106 research outputs found

    Possibility of Dynamic Penetrometer Use in Clayey Sandy Soil on Railway Route Zenica- Sarajevo

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    Application of dynamic penetration is not widely spread, considering the limited number of data that can be obtained. When а larger number of boreholes on terrains built of soft rocks is required, there exists economic justification for the use of certain dynamic tests that can give data about resistance and soil density. Also, in parts where the access is difficult or impossible for the machines for soil probing, penetrometer tests are only possible for obtaining certain parameters. Correlation between point of resistance and shear strength can obtain data of undrained firmness shear strengths for clayey soils, and based on the value of point of resistance the percentage of compaction of soil with quite real accuracy. The dynamic penetration test was applied along the route of the Zenica-Sarajevo railway. Since this is a rarely used type of research, the authors hope that this paper will serve to others as well, towards further research on better correlations between the two types of methods. It is necessary to make the method with penetration as applicable as possible, because it can be used in very inaccessible places with many more test points and does not require large financial investments


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    This paper analyzes the effect of programmed biology teaching on the development of motivational processes in students in the field of physiological programming content of the subject Human anatomy and physiology. The study sample consisted of 60 graduate students grouped into one experimental and one control group. For the experimental group, the physiological courses (Teaching Area: Nervous System) were carried out using programmed instruction, which was performed using computer and programmed materials containing the concept maps. The control group at the same facility implemented the classical-lecturing teaching. After elaborating on the teaching material, a survey was conducted for students of the experimental group. The survey results show a great interest by students in the programmed model of teaching and reported high motivation for adopting physiological programming content using such a didactic model. U ovom radu analizira se primjena programirane nastave biologije na razvoj motivacijskih procesa kod studenata u području fizioloških programskih sadržaja nastavnog predmeta Anatomija i fiziologija čovjeka. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 60 studenata diplomskih akademskih studija, koji su bili grupirani u jednu eksperimentalnu i jednu kontrolnu skupinu. Eksperimentalna skupina je realizirala fiziološke nastavne sadržaje (Nastavno oblaspodručje: Živčani sustav) primjenom programirane nastave, koja je izvođena uz pomoć kompjutora i programiranih materijala, koji su sadržavali i izradu mapa pojmova. Kontrolna skupina je iste sadržaje realizirala klasičnom predavačkom nastavom. Nakon ovakve obrade nastavnog gradiva provedena je anketa za studente eksperimentalne skupine. Rezultati ankete pokazuju veliku zainteresiranost studenata za programirani model nastave i ističu iznimnu motiviranost za usvajanje fizioloških programskih sadržaja primjenom ovog didaktičkog modela

    Odnos između prihvaćanja i razumijevanja teorije evolucije različitih skupina nastavnika

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    In this paper a comparison is made among various groups of Serbian teachers (kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, biologists, physicists, chemists) in terms of the following factors: acceptance and the understanding of evolution theory. In order to accomplish the tasks of this paper, the specific questionnaire model with parallel groups of teachers was applied (involving 341 teachers). The aim was to identify and measure differences in those factors among these large groups of teachers. The results show that biology teachers performed better on accepting and understanding the evolution theory in comparison with other groups of teachers. Also, we determined that there is a positive correlation between the acceptance and understanding the evolution theory for all groups of teachers. The findings indicate a necessity to enhance the evolution teaching contents in the Serbian system of education for groups of teachers who participated in this investigation. Modern teaching processes, at all levels of education, should involve adequate didactically prepared evolution teaching contents and courses.U radu je napravljena usporedba različitih skupina nastavnika iz Srbije (odgajatelji, učitelji, nastavnici biologije, fizike i kemije) u pogledu prihvaćanja i razumijevanje teorije evolucije.Primijenjen je model posebnog upitnika s paralelnim skupinama nastavnika (ukupno 341 nastavnik). Cilj je bio utvrditi i izmjeriti razlike. Rezultati pokazuju da nastavnici biologije pokazuju bolje rezultate u prihvaćanju i razumijevanju teorije evolucije u odnosu na druge skupine nastavnika. Utvrdili smo da postoji pozitivna korelacija između prihvaćanja i razumijevanja teorije evolucije za sve skupine nastavnika.Rezultati pokazuju nužnost poboljšanja nastavnog sadržaja evolucije u obrazovnom sustavu Srbije za skupine nastavnika koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju. Moderna nastava na svim razinama obrazovanja treba uključiti odgovarajuće didaktičkie pripremljene nastavne sadržaje i tečajeve o teoriji evolucije

    Primena navarivanja u održavanju poljoprivrednih alata

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    In agriculture, as wellas in other economic brances, the machines, components, parts an tools are also wearing out, because of various factors. To till the soil are used different tools in agriculture and due to operating under diverse condition, tools were worn out. In paerwork are shown several examples for welding application in the repairmen. Quoted exaples demonstrate justification of welding process application in agriculture tool maintainance.Kao i u ostalim privrednim granama u poljoprivredi se usled dejstva različitih faktora habaju ili kvare i oštećuju mašine, komponente, delovi i alatke. Za obradu zemlje u poljoprivredi se koriste različiti alati. Usled rada u različitim uslovima dolazi do njihovog habanja. U radu je dato nekoliko primera primene navarivanja za njihovu popravku. Navedeni primeri pokazuju opravdanost primene navarivanja u održavanju poljoprivrednih alata