299 research outputs found

    Proizvodni rezultati različitih kategorija fazana gajenih u kontrolisanim uslovima

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    The overview of domestic and foreign investigations of the effects of various intensity of ant feeding technique in various categories of pheasants. With the aim to increase number of pheasants in our country and in the world, for decades pheasant chicks are produced in pheasant farms up to the age of 5-8 weeks, and body mass of 400-450 g, after which they are released into the hunting grounds. The capacity of pheasant farms in Serbia is about 900.500 hatched chicks, and in the past four decades several tens of millions of artificially reared pheasants were released. The quality of feeding the brood stock of pheasants, which produce eggs for hatching incubator has a direct influence on number, mass and fertility of eggs, and on the mass of newly hatched chicks. The feed conversion ratio in chicks depends on the first place on energy and protein level, and also on biological value of protein. In domestic investigations of pheasant chicks feeding with the concentrate mixture with higher protein value (30% to 28 days of age and 24% to 42 days of age) and with lower stocking density (450 individuals in the group), had significantly bigger Final body mass (457.07 g) and higher daily gain (4.22 g in the first 13:31 and g in the second period), and with better feed conversion ratio.U radu je dat pregled domaćih i stranih istraživanja efekata različitog intenziteta i tehnike ishrane na proizvodne rezultate različitih kategorija fazana. U cilju povećanja broja fazana za odstrel u svetu i kod nas decenijama se gaje fazančići u fazanerijama do starosti od 5-8 nedelja i telesne mase od 400-450 g a zatim se puštaju u lovišta. Kapacitet fazanerija u Srbiji je oko 900.500 jednodnevnih fazančića a za protekle četiri decenije u lovišta Srbije pušteno je nekoliko desetina miliona veštački odgajenih fazana. Kvalitet ishrane matičnog jata fazana koji proizvode jaja za inkubatore direktno utiče na broj, masu i fertilitet jaja, kao i na masu fazančića. Konverzija hrane kod fazančića zavisi od nivoa energije i proteina, kao i od biološke vrednosti proteina, pre svega od sadržaja metionina i lizina. U domaćim ispitivanjima ishrana fazančića smešom koncentrata sa većim nivoom proteina (30% do 15. dana života i 24% do 42. dana) i pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti (450 jedinki u grupi) rezultovala je signifikantno većom završnom telesnom masom (457,07 g) i većim dnevnim prirastima (4,22 g za prvi period odgajivanja i 13,31 g za drugi period), kao i boljom konverzijom hrane

    p-Adic and Adelic Harmonic Oscillator with Time-Dependent Frequency

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    The classical and quantum formalism for a p-adic and adelic harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequency is developed, and general formulae for main theoretical quantities are obtained. In particular, the p-adic propagator is calculated, and the existence of a simple vacuum state as well as adelic quantum dynamics is shown. Space discreteness and p-adic quantum-mechanical phase are noted.Comment: 10 page

    Reality in Noncommutative Gravity

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    We study the problem of reality in the geometric formalism of the 4D noncommutative gravity using the known deformation of the diffeomorphism group induced by the twist operator with the constant deformation parameters \vt^{mn}. It is shown that real covariant derivatives can be constructed via \star-anticommutators of the real connection with the corresponding fields. The minimal noncommutative generalization of the real Riemann tensor contains only \vt^{mn}-corrections of the even degrees in comparison with the undeformed tensor. The gauge field hmnh_{mn} describes a gravitational field on the flat background. All geometric objects are constructed as the perturbation series using \star-polynomial decomposition in terms of hmnh_{mn}. We consider the nonminimal tensor and scalar functions of hmnh_{mn} of the odd degrees in \vt^{mn} and remark that these pure noncommutative objects can be used in the noncommutative gravity.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, corrected version to be publised in CQ

    Impact of genetics on neoadjuvant therapy with complete pathological response in metastatic colorectal cancer: case report and review of the literature

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    Treatment of colorectal metastatic cancer is still challenging, despite recent improvements in chemotherapy. A genetic cancer profile, such as the KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma) gene status, plays a key role in individualized tailored therapy. Molecular targeted therapy added to neoadjuvant chemotherapy can achieve a better pathological response and prolong survival. Pathological complete response of colorectal cancer stage N is rare. A 47-year-old female patient presented with rectal adenocarcinoma and three liver metastases (cT3d/4, N2, M1). After seven cycles of Bevacizumab and CAPOX in neoadjuvant setting, we noted more than 70.0% regression of metastases and complete regression of the primary tumor. We performed low anterior resection of rectum and synchronous subsegmental resection of S3, because the other two lesions were not detectable. Pathology revealed complete response of the primary and also secondary tumors. After 8 months, diagnostic tests did not show any sign of recurrence and the remaining liver lesions disappeared. Colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease and it is necessary to identify patients who are at-risk of recurrence and suitable for neoadjuvant therapy. Genetic biomarkers play an important role in metastatic colorectal cancer treatment. Because of the mutated KRAS gene, Bevacizumab was added to cytotoxic therapy achieving a complete pathological response of primary tumor and metastasis. This case is unique because all reported cases with similar results, described staged surgery and one of reverse staged surgery, but with similar results. This neoadjuvant therapy has extra ordinary results for colorectal cancer stage IV and can help disease-free and long-term survival

