17 research outputs found

    Oplemenjivanje i proizvodnja pivskog ječma stvorenog u Institutu PKB Agroekonomik

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    Progress in selection and breeding of barley (for beer), depends of available genetic variabilitis, ways of implementing disirable gens in superior genotypes, as well as the selection (choice) efficiency of desirable genotypes, i. e. genetic lines. With high yield and good biological and non-biologic stress resistance, quality barley (for beer) needs to have low content of tailings and proteins, and high content of glucosan's. In last ten years breeding of barely (for beer) in Institute PKB Agroekonomik, recognized one sort of winter barley (for beer) - PKB PIVAN in 2007, whose more serious multiplication and commercial sale began in 2008.Napredak u selekciji i oplemenjivanju pivskog ječma zavisi od raspoložive genetičke varijabilnosti, načina ugradnje poželjnih gena u superiorne genotipove, kao i efikasnost selekcije (odabira) poželjnih genotipova odnosno linija. Pored visokog prinosa i dobre otpornosti na bioloŔke i abioloŔke stresove, kvalitetan pivski ječam treba da ima i nizak sadržaj plevica i proteina, a visok sadržaj skroba. Za skoro 10 godina oplemenjivanja pivskog ječma u Institutu PKB Agroekonomik priznata je jedna sorta ozimog pivskog ječma (PKB Pivan) 2007. godine čije ozbiljnije semenarstvo i komercijalna prodaja semena započinje 2008. godine

    Oplemenjivanje ozimog tritikalea PKB Vožd stvorenog u institutu PKB Agroekonomik

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    Triticale is a hybrid plant species, a new botanical genus in the family Poaceae, created with the aim to combine the positive properties of wheat and rye. Progress in breeding of winter triticale depends on the available genetic variability, method of installation of desired genes into superior genotypes, and the efficiency of selection (choice) of desirable genotypes or lines. For almost ten years of breeding triticale from the Institute recognized PKB is a cultivar of winter triticale (PKB Vožd) 2010. and whose seed production and commercial sale of seeds and immediately began.Tritikale predstavlja biljnu hibridnu vrstu, novog botaničkog roda u porodici Poaceae, nastale sa težnjom da se spoje pozitivne osobine pŔenice i raži. Napredak u selekciji i oplemenjivanju ozimog tritikalea zavisi od raspoložive genetičke varijabilnosti, načina ugradnje poželjnih gena u superiorne genotipove, kao i efikasnost selekcije (odabira) poželjnih genotipova, odnosno linija. Za skoro deset godina oplemenjivanja tritikalea u Institutu PKB Agroekonomik priznata je jedna sorta ozimog tritikalea (PKB Vožd) 2010. godine, a čije semenarstvo i komercijalna prodaja semena odmah i počela

    Uticaj vremena folijarnog prihranjivanja na produktivnost visokorodnih sorata pŔenice i sadržaj proteina

