25 research outputs found

    Design of System for Managing the Company's Clients for Tandem CRC CZ, s.r.o.

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na návrh systému pro správu vztahu se zákázníky pro společnost Tandem CRC CZ s.r.o. Analyzuje konkrétní potřeby společnosti a na základě jejich požadavků je vytvořen návrh systému.This bachelor thesis focuses on design of system for managing clients of Tandem CRC CZ company. It analyzes specific requirements of the company and according to them proposes design of system

    The Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Potential of States

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    Práce si bere za cíl využít vhodnou metodu pro posouzení podnikatelského potenciálu vybraných států. Pomocí zvolené metody vytvořit model pro posuzování. Výstupem práce by měl být implementovaný model v programu Microsoft Excel a MathWorks MATLAB.Thesis aims to find suitable method for the evaluation of entrepreneurial potential of states. Next phase is to create and implement evaluational model using that method. Output of thesis should be model implemented in two software environments - Microsoft Excel and MathWorks MATLAB.

    Modulation of non-bilayer lipid phases and the structure and functions of thylakoid membranes: effects on the water-soluble enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidase

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    The role of non-bilayer lipids and non-lamellar lipid phases in biological membranes is an enigmatic problem of membrane biology. Non-bilayer lipids are present in large amounts in all membranes; in energy-converting membranes they constitute about half of their total lipid content-yet their functional state is a bilayer. In vitro experiments revealed that the functioning of the water-soluble violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) enzyme of plant thylakoids requires the presence of a non-bilayer lipid phase. P-31-NMR spectroscopy has provided evidence on lipid polymorphism in functional thylakoid membranes. Here we reveal reversible pH- and temperature-dependent changes of the lipid-phase behaviour, particularly the flexibility of isotropic non-lamellar phases, of isolated spinach thylakoids. These reorganizations are accompanied by changes in the permeability and thermodynamic parameters of the membranes and appear to control the activity of VDE and the photoprotective mechanism of non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll-a fluorescence. The data demonstrate, for the first time in native membranes, the modulation of the activity of a water-soluble enzyme by a non-bilayer lipid phase

    Lipid Polymorphism of the Subchloroplast-Granum and Stroma Thylakoid Membrane-Particles. I. P-31-NMR Spectroscopy

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    Build-up of the energized state of thylakoid membranes and the synthesis of ATP are warranted by organizing their bulk lipids into a bilayer. However, the major lipid species of these membranes, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, is a non-bilayer lipid. It has also been documented that fully functional thylakoid membranes, in addition to the bilayer, contain an inverted hexagonal (H-II) phase and two isotropic phases. To shed light on the origin of these non-lamellar phases, we performed P-31-NMR spectroscopy experiments on sub-chloroplast particles of spinach: stacked, granum and unstacked, stroma thylakoid membranes. These membranes exhibited similar lipid polymorphism as the whole thylakoids. Saturation transfer experiments, applying saturating pulses at characteristic frequencies at 5 degrees C, provided evidence for distinct lipid phases-with component spectra very similar to those derived from mathematical deconvolution of the P-31-NMR spectra. Wheat-germ lipase treatment of samples selectively eliminated the phases exhibiting sharp isotropic peaks, suggesting easier accessibility of these lipids compared to the bilayer and the H-II phases. Gradually increasing lipid exchanges were observed between the bilayer and the two isotropic phases upon gradually elevating the temperature from 5 to 35 degrees C, suggesting close connections between these lipid phases. Data concerning the identity and structural and functional roles of different lipid phases will be presented in the accompanying paper

    Lipid polymorphism of the subchloroplast—granum and stroma thylakoid membrane–particles. II. structure and functions

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    In Part I, by using (31)P-NMR spectroscopy, we have shown that isolated granum and stroma thylakoid membranes (TMs), in addition to the bilayer, display two isotropic phases and an inverted hexagonal (H(II)) phase; saturation transfer experiments and selective effects of lipase and thermal treatments have shown that these phases arise from distinct, yet interconnectable structural entities. To obtain information on the functional roles and origin of the different lipid phases, here we performed spectroscopic measurements and inspected the ultrastructure of these TM fragments. Circular dichroism, 77 K fluorescence emission spectroscopy, and variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence measurements revealed only minor lipase- or thermally induced changes in the photosynthetic machinery. Electrochromic absorbance transients showed that the TM fragments were re-sealed, and the vesicles largely retained their impermeabilities after lipase treatments—in line with the low susceptibility of the bilayer against the same treatment, as reflected by our (31)P-NMR spectroscopy. Signatures of H(II)-phase could not be discerned with small-angle X-ray scattering—but traces of H(II) structures, without long-range order, were found by freeze-fracture electron microscopy (FF-EM) and cryo-electron tomography (CET). EM and CET images also revealed the presence of small vesicles and fusion of membrane particles, which might account for one of the isotropic phases. Interaction of VDE (violaxanthin de-epoxidase, detected by Western blot technique in both membrane fragments) with TM lipids might account for the other isotropic phase. In general, non-bilayer lipids are proposed to play role in the self-assembly of the highly organized yet dynamic TM network in chloroplasts

    Lipid Polymorphism of the Subchloroplast—Granum and Stroma Thylakoid Membrane–Particles. II. Structure and Functions

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    In Part I, by using P-31-NMR spectroscopy, we have shown that isolated granum and stroma thylakoid membranes (TMs), in addition to the bilayer, display two isotropic phases and an inverted hexagonal (H-II) phase; saturation transfer experiments and selective effects of lipase and thermal treatments have shown that these phases arise from distinct, yet interconnectable structural entities. To obtain information on the functional roles and origin of the different lipid phases, here we performed spectroscopic measurements and inspected the ultrastructure of these TM fragments. Circular dichroism, 77 K fluorescence emission spectroscopy, and variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence measurements revealed only minor lipase- or thermally induced changes in the photosynthetic machinery. Electrochromic absorbance transients showed that the TM fragments were re-sealed, and the vesicles largely retained their impermeabilities after lipase treatments-in line with the low susceptibility of the bilayer against the same treatment, as reflected by our P-31-NMR spectroscopy. Signatures of H-II-phase could not be discerned with small-angle X-ray scattering-but traces of H-II structures, without long-range order, were found by freeze-fracture electron microscopy (FF-EM) and cryo-electron tomography (CET). EM and CET images also revealed the presence of small vesicles and fusion of membrane particles, which might account for one of the isotropic phases. Interaction of VDE (violaxanthin de-epoxidase, detected by Western blot technique in both membrane fragments) with TM lipids might account for the other isotropic phase. In general, non-bilayer lipids are proposed to play role in the self-assembly of the highly organized yet dynamic TM network in chloroplasts

    Kázání k 50. výročí svatby manželů Kittelových (1777)

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    Studující podle pokynů a pod vedením vedoucího semináře a řešitele grantu IGS, M. Svobody, připravili transliteraci německého svátečního kázání a jeho překlad, dále transliteraci a transkripci českého svátečního kázání z r. 1777. K nim připojili ediční a historické komentáře. Pro připravovanou publikaci pořídili fotodokumentaci lokality, kde se v uvedeném roce konala vzpomínková slavnost, tj. v Šumburku-Krásné. Fotografie budou součástí CD s textovými a obrazovými přílohami. Výsledkem projektu je nově a prvně uceleně editované a textově kritickým i historickým komentářem opatřené texty barokní homiletické produkce připravené pro tisk do publikace s přiloženým CD-Romem