testi, istatistiksel analizlerde kullanılan yöntemlerdir.Öğretmenlerin kaynaştırmaya ilişkin tutumlarının incelendiği bu araştırmanın sonucunda öğretmenlerin tutumlarının, yaş ve branş değişkenlerinden etkilendiği tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin yaşları artıkça kaynaştırma eğitimine karşı daha olumlu tutum geliştirdikleri belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuca ek olarak sınıf öğretmenlerinin tutumları branş öğretmenleri ile karşılaştırıldığında, sınıf öğretmenlerinin kaynaştırma eğitimine karşı daha olumlu tutum sergiledikleri tespit edilmişti

    The utility of faces pain scale in a chronic musculoskeletal pain model

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the clinical utility and sensitivity to change of faces pain scale (FPS) in patients with shoulder pain, chosen as a chronic pain model. The secondary aim was to determine the association of FPS with psychologic status and quality of life of these patients. Methods. Thirty Turkish patients with chronic shoulder pain were included in the study. Pain intensity was evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS), which is a commonly used pain scale besides FPS. Depression and quality of life were screened by Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Short Form-36 (SF-36). All assessments were done before and after the physical therapy. Results. There was a statistically significant decrease in pain severity after the treatment as indicated by FPS and VAS (P = 0.000). The standardized response mean (SRM) value of FPS of 2.35 was accepted as a good responsiveness. The FPS showed a strong correlation with VAS (r = 0.62 and 0.73) both before and after the treatment. Also, moderate to strong correlations were detected between the FPS and physical functioning (PF), physical role (PR), bodily pain (BP), emotional role (ER), general health (GH), mental health (MH) subscales of SF-36 (r = -0.58–0.80), and BDI scores (r = 0.39) before the treatment. However, there were moderate and weak correlations with FPS and PR and social functioning (SF) subscales of SF-36 only after the treatment (r = -0.52 and r = -0.39). Conclusions. FPS is a satisfactory tool to assess pain in patients with chronic pain conditions and demonstrates sensitivity to detect changes after the treatment

    The utility of the faces pain scale in the assessment of shoulder pain in turkish stroke patients: its relation with quality of life and psychologic status

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    This study was planned to investigate the utility of the vertical Faces Pain Scale (FPS) in the assessment of pain in stroke patients using the shoulder pain model and to assess its utility in the Turkish patient population. The secondary aim was to analyze the association of FPS with the quality of life and depression in the study population. Thirty stroke patients (group I) and 30 controls (group II), all suffering from shoulder pain were included in the study. The patients with subacute shoulder pain and with no other known diseases and impairments were recruited as a control group. Shoulder pain was evaluated by the commonly used pain scales including the Visual Analogue Scale, Likert Pain Scale and 0–10 Numerical Rating Scale besides FPS. Depression was screened using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and quality of life was evaluated using Short Form-36 (SF-36). FPS showed good correlations with the other pain scales in both the groups (r= 0.950–0.972 and 0.674–0.926, respectively). In group I, there were significant correlations between FPS and physical functioning, pain and emotional role subscales of SF-36 (r= – 0.432, 0.707 and – 0.461, respectively). Although there was a low correlation between the FPS and BDI scores, it was not statistically significant. In group II, FPS showed significant correlations with the BDI scores and all subscales of SF-36 except social functioning and vitality (r= – 0.679 to 0.848). FPS had a high degree of convergent validity and can be used in the assessment of shoulder pain in stroke patients. It may be a good alternative for pain assessment especially in patients with speech disorders and illiterate patients

