15 research outputs found
İnsan Kaynakları Departmanı Bulunmayan İşletmelerin Personel Seçim Kriterleri Üzerine Yapılan Nitel Araştırma: İslahiye Örneği
Bu çalışmada insan kaynakları depertmanı bulunmayan işletmelerde işverenlerin personel seçim kriterleri araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu Gaziantep ilinin İslahiye ilçesinde insan kaynakları departmanı bulunmayan 12 işletme sahibi işverenden oluşturulmuştur. İnsan kaynakları departmanı bulunmayan bu işletmelerin farklı sektörlerde faaliyet göstermesi göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Çalışmada kriterleri belirlemek amacıyla araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan sorular, yüz yüze yapılan mülakatlarda kullanılmıştır. İşverenlerin personel seçim kriterlerinin net bir şekilde anlaşılması için farklı sektörler seçilmiştir. İşletmelerin personel yerleştirmede en fazla dikkat ettikleri kriterlere ilişkin yapılan araştırmada kişilerin görüşmelerine bakıldığında, büyük çoğunluğunun personel adaylarının referans ve tecrübe sahibi olmasına dikkat ettikleri tespit edilmiştir
Bloody nipple discharge in 2 infants with interesting cytologic findings of extramedullary hematopoiesis and hemophagocytosis
Bloody nipple discharge in the infantile period is an uncommon finding. Despite its stressful course to the parents, it is generally a benign condition with a spontaneous resolution. The approach to bloody nipple discharge in the infantile period is well documented in the literature even though the number of these cases is limited. We report 2 infants with unilateral bloody nipple discharge. Their physical examination, laboratory, and ultrasound findings were normal but the cytologic examinations of the discharge revealed signs of extramedullary hematopoiesis and hemophagocytosis. These extraordinary findings made us brainstorm on the probable ongoing processes in the infantile breast tissue
Objective Primary bladder pain syndrome (PBPS) is characterized with suprapubic pain accompanied by at least one lower urinary tract symptoms including frequent urination, urinary urgency and nocturia for more than 6 weeks. While there are many alternative therapies for the treatment of PBPS, the only approved oral medication is PPS (pentosan polysulfate sodium). As it has been associated with retinal toxicity after its widespread use, this study aims to evaluate the relationship between PPS use and maculopathy. Material and Methods The patients diagnosed with PBPS between 2010 and 2020 who may only benefit from PPS use were included into the study after subgroup and phenotype assessment (urinary and non-ulcerative organspecific subgroups). In our study, patients who had history of degenerative maculopathy or diseases predisposing to maculopathy (age-related macular degeneration, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic vascular disorders, central serous chorioretinopathy, retinal dystrophy, epiretinal membrane, and chronic exposure to hydroxychloroquine) were excluded to prevent possible misdirection. Patients underwent best-corrected visual acuity assessment using Snellen chart, anterior segment and fundus examination using slit lamp biomicroscopy, and intraocular pressure measurement. Color vision test (Ishihara test), posterior segment optical coherence examination and 10-2 visual field test were performed, and color images of the fundus and autofluorescence imaging were obtained. Best-corrected visual acuity, color vision results, macular, choroidal and mean retinal nerve fiber thicknesses, mean deviation of the visual field and fundus findings were recorded. Results Out of 15 patients included into the study, 4 (37.5%) were male and 11 (73.3%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 53.3±11.2 years. During the follow-up, the duration of oral PPS use was found to be 33.01±10.59 months, cumulative oral PPS dose to be 216.02±97.63 g and duration of diagnosis to be 66.64±39.37 months. The mean central macular thickness of the patients was measured to be 254.55±33.11 ?m, and the mean choroidal thickness to be 261.82±34.22 ?m. Mean deviation of the visual field of the patients was found to be -1.89 ±-1.25 dB. The mean retinal nerve fiber thickness was measured to be 98.1±17.62 ?m from the fundus autofluorescence images of the patients. Furthermore, in the present study, the ocular findings of the patients who are at below and above the mean cumulative dose and exposure period were compared. Conclusion This study detected no correlation between longterm PPS use and maculopathy. When forming the patient group; it is crucial to exclude patients with comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, and to form a homogeneous group by phenotype and subgroup assessment. Randomized, prospective, multi-center studies are needed to better assess this correlation
