31,515 research outputs found

    Fermi-Frenet coordinates for space-like curves

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    We generalize Fermi coordinates, which correspond to an adapted set of coordinates describing the vicinity of an observer's worldline, to the worldsheet of an arbitrary spatial curve in a static spacetime. The spatial coordinate axes are fixed using a covariant Frenet triad so that the metric can be expressed using the curvature and torsion of the spatial curve. As an application of Fermi-Frenet coordinates, we show that they allow covariant inertial forces to be expressed in a simple and physically intuitive way.Comment: 7 page

    Germinacao de sementes de leguminosas forrageiras nativas submetidas a tratamentos para a quebra da impermeabilidade do tegumento.

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    Foi testado o efeito de escarificacao com lixa, do tratamento com acido sulfurico (98o) durante l, 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutos e com agua quente (80oC) durante l, 5,10, 15 e 20 minutos sobre a germinacao das sementes das seguintes leguminosas forrageiras nativas: Stylosanthes capitata, Canavalia obtusifolia, Dioclea lasiophylla, Cratylia floribunda, Calopogonium velutinum e Desmanthus virgatus. O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso, com tres repeticoes, com 50 sementes por repeticao. Em todas as especies testadas a percentagem de germinacao da testemunha (sem escarificacao) foi muito baixa (0 a 8% aos sete dias e 8 a 16% aos 30 dias) com excecao da C. floribunda (56 e 100% aos 7 e 30 dias). A escarificacao com lixa foi eficiente para S.capitata, C. obtusifolia, C.floribunda e C. velutinum. Os tratamentos com acido sulfurico durante 10, 15 e 20 minutos foram eficazes para D. virgatus (90 a 98% e 94 a 100% de germinacao aos 7 e aos 30 dias) e, durante 5, 10 e 15 minutos foram eficazes para C. floribunda (82 a 92% aos sete dias). Os tratamentos com agua quente so foram eficientes para C. obtusifolia (64 a 90% de germinacao aos 7 e 62 a 100% aos 30 dias). S. capitata teve as mais baixas percentagens de germinacao, em todos os tratamentos, tanto aos 7 como aos 30 dias. C. velutium e D. lasiophylla tiveram germinacao relativamente baixa aos 7 dias, porem bastante aumentada entre o setimo e o trigesimo dia.bitstream/item/40919/1/Bolp50001.pd

    Active swarms on a sphere

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    Here we show that coupling to curvature has profound effects on collective motion in active systems, leading to patterns not observed in flat space. Biological examples of such active motion in curved environments are numerous: curvature and tissue folding are crucial during gastrulation, epithelial and endothelial cells move on constantly growing, curved crypts and vili in the gut, and the mammalian corneal epithelium grows in a steady-state vortex pattern. On the physics side, droplets coated with actively driven microtubule bundles show active nematic patterns. We study a model of self-propelled particles with polar alignment on a sphere. Hallmarks of these motion patterns are a polar vortex and a circulating band arising due to the incompatibility between spherical topology and uniform motion - a consequence of the hairy ball theorem. We present analytical results showing that frustration due to curvature leads to stable elastic distortions storing energy in the band.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures plus Supporting Informatio

    Produção de mudas de tucumanzeiro-do-pará (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) por perfilhos.

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    Multivariate texture discrimination based on geodesics to class centroids on a generalized Gaussian Manifold

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    A texture discrimination scheme is proposed wherein probability distributions are deployed on a probabilistic manifold for modeling the wavelet statistics of images. We consider the Rao geodesic distance (GD) to the class centroid for texture discrimination in various classification experiments. We compare the performance of GD to class centroid with the Euclidean distance in a similar context, both in terms of accuracy and computational complexity. Also, we compare our proposed classification scheme with the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Univariate and multivariate Gaussian and Laplace distributions, as well as generalized Gaussian distributions with variable shape parameter are each evaluated as a statistical model for the wavelet coefficients. The GD to the centroid outperforms the Euclidean distance and yields superior discrimination compared to the k-nearest neighbor approach

    Caracterização morfológica de frutos em acessos de pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes var. gasipaes Khunt.)

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    Publicado também: FRAZÃO, D. A. C.; HOMMA, A. K. O; VIÉGAS, I. de J. M. (Ed.). Contribuição ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura na Amazônia. Belém, PA: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, 2006. p. 611-617

    Soliton surfaces associated with symmetries of ODEs written in Lax representation

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    The main aim of this paper is to discuss recent results on the adaptation of the Fokas-Gel'fand procedure for constructing soliton surfaces in Lie algebras, which was originally derived for PDEs [Grundland, Post 2011], to the case of integrable ODEs admitting Lax representations. We give explicit forms of the \g-valued immersion functions based on conformal symmetries involving the spectral parameter, a gauge transformation of the wave function and generalized symmetries of the linear spectral problem. The procedure is applied to a symmetry reduction of the static ϕ4\phi^4-field equations leading to the Jacobian elliptic equation. As examples, we obtain diverse types of surfaces for different choices of Jacobian elliptic functions for a range of values of parameters.Comment: 14 Pages, 2 figures Conference Proceedings for QST7 Pragu