    Akut İskemik İnme Hastalarında Yeni Bir Markır: Monosit / HDL Oranı

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    Objective: Stroke is a major cause of global morbidity and mortality. Ischemic stroke is usually marked by cell death associated with inflammation and oxidative stress, and the role of inflammation in neurological diseases has become increasingly obvious. In our study, we studied the monocyte / HDL ratio (MHR) which can support the theory of inflammation in stroke and can be used in clinical practice. MHR can be used a prognostic marker in stroke patients base on this theory. Methods: Our study registered 91 acute ischemic stroke patients (47 females and 44 males) and 50 healthy controls. Results: MHR was elevated in the patient group and correlated with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP). MHR was higher in patients with high a National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) than those with a low NIHSS (p=0.050) as well as in patients with a larger infarct area and in than those with a smaller area (p=0.050). The MHR correlated with both the clinical condition and infarct area in acute ischemic stroke patients, which underscores the value of MHR as a new marker. Conclusions: This cross-sectional study of 91 acute ischemic stroke patients indicates that inflammation markers and MHR are correlated with clinical status and even radiological parameters.Amaç: İnme, dünyada major bir morbidite ve mortalite sebebidir. İskemik inmede genellikle inflamasyon ve oksidatif strese bağlı hücre ölümü görülür. Nörolojik hastalıklarda inflamasyonun rolü giderek daha da belirginleşmektedir. Çalışmamızda inmede inflamasyon teorisini destekleyebilen ve klinik uygulamada kullanılabilecek monosit / HDL oranını (MHO) inceledik. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda 91 akut iskemik inme hastası (47 kadın ve 44 erkek) ve 50 sağlıklı kontrol kaydedildi. Bulgular: Hasta grubunda MHO yüksek idi ve yüksek duyarlılıkta C-reaktif protein (hsCRP) ile korele idi. MHO, Ulusal Sağlık Enstitüleri İnme Ölçeği (NIHSS) skoru yüksek olan hastalarda, düşük NIHSS'li (p = 0.050) olanların yanı sıra, ve de daha büyük bir infarkt alanı olanlarda daha küçük infarkt alanına sahip olanlara (p = 0.050) göre daha yüksekti. MHO, yeni bir belirteç olarak, akut iskemik inme hastalarında, hem klinik durum hem de infarkt alanı ile koreledir. Sonuç: 91 akut iskemik inme hastasının, bu cross-sectional çalışması, inflamasyon belirteçlerinin ve MHO'nin; klinik durum ve hatta radyolojik parametrelerle körele olduğunu göstermektedir

    Environmental characteristics of older people attending physical medicine and rehabilitation outpatient clinics

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    Objective: A residential environment refers to the physical and social characteristics in a neighbourhood. The physical characteristics include interior housing qualities, exterior neighbourhood characteristics, and the accessibility of essential facilities and services outside the neighbourhood. Older adults especially may be vulnerable to the negative impacts of the residential environment. The aim of this study is to elucidate the problems ageing people face in their neighbourhoods, buildings and public areas. Methods: The study group consisted of a total of 1,001 people over the age of 65 who were admitted to physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics in Turkey and consented to participate. A questionnaire covering demographic, social and environmental information was used. Results: Of the study group, 58.6% was living in an apartment building, but only 23.6% of these buildings had an elevator, and the stairs were inconvenient in 46.7% of the buildings. Only 49% of the elderly people went for a walk regularly. The most frequent complaint about the hospitals, community health centres and other public areas was the inappropriate restroom conditions. Eighty-six percent of the study group were not members of an organization, a foundation or a group, and 73.6% did not have personal hobbies. Conclusions: The layouts of buildings and surroundings are inappropriate for older people, and the opportunities for them to participate in social activities are limited. Health and social programmes and governmental and local policies for older people are needed, and public awareness about this issue should be raised

    Ewing sarkomlu çocuk hastaların klinik özellikleri, prognostik faktörleri ve tedavi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi

