23 research outputs found

    Morphology and digitally aided morphometry of the human paracentral lobule

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    The human paracentral lobule, the junction of the precentral and postcentral gyri at the medial hemispheric surface, contains several important functional regions, and its variable morphology requires exact morphological and quantitativedata. In order to obtain precise data we investigated the morphology of the paracentral lobule and quantified its visible (extrasulcal) surface. This surface corresponds to commonly used magnetic resonance imaging scout images. We studied84 hemispheres of adult persons (42 brains; 26 males and 16 females; 20ā€“65 years) fixed in neutral formalin for at least 4 weeks. The medial hemispheric surface was photographed at standard distance and each digital photo was calibrated.Using the intercommissural line system (commissura anterior-commissura posterior or CA-CP line), we performed standardised measurements of the paracentral lobule. Exact determination of its boundaries and morphological typeswas followed by digital morphometry of its extrasulcal surface using AutoCAD software. We found two distinct morphological types of the human paracentral lobule: continuous type, which was predominant (95.2%), and rare segmented type (4.8%). In hemispheres with segmented cingulate sulcus we also found theshort transitional lobulo-limbic gyrus (13.1%). The mean extrasulcal surface of the left paracentral lobule was significantly larger, both in males (left 6.79 cm2 vs. right 5.76 cm2) and in females (left 6.05 cm2 vs. right 5.16 cm2). However, even larger average surfaces in males were not significantly different than the same in females. Reported morphological and quantitative data will be useful during diagnostics and treatment of pathologies affecting the human paracentral lobule, and in further studies of its cytoarchitectonic and functional parcellations

    Istraživanje osnovnih parametara mehanizacije u cilju unapređenja proizvodnje, uÅ”tede energije i očuvanja životne sredine u poljoprivredi

