83 research outputs found

    von K\'arm\'an-Howarth equation for three-dimensional two-fluid plasmas

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    We derive the von K\'arm\'an-Howarth equation for a full three dimensional incompressible two-fluid plasma. In the long-time limit and for very large Reynolds numbers we obtain the equivalent of the hydrodynamic "four-fifth" law. This exact law predicts the scaling of the third-order two-point correlation functions, and puts a strong constraint on the plasma turbulent dynamics. Finally, we derive a simple expression for the 4/5 law in terms of third-order structure functions, which is appropriate for comparison with in-situ measurements in the solar wind at different spatial ranges

    Reduced magnetohydrodynamics and parallel spectral transfer

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    The self-consistency of the reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) model is explored by examining whether (parallel) spectral transfer might invalidate the assumptions employed in deriving it. Using direct numerical simulations we find that transfer of energy to structures with high parallel wavenumber is in fact limited by ongoing perpendicular transfer. Thus, the dynamics associated with RMHD models remains consistent with the underlying assumptions of RMHD. In particular, in well-resolved simulations it is neither necessary nor correct to introduce additional dissipation terms that (artificially) damp spectral transfer parallel to the mean magnetic field B0

    A two-component phenomenology for homogeneous magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    A one-point closure model for energy decay in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is developed. The model allows for influence of a large-scale magnetic field that may be of strength sufficient to induce Alfvén wave propagation effects, and takes into account components of turbulence in which either the wave-like character is negligible or is dominant. This two-component model evolves energy and characteristic length scales, and may be useful as a simple description of homogeneous MHD turbulent decay. In concert with spatial transport models, it can form the basis for approximate treatment of low-frequency plasma turbulence in a variety of solar, space, and astrophysical contexts

    A two-component phenomenology for the evolution of MHD turbulence

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    Incompressible MHD turbulence with a mean magnetic field B₀ develops anisotropic spectral structure and can be simply described only by including at least two distinct fluctuation components. These are conveniently referred to as “waves,” for which propagation effects are important, and “quasi-2D” turbulence, for which nonlinear effects dominate over propagation ones. The quasi-2D component has wavevectors approximately perpendicular to B₀. These two idealized ingredients capture the essential physics of propagation (high frequency fluctuations) and strong turbulence (low frequency fluctuations.) Here we present a two-component energy-containing range phenomenology for the evolution of homogeneous MHD turbulence

    Current singularities at finitely compressible three-dimensional magnetic null points

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    The formation of current singularities at line-tied two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D, respectively) magnetic null points in a nonresistive magnetohydrodynamic environment is explored. It is shown that, despite the different separatrix structures of 2D and 3D null points, current singularities may be initiated in a formally equivalent manner. This is true no matter whether the collapse is triggered by flux imbalance within closed, line-tied null points or driven by externally imposed velocity fields in open, incompressible geometries. A Lagrangian numerical code is used to investigate the finite amplitude perturbations that lead to singular current sheets in collapsing 2D and 3D null points. The form of the singular current distribution is analyzed as a function of the spatial anisotropy of the null point, and the effects of finite gas pressure are quantified. It is pointed out that the pressure force, while never stopping the formation of the singularity, significantly alters the morphology of the current distribution as well as dramatically weakening its strength. The impact of these findings on 2D and 3D magnetic reconnection models is discussed

    Direct comparisons of compressible magnetohydrodynamics and reduced magnetohydrodynamics turbulence

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    Direct numerical simulations of low Mach number compressible three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (CMHD3D) turbulence in the presence of a strong mean magnetic field are compared with simulations of reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD). Periodic boundary conditions in the three spatial coordinates are considered. Different sets of initial conditions are chosen to explore the applicability of RMHD and to study how close the solution remains to the full compressible MHD solution as both freely evolve in time. In a first set, the initial state is prepared to satisfy the conditions assumed in the derivation of RMHD, namely, a strong mean magnetic field and plane-polarized fluctuations, varying weakly along the mean magnetic field. In those circumstances, simulations show that RMHD and CMHD3D evolve almost indistinguishably from one another. When some of the conditions are relaxed the agreement worsens but RMHD remains fairly close to CMHD3D, especially when the mean magnetic field is large enough. Moreover, the well-known spectral anisotropy effect promotes the dynamical attainment of the conditions for RMHD applicability. Global quantities (mean energies, mean-square current, and vorticity) and energy spectra from the two solutions are compared and point-to-point separation estimations are computed. The specific results shown here give support to the use of RMHD as a valid approximation of compressible MHD with a mean magnetic field under certain but quite practical conditions

    Hall-MHD small-scale dynamos

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    Much of the progress in our understanding of dynamo mechanisms has been made within the theoretical framework of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). However, for sufficiently diffuse media, the Hall effect eventually becomes non-negligible. We present results from three dimensional simulations of the Hall-MHD equations subjected to random non-helical forcing. We study the role of the Hall effect in the dynamo efficiency for different values of the Hall parameter, using a pseudospectral code to achieve exponentially fast convergence. We also study energy transfer rates among spatial scales to determine the relative importance of the various nonlinear effects in the dynamo process and in the energy cascade. The Hall effect produces a reduction of the direct energy cascade at scales larger than the Hall scale, and therefore leads to smaller energy dissipation rates. Finally, we present results stemming from simulations at large magnetic Prandtl numbers, which is the relevant regime in hot and diffuse media such a the interstellar medium.Comment: 11 pages and 11 figure

    Coronal MHD transport theory and phenomenology

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    In the presence of a weakly inhomogeneous background, magnetohydrodynamic fluctuations are transported, reflected and at small scales, dissipated. In contrast to orderings appropriate to outer solar wind conditions, here we explore transport in a regime relevant for solar coronal heating and solar wind acceleration, in which effects of the order of the Alfvén speed are retained while disregarding the solar wind velocity. We consider the general properties of the transport equations as well as some solutions of interest

    Conditions for sustainment of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence driven by Alfvén waves

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    In a number of space and astrophysical plasmas,turbulence is driven by the supply of wave energy. In the context of incompressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) there are basic physical reasons, associated with conservation of cross helicity, why this kind of driving may be ineffective in sustaining turbulence. Here an investigation is made into some basic requirements for sustaining steady turbulence and dissipation in the context of incompressible MHD in a weakly inhomogeneous open field line region, driven by the supply of unidirectionally propagating waves at a boundary. While such wave driving cannot alone sustain turbulence, the addition of reflection permits sustainment. Another sustainment issue is the action of the nonpropagating or quasi-two dimensional part of the spectrum; this is particularly important in setting up a steady cascade. Thus, details of the waveboundary conditions also affect the ease of sustaining a cascade. Supply of a broadband spectrum of waves can overcome the latter difficulty but not the former, that is, the need for reflections. Implications for coronal heating and other astrophysical applications, as well as simulations, are suggested