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    Introduction: Ewing sarcoma (ES) is a rare, aggressive, malignant tumor. It is the second most common malignant bone tumor in children. A total of 20-25% of patients are metastatic at the time of diagnosis. The survival rate for localized disease (LD) is approximately 70-74%. For metastatic disease (MD), it is about 30%. The most important prognostic factor affecting survival is the presence of MD at diagnosis. In this study, we investigated the clinical characteristics, treatment outcome, and factors affecting the prognosis and survival of patients followed up with the diagnosis of ES. Materials and Methods: Between 2007 and 2020, a total of 24 ES patients aged 0-18 years were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The most common complaint was pain and swelling in the lesion area (n=9), followed by pain (n=5), swelling (n=3), abdominal pain (n=2), shortness of breath (n=2), facial paralysis (n=1), spinal compression findings (leg pain and walking difficulty) (n=1) and hematuria (n=1). ES was bone-derived in 19 patients (79%). Of these, 14 had LD and 5 had MD at the time of diagnosis. Extraskeletal Ewing sarcomas (EES), was detected in five patients (21%) and derived from the kidney (n=1), rectus abdominis (n=1), left quadriceps femoris muscle (n=1), left upper thoracic region and lumbar region paraspinal muscles (n=2). The rate of MD was 25% (6/24) in the entire patient group. Disease progression was observed in three patients during treatment. Relapse at follow-up was observed in 6 of 19 patients in complete remission. The median time to relapse was 20 months (minimum 13, maximum 34 months) from diagnosis. The median survival of our patients after relapse was 14.5 months (minimum 6-maximum 27 months). Radiological response and histopathological response to induction therapy, presence of relapse or progression, and relapse site were found to be correlated with survival (Fisher’s Exact test p=0.02, 0.0047, [removed]Giriş: Ewing sarkomu nadir görülen, agresif, malign bir tümördür. Çocuklarda görülen ikinci en sık malign kemik tümörüdür ES tanı sırasında lokal (LH) ve metastatik hastalık (MH) olarak karşımıza çıkabilir. %20-25 hasta tanı sırasında metastatiktir. LH’de sağkalım yaklaşık %70-74’tür. MH’de ise %30 civarındadır. Sağkalımı etkileyen en önemli prognostik faktör tanı sırasında MH varlığıdır. Bu çalışmamızda ES tanısı ile takip ettiğimiz hastaların klinik özelliklerini, tedavi yanıtlarını, prognozu etkileyen faktörleri ve sağkalımlarını değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Hastanemizde 2007-2020 yılları arasında ES tanısı ile tedavi gören 0-18 yaş 24 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Başvuru şikayetleri en sık lezyon bölgesinde ağrı ve şişlik (n=9) iken, ağrı (n=5), şişlik (n=3), karın ağrısı (n=2), nefes darlığı (n=2), yüz felci (n=1), bacaklarda ağrı-yürümede zorluk yakınması ile gelen olgumuzda spinal bası bulguları (n=1) ve hematüri (n=1) hastaneye başvuru nedenleri idi. ES 19 hastada (79%) kemik kaynaklıydı. Bunların 14’ünde tanı sırasında lokal, 5’inde metastatik hastalık mevcuttu. Beş hastada (21%) ise ekstraskeletal saptanmış olup, böbrek (n=1), rektus abdominis (n=1), sol kuadriseps femoris kası (n=1), sol üst torakal bölge ve lomber bölge paraspinal kasları (n=2) kaynaklıydı. Tüm hasta grubunda MH oranı 25% (6/24) idi. Üç hastada tedavi altında progresyon görüldü. Tam remisyona giren 19 hastanın 6’sında (6/19) izlemde relaps gözlendi. Relaps zamanı tanıdan itibaren ise ortanca 20 ay (minimum 13, maksimum 34) idi. Hastalarımızın relaps sonrası yaşam süresi ortanca 14.5 ay (minimum 6-maksimum 27 ay) idi. İndüksiyon tedavisine radyolojik yanıt, indüksiyon tedavisine histopatolojik yanıt, relaps ya da progresyon varlığı ve relaps yeri sağkalım ile ilişkili olarak bulundu (Fisher’s exact test p=0,02, 0,0047, <0,001, 0,001). Sonuç: ES mortalite ve morbiditesi yüksek olan bir kanser türüdür. En sık semptom ağrı ve şişlik olmakla birlikte tümörün kaynaklandığı bölgeye göre semptomlar farklılık gösterebilir. Indüksiyon tedavisine yanıt, relaps-progresyon varlığı prognozu etkileyen faktörlerdir. Sağkalımı artırmak için tedavi kişiselleştirilmelidir

    CD4(+) T cells of myasthenia gravis patients are characterized by ıncreased IL-21, IL-4, and IL-17A productions and higher presence of PD-1 and ICOS

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    Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease mediated by autoantibodies predominantly against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Specific T cell subsets are required for long-term antibody responses, and cytokines secreted mainly from CD4(+) T cells regulate B cell antibody production. The aim of this study was to assess the differences in the cytokine expressions of CD4(+) T cells in MG patients with AChR antibodies (AChR-MG) and the effect of immunosuppressive (IS) therapy on cytokine activity and to test these findings also in MG patients without detectable antibodies (SN-MG). Clinically diagnosed AChR-MG and SN-MG patients were included. The AChR-MG patients were grouped as IS-positive and -negative and compared with age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were used for ex vivo intracellular cytokine production, and subsets of CD4(+) T cells and circulating follicular helper T (cTfh) cells were detected phenotypically by the expression of the chemokine and the costimulatory receptors. Thymocytes obtained from patients who had thymectomy were also analyzed. IL-21, IL-4, IL-10, and IL-17A productions in CD4(+) T cells were increased in AChR-MG compared to those in healthy controls. IS treatment enhanced IL-10 and reduced IFN-gamma production in AChR-MG patients compared to those in IS-negative patients. Increased IL-21 and IL-4 productions were also demonstrated in SN-MG patients. Among CD4(+) T cells, Th17 cells were increased in both disease subgroups. Treatment induced higher proportions of Th2 cells in AChR-MG patients. Both CXCR5(+) and CXCR5(-) CD4(+) T cells expressed higher programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and inducible costimulatory (ICOS) in AChR-MG and SN-MG groups, mostly irrespective of the treatment. Based on chemokine receptors on CXCR5(+)PD-1(+) in CD4(+) T (cTfh) cells, in AChR-MG patients without treatment, the proportions of Tfh17 cells were higher than those in the treated group, whereas the Tfh1 cells were decreased compared with those in the controls. The relevance of CXCR5 and PD-1 in the pathogenesis of AChR-MG was also suggested by the increased presence of these molecules on mature CD4 single-positive thymocytes from the thymic samples. The study provides further evidence for the importance of IL-21, IL-17A, IL-4, and IL-10 in AChR-MG. Disease-related CD4(+)T cells are identified mainly as PD-1(+) or ICOS+ with or without CXCR5, resembling cTfh cells in the circulation or probably in the thymus. AChR-MG and SN-MG seem to have some similar characteristics. IS treatment has distinctive effects on cytokine expression.Istanbul Universit