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    Project 12M12 is realized in the scope of ten subproject in accordance with program, which is defined by agreement of ministry for period 1996-2000. There were about 120 scouter included in started year and about 80 scouter in final year. 911 papers were published in domestic or foreign journals or on scientific meetings. 25 monographs were published and 5 dissertation and 5 M. Sc. thesis were defended in the scope of project based on research. The situation of agricultural technique has been researched, necessities have been estimated and directions of development of power machines, tractors, processing technique, agricultural machines, vegetable production, animal husbandry, fruit growing, viticulture, mechanization for production salutary, spices and aromatic plants have been defined. The available methods have been advanced and the new methods have been developed for selection and forming tractor's systems and optimization structure and composition of engineering park in the agriculture. The soil compaction has been researched and changes have been established under effect of tractor's wheels, machines and transport vehicles and criterions have been set for reduction and supervision of soil compaction. The damages, appeared because of overmuch compaction, were estimated on 250- 300 USA /haperyear.Thenewmethodsandequipmentforpresciencepulloftractorhavebeenrecommended.Thepowerfulfactorsoffuelconsumptionhavebeenaffirmedandtechnologyforproductionandrelianceofalternativefuels(bioāˆ’dieselandgeneratorgas)havebeendefined.Thereliabilityoftractorsandmachineshasbeenresearched.Thenewandavailabletechnologyandtechnicalsolutionsofworkingofthesoil,seedingandplanting,mechanicalandchemicalcare,collecting,finishingandstorageagriculturalproductshavebeendevelopedandreformed.Theprobabilityofapplicationofsceaningmethod,methodfinalledelements,regressionanalysis,multicriterionoptimization,fuzzylogicandneuronā€²snetworks,numericanalysisandothersmethodsinprocessofoutlay,projectingandconcurringthenewsettlementsofagriculturalmachineshavebeenresearched.ProjekatMinistarstvanaukeRepublikeSrbije,br.12M12realizovanjeuokvirudesetpotprojekatapremaprogramukojijedefinisanugovoromsaministarstvomzaperiod1996āˆ’2000.godine.UizradiprojektaucĖ‡estvovalojeoko120istrazĖ‡ivacĖ‡aupocĖ‡etnojgodiniioko80uzavrsĖ‡nojgodini.Objavljenoje911radovaudomacĖŠimiliinostranimcĖ‡asopisimailinanaucĖ‡nimskupovima.NaosnovuistrazĖ‡ivanjauokviruprojektaobjavljenoje25monografijaiodbranjenopetdoktorskihipetmagistarskihteza.IstrazĖ‡enojestanjepoljoprivrednetehnike,procenjenepotrebeidefinisanipravcirazvojapogonskihmasĖ‡ina,traktora,procesnetehnike,mehanizacijeuratarstvu,povrtarstvu,stocĖ‡arstvu,vocĖŠarstvu,vinogradarstvu,mehanizacijezaproizvodnjulekovitog,zacĖ‡inskogiaromaticĖ‡nogbilja.UnapređenesupostojecĖŠeirazvijenenovemetodezaizboriformiranjetraktorskihsistemaioptimizacijustruktureisastavmasĖ‡inskogparkaupoljoprivredi.IstrazĖ‡ivanojesabijanjezemljisĖ‡taiutvrđenesupromenenastalepoddejstvomtocĖ‡kovatraktora,masĖ‡inaitransportnihvozilaipredlozĖ‡enesumerezasmanjenjeikontrolusabijanja.ProcenjenesusĖ‡tetenastaleusledprekomernogsabijanjazemljisĖ‡taod250do300USA/ha per year. The new methods and equipment for prescience pull of tractor have been recommended. The powerful factors of fuel consumption have been affirmed and technology for production and reliance of alternative fuels (bio-diesel and generator gas) have been defined. The reliability of tractors and machines has been researched. The new and available technology and technical solutions of working of the soil, seeding and planting, mechanical and chemical care, collecting, finishing and storage agricultural products have been developed and reformed. The probability of application of sceaning method, method finalled elements, regression analysis, multicriterion optimization, fuzzy logic and neuron's networks, numeric analysis and others methods in process of outlay, projecting and concurring the new settlements of agricultural machines have been researched.Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 12M12 realizovan je u okviru deset potprojekata prema programu koji je definisan ugovorom sa ministarstvom za period 1996-2000. godine. U izradi projekta učestvovalo je oko 120 istraživača u početnoj godini i oko 80 u zavrÅ”noj godini. Objavljeno je 911 radova u domaćim ili inostranim časopisima ili na naučnim skupovima. Na osnovu istraživanja u okviru projekta objavljeno je 25 monografija i odbranjeno pet doktorskih i pet magistarskih teza. Istraženo je stanje poljoprivredne tehnike, procenjene potrebe i definisani pravci razvoja pogonskih maÅ”ina, traktora, procesne tehnike, mehanizacije u ratarstvu, povrtarstvu, stočarstvu, voćarstvu, vinogradarstvu, mehanizacije za proizvodnju lekovitog, začinskog i aromatičnog bilja. Unapređene su postojeće i razvijene nove metode za izbor i formiranje traktorskih sistema i optimizaciju strukture i sastav maÅ”inskog parka u poljoprivredi. Istraživano je sabijanje zemljiÅ”ta i utvrđene su promene nastale pod dejstvom točkova traktora, maÅ”ina i transportnih vozila i predložene su mere za smanjenje i kontrolu sabijanja. Procenjene su Å”tete nastale usled prekomernog sabijanja zemljiÅ”ta od 250 do 300 USA /ha godiÅ”nje. Predložene su nove metode i oprema za predviđanje vuče traktora na van putnim podlogama. Utvrđeni su uticajni faktori na potroÅ”nju goriva i maziva i definisana je tehnologija za proizvodnju i koriŔćenje alternativnih goriva (biodizel i prirodni gas). Istraživana je pouzdanost traktora i maÅ”ina. Razvijene su nove ili poboljÅ”ane postojeće tehnologije i nova ili poboljÅ”ana tehnička reÅ”enja u obradi zemljiÅ”ta, setvi i sadnji, mehaničkoj i hemijskoj nezi, ubiranju, doradi i čuvanju poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Istražena je mogućnost primene metoda skeniranja, metoda konačnih elemenata, regresione analize, viÅ”ekriterijumske optimizacije, fuzzy logike i neuronskih mreža, numeričke analize i drugih metoda u procesu proračuna, projektovanja i osvajanja novih reÅ”enja poljoprivrednih maÅ”ina

    JoŔ o toksičnosti kadmija - s posebnim osvrtom na nastanak oksidacijskoga stresa i na interakcije s cinkom i magnezijem

