117 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışmada 1987-2007 döneminde Türkiye’de kamu iç borçlanmasının bazımakro ekonomik göstergeler büyüme, enflasyon, faiz oranları üzerindeki etkisi analiz edilmiştir. Analizlerde ADF Birim Kök Testi, Johansen Eş-Bütünleşme Testi ve Granger Nedensellik testlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Analizler sonucu iç borçlanma ile büyüme arasında bir eş-bütünleşmenin olduğu, buna karşın iç borçlanma-faiz oranıve iç borçlanma-enflasyon arasında bir eş-bütünleşmenin bulunmadığıgörülmüştür. Ayrıca, iç borçlanma ile büyüme arasında bir nedensellik ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir. Bu tespit, son yıllarda Türkiye ekonomisinde meydana gelen büyümenin en önemli kaynağının iç borçlanma olduğuna işaret etmektedir

    Perforated primary small bowel lymphoma: A case report

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    İnce bağırsak malign tümörleri nadir görülen ve tanı aşamasındaki güçlükler nedeniyle ileri evrelerde tanı konan tümörlerdir. Lenfoma gastrointestinal sistem malign tümörlerinin %1'ini oluşturur. Primer gastrointestinal lenfoma ender görülür ve ameliyat öncesi tanı konması oldukça zordur. Primer gastrointestinal lenfoma tanısı genellikle laparotomi ile konur. Bu yazıda, subileus tanısı ile takip edilmekteyken akut karın kliniği gelişen ve acil cerrahi eksplorasyona alınarak ince bağırsak tümör perforasyonu saptanan 77 yaşında erkek hasta sunuldu. Hastaya geniş ince bağırsak rezeksiyonu ve uç uca çift kat ince bağırsak anastomozu yapıldı. Histopatolojik inceleme sonucu indolent B-hücreli non-Hodgkin lenfoma olarak bildirildi. İnce bağırsak tümörlerinin nadiren subileus tablosu ile karşımıza çıkabileceği ve tanının çoğu zaman gecikebileceği unutulmamalıdırMalignant tumors of the small bowel are rarely seen and are usually diagnosed in advanced stages because of the difficulties in diagnosis. Lymphomas account for %1 of malignant gastrointestinal system tumors. Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma is very rare and its preoperative diagnosis is difficult. Its diagnosis is usually made through laparotomy. A 77-year-old male patient developed acute abdomen during observation for partial mechanic intestinal obstruction. Emergent explorative laparotomy revealed perforation of a small bowel tumor. A wide small bowel resection was performed with a double-layer end-to-end anastomosis. Histopathological examination of the surgical specimen was reported as indolent B-cell non–Hodgkin's lymphoma. It should be kept in mind that small bowel tumors can present as mechanic intestinal obstruction, resulting in delayed diagnosis

    Comparison of controlled-intermittent anal dilatation and lateral internal sphincterotomy in the treatment of chronic anal fissures: A prospective, randomized study

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    Aim: The results of controlled-intermittent anal dilatation (CIAD) or lateral internal sphincterotomy ( LIS) in the treatment of chronic anal fissures are presented. Material and methods: Forty patients who were randomized to two groups underwent CIAD or a LIS. The pre- and post-operative mean anal canal resting pressures (MACRPs) and symptoms were recorded and the results were compared. Results: Two months post-operatively, 18 patients in the CIAD group and 17 patients in the LIS group had healed completely, and had no anal incontinence or other complications. The post-operative improvement in pain, bleeding, and constipation did not differ significantly between the two groups. In the CIAD and LIS groups, the pre-operative MACRPs were 89.7 +/- 16.5 and 87.6 +/- 12.3 mmHg, respectively; 2 months post-operatively, the MACRPs had significantly decreased to 76.9 +/- 13.7 and 78.1 +/- 11.3 mmHg in the CIAD and LIS groups, respectively. No statistical difference existed in the pre- or post-treatment MACRPs between the groups. Conclusion: CIAD applied with a standardized technique reduced anal canal resting pressure and provided symptomatic healing that was equivalent to a LIS. Since there were no findings of incontinence, or situations which resulted in sphincter damage, we conclude that CIAD is suitable for patients with chronic anal fissures because it is less invasive than LIS, with equivalent efficacy and safety. In addition, the CIAD method may be an alternative procedure in older and multiparous women who has a higher risk of incontinence. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd

    Comparison between Karydakis flap repair and primary closure for surgical treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus

