77 research outputs found

    Some Unconstrained Optimization Methods

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    Although it is a very old theme, unconstrained optimization is an area which is always actual for many scientists. Today, the results of unconstrained optimization are applied in different branches of science, as well as generally in practice. Here, we present the line search techniques. Further, in this chapter we consider some unconstrained optimization methods. We try to present these methods but also to present some contemporary results in this area

    Unconstrained Optimization Methods: Conjugate Gradient Methods and Trust-Region Methods

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    Here, we consider two important classes of unconstrained optimization methods: conjugate gradient methods and trust region methods. These two classes of methods are very interesting; it seems that they are never out of date. First, we consider conjugate gradient methods. We also illustrate the practical behavior of some conjugate gradient methods. Then, we study trust region methods. Considering these two classes of methods, we analyze some recent results

    Crystal Structure of the Neuropilin-1 MAM Domain: Completing the Neuropilin-1 Ectodomain Picture

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    SummaryNeuropilins (NRPs) are single-pass transmembrane receptors involved in several signaling pathways that regulate key physiological processes such as vascular morphogenesis and axon guidance. The MAM domain of NRP, which has previously been implicated in receptor multimerization, was the only portion of the ectopic domain of the NRPs for which the structure, until now, has been elusive. Using site-directed mutagenesis in the linker region preceding the MAM domain we generated a protein construct amenable to crystallization. Here we present the crystal structure of the MAM domain of human NRP1 at 2.24 Å resolution. The protein exhibits a jellyroll topology, with Ca2+ ions bound at the inter-strand space enhancing the thermostability of the domain. We show that the MAM domain of NRP1 is monomeric in solution and insufficient to drive receptor dimerization, which leads us to propose a different role for this domain in the context of NRP membrane assembly and signaling

    Produktivnost golozrnog ječma u organskom i konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja

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    There is rising interest for hulless barley use in human nutrition and industrial processing. Hulless barley is a relatively new cereal crop; the hulls of it can be separated from grain during threshing. This cereal has been recognized as being more valuable and economic in food industry than covered barley. Several studies show the positive influence of hulless barley food products on human health; it can be utilized in many different food products. Aim of this paper is to investigate possibilities of organic growing of hulless barley, comparing with conventional one, in agroecological conditions of Valjevo hilly region during 2008/2009. Trial was set up in Kotešica village on soil which was not used for agriculture for 7 years. In organic cropping system three combinations of microbiological fertilizer baktofil with zeolite and hydrogel were used prior to sowing. Half of each plot was treated with foliar microbiological fertilizer (Slavol) during crop growing period. In conventional cropping system three variants with mineral fertilizers were included: NPK, NPK+zeolite, NPK+hydrogel. Results of the yield obtaind in the experiment showed no significant differences between control and treatments. Yield average in organic cropping system (4,54 t/ha) was slightly higher than in conventional one (4,48 t/ha), but both of them were lower than in control with no fertilizer (4,65 t/ha). According to yield obtained in separate plots, the highest value gave the treatment NPK+zeolit+slavol. Different microbiological fertilizers combined with NPK fertilizer and zeolite give the maximum results in hulles barly production.Poslednjih desetak godina u svetu raste interes za upotrebom golozrnog ječma u direktnoj ljudskoj ishrani i industrijskoj preradi. Razlog za to je pre svega što golozrni ječam predstavlja bogat izvor rastvorljivih biljnih vlakana, koji povoljno utiču na ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita mogućnost organskog gajenja ove biljne vrste, u odnosu na konvencionalni u konkretnim agroekološkim uslovima Valjevskog pobrđa 2008/2009 godine. Ogled je postavljen u selu Kotešica, na zemljištu koje nije korišćeno u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji 7 godina. U organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje, korišćene su kombinacije mikrobiološkog đubriva baktofila sa dva poboljšivača zemljišta zeolita i hidrogela, kojima je tretirano zemljište neposredno pred setvu, a u toku vegetacionog perioda neke varijante ogleda su folijarno tretirane mikrobiološkim đubrivom (slavol). U konvencionalnom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje uključene su tri varijante sa kompleksnim mineralnim NPK đubrivom i kombinacija sa zeolitom i hidrogelom, kojima je tretirano zemljište neposredno pred setvu. Dobijeni rezultati prosečnih prinosa golozrnog jećma pokazuju da na parceli, koja nije korišćena dugi niz godina, nisu dobijene značajne razlike između kontrole, bez đubrenja i tretmana sa mikrobiološkim ili mineralnim đubrivima. Prosečni prinos u organskom sistemu gajenja (4,54 t/ha) je bio nešto viši od konvencionalnog (4,48 t/ha), a oba su bila nešto niža od kontrole bez đubrenja (4,65 t/ha). Posmatrajući prinose po pojedinačnim varijantama najveći prinos je postignut u tretmanu NPK+zeolit+slavol. U ovoj varijanti ogleda mikrobiološka đubriva su u kombinaciji sa NPK i poboljšivačem zemljišta dala maksimalne rezultate u gajenju golozrnog ječma

