54 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Citra Lembaga, Kepercayaan Mahasiswa terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa dan Implikasinya Kepada Komitmen Relasional Mahasiswa pada Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    This study is aimed at analyzing the influence of corporate image, students\u27 trust towards students\u27 satisfaction and the implication to the students\u27 relational commitment in Economics Faculty of Semarang State University. It is also conducted to test the direct or indirect influence. The sample used in this study is 97 respondents. It was taken by applying proportional random sampling. There are several findings from this study: (1) the first hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is a significant and positive influence between corporate image towards Economics Faculty students\u27 satisfaction (beta=0.472); (2) the second hypothesis is accepted indicating that there is a significant and positive influence between students\u27 trust towards Economics Faculty students\u27 satisfaction (beta=0.357); (3) the third hypothesis is accepted which shows that there is a significant and positive influence between corporate image towards Economics Faculty students\u27 relational commitment (beta=0.648); (4) the fourth hypothesis is accepted meaning that there is a significant and positive influence between trust towards Economics Faculty students\u27 relational commitment (beta=0.186); and (5) the fifth hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is a significant and positive influence between students\u27 satisfaction towards Economics Faculty students\u27 relational commitment (beta=0.166). Variable of students\u27 satisfaction is not a median variable of corporate image towards Economics Faculty students\u27 relational commitment since the direct influence (0.648) is more than the indirect influence (0.078). Variable of students\u27 satisfaction is not a median variable of students\u27 trust towards Economics Faculty students\u27 relational commitment since the direct influence (0.186) is more than the indirect influence (0.059)


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    Blood Parasite Infection Prevalence in Kampong Chicken Breeder’s Group in Garut

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    The Aim of this research was to determine the blood parasite infection prevalence in Garut District. The research was conducted in November-December 2016. 160 samples of blood were obtained from eight subdistrict at Kampong Chicken Breeder’s Group (KEPAK) in Garut District smeared with 3% Giemsa solution and examined under a microscope with 1000x magnification. The merozoite and gametocyte that was discovered recorded. The data that obtained was analyzed descriptively. A parasites were found in 11 blood samples (6.88%). The genus of blood parasites is Leucocytozoon sp., while Plasmodium sp., Haemoproteus sp., and Trypanosoma avium sp. are not found in this research (0%). All of blood infected parasite only found at Tarogong Kidul subdistrict and seven other subdistricts showed negative results.  Keyword: Blood parasite, Leucocytozoon, KEPAK, Kampong Chicke

    Hubungan Paritas dan Umur Terhadap Indeks Fertilitas Sapi Perah Peranakan Frisian Holstein (PFH) Di Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Sri Wigati Pagerwojo Tulungagung

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relation between parity and age Fertility Index of Holstein Frisian Cross (PFH) dairy cows at Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) Sri Wigati Pagerwojo Tulungagung. The study used value Conception Rate (CR), Service per Conception (S/C), and Days Open (DO) as indicator of Fertility Index Holstein Frisian Cross (PFH) dairy cows. Data were taken used the survey method. Data of this survey was primary data interviews to farmers and secondary data originated from inseminator data recording at KUD Sri Wigati Pagerwojo Tulungagung. The study used 229 samples of PFH dairy cows, was divided in to two different groubs based on parity and ages. The level of parity in the study was divided in to three different level (first, second and third) which is the number of parity level was 90, 74, and 65 PFH dairy cows. Meanwhile, based on the age the sample was divided in two different ages cluster it was 2-4 years and 5-7 years with the number was 148 and 81 PFH dairy cows. Data were analyzed using Correlasion. The experiment showed that fertility index for PFH dairy cows in first parity, second and thirh is 44,81Y6, 40,51”o0 and 40,47Y2. Fertility index in age 2-4 years and 5-7 years is 45,33Yo and 35,82Yo. The analised showed was not correlation between parity and age with Fertility Index p»0,05. Keywords: parity, age, fertility inde

    Histopathology Changes Of Heart, Lung, Liver And Kidney On Broilers Under Chronic Heat Stress

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    This experiment was conducted to investigate the histopathologic changes of heart, lung, liver and kidney of broilers under chronic heat stress. Fif teen birds (n = 15), twenty-one days old were kept at controlled temperature chamber ranged between 34 and 35°C for 20 days. At 41 days of age the birds were sacrificed for data collection. Under microscopic examination of heart, massive myofibrillar degeneration with hemorrhage, general fatty degeneration of myofibers and diffused myocarditis containing organisms were found in 10 out of 15 broilers (67%). The major histopathologic changes of lung were related to v.ein and arteriole massive congestion with interalveoli septum hemorrhage and edema. These changes were observed in 13 out of 15 broilers (87%). Almost all liver showed fatty degeneration with narrowed sinusoid. Congestion of liver central vein were found around 50% of samples, beside necrosis with heterophils and lymphocytes that was observed in some parts of the liver, especially in the portal region in 8 out of 15 broiler (53%). In the kidney, the most histopathologic changes was hidropic degeneration (70%), which largely found in renal tubular epithelia cells, beside hemorrhage and accumulation of heterophils in many inflammatory areas. ‱ Keyword :Chronic Heat stress ;Broiler ;Histopathology of Heart, Lung, Liver and Kidne

    Morfometry Study of Hemipenis Biawak Air Varanus Salvator on Length Measurement of Snouth Vent Length (Svl) Andbody Weight

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    Varanus salvator is a water reptile that has various kinds depends on the habitat. Varanus salvator   has been hunted by people for hundreds or even thousands of years, therefore the populations decreased. People used Varanus salvator  as a source of protein and as medicine for particular parts of the body. Informations about Varanus salvator reproductive anatomy was highly needed as the base of conservation. The objective of this research was to know the