21 research outputs found
Essentials of Health Promotion in Children and Adolescents
Dargestellt werden die theoretischen Grundlagen für die Gesundheitsförderung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Ausgehend von einer kurzen Einbettung in die Rahmendisziplinen der Gesundheitspsychologie, Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogischen Psychologie, werden epidemiologische Befunde vorgestellt. Vor dem Hintergrund der Schwierigkeiten, die mit der Diagnostik gesundheitsrelevanter Aspekte bei Kindern und Jugendlichen verknüpft sind, werden Daten zum Gesundheitszustand, zum Gesundheitsverhalten, zu gesundheitsbezogenen Kognitionen und zu Belastungen und Ressourcen im Kindes- und Jugendalter dargestellt. Danach wird die Frage der Anwendung von Gesundheitsförderungsmaßnahmen in der Praxis behandelt, wobei zunächst auf die entscheidenden Institutionen und Settings, sodann auf Methoden und Strategien eingegangen wird. Abschließend werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Gesundheitsförderung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen kritisch und zukunftsgerichtet diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.
Ernährungs-Qualitäts-Studie (Klosterstudie): Auswirkungen einer vorübergehenden, konsequenten Ernährung mit biologisch-dynamischen Lebensmitteln auf das Befinden und das Ernährungsverhalten von Menschen
In this pilotstudy the role was investigated whether switching from conventional to biodynamic food had any influence on eating behaviour, physical and psychological well-being, and objective parameters. For this purpose, 17 sisters belonging to a religious order participated in a prospective study involving a period of conventional and biodynamic food. The results shows that biodynamic food in daily nutrition can help to enhance both physiological and psychological well-being
Stress and resources in women attending an inpatient prevention/rehabilitation measure for parents: Secondary analysis of quality assurance data
Questionnaire data from two projects on the development of quality assurance instruments for an inpatient rehabilitation/prevention program for parents were used for a secondary analysis. In this analysis, the associations of gains in a psychosocial resource (parenting self-efficacy) and two types of stressors experienced by mothers at the start of treatment (parenting hassles, depressive symptoms) with general life satisfaction and satisfaction with health at the end of treatment were explored. Structural equation modeling was applied to data from N = 1724 female patients. Potential resource-stressor interactions were tested using the Latent Moderated Structural Equations approach. Results showed that parenting hassles were negatively associated with general life satisfaction and satisfaction with health while self-efficacy gains were weakly positively correlated with both variables. No interaction of parenting hassles and self-efficacy gains was found. Depressive symptoms were negatively associated with both satisfaction measures. In these models, self-efficacy gains were not substantially correlated with life satisfaction, but showed a small association with satisfaction with health. There was no significant interaction of depressive symptoms and self-efficacy gains. The findings imply that interventions for distressed mothers—as exemplarily illustrated by this inpatient setting—should focus on identifying and reducing initial stressors as these may continue to impair mothers’ subjective health despite gains in parenting-related resources
The Perception of Physician Empathy by Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Background and Aims This study focused on the difference between perceived and desired physician empathy pPE and dPE) in the eye of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It was investigated if a discrepancy (Delta PE) correlates with trust and satisfaction of patients. At the same time the aim was to gain detailed information about the subjective burden of disease and the resources of IBD patients, in order to better understand them. Methods A modified version of the German Version of the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) measure was completed as a paper-and-pencil questionnaire by IBD patients attending our facility (n = 32) and as an online survey by IBD patients at other locations throughout Germany (n = 89). Patients were in average 36.3 +/- 12 years old. Results The mean SD) rating of pPE was 3.93 (0.96) on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent); however, the mean SD) dPE was 4.38 (0.48) on the same scale. Delta PE correlated with perceived empathy and with patients' satisfaction with treatment and trust in their health care providers. Patients reported quite a high subjective burden mean [SD]: 2.93 [.63]) and named family, friends, and support groups as resources. Conclusions Rather than assessing patient satisfaction with treatment and trust in their physician only with perceived PE, we suggest Delta PE as a useful additional parameter
Patients’ free-text responses to questions about the desired qualities of health care providers (translated into English by the authors).
<p>Patients’ free-text responses to questions about the desired qualities of health care providers (translated into English by the authors).</p
Patients’ free-text responses to questions about their resources for coping with the disease (translated into English by the authors).
<p>Patients’ free-text responses to questions about their resources for coping with the disease (translated into English by the authors).</p