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    Discovered in late 1817, cadmium is currently one of the most important occupational and environmental pollutants. It is associated with renal, neurological, skeletal and other toxic effects, including reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. There is still much to find out about its mechanisms of action, biomarkers of critical effects, and ways to reduce health risks. At present, there is no clinically efficient agent to treat cadmium poisoning due to predominantly intracellular location of cadmium ions. This article gives a brief review of cadmium-induced oxidative stress and its interactions with essential elements zinc and magnesium as relevant mechanisms of cadmium toxicity. It draws on available literature data and our own results, which indicate that dietary supplementation of either essential element has beneficial effect under condition of cadmium exposure. We have also tackled the reasons why magnesium addition prevails over zinc and discussed the protective role of magnesium during cadmium exposure. These findings could help to solve the problem of prophylaxis and therapy of increased cadmium body burden.Iako je otkriven tek 1817. godine, kadmij je trenutačno jedan od najvažnijih onečiŔćivača životne i radne sredine. Å tetno djeluje na bubrege, živčani sustav, kosti, reproduktivni sistem, a ima i genotoksične i karcinogene efekte. Nužna su dalja istraživanja vezana za mehanizme njegove toksičnosti, biomarkere efekata, kao i načine smanjenja rizika za zdravlje. Osim toga, do danas nije otkriven agens efikasan u terapiji trovanja kadmijem s obzirom na to da je kadmij intracelularni kation. U ovom radu dan je sažet pregled važnih mehanizama toksičnosti kadmija, kao Å”to su nastanak oksidativnog stresa i interakcije s esencijalnim elementima, cinkom i magnezijem, na osnovi dostupnih literaturnih podataka, kao i naÅ”ih ispitivanja koja upućuju na to da povećani unos navedenih esencijalnih elemenata pokazuje pozitivne efekte pri ekspoziciji kadmiju. Obrazložena je prednost suplementacije magnezijem pred suplementacijom cinkom i razmatrana preventivna uloga magnezija pri intoksikaciji kadmijem. Ovi su rezultati doprinos rjeÅ”avanju problema profi lakse i terapije trovanja kadmijem


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    Laser Weapons

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    Uticaj fazne ishrane u starter periodu na proizvodne performanse i sadržaj azota u fecesu brojlera različitih genotipova

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    Objective of the research was to investigate the effect of phase nutrition, i.e. different mixtures used in broiler nutrition with phase reduction of protein cotnent during starter period on production peformances of fattening chickens of different genotypes and on nitrogen content in faeces. Differences between groups (treatments) were in the type of mixtures use din starter period, and according to the following program: T1 (control group) - nutrition consisted of mixtures with 23% of proteins in duration from day 1 to 21; T2 - from day 1 to 14, mixture containing 23% of protein was used, and from day 14 to 21, mixture with 20% of proteins; T3 - from day 1 to 7, mixture was used containing 23% of protein and from day 7 to 21, mixture with 20% of proteins; T4 - nutrition with mixture containing 20% of proteins in duration from day 1 to 21. During the trial period (from day 1 to 21) production parameters were followed. Nitrogen content was determined in a collective faeces sample. Results showed that chickens of different genotypes expressed different sensitivity to protein restriction. Comparing the trial groups with the control in the third week, in chickens of Ross 308 provenience significantly lower body weight was registered only in chickens of T4 group with the highest protein reduction. In Cobb 500 chickens, significantly lower body weight was determined in T3 and T4 trial groups. In case of both hybrids, in T2 group, slightly lower body weight was established, but without statistically significant difference compared to the control. Feed conversion in both genotypes was the highest in T3 and T4 treatments. The program of phase nutrition resulted in decrease of the nitrogen content in faeces. Based on obtained data it can be concluded that applied nutrition treatments with drastic protein reduction during starter period in both genotypes had negative effect on production performances. Therefore, the composition and dynamics of mixture changes must be taken into consideration when formulating the program of phase nutrition, in order to achieve both goals - decrease of protein content in feed with simultaneous diminished nitrogen excretion and achieving good results.Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj fazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeÅ”a za ishranu brojlera u kojima je sadržaj proteina smanjen fazno u starter periodu na proizvodne osobine tovnih pilića različitog genotipa i sadržaj azota u fecesu. Razlika između grupa (tretmana) bila je u tipu smeÅ”a u starter periodu, a prema sledećem programu: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana; T2 - ishrana od 1. do 14. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina i od 14. do 21. dana sa 20% proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1. do 7. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina i od 7. do 21. dana sa 20% proteina; T4 - ishrana smeÅ”om sa 20% proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana. U oglednom periodu (od 1. do 21. dana) praćeni su proizvodni parametri. Sadržaj azota u fecesu određen je na zbirnom uzorku. Rezultati su pokazali da su pilići različitih genotipova ispoljili različitu osetljivost na restrikciju proteina. Poređenjem oglednih grupa sa kontrolnom u trećoj nedelji, kod pilića provenijence Ross 308 konstatovano je da je signifikantno manju telesnu masu ostvarila samo T4 grupa sa najstrožijom redukcijom proteina. Kod provenijence Cobb 500 signifikantno manja telesna masa utvrđena je za T3 i T4 oglednu grupu. Kod oba hibrida za T2 oglednu grupu utvrđena je neÅ”to manja telesna masa, ali bez statistički značajne razlike u poređenju sa kontrolnom. Konverziju hrane kod oba genotipa imala je najveće vrednosti za T4 i T3 tretman. Programi fazne ishrane rezultirali su smanjenjem sadržaja azota u fecesu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su primenjeni tretmani ishrane sa drastičnom restrikcijom proteina u starter periodu kod oba genotipa imali negativan uticaj na proizvodne performanse. Zbog toga se prilikom formulisanja programa fazne ishrane strogo mora voditi računa o sastavu i dinamici promene smeÅ”a, a kako bi se postigla oba cilja - smanjenje sadržaja proteina u hrani uz smanjenu ekskreciju azota i postizanje dobrih proizvodnih rezultata

