331 research outputs found

    The Right to Appeal in Comparative Perspective

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    Appellate procedures regarding the most serious crimes under domestic law are, in general, conducted differently in common law and civil law systems. This article reviews the differences concerning the primary facets of such proceedings, namely prosecutorial rights of appeal, access to appellate review, the scope of appellate review, the admission of additional evidence, appellate decisionmaking powers, and the functions of appellate review. It then explains that these differences result from dissimilar decisionmaking processes, degrees of adherence to the search for the truth, and sources of law


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    The era of communication in which we live, is inevitably reflecting in all spheres of our lives, including human rights. Speed of information is something that has become a basic need of modern man. Methods how people are informing today are drastically differ from the methods of, say twenty years ago. Bearing in mind that the man is accustomed to live with modern technologies and often through them, exercised their fundamental life activities, there is a need to examine the current settings on certain human rights, primarily on freedom of opinion and expression. Hardly any development of technologies, such as appearance of the Internet has had such far-reaching effects. Allowing individuals to exchange information and ideas immediately and cheap but regardless of national boundaries, Internet provides access to information and knowledge that were previously unattainable. Bearing that in mind, some States have right to access to the Internet raised at the level of human rights. The phenomenon of the Internet within the protection and improvement Human Rights was also dealt by the UN Special Rapporteur in his report, which is considered in this paper.Doba komunikacija, u kojem živimo, neminovno se reflektuje na sve sfere života, pa tako i na ljudska prava. Brzina informacije je nešto što je današnjem čoveku postala osnovna potreba. Metodi na koji se ljudi danas informišu drastično se razlikuju od metoda, recimo pre dvadeset godina. Imajući u vidu da se čovek saživeo sa modernim tehnologijama i da često putem njih ostvaruje svoje bitne životne aktivnosti, nameće se potreba da se preispitaju dosadašnje postavke o pojedinim ljudskim pravima, prvenstveno o slobodi mišljenja i izražavanja. Retko koji razvoj tehnologija, kao pojava Interneta, je imao tako dalekosežne efekte. Omogućavajući pojedincima da razmenjuju informacije i ideje momentalno i jeftino, nezavisno od nacionalnih granica, Internet omogućava pristup informacijama i znanju koji su prethodno bili nedostižni. Imajući navedeno u vidu, pojedine države su pravo na pristup Internetu podigle na nivo ljudskog prava. Fenomenom Interneta u sklopu zaštite i unapređenja lјudskih prava bavio se i specijalni izvestilac Ujedinjenih nacija u svom izveštaju, koji je razmatran u ovom radu

    Environmentally-Friendly Planning for Urban Shrinkage

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    Urban shrinkage has become a widespread phenomenon in contemporary urbanisation. Shrinking cities present multiple shrinkage-connected problems, where the most acute ones are demographic and social decline caused by bad economic performance. These problems are usually mirrored in urban space and thereby matters for urban planning, which, predictably, proposes mainly economic- and demographic-based models and solutions for shrinking cities. The other factors, such as environmental issues, are not well-established both in relevant theory and practice. Generally, environmental issues play a minor role for shrinking cities. However, they can be the factors to cause or to display the consequences of urban shrinkage, but they can also contribute to overcome related challenges. Therefore, environmental issues are unavoidable in any future agenda or policy in urban planning towards shrinking cities. The first step in the process of linking these two scientific fields – the concept of shrinking cities and environmental science – is certainly to check which environmental issues are relevant for the phenomenon of urban shrinkage. This is the main purpose of this research. It aims to collect and systematise the current knowledge about these links. The findings of this investigation bring new interrelations for the multi-face character of the concept of shrinking cities. Therefore, this research presents a new input how to strengthen currently weak links between the concept and shrinking cities and environmental studies, to facilitate a more adaptive planning for urban shrinkage

    Process of making the hearth of the neighbourhood: from analogue to digital public space design

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    We are living in a period where communities and individuals have the chance to operate more directly in the city, and present their own opinions and proposals on how the city can be developed and designed in accordance with their needs and expectations. This period is also characterised by change in the general approach to the city as self-organised system that is free from the division of bottom and top urban players. This has led to the creation of a new, open and collaborative city-making method called “urban gaming”. On the one hand, the game is a laboratory for “understanding and strategizing” and on the other it is assumed as a ‘generative’ method. This tool could also be seen as an interface for the creation of knowledge and negotiation in the abstract decision-making process and material construction of the city. The game itself can be designed depending on the specific situation and scale to achieve more sustainable plans and proposals. Due to its complexity and the specificity of urban problems, urban game may use analogue as well as digital techniques. To illustrate this contemporary tool, the present paper will use the experience of the urban gaming process that was held in Belgrade. The game was created and implemented to develop a local public space, based on the neighbourhood initiative addressed to the representatives of the local government of the City of Belgrade. In this case study, seen as an urban experiment, special attention is placed on the different phases of the process, the results that have been achieved, as well as the use of analogue and digital tools during the application of the method

    Quantification of biofilm formation on silicone intranasal splints: An in vitro study

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    Objectives: Biofilms are associated with persistent infections and resistant to conventional therapeutic strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate the quantity of biofilm produced on silicone intranasal splints. Methods: Quantity of biofilm formation on silicone splints (SS) was tested on 15 strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Moraxella catarrhalis, respectively. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed in accordance with European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing recommendations. Results: All tested strains formed different amounts of biofilm on SS: 66.7% S. aureus and 93.3% M. catarrhalis were weak biofilm producers and 33.3% S. aureus and 6.7% M. catarrhalis were moderate biofilm producers. S. aureus formed significantly higher quantity of biofilm compared with M. catarrhalis (p  Conclusion: Quantity of biofilm on SS is highly dependent on bacterial species and their resistance patterns. Future studies are needed to ascertain another therapeutic option for prophylaxis prior to SS placement