    Crystal structures of PI3K-C2α PX domain indicate conformational change associated with ligand binding

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PX domains have specialized protein structures involved in binding of phosphoinositides (PIs). Through binding to the various PIs PX domains provide site-specific membrane signals to modulate the intracellular localisation and biological activity of effector proteins. Several crystal structures of these domains are now available from a variety of proteins. All PX domains contain a canonical core structure with main differences exhibited within the loop regions forming the phosphoinositide binding pockets. It is within these areas that the molecular basis for ligand specificity originates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We now report two new structures of PI3K-C2α PX domain that crystallised in a P3<sub>1</sub>21 space group. The two structures, refined to 2.1 Å and 2.5 Å, exhibit significantly different conformations of the phosphoinositide-binding loops. Unexpectedly, in one of the structures, we have detected a putative-ligand trapped in the binding site during the process of protein purification and crystallisation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The two structures reported here provide a more complete description of the phosphoinositide binding region compared to the previously reported 2.6 Å crystal structure of human PI3K-C2α PX where this region was highly disordered. The structures enabled us to further analyse PI specificity and to postulate that the observed conformational change could be related to ligand-binding.</p


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    The dyeing of knitted fabrics made from 100 % cellulose using on-line procedure vinyl sulfonic reactive dye, with or without ultrasound energy, is carried out in this paper. The impact of temperature has been observed. The dye exhaustion is monitored using the method of absorption spectrophotometry, and the quality control of the coloration is monitored using color measurements. The acting of ultrasound on coloration consistency, as well as on some mechanical characteristics has also been examined. All examples of the ultrasound dyeing process show greater dye exhaustion in comparison to the conventional procedure. In addition, all the samples, which have been dyed with the ultrasound energy at 40°C, are significantly darker and have deeper color in comparison with the referent sample. The temperature has a great influence on kinetic energy of the dye molecules, and therefore on the diffusion processes in the dyeing system. The exhaustion chart indicates that when the temperature is lower the exhaustion degree drops. However, all the samples dyed with the ultrasound energy have bigger exhaustion. Besides that, ultrasound energy contributes to warming up the processing environment, so the additional warm up with the electricity is unnecessary, unlike the conventional way of dyeing. Since the reactive dyes chemically connect themselves with the cellulose substrate and in that way form covalent connection, the dyed fabrics have good washing consistency. Analysis results indicate that the consistencies are identical regardless the applied dyeing procedure. In other words, the dyeing method using the ultrasound energy produces the dyed fabric of the same quality. After analyzing the results of breaking force and elongation at break of knitted fabrics, it is noticeable that there is no degradation of previously mentioned knitted fabrics features (horizontally and vertically) during the ultrasound wave’s activity