    Uticaj multifazne ishrane brojlera na prirast, osnovne delove trupa i sadržaj azota u fecesu

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of multiphase feeding, i.e. the effect of different mash feeds with multi-phase protein reduction, on growth, main carcass parts and nitrogen content in faeces of broiler chickens. The experiment was conducted on 1216 chickens of Ross 308 provenience, separated by sex. The experiment lasted for 42 days and the standard technology was used. The groups differed in a type of a mash (treatment) given in the starter period, as follows: T1 (control group) was given a mash with 23% crude proteins from day 1 to day 21; T2 - a mash with 23% proteins from day 1 to day 7, followed by a mash with 21.5% proteins given from day 7 to day 21; T3 - a mash with 23% proteins from day 1 to day 14, followed by a mash with 21.5% proteins given from day 14 to day 21; T4 - mashes changed every three days, having 23%, 22.55%, 22.10%, 21.65% , 21.20%, 20.75% and 20.30% of crude proteins, respectively. Slaughtering performance was investigated on a total of 64 broiler chickens, with eight male and eight female chickens used separately for each of the treatments. Nitrogen content in faeces was determined using the pooled sample of faeces. The obtained results showed some differences in the average daily growth of the male and female chickens when comparing the control (T1) and the experimental groups. Those differences were not statistically significant. However, when comparing the male-only groups, it was determined that the experimental group T4 had statistically significantly higher growth than T2 and T3 group. The effect of the multi-phase feeding programme on the breast, thigh and drumstick share of both male and female broilers was not significant. The applied multi-phase feeding programmes resulted in a reduction in the nitrogen content in the faeces. Considering the obtained results, it can be concluded that the multi-phase feeding programmes had no negative effect on the growth and slaughtering performances of broilers. This goes in favour of these programmes, since they can result in some positive economic and environmental effects of production.Cilj rada je ispitivanje uticaja multifazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeÅ”a za ishranu brojlera u kojima je sadržaj proteina viÅ”efazno smanjen, na prirast, osnovne delova trupa i sadržaj azota u fecesu. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 1216 pilića provenijence Ross 308, razdvojenih po polu. U oglednom periodu od 42 dana primenjena je standardna tehnologija. Razlika između grupa (tretmana) bila je u tipu smeÅ”a za ishranu u starter periodu, a prema sledećem programu: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smeÅ”om sa 23% sirovih proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana; T2 - ishrana od 1. do 7. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% i od 7. do 21. dana sa 21,5% proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1. do14. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% sirovih proteina i od 14. do 21. dana sa 21,5% proteina; T4 - ishrana smeÅ”ama sa dinamikom promene na svaka 3. dana, odnosno sa 23% , 22,55% , 22,10%, 21,65% , 21,20%, 20,75% i 20,30% sirovih proteina. Ispitivanje klaničnih osobina, obavljeno je na ukupno 64 brojlera, odnosno na po 8 pilića oba pola, za svaki tretman. Sadržaj azota u fecesu određen je na zbirnom uzorku fecesa. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, kod pilića muÅ”kog i ženskog pola, utvrđene razlike u prosečnom dnevnom prirastu, između kontrolne (T1) i oglednih grupa nisu bile na nivou statističke značajnosti. Međutim, poređenjem oglednih grupa međusobno, kod pilića muÅ”kog pola utvrđeno je da je ogledna T4 grupa ostvarila statistički značajno veći prirast u poređenju sa T2 i T3 grupom. Uticaj programa multifazne ishrane na prinos i udeo grudi, bataka i karabataka, kod pilića oba pola, nije bio signifikantan. Primenjeni programi multifazne ishrane rezultirali su izvesnim smanjenjem sadržaja azota u fecesu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da programi multifazne ishrana brojlera nisu imali negativan uticaj na prirast i klanične performanse, Å”to ide u prilog njene primene, s obzirom da se ovim programima mogu ostvariti pozitivni ekonomski i ekoloÅ”ki efekti proizvodnje