Preparation and characterization of metal oxide nanopArticles modified carbon nanotube-conducting polymers based composite electrode for simultaneous determination of melatonin and caffeine
In this thesis study, highly effective zincoxide metal nano pArticles electrodeposited by chronoamperometry on multi-walled carbon nanotube and polycresol red film based composite modified surfaces were prepared onto glassy carbon electrode surfaces and after the examination of morphological, chemical and electrical properties of these modified electrodes, the electrochemical behavior of melatonin and caffeine was investigated at different pHs. When peak currents and peak potentials of melatonin and caffeine were compared at bare and prepared composite electrodes, it was determined that the optimum working pH was obtained as 7.0 by using phosphate buffer. Moreover, when the behavior of all electrodes against melatonin and caffeine oxidation was examined in pH 7.0 phosphate buffer solutions, zincoxide-multi-walled carbon nanotube-polycresol red composite electrode (ZnO/MWCNT/PCR/GCE) was observed to have the highest activity. Regarding to the formation of polycresol on the electrode surface, cresol red concentration and number of cyclic voltammetric cycles were optimized. Then, zincoxide optimization parameters such as concentration, deposition of potential and deposition time were studied respectively. After the optimization of experimental conditions, experimental studies for the sensitive detection of melatonin and caffeine were highlighted utilizing at bare GC, PCR/GC, MWCNT/PCR/GC, MWCNT/GC, ZnO/MWCNT/GC ve ZnO/MWCNT/PCR/GC electrodes by performing differential pulse voltammetry technique and when the obtained data was compared to each other, finally ZnO/MWCNT/PCR/GC composite electrode has the highest activity. For this electrode, linear range was found to be 4.0x10-8 M– 4.0x10-7 M for melatonin and caffeine, while limit of detection was calculated as 1.38x10-8 M and 1.33x10-8 M (S/N=3), respectively.Bu tez çalışması kapsamında, camımsı karbon elektrot yüzeyine sırasıyla elektropolimerizasyon ile polikresol kırmızısı döngüsel voltammetri ile film oluşturularak, oluşan film yüzeyi üzerine çok duvarlı karbon nanotüp ve çok duvarlı karbon nano tüp üzerine çinko oksit metal nano parçacıkları kronoamperometri ile elektrokimyasal olarak depolanmıştır. Oluşturulan kompozit modifiye elektrotların morfolojik, kimyasal ve elektriksel yüzey özellikleri aydınlatıldıktan sonra, melatonin ve kaffeinin tekli ve bir arada olduğu koşullardaki elektrokimyasal davranışı farklı pH'larda incelenmiştir. Yalın ve kompozit elektrotlarda melatonin ve kaffeinin pik akım yüksekliği ve pik potansiyelleri karşılaştırıldığında en uygun çalışma pH'ının 7.0 fosfat tamponu olduğu saptanmıştır. Aynı zamanda pH=7.0 fosfat tamponu ortamında tüm elektrotların melatonin ve kaffein yükseltgenmesine davranışları incelendiğinde, polikrezol kırmızısı-çok duvarlı karbon nanotüp-çinko oksit depolanmış kompozit elektrodun (ZnO/MWCNT/PCR/GCE) en yüksek katalitik etkinliğe sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Polikrezol kırmızısının elektrot yüzeyinde oluşturulmasına ilişkin, krezol kırmızısı derişimi ve döngüsel voltammetrik döngü sayısı optimize edilmiştir. Ardından MWCNT/PCR/GCE üzerine kronoamperometri ile depolanan çinko oksit metal nano parçacıklarının sırasıyla derişim, potansiyel ve biriktirme süresine ilişkin optimizasyon çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Optimum deney koşulları saptandıktan sonra, differansiyel puls voltammetrik teknikle melatonin ve kaffeinin duyar tayinine yönelik deneysel çalışmalar yalın camımsı (GC), PCR/GC, MWCNT/PCR/GC, MWCNT/GC, ZnO/MWCNT/GC ve ZnO/MWCNT/PCR/GC elektrotlarıyla yapılmış ve elde edilen veriler karşılaştırıldığında, en yüksek etkinliğe sahip olan elektrodun kompozit yapıdaki ZnO/MWCNT/PCR/GC elektrodu olduğu saptanmıştır. ZnO/MWCNT/PCR/GC kompozit elektrotta pik akım yüksekliğinin melatonin ve kaffein derişimi ile değişimi 4.0x10-8 M – 4.0x10-7 M aralığında doğrusal bulunurken, belirtme alt sınırı ise sırasıyla 1.38x10-8 M ve 1.33x10-8 M olarak saptanmıştır (S/N=3). Hazırlanan kompozit elektrotların, morfolojisi taramalı elektron mikroskobu, yüzeyin kimyasal bileşenleri X-ışını fotoelektron spektroskopisi ve elektriksel özellikleri ise elektrokimyasal impedans tekniği ile aydınlatılmıştır
