24 research outputs found

    The Improvement of Nutrient Quality of Cassava Peel Waste Through Fermentation with Natura as Quail Feed

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     This research aims to improve the quality of cassava peel waste through fermentation processing with Natura used as alternative feed which reduces the use of corn and   concentrate in feed of laying quail in the grower period. This research consisted of two phases. Phase 1 improvement the quality of cassava peel waste using fermentation technology with Natura, organic decomposer containing multi enzyme, xylanase, beta-glucanase, pectinase, amylase, lipase, protease and phytase and also contain probiotics, Acetobater sp, Bacillus sp, Lactobacillus sp,  Streptomyces sp,  Aspergillus sp, Sacaromyces sp, and Trichoderma sp. Phase 2: the best fermented cassava peel waste experiment at phase 1 (using completely randomized factorial design consisted of 3x3 with 3 replications: 3 levels of  Natura dose; 1, 2, and 3% and 3 levels of fermentation length; 7, 11, and 15 days) to the performance of laying quail in the grower period. The research methods at phase 2 used experimental method with completely randomized design (4 treatments and 5 replications): 0%, 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% of fermented cassava peel waste in the feed of laying quail in grower period (1-4 weeks). The best result in phase 1 was treatment with dose of 3% and 11 days of fermentation length with crude protein content: 14.14%, nitrogen retention: 62.90), crude fiber digestibility (47.58%) and crude fiber content (11.34%). The result of phase 2 was that the addition of fermented cassava peel waste 16% in the feed of laying quail in grower period gave a significantly higher effect on feed consumption, weight gain, and significantly had the lowest feed conversion compared to other treatments. Conclusion, that 3% Natura inoculum dose with 11 days of fermentation was the best treatment to increase the content and quality of cassava peel waste nutrient. The addition of fermented cassava waste with Natura up to 16% in feed could maintain the performance of  laying quail in grower period, also reduced the use of corn 10% and concentrate 12% in feed

    Marigold flower extract as a feed addiilve in the poultry diet Effects on laying quail performance and egg quality.

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    Background: Marigold (Tagetes ererra) Flower Extract (MFE) is a natural source of carotenoid as a feed additive in the poultry diet. Obje<tive:Thisstudywasconducted to determinethe effectof MFEasfeed additive on production performances and egg qualityof quail. lfateriats and Methods: Two hundred and seven week old Corurnk coturnix japonica lalng quail were used in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four dietary treatments:0,5, 10and 1 5 ppm MFE in the diets with five replicates each. Variable measured were feed intake, hen-day egg production, egg weight, egg mass production, feed conversion, egg cholesterol, egg fat and yolk color. Result;: lt was observed that feecj intake, egg production, feed conversion, egg choiesterol and yolk color were significantiy affected (p<0.05) by increasing MFE content in the diet. Feed intake, hen-day egg production and yolk color achieved the best results when .l 5 ppm MFE was included in the diet and resulted in the lowest levels of egg cholesterol and feed conversion. Conclusion: This study shows that l5 ppm MFE in the poultry diet improved production performance and increased egg quality (reduced egg cholesterol and increased egg yolk color) of Coturnix coturnkiaponica taying quail

    Peningkatan Kualitas Campuran Kulit Pisang Dengan Ampas Tahu Melalui Fermentasi Dengan Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Dan Neurospora Crassa Sebagai Pakan Ternak

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    Banana peel can be used as an alternative feed based on the potential availability and nutritional. The experiments were conducted to improve the nutrient quality of Banana Peel and Tofu Waste mixture (BPTW) by using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa. This substrate consists of banana peel 70% and tofu waste 30%. The experiment was performed in 3 treatment completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 replicates. The treatments were : A= fermentation BPTW by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa (1:1), B = fermentation BPTW by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa (2:1), and C = fermentation BPTW by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa (1:2). Measured variables were Crude Fiber (CF), Crude Protein (CP), Nitrogen Retention and CF digestion. The result of the research showed that the treatment affected significantly (p<0.01) reduced CF and increased CP, nitrogen retention and CF digestion. In conclusion, fermentation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa (2:1) was the best treatment for improving banana peel and tofu waste nutrient qualit