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    In dyeing process, the object is to transport or diffuse dyes and chemicals into the fibre. Various novel processes, including ultrasound, are being introduced and studied as more environmentally friendly alternatives. Encouraging results have been reported for the use of ultrasound energy in dyeing processes of micro-viscose. The recent studies revealed major ultrasound applications advances: savings of processing time, energy, chemicals, as well as environmental protection. Influence of various ultrasound frequencies (40, 200 and 400 kHz) on dyeing of micro-viscose knitted fabrics, by a reactive dye has been reported in this work. A method of reflection spectrophotometry has been employed to record reemission curves of the colored compounds. A software packet has been employed to calculate CIELab colored coordinates. Then, a comparison has been made with samples colored by conventional procedure according to CIELab76 and CMC (2:1) criteria. The use ultrasound in textile dyeing processing offers many potential advantages. The results prove better dye exhaustion by ultrasound and consequently the better fixing. The exhaustion for the bifunctional dye (containing two vinylsulphone groups) reaches 71.75 % without ultrasound, and 83.69 % with 400 kHz ultrasound. The 40 kHz, 150 W ultrasound causes a cavitation of higher intensity, compared to 200 and 400 kHz ultrasounds. In this particular case, destruction of cavitation bubbles is very intensive. That is why a large amount of cavitation energy is being transformed into a heat, yielding the additional bath heating. The ultrasounds with higher frequencies (200 and 400 kHz) cannot use such a strong power. The applied powering this case reaches 0.6 W. The cavitation bubbles are now smaller the cavitation disintegration is not so strong, and the energy loss is much smaller, i.e. a smaller amount of energy has been transformed into a heat. An ultrasound of an equal power, but of higher frequency contributes to the somewhat higher exhaustion and fixing. The ultrasound dyeing produces much obscured colours, compared the standard. The differences are evident and not negligible. The comparison of the samples treated ultrasound of different frequencies during dyeing revealed the higher coulours intensities with the increase of ultrasound frequencies of the equal power (200 and 400 kHz). However, the increase is not so expressed

    Socioeconomic inequalities in the use of dental health care among the adult population in Serbia

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    ObjectivesThe aim of this paper is to assess the association of demografic and socioeconomic determinants with utilization of dental services among Serbian adults.Materials and methodsThe study is a part of the population health research of Serbia, conducted in the period from October to December 2019 by the Institute of Statistics of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with the Institute of Public Health of Serbia “Dr. Milan JovanovićBatut” and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. The research was conducted as a descriptive, cross-sectional analytical study on a representative sample of the population of Serbia. For the purposes of this study, data on the adult population aged 20 years and older were used.ResultsMen were approximately 1.8 times more likely than women to not utilize dental healthcare services (OR = 1.81). The likelihood of not utilizing dental healthcare protection rises with increasing age, reaching its peak within the 65–74 age range (OR = 0.441), after which it declines. Individuals who have experienced marital dissolution due to divorce or the death of a spouse exhibit a higher probability of not utilizing health protection (OR = 1.868). As the level of education and wealth diminishes, the probability of abstaining from health protection increases by 5.8 times among respondents with an elementary school education (OR = 5.852) and 1.7 times among the most economically disadvantaged respondents (OR = 1.745). Regarding inactivity, respondents who are not employed have a 2.6-fold higher likelihood of not utilizing oral health care compared to employed respondents (OR = 2.610).ConclusionThe results suggest that individual sociodemographic factors influence utilization of dental services by Serbian adults and confirmed the existence of socioeconomic disparities


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    The paper deals with the adsorption of direct dye from aqueous solution onto waste ashes prepared from the heating station of Leskovac (Serbia). Waste ashes are used for the reduction of coloration, for example, of textile wastewater. Based on the results, it can be said that the waste ashes are an efficient adsorbent for the removal of direct dye from aqueous solution. Prolonged contact time means a greater amount of color on the adsorbent, i.e. the dye concentration in the solution decreases with the adsorption duration. The typical graphical representation obtained from the Freundlich equation shows that this model provides a sufficiently accurate description of the experimental data of dye adsorption on waste ashes as opposed to the Langmuir model