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    The objective was to analyze the effect of foliar nutrition on grain yield some plant properties and raw protein content and yield using three high-yielding wheat cultivars. The liquid mineral fertilizer Wuxal has used for foliar nutrition and 46% UREA for conventional soil nutrition. Based on the results obtained foliar nutrition was shown to contribute to an average 2.4-3.7% grain increase, the increase was substantially greater in the first investigation- al year (5.5-9.6%) when the amount of rainfall registered was smaller compared with the second investigational year (2003/04) which proved far more favorable for wheat growing. Similar to grain yield, protein content in the grain and especially protein yield per hectare had shown to exhibit similar results depending on foliar nutrition. A higher protein value in the grain was obtained in the less favorable 2002/03 growing season (on average 15.2% for the cultivars) compared with the 2003/04 season (14.4%). However, as a result of a higher grain yield in the year favoring wheat growing protein yield was higher in 2003/04 (by 134.7 kg/ha).U radu je prikazan uticaj vremena folijarnog prihranjivanja na prinos zrna neke osobine biljaka, sadržaj i prinos sirovih proteina za tri visokorodne sorte pÅ”enice. Za prihranjivanje je koriŔćeno tečno mineralno đubrivo Wuxal (za folijarno prihranjivanje) i 46% UREA (za klasičan način prihranjivanja ā€“ preko zemljiÅ”ta). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je folijarno prihranjivanje uslovilo povećanje prosečnog prinosa zrna od 2,4 ā€“ 3,7%. Ovo povećanje je bilo znatno veće u prvoj godi- ni naÅ”eg istraživanja (od 5,5 ā€“ 9,6%), koja je imala manju količinu padavina u odnosu na drugu (znatno povoljniju za pÅ”enicu) ā€“ 2003/04. godinu. Slično prinosu zrna, sadržaj proteina u zrnu i posebno prinos proteina po hektaru su pokazali istu zakonomernost u zavisnosti od folijarnog prihranjivanja. Dobijena je veća vrednost proteina u zrnu u nepovoljnijoj 2002/03. godini (prosečno za sorte 15,2%), u odnosu na 2003/04. godinu (14,4%). Međutim, ostvaren je veći prinos proteina u 2003/04. godini (za 134,7 kg/ha), kao direktna posledica značajno većeg prinosa zrna u ovoj, za pÅ”enicu, povoljnijoj godini

    Optical Aspect of Deformation Analysis in the Bone-Denture Complex

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    The aim of this study was to register and measure any deformation of mandible models under load. The method for full field measurement of strain is done by using the ARAMIS three-dimensional image correlation system. The system uses two digital cameras that provide a synchronized stereo view of the specimen and the results show the complete strain field during the tests. The biggest deformation values were just under the working force of the biggest intensity 500 N, and for the region of the lower second premolar the deformation is 625 mm. The following study is presented that highlight the use of stereometric measuring system for modern research. It is shown that this measuring methodology can capture the trends of the experiments

    Heritabilnost i komponente varijanse morfometrijskih osobina zrna hlebne pŔenice i durum pŔenice

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    The aim of this work was to examine variability and broad-sense heritability of grain morphometric traits of 30 selected genotypes of bread wheat and durum wheat, in regard to their significant impact on yield and traits of milling, baking and processing quality. Trials with selected wheat assortment were set during 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 years at the three locations: Rimski Å ančevi, Zemun Polje and Padinska Skela. Results of this investigation showed that the genotype was the most significant source of variation of grain length for bread and durum wheat with 91.1% and 46.3% of explained sum of squares, while the environment was the most important source of variation of grain width and grain thickness for bread wheat (44% and 41.2% of sum of squares) and durum wheat (42% and 44% of sum of squares). Broad-sense heritability was very high (> 90%) for grain length of bread and durum wheat, grain width of durum wheat and grain thickness of durum wheat. Broad-sense heritability was high for grain width and grain thickness of bread wheat, with the values of 83% and 88.8%, respectively. Considering the high obtained values of broad-sense heritability and dominance of the genetic component of variance of grain length, grain width and grain thickness of bread and durum wheat, the success of selection for increased values of these traits can be predicted.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita varijabilnost i heritabilnost u Å”irem smislu morfometrijskih osobina zrna 30 odabranih genotipova hlebne pÅ”enice i durum pÅ”enice s obzirom na njihov značajan uticaj na prinos i osobine mlinskog, pekarskog i procesnog kvaliteta. Ogledi sa izabranim sortimentom pÅ”enice su izvedeni tokom 2010-2011. i 2011-2012. godine na tri lokaliteta: Rimski Å ančevi, Zemun Polje i Padinska Skela. Rezultati analize varijanse su pokazali da je genotip bio najvažniji izvor variranja dužine zrna hlebne pÅ”enice i durum pÅ”enice sa 91,1% i 46,3% sume kvadrata, dok su ekoloÅ”ki faktori bili najznačajniji izvor variranja Å”irine zrna i debljine zrna hlebne pÅ”enice (44% i 41,2% sume kvadrata) i durum pÅ”enice (42% i 44% sume kvadrata). Heritabilnost u Å”irem smislu je bila veoma visoka sa vrednostima većim od 90% za dužinu zrna hlebne pÅ”enice i durum pÅ”enice, Å”irinu zrna durum pÅ”enice i debljinu zrna durum pÅ”enice. Visoka heritabilnost u Å”irem smislu je dobijena za Å”irinu zrna i debljinu zrna hlebne pÅ”enice sa vrednostima od 83% i 88,8%. S obzirom na visoke vrednosti dobijene heritabilnosti u Å”irem smislu i dominaciju genetičke komponente varijanse u ukupnoj varijansi dužine, Å”irine i debljine zrna hlebne i durum pÅ”enice možemo predvideti uspeh selekcije na povećanu vrednost ovih osobina pÅ”enice

    Analiza prinosa zrna i kvaliteta braŔna nekih sorata ozime pŔenice u 2011. I 2012. godini

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    Wheat was in the past, is at present and will surely be in the future, basic and vital element of the daily diet of humans and animals. The world market, and more and we do have expressed the desire and request of sorts, which in addition to high and stable yields with good quality parameters and flour. Cultivars with the most stable yield and good quality grain were varieties Talas and Pobeda. These varieties are high in quality protein and by analogy, this is a high gluten content and quality, as confirmed by rheological measurements. High yields of tested wheat varieties are the result of the interaction of genetic potential of the tested wheat varieties and application of good management systems in circumstances where the distribution of rainfall during the growing seasons, from the time of sowing and harvest was not favorable to the production of wheat. After testing cultivars, Talas and Pobeda are classified in A2 quality group, group of cultivars for quality flour and bread, and as such also belong to the group of improvers. Varieties Merkur, Ratarica and Esperia are classified as B1 group, group of cultivars good for bread. Cultivars NS 40 S and Balaton are classified as B2 quality group. The cultivar with the lowest quality is sorta Apach and classified in the C1 group of quality, which means that millers and bakers must mix flour with a variety of cultivars of flour improver, to obtain good quality bread.PÅ”enica je bila u proÅ”losti, jeste u sadaÅ”njosti a sigurno će biti i u budućnosti bazna komponenta svakodnevne ishrane ljudi i životinja. Sada i kod nas, kao i u svetu, sve viÅ”e se javlja tražnja za sortama koje pored visokog prinosa zrna, imaju i dobar kvalitet braÅ”na. Sorte domaće selekcije Talas i Pobeda, stabilnog prinosa i dobrog kvaliteta, i u ogledima su potvrdile svoje osobine. Ove sorte imaju i visok sadržaj kvalitetnih proteina, a analogno ovome je i visok sadržaj glutena ali i kvalitet, Å”to su potvrdila reoloÅ”ka merenja. Visoki prinosi ispitivanih sorata pÅ”enice jesu rezultat interakcije genetičkog potencijala i primene dobre agrotehnike u uslovima kada raspored padavina u toku vegetacione sezone, od momenta setve do momenta žetve, nije pogodovao proizvodnji pÅ”enice. Nakon obavljenih ispitivanja i ove godine sorte Talas i Pobeda svrstane su u A2 kvalitetnu grupu, odnosno to su sorte dobrog kvaliteta braÅ”na i hleba i kao takve spadaju i u grupu poboljÅ”ivača. Sorte Merkur, Ratarica i Esperia svrstane su u B1 kvalitetnu grupu, tj. one su dobre hlebne sorte. Sorta NS 40 S i Balaton svrstane su u B2 kvalitetnu grupu. Sorta sa najloÅ”ijim kvalitetom i prinosom i ove godine je sorta Apač i svrstana je u C1 kvalitetnu grupu, Å”to znači da mlinari i pekari moraju braÅ”no ove sorte meÅ”ati sa braÅ”nom sorata poboljÅ”ivača, da bi se dobio hleb zadovoljavajućeg kvaliteta