    Efekti upotrebe sirćetne kiseline kao konzervansa pri siliranju lucerke

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    The influence of acetic acid as the chemical conservant in three doses (4, 6 8 g/kg green mass) on the intensity of fermentation and proteolysis in lucerne silage was investigated. On the basis of chemical analysis, it was found that with the increase of conservant dose the pH value decreased aminogenesis and nitrogen solubility was limited. In silages treated the absolute and relative domination of acetic acid was found in total acid content. The increase of free and bonded acetic acid was discovered with the increase of conservant dose. Free butyric acid was not detected, while bonded butyric acid was present in negligible concentration, without effect on silage quality. Compared to control silage (III quality class according to DLG and Zelter method), a significant increase of acetic acid in silages resulted in the decline of their quality, and they were ranked as not useful (V quality class according to DLG method), or on the margin of usefulness (IV quality class according to Zelter method). In spite of some foreign references, domestic experiences show that acetic acid is not an effective conservant and it is not recommended for that use for lucerne that is not simple to ensile.U eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj sirćetne kiseline, korišćene u svojstvu hemijskog konzervansa u tri doze (4, 6 i 8 g/kg zelene mase) na intenzitet fermentacije i proteolize u silažama lucerke. Na osnovu rezultata hemijskih analiza utvrđeno je da je sa porastom doze konzervansa došlo do snižavanja pH vrednosti, ograničavanja aminogeneze i rastvorljivosti azotnih materija. U tretiranim silažama utvrdjena je apsolutna i relativna dominacija sirćetne kiseline u ukupnom sadržaju kiselina. Pri dodavanju konzervansa došlo je do porasta količine slobodne i vezane sirćetne kiseline. Slobodna buterna kiselina nije utvrđena u silažama dok je prisustvo buterne kiseline u vezanom obliku bilo zanemarljivo i bez uticaja na kvalitet silaža. U odnosu na kontrolnu silažu (III klasa kvaliteta po DLG i Zelter-ovoj metodi) značajno povećanje zastupljenosti sirćetne kiseline u tretiranim silažama doprinelo je pogoršanju njihovog kvaliteta, pa su ocenjene kao neupotrebljive (V klasa kvaliteta prema DLG metodi), odnosno, na granici upotrebljivosti (IV klasa kvaliteta po Zelter-ovoj metodi). I pored nekih stranih preporuka, iskustva iz domaćih istraživanja ukazuju da sirćetna kiselina nije efikasan konzervans, i ne preporučuje se za teže silirajuća hraniva, kakva je i lucerka


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    Cisplatin is the first heavy metal compound that has been found to possess antineoplastic activity. It is effective in treating testicular, ovarian, head and neck, bladder, cervical, esophageal tumors, and small cell lung carcinoma. Approximately 1% of cisplatin that enters the cell interacts with DNA, forming DNA-cisplatin bonds. Both apoptosis and necrosis can be found in the same population of cells exposed to cisplatin, and the mode of cell death depends on the cisplatin concentration and metabolic state of the target cell. In the bloodstream, the platinum component of cisplatin binds to the blood's proteins (hemoglobin, albumin and transferrin), and other significant portion binds to the glutathione and other cysteine-rich biomolecules. Cisplatin impairs the mitochondrial and cell antioxidant defense system (decreases GSH, NADPH levels, GCH/GSSG ratio, and increases GSSG levels) leading to oxidative stress. There are three main mechanisms of cell resistance to cisplatin: (1) enhanced repair of cisplatin-induced DNA lesions, (2) decrease in uptake and/or increase in efflux and (3) inactivation of cisplatin intracellularly. The usage of cisplatin is limited due to its toxicity and side effects, which include neurotoxicity (numbness and tingling, paresthesia, reduced deep tendon reflexes), nephrotoxicity (renal insufficiency, hypomagnesemia), ototoxicity (tinnitus and bilateral high-frequency hearing loss), cardiotoxicity (changes in electric heart activity, congestive heart failure), gastrotoxicity (nausea, vomiting, and dyspepsia), etc.  So far, there  has been no effective, clinically administered, therapy for cisplatin-induced toxicity

    Flood Impact Assessment Literature Review

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    This report is a literature review on flood damage approaches and models with suggestion for model adaption, including the report on assessed damages in case study cities.The work described in this publication was supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme through the grant to the budget of CORFU Collaborative Research on Flood Resilience in Urban Areas, Contract 244047