    Conjunctival Impression Cytology and Tear Film Changes in Sarcoidosis: A Subjective and Objective Diagnosis Study

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    Objectives:To evaluate sarcoidosis-induced tear film changes using subjective and objective diagnostic tests, particularly conjunctival impression cytology (IC), and to compare the results with healthy individuals.Materials and Methods:This study evaluated clinical data collected between January 2019 and January 2021 from 57 right eyes of 57 sarcoidosis patients without ocular involvement (Group 1) and 33 right eyes of 33 healthy individuals with similar demographic characteristics (Group 2). The Schirmer I test, tear break-up time (TBUT), fluorescein staining, and conjunctival IC were all performed as part of the conjunctival and corneal examinations following a thorough ophthalmological examination. The Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) was used to assess subjective ocular symptoms.Results:The mean ages in Groups 1 and 2 were 49.26±3.18 and 51.91±2.89 years, respectively (p=0.720). The mean Schirmer I test, TBUT, and OSDI scores differed significantly (p<0.05 for all), with Group 1 having a significantly higher percentage of dry eyes than Group 2. Group 1 had significantly higher Nelson’s grading system grades than Group 2 based on conjunctival IC analysis (p=0.001). There were no significant differences in visual acuity (p=0.17) or intraocular pressure (p=0.14) between groups.Conclusion:Sarcoidosis patients had significantly higher Nelson grades in conjunctival IC, as well as significantly higher percentages of dry eye as determined by the Schirmer I test, TBUT, and OSDI. Reduced tear quantity and quality may destabilize the tear film layer, resulting in a variety of ocular symptoms

    Young learner english teacher profile from teachers' and students' perspectives

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    TEZ7556Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.105-114) var.xiii, 157 s. ; 29 cm.In this study, a young learner (YL) English Teacher Profile from students' and teachers' perspectives was investigated. Considering the qualities of foreign language teachers as well as the characteristics of young learners (YLs) of English, this study aimed to find out students' and teachers' perceptions of a YL English teacher in terms of qualities related to his/her professional profile (subject matter, curricula, materials, instructional activities, classroom management, teacher language used in the class, teacher's interaction skills and techniques, etc) as well as his/her individual profile (personal traits). Data were collected from a total of 544 fourth grade students aged 10- 11 and 26 YLs English Teachers in all the 22 primary schools in the city center of Nevşehir in Turkey. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire which consisted of teacher qualities that the students and their English teachers were required to grade. Additionally, for the purposes of this study, data were collected also by employing observation, interview, and field notes.Bu çalışmada, öğretmen ve öğrenci gözünden çocuklara yabancı dil öğreten öğretmen profili araştırılmıştır. Çocukların karakterleri ve yabancı dil öğretmeninin özellikleri düşünülerek, çocuklara dil öğreten öğretmenin mesleki profili ( konu ve müfredat bilgisi, materyal kullanımı, eğitimsel aktiviteler, sınıf yönetimi, öğretmenin sınıfta kullandığı dil, öğretmenin iletişimsel becerileri ve yöntemleri vs.) ve öğretmenin kişisel özellikleri, öğrenci ve öğretmen gözüyle incelenmiştir. Veriler, Nevşehir il merkezinde bulunan toplam 22 okuldaki, yaşları 10-11 arasında değişen 544 dördüncü sınıf öğrencisinden ve bu çocuklara İngilizce öğreten 26 öğretmenden elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, veri toplama aracı olarak, gözlem, anket ve görüşme kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, öğretmenlerin, genel olarak çocukların ihtiyaçlarının farkında olduğunu, ancak öğretmenlerin yarıdan fazlasının, ''Küçük Çocuklara İngilizce Öğretimi'' eğitimini lisans döneminde görmelerine ve bu konuda hizmet içi eğitim almalarına rağmen, teoride bildiklerini uygulayamadıklarını göstermiştir. Buna ek olarak, ankette bulunan altmış beş maddenin otuz sekizinde, öğretmen ve öğrenci görüşleri arasında istatiksel açıdan önemli fark olduğu görülmüştür...Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:EF2008YL

    Young learner English teacher profile from students' perspective

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    In this study, a young learner (YL) English teacher profile from students' perspective was investigated. Data were collected from a total of 544 fourth grade students aged 10-11 in the city center of Nevşehir, Turkey. The findings of this study provided invaluable implications for the process of developing teacher education programs and evaluating teacher performance in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved