24 research outputs found


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    Flow field at the inlet of a combustor under the influence of swirler vanes was investigated computationally. The isothermal flow was examined to predict the combustion stability. The simulations indicate different flow-field characteristics can be achieved under the same swirl number. In addition to swirl number, swirl velocity induces the existence of centrifugal force. This force affect velocity profile peak, static pressure profile, radially; and recirculation zone, axially


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    The population in Depok is growing in line with the growth of garbage produced. This issue should be balanced with the availability of proper waste management facility, such as providing waste collection vehicles. Pesona Khayangan residence is one of the area in Depok which has waste collection door-to-door service. The limited number of waste collection vehicles make it inefficient to reduce the mounting garbage. This research is aimed to determine the optimal route of waste collection in term of time and cost. The Travelling Salesman Problem is used to model the optimization problem. The solution shows that there is time and distance efficiency on the proposed route and it has successfully saved 50.2 minutes and 0.9 km per service operation.Keywords: waste collection, routing, travelling salesman proble


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    The population in Depok is growing in line with the growth of garbage produced. This issue should be balanced with the availability of proper waste management facility, such as providing waste collection vehicles. Pesona Khayangan residence is one of the area in Depok which has waste collection door-to-door service. The limited number of waste collection vehicles make it inefficient to reduce the mounting garbage. This research is aimed to determine the optimal route of waste collection in term of time and cost. The Travelling Salesman Problem is used to model the optimization problem. The solution shows that there is time and distance efficiency on the proposed route and it has successfully saved 50.2 minutes and 0.9 km per service operation.Keywords: waste collection, routing, travelling salesman proble

    Pollution Load Allocation on Water Pollution Control in the Citarum River

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    The Citarum River is a strategic river in Indonesia, but has poor water quality.  The existing pollution control program has no impact on the river's water quality, because it uses a regulatory approach and prioritizes industrial sources. To improve the quality of the river, every pollutant source needs to reduce the pollution load discharged into the river based on the ability of the river to receive pollution. The purpose of this study was to measure pollution load allocation based on the total maximum daily load (TMDL) of the river. The results show that non-point sources contribute the highest pollution load (85%) compared with point sources (15%). The results of the measurement of pollution load allocation showed that the highest contribution of pollution load was from domestic waste (83.5%), followed by industrial waste (6.6%). The target of pollution load reduction for domestic sources is 81.8%, and for industries is 79.5%. The improvement of river water quality should be started at tributaries and domestic sources. This study can be used by local governments to develop water pollution control programs, for instance as a basis for determining the wastewater discharge permit of pollutant sources and permit trading

    Potential Reduction of Solid Waste Generated from Traditional and Modern Markets

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    Trading activities, whether in traditional or modern markets, generate both solid waste and wastewater. This study aims to analyze the characteristics and composition of solid waste generated from traditional and modern markets and their potential reductions in Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Cinere, based on waste generation, composition, and solid waste’s characteristics that are generated from both markets. The method used in this study is based on SNI 19-3964-1994 about Measurement and Collection Method for Waste Generation and Composition of Municipal Solid Waste Sample. Results showed that the average volume of solid waste generation from Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere is 2.74 m3/day and 0.76 m3/day, respectively. The main components of Pasar Pondok Bambu solid waste are 65.56% garden and vegetable waste, 13.04% slaughterhouse waste, 7.34% plastic waste, and 7.28% food waste. Meanwhile, the main components of Pasar Segar Cinere are 58.77% garden and vegetable waste, 20.58% food waste, 9.60% plastic waste, and 3.76% paper waste. There is a chance to reduce the amount of waste in both traditional markets in order to reduce the waste load in landfills. Alternatives to reducing the amount of solid waste are through reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting. These alternatives are expected to reduce solid waste generation in both Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere. In order to be able to be used as compost material, both sources of solid waste should add materials such as leaves from garden waste to increase the levels of carbon content. Based on solid waste composition, potential reduction waste in both Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere is around 40%

    The Role of Water Supply and Sanitation During Floods: Case Study of Flood Disaster in Five Regions of Jakarta

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    Jakarta lies in low-lying deltas served by the Ciliwung River and many other small rivers. Due to overpopulation in Jakarta, green open spaces are diminishing. Since infiltration capacities of land in Jakarta have decreased, surface runoff has become more extensive. As a result, Jakarta is often stricken by flood disasters which affect human life, property, and urban infrastructures. The objectives of this study are to identify and develop mitigation strategies during flood disasters for communities and urban infrastructures, including facilities that supply water for daily use as well as drinking water, and also sanitation facilities. Primary data was collected during field surveys, while secondary data represents information obtained from relevant literature. The results of this study show that the average height of water during flooding was about 1 meter, and the highest level reported as 4 meters. The time required to fully drain the flooding areas is typically about five days. However, the degree of damage to buildings and property is relatively minor during a flood. The study also reveals that residents who have lived in their houses more than 25 years generally had been hit by floods at least two times. Thus, these communities demonstrated that they had learned from their experiences to prepare themselves for future flooding to reduce the extent of damage, suffering, and loss. Public guidelines for mitigating damages caused by flood disasters should be developed and followed with communication and explanation to the communities within the various regions of Jakarta. The water supply facilities, such as reservoirs, and sanitation facilities should ensure that water tanks are made available to every shelter and campground, and that permanent public toilets are provided

    Dynamic Project Interdependencies (PI) in Optimizing Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

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    Many researchers assess the tools and techniques to optimize the project portfolio management. Most of those tools treat each project within a portfolio as an independent entity. Starting in 2010 onwards, many researchers considered the importance of Project Interdependencies (PI) in defining the Project Portfolio (PP); however, those researchers treated PI as a static condition. Organization strategy has dynamic characteristics caused by internal dynamics as well as external forces. Since the PP is a bridge between organization strategy and the program/project, the PP has to have a dynamic ability, in order to support the organizational strategy dynamics. This research applies an interactive approach using System Dynamics (SD) modelling to represent the PI dynamics as well as a project selection tool/technique within a project portfolio. A case study was conducted with the Bandung Urban Waterworks (PDAM Tirtawening). The outcomes of this research suggest that the model developed by the SD approach is: 1) one of the tools and techniques is to specify the PI dynamics; 2) to determine project priority in order to optimize the project portfolio. SD approach has the ability to challenge an organization’s perception of their project portfolio interdependencies and to enhance strategic decision making capabilities. PI on this research is driven by project outcomes. PI that driven by other reasons, such as by market, resources, knowledge, etc., should be leveraged more, to figure out a complete picture of the PI importance within Project Portfolio Management (PPM)