    Study of Stress-Annealing Enhancement of Magnetoimpedance Effect in Fe89.8Ni1.5Si5.2B3C0.5Fe_{89.8}Ni_{1.5}Si_{5.2}B_{3}C_{0.5} Metallic Glass Ribbons

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    In this study, the magnetoimpedance effect in magnetically soft Fe89.8Ni1.5Si5.2B3C0.5Fe_{89.8}Ni_{1.5}Si_{5.2}B_{3}C_{0.5} metallic glass ribbon samples with significant decrease in atomic percentage of metalloids content (less than 10 at.%) was investigated. Thermal treatments were performed by stress-annealing technique of up to 693 K/475 MPa/30 min. The critical frequency of about 600 kHz was observed as the point with the initial increase in magnetoimpedance ratio. Significant improvement of magnetoimpedance-response reaching the value Ī”Z/Z=25% after stress-annealing at 693 K/130 MPa/30 min was recorded in samples with still amorphous structure at driving frequency of 4 MHz. The highest magnetoimpedance-element sensitivity was found for low magnetic field intensity (H ā‰¤ 1 kA/m), where values of about 12%/kA/m were attained

    Positive impact of prescribed physical activity on symptoms of schizophrenia: Randomized clinical trial

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    Ā© Medicinska naklada - Zagreb, Croatia. Background: The purpose of this study was to examine functional capacity of cardio-respiratory system in patients with schizophrenia, and to evaluate the effects of 12 weeks prescribed physical activity on aerobic capacity and symptoms of schizophrenia. Subjects and methods: Study involved 80 hospitalized patients with any of the subtypes of schizophrenia (42 men, 38 women). They were divided into two groups: exercise and control group, both with 40 patients. Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max) as an indicator of cardiovascular fitness has been obtained by cardiopulmonary stress test on a treadmill. Twelve weeks program of prescribed physical activity (45 minutes, four times per week) was made for every patient individually. Patients in exercise group practiced in training zone between 65 and 75% of their maximum heart rate (HR). Target HR was controlled by Polar F4 monitors. Symptoms of schizophrenia were measured by using Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS). Results: Before the exercise program was introduced, measured VO2 max was significantly lower in patients with schizophrenia, than the expected average value in matched healthy subjects (p<0.001). After twelve weeks, patients in exercise group showed a significant increase of VO2max (p=0.002), and significantly higher level of VO2max compared to the control group (p=0.000). Significant differences were also observed on PANSS general psychopathology subscale (p=0.007) and on PANSS total score (p=0.001). The pharmacotherapy and exercise had influence on PANSS general psychopathology (p=0.002) and PANSS total score (p=0.001). Conclusions: Individuals with schizophrenia have lower levels of aerobic capacity compared to general population. Prescribed physical activity significantly improves aerobic capacity in people with schizophrenia and it is effective in amelioration of some psychiatric symptoms. Prescribed physical activity could be an effective adjunctive treatment for patients with schizophrenia, not only for prevention and treatment of comorbidities, but also having an impact on symptoms of schizophrenia