    Quality of silage of mixed sunchoke and lucerne forage

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    The paper presents the chemical composition, nutritional and usable value of sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) and the possibility of using it for animal nutrition in fresh and canned form. Tests show that sunchoke cut in mid-June contains about 9.43% of crude protein, 2.49% of crude fat, 19.93% of crude cellulose, 50.50% of NFE (nitrogen-free extractives) and 17.65% of ash in the dry matter. Although lucerne biomass had a more favorable chemical composition (18.13% crude protein, 6.72% crude fat, 25.24% crude cellulose, 39.35% BEM and 10.56% ash), the benefits of sunchoke are in the more successful growing in less favorable natural, primarily soil conditions, the more suitable it is for ensiling and the longer it stays on one planted plot. Since it is predominantly an energy (carbohydrate) nutrient, the possibility of ensiling the green biomass of sunchoke in a mixture with 25, 50 and 75% fresh lucerne (25% dry matter) was investigated. The obtained results show that with the increase of lucerne participation, the nutritional value of silage increases, but the quality decreases. In addition to its role in conventional feed production, sunchoke can be an important plant in the system of organic production, production for industrial processing and for extensive cultivation in hunting grounds

    Flood Damage Model Guidelines

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    This report outlines the framework for the damage model that should be applied in the project. The intended readership of the report is project partners who will be assessing flood damage in the different case study cities. The model outlined in the report deals with direct tangible damage, and indirect tangible and intangible damage will be described in detail in other deliverables. This report outlines the general principles that should be adhered to in assessing flood damage. Recommendations are provided on the appropriate scale of modelling that should be adopted. The report then goes on to outline the categories of assets that should be considered in assessing direct tangible damage. The report also provides recommendations on the data that should be sought to estimate the value of the assets at risk and the damage functions, which relate to the characteristics of the flooding. Finally, the report concludes with recommendations on how to estimate the Expected Annual Damage. An appendix is included, which provides the technical details of the modelling tool that has been developed on a trial site in Dhaka in Bangladesh. This tool can be applied on a GIS software platform. The details of the algorithms have been provided so that they can be applied in different software packages, if necessary. The tool will be updated as further progress is madeThe work described in this publication was supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme through the grant to the budget of CORFU Collaborative Research on Flood Resilience in Urban Areas, Contract 244047

    Važnija eksterijerna i reproduktivna svojstva populacije engleskog punokrvnog konja gajenog na ergeli 'Ljubičevo', Srbija

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    The investigation included 5 stallions (average age of 10.40 years) and 33 mares (average age of 10.33 years) with pedigree of the English Thoroughbred horse breed that are used for breeding on the Stud Farm Ljubicevo - Serbia. The investigation of some significant properties relating to the exterior (at stallions) and reproductive ones (at mares) were carried out in the year 2009. The following average exterior (body) measures of the stallions: the body mass (474.80 kg), withers height (160.46 cm), trunk or body length (161.88 cm), breast circumference (187.96 cm) and tibia circumference (19.22 cm) were within the standards of this horse breed of the age. The gestation period at mares, regardless the sex of a colt, averagely lasted 337.70 days. With the mares having had a male colt, the gestation lasted a little bit longer (338.92 days) than with the mares having had female colts (336.90 days). The difference in the gestation duration (2.02 days) was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Between the age of the mares and the gestation duration (regardless the sex of a colt) it was found a positive slight correlation (rp=0.320). Furthermore, between the age of the mares and the gestation duration it was found medium (rp=0.453) correlation at male colts, and quite poor correlation (rp=0.202) at female colts. Found coefficients of the phenotype correlation were not statistically confirmed (P>0.05).Istraživanjima je obuhvaćeno 5 pastuva (prosečne starosti 10,40 godina) i 33 kobile (prosečne starosti 10,33 godina) sa poznatim poreklom (pedigreom) engleske punokrvne rase konja koja se na ergeli Ljubičevo - Srbija aktivno koriste u priplodu. Utvrđivanja važnijih eksterijernih (pastuvi), odnosno reproduktivnih svojstava (kobile) sprovedena su u 2009. godini. Utvrđene prosečne eksterijerne (telesne) mere pastuva: telesna masa (474,80 kg), visina grebena (160,46 cm), dužina trupa - tela (161,88 cm), obim grudi (187,96 cm) i obim cevanice (19,22 cm) su bile u okviru standarda ove rase konja u odgovarajućoj starosnoj dobi. Bremenitost (gestacija) kobila, bez obzira na pol ždrebeta, u proseku je trajala 337,70 dana. Kod kobila koje su oždrebile mušku ždrebad bremenitost je trajala nešto duže (338,92 dana), nego kod kobila koje su oždrebile žensku ždrebad (336,90 dana). Razlika u trajanju bremenitosti (2,02 dana) nije bila statistički signifikantna (P>0,05). Između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti (bez obzira na pol ždrebeta) utvrđena je pozitivna slaba korelaciona povezanost (rp=0,320). Zatim, između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti utvrđena je srednja (rp=0,453) korelaciona povezanost kod muške ždrebadi, odnosno jako slaba (rp=0,202) kod ženske ždrebadi. Utvrđeni koeficijenti fenotipske korelacije nisu bili statistički potvrđeni (P>0,05)