    Tolerantnost PKB hibrida kukuruza na suŔu u 2012. godini

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    In this paper, the grain yield of maize commercial hybrids developed at the Institute PKB Agroekonomik. The tested hybrids from different maturity groups from FAO 200 to FAO 700th. Hybrids have been tested through a network makrodemonstracionih reflected in eight locations. In conditions of extremely dry periods followed by high air temperatures, what conditions were like in 2012. year, hybrids PKB Agroekonimik expressed a high degree of tolerance to drought stress factor at several sites in terms of production without irrigation. Domestic hybrids were created classical breeding methods in long-term multi-year test to stress factors. Results achieved in some localities justify route selection to preserve genetic biodiversity and its use in hybrids in extremely difficult conditions for maize production. Proper selection of hybrids for the production of a certain area represents 50% of good preconditions for achieving maximum yields, while the other 50% is done properly and timely cultural operations used.U radu je analiziran prinos zrna kukuruza komercijalnih hibrida stvorenih u Institutu PKB Agroekonomik. Ispitivani hibridi kukuruza pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja od FAO 200 do FAO 700. Hibridi kukuruza testirani su kroz mrežu makrodemonstracionih ogleda na osam lokaliteta. U uslovima izuzetno suÅ”nog perioda praćenog visokim temperaturama vazduha, kakvi su bili uslovi tokom 2012. godine, hibridi kukuruza Instituta PKB Agroekonimik iskazali su visok stepen tolerantnosti na stresni faktor suÅ”e na nekoliko lokaliteta u uslovima proizvodnje bez navodnjavanja. Domaći hibridi stvoreni su klasičnim metodama selekcije u dugotrajnom viÅ”egodiÅ”njem testiranju na stresne faktore. Rezultati ostvareni na pojedinim lokalitetima opravdavaju pravac selekcije u cilju očuvanja genetičkog biodiverziteta i njegovog koriŔćenja kroz stvorene hibride u uslovima izuzetno otežanim za proizvodnju kukuruza. Pravilan izbor hibrida za proizvodnju u određenom rejonu predstavlja 50% dobrog preduslova za ostvarivanje maksimalnih prinosa dok ostalih 50% pripada pravilno izvedenim i blagovremeno primenjenim agrotehničkim merama

    Direct Wideband Coherent Localization by Distributed Antenna Arrays

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    We address wideband direct coherent localization of a radio transmitter by a distributed antenna array in a multipath scenario with spatially-coherent line-of-sight (LoS) signal components. Such a signal scenario is realistic in small cells, especially indoors in the mmWave range. The system model considers collocated time and phase synchronized receiving front-ends with antennas distributed in 3D space at known locations connected to the front-ends via calibrated coaxial cables or analog radio frequency over fiber links. The signal model assumes spherical wavefronts. We propose two ML-type algorithms (for known and unknown transmitter waveforms) and a subspace-based SCM-MUSIC algorithm for wideband direct coherent position estimation. We demonstrate the performance of the methods by Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that even in multipath environments, it is possible to achieve localization accuracy that is much better (by two to three orders of magnitude) than the carrier wavelength. They also suggest that the methods that do not exploit knowledge of the waveform have mean-squared errors approaching the Cramér–Rao bound

    Position estimation with a millimeter-wave massive MIMO system based on distributed steerable phased antenna arrays

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    Abstract In this paper, we propose a massive MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) architecture with distributed steerable phased antenna subarrays for position estimation in the mmWave range. We also propose localization algorithms and a multistage/multiresolution search strategy that resolve the problem of high side lobes, which is inherent in spatially coherent localization. The proposed system is intended for use in line-of-sight indoor environments. Time synchronization between the transmitter and the receiving system is not required, and the algorithms can also be applied to a multiuser scenario. The simulation results for the line-of-sight-only and specular multipath scenarios show that the localization error is only a small fraction of the carrier wavelength and that it can be achieved under reasonable system parameters including signal-to-noise ratios, antenna number/placement, and subarray apertures. The proposed concept has the potential of significantly improving the capacity and spectral/energy efficiency of future mmWave massive MIMO systems