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    Buku ini merupakan salah satu referensi bagi mahasiswa strata 1 yang mengambil mata kuliah Mikrobiologi Terapan, Pengetahuan Bahan Pakan, Teknologi Pengolahan Pakan, Pengawasan Mutu Pakan, dan ilmu Nutrisi Unggas dan mahasiswa pascasarjana strata dua (S2) dengan mata kuliah Teknologi Pemrosesan Bahan Baku Pakan, Bioteknologi Pakan Lanjut, dan mahasiswa pasca sarjana strata tiga (S3) dengan mata kuliah Mikrobiologi Industri Pakan. Disamping itu buku ini juga dapat digunakan oleh praktisi peternakan dan masyarakat umumnya yang bergerak dibidang peternakan. Buku ini ditulis memuat rangkuman hasil-hasil penelitian penulis, dan materi yang juga berasal dari jurnal-jurnal penelitian tentang peningkatan kualitas bahan pakan secara biologi melalui fermentasi. Bahan limbah hasil pertanian merupakan pakan non konvensional tidak memiliki ekonomi, tetapi masih mengandung zat-zat makanan dan terkendala dengan kandungan serat kasar (lignin dan selulosa) yang tinggi. Peningkatan pemanfaatannya sebagai pakan unggas perlu pengolahan terlebih dahulu. Salah satunya fermentasi dengan kapang Phanerochaete chrysosporium, yang terkenal sebagai kapang pemecah lignin dan selulosa. Fermentasi dengan kapang Neurospora crassa bertujuan untuk mendapat karotenoid β karoten yang bertujuan untuk memproduksi telur dan daging rendah kolesterol. Pakan konvensional yang telah ditingkatkan nilai nutrisinya dan dapat digunakan sebagai pakan ternak yang berkualitas tinggi. Pemanfaatan pakan non konvensional dapat dijadikan sebagai pakan alternatif yang mengurangi penggunaan jagung dan bungkil kedelai dalam susunan ransum broiler dan unggas petelur

    Improving the Nutrient Quality of Durian (Durio zibethinus) Fruit Waste Through Fermentation by Using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa for Poultry Diet

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    Durian fruit waste (peel and seed) can be used as an alternative feed based on the potential availability and nutrient content. Three experiments were conducted to improve the nutrient quality of durian fruit waste (OW) and tofu waste (TW) mixture through fermentation by using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa. The substrates consists of 70% DW (peel and seed in the same proportion) and 30% TW. Experiment 1 was performed in a 3 x 3 factorial experiment of completely randomized design with 3 replicates. First factor was inoculum composition of P. chrysosporium and N. crassa (1: 1, 2: 1 and 1: 2) and second factor was inoculums doses (6, 8 and 10%). Measured variables were Crude Fiber (CF) and Crude Protein (CP). Experiment 2 was to study incubation period (7, 9, 11 and 13 days). Measured variables were DTWs CF, CP, cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. Experiment 3 was to compare nutrient content between fermented (the best treatment at experiment 2) vs. unfermented one. Measured variables were DTW's nitrogen retention, amino acid profile, B carotene, tannin and Metabolizable Energy (ME). Result of the experiment 1, there was a very significant (p<0.01) interaction between inoculum compositions and inoculum doses in which P. chrysosporium and N. crassa inoculum composition (1 :1) and 8% inoculum dose reduced CF and increased CP content. Experiment 2, incubation period of 9 days reduced CF, NDF, ADF, lignin and cellulose from 22.33, 32.49, 27.50, 15.81 and 17.62 to 8.30, 30.58, 20.26, 6.20 and 11.58%, respectively. Meanwhile increased CP and hemicellulose from 11.73 and 4.99 to 19.37 and 9.52%, respectively. Experiment 3, Nitrogen retention, B-carotene, tannin and ME content of fermented was better than unfermented DTW (42.50 vs 68.54%, 0 vs. 119.07 mg/kg, 3, 76 vs 0.43% and 2586.84. vs. 2728.27 kkal/kg, respectively). Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa treatment improved DTW's amino acids profile. In conclusion, fermentation by using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa (1 :1), 8% inoculum dose and 9 day incubation period was the best treatment for improving DTWs nutrient quality

    Poultry Nutrition

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    ff3n::. experiment was conducted to understand the effects of different microbes and doses of humic acid on the quality and nutrient content of Fermented palm oil sudge (Fpos). Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted using a 2x 3 factorial compretely Randomized Design (cFD) with 3 reprications. The first factor was two species of microbe' Neuroqora sitophila and Neuroqoracrassaandtnesecondwasdifferentdosesofhumicacid:(1)1ooppm,(2)2o0ppmand(3)300ppm.Thestudyparameters werethecrudeprotein content,crudefibercontent,nitrogen retention and digestible crude fiber content of FPoS Results:Thesludy parameterswere more significan'y affected by the interaction between the type of microbe and the dose of humic acid (p<0 0'l) than the humic acid dose arone. FpoStreated *in Neuroqon crassa andnuml1.1cid at 200 ppm showed better valuesfor crude proteln (23.74%), crude fiber (20.14%), crude ripid (2.70%),nitlog"n retention (60.97%) and digeslibre crude fiber (55.63%) compared to Fpos treated with Neuroqora sitophira.C.nndusion: rt is concruded that pos fermented w*h Neurospora crassa and 200 ppm humicacid orovidesthe be$ food content and quality of FPOS (ev vt*f .i :;l Fermentation, microbes' hu m ic acid' pal m oil slud ge' qual ity' nutrient l\(/:*Pt *t: MaY 1 o, 2017 ,\.)Si*c}{1. J-rne 15' 2017 f"*-re, .,-r November 22,2016 {:;r.erret} Mirna^/ati, Ade D,urardi and Gita optaan, 2017. ture of humic acid in improving the nutrient content and quality of fermented palm oil sludge' Pak. J. Nutr., 16:538-54