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    Amaç: Bu prospektif çalışmada, pilonidal sinüsün cerrahi tedavisi için son dönemlerde yaygın kullanılan bir teknik olan Karydakis flep ameliyatı ile primer kapama tekniği karşılaştırıldı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Pilonidal sinüs nedeniyle ameliyat edilen 48 hasta (46 erkek, 2 kadın) çalışmaya alındı. Hastalar iki gruba ayrıldı. Sinüs eksizyonundan sonra 33 hastaya (grup 1) primer kapama, 15 hastaya (grup 2) ise Karydakis flep ameliyatı uygulandı. Ortalama takip süresi grup 1'de 6.8 ay (dağılım 4-11 ay), grup 2'de 6.2 ay (dağılım 3-10 ay) idi. Bulgular: Grup 1'de dört hastada (%12.1), grup 2'de iki hastada (%13.3) yara yerinde seröz sıvı birikimi ve akıntı saptandı. Grup 2'de bir hastada (%6.7) yara yerinde ciltaltı hematom oluştu. Takipler sırasında her iki grupta da hiçbir hastada yara yerinde enfeksiyon görülmezken, grup 1'de bir (%3), grup 2'de yine bir hastada (%6.7) erken dönemde nüks görüldü. Sonuç: Uygulanması diğer yöntemlere göre daha kolay ve basit, iyileşme süresi daha kısa ve skar dokusu daha az olduğundan, eksizyon ve primer kapama yöntemi uygun olgularda tercih edilen bir ameliyat şekli olabilir.Objectives: In this prospective study, we compared primary closure and Karydakis flap repair which has recently proved a popular technique for surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus. Patients and Methods: The study included 48 patients (46 males, 2 females) who were operated on for pilonidal sinus. The patients were randomized to two groups. After sinus excision, 33 patients (group 1) underwent primary closure, and 15 patients (group 2) underwent Karydakis flap surgery. The mean followup was 6.8 months (range 4 to 11 months) in group 1, and 6.2 months (range 3 to 10 months) in group 2. Results: Serous liquid collection and discharge were seen at the site of the lesion in four patients (12.1%) in group 1, and in two patients (13.3%) in group 2. Subcutaneous hematoma was detected in one patient (6.7%) in group 2. During the follow-up period, none of the patients developed wound infection. Recurrences were seen in one patient (3%) in group 1, and in one patient (6.7%) in group 2. Conclusion: Excision and primary closure can be the preferred method for the treatment of pilonidal sinus in selected patients due to its advantages such as ease and simplicity, shorter recovery time, and limited scar formation

    Impact of ligating gonadal or adrenal collateral veins with the left renal vein on renal function and histology in right-nephrectomized rats

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    Background: In cases of trauma to the left renal vein (LRV), its ligation near the inferior vena cava (IVC) is considered, but the consequences are not always good. We investigated the role of collateral venous drainage after ligation of the LRV by studying the renal function and histology after ligation of the LRV near the IVC alone or with ligation of the gonadal or adrenal collaterals, in right-nephrectomized (RN) rats. Material and methods: Ligation of the LRV near the IVC alone (group 1) or with ligation of the adrenal (group 2) or gonadal (group 3) collaterals was studied in RN Wistar rats (n = 18 per group). The renal histopathology (ischemic cortical necrosis) and functional status (urea, creatinine, sodium, and potassium) were compared. Results: In RN rats, the results were better when ligating the LRV near the IVC alone or with the adrenal collaterals [mortality 4/18 (22.2%) and 3/18 (16.7%), respectively] than when ligating the LRV near the IVC plus the gonadal collaterals [mortality 15/18 (83.3%)] (p < 0.0001). All early deaths occurred within three days and resulted from serious histopathological (ischemic cortical necrosis) and functional (increased urea, creatinine, and potassium; decreased sodium) renal damage. Conclusion: In right-nephrectomized rats, the LRV near the IVC and the adrenal collateral can be ligated, while the gonadal collateral should be preserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd

    Benign pneumoperitoneum: A case report

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    Fleksibl kolonoskopi kolon patolojilerinin tanı, tedavi ve takibinde kullanılan en iyi yöntem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Kolonoskopi sonrası karın ağrısından yakınan her hastada, perforasyondan şüphelenilmelidir. Kolonoskopi sonrası perforasyon sıklığı tanısal amaçlı yapılan kolonoskopide %0.01 ile %0.4 arasında değişmektedir. Yaygın peritoneal irritasyon bulguları olması durumunda cerrahi girişim şarttır. Erken cerrahi girişim birçok yazar tarafından mortalite ve morbiditeyi azaltan en iyi stratejik yaklaşım olarak görülmektedir. Seçilmiş olgularda, peritoneal irritasyon bulguları olmaması durumunda ameliyatsız (non-operative) yaklaşım denenebilir. Geniş olgu çalışmaları incelendiğinde ameliyatsız yaklaşılan olguların tüm kolonik perforasyon olgularının ortalama %1 ila %5'ini oluşturduğu görülmektedir. Bu yazıda, kolonoskopi sonrasında intraperitoneal alanda serbest gaz tespit edilen ve ameliyatsız tedavi edilen olgu sunuldu.Flexible colonoscopy is the gold standard in diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of colonic pathologies. The acute onset of abdominal pain after colonoscopy may be a clinical sign of colonic perforation. Perforation rate after diagnostic colonoscopies varies between 0.01%-0.4%. If the patient develops signs of peritoneal irritation, the surgical intervention is obligatory. According to the literature, early surgical treatment is the best strategic approach that decreases the morbidity and mortality. Nonoperative treatment could be a choice in selected patients without signs of peritoneal irritation. In large colonoscopy series, only 1-5% of the cases with colonic perforation secondary to the colonoscopy were treated conservatively. We reported a case with colonic perforation after diagnostic colonoscopy which we successfully treated nonoperatively without further need of surgery

    Role of Different Cover Crops on DTPA-Extractable Micronutrients in an Apricot Orchard

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