Determination of essential oil components, mineral matter, and heavy metal content of salvia virgata jacq. grown in culture conditions
WOS:000482732100002Most members of the family Lamiaceae are of considerable importance in areas such as medicine, food, cosmetics, and perfumery, as they are rich in essential oils, aromatic oils, and secondary metabolites. Sage, a member of this family, is the generic name for species of the genus Salvia. The genus Salvia has approximately 900 species worldwide. There are 99 species of the genus Salvia L in Turkey; 51 of these species are endemic. The local name of S. virgata is "yilancik" or "fatmanaotu" in Turkey, and it is used for the treatment of wounds and various skin diseases. In addition, a decoction prepared by using aerial parts of this species is used to prevent blood cancer. In this study, essential oil composition and heavy metal and nutrient element contents (aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, chrome, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, and sodium) of S. virgata grown in Yozgat, Turkey, under local ecological conditions were determined using standard analytical processes. The essential oil content in the aerial parts of S. virgata harvested during full flowering was 0.01% (w/w). The principal constituents of the essential oil were pentacosane (20.09%), caryophyllene oxide (6.90%), phytol (6.83%), spathulenol (6.09%), and nonacosane (5.15%). The highest macroand micromineral contents were Ca and K, and Fe and Na, respectively. The accumulated concentrations of the three metals found were lower than the maximum allowed for human consumption without health risks.Yozgat Bozok University Scientific Research Projects Unit (BAP) [6602c-ZF/17-87]This work is part of a project supported by the Yozgat Bozok University Scientific Research Projects Unit (BAP; Project Code: 6602c-ZF/17-87, Yozgat, Turkey)
Determination of the biodiesel fuel characteristics of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) seed oil
Haşhaş (Papaver somniferum L.) hem dünyada hem de ülkemizde önemli bir tıbbi bitkidir. Aynı zamanda tohumlarından yağ elde edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Yozgat ekolojik koşullarında yetiştiriciliği yapılan iki haşhaş çeşidinin (TMO-1 ve OFİS 8) tohumlarından soğuk presle elde edilen yağların, Transesterifikasyon yöntemi ile 2 aşamalı olarak üretimi gerçekleştirilerek bazı biyodizel özellikleri tespit edilmiş, standartlara uygunluğu incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler TMO-1 ve OFİS 8 çeşitleri için sırasıyla; kinematik viskoziteleri (40°C’de) 4.238, 4.139 mm2 /s; yoğunlukları, 884.46 kg/m3 , 883.82 kg/m3 , parlama noktaları, 169°C, 164°C; su muhtevaları, 425.38 mg/kg, 496.39 mg/kg; bulutlanma noktaları, - 3°C, -7°C; akma noktaları, -7°C, -16°C; donma noktaları, -11°C, -21°C; pH’ları, 7, 6.6; sülfat ve kül miktarları, 0.0095 m/m (%), 0.0110 m/m (%), SFTN, -1°C, -2°C olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen yakıt analiz sonuçlarının EN 14214 ve ASTM D6751 standartlarına uygun olup olmadığı amaçlanmış ve uygunluk gösterdiği görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlara göre haşhaş biyodizelleri B100 ya da daha farklı karışım yakıtların dizel motorlarda kullanılabilecek özelliklere sahip olduğu söylenebilir.Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is an important medicinal plant both in the world and in our country. At the same time, oil is obtained from the seeds. In this study, the oils obtained from the seeds of two poppy cultivars (TMO-1 and OFİS 8) grown in Yozgat ecological conditions were produced by the Transesterification method in 2 stages, some biodiesel properties were determined and their compliance with the standards was examined. The data obtained are for TMO-1 and OFİS 8 cultivars; kinematic viscosities (at 40°C) 4.238, 4.139 mm2 /s; densities, 884.46 kg/m3 , 883.82 kg/m3 , flash points, 169°C, 164°C; water contents, 425.38 mg / kg, 496.39 mg / kg; cloud points, -3°C, -7°C; pour points, -7°C, - 16°C; freezing points, -11 ° C, -21 ° C; their pH is 7, 6.6; sulfate and ash amounts were determined as 0.0095 m/m (%), 0.0110 m/m (%), SFTN, -1°C, -2°C, respectively. It was aimed whether the obtained fuel analysis results comply with EN 14214 and ASTM D6751 standards and it has been seen that they comply. According to these results, it can be said that poppy biodiesels B100 or different blended fuels have properties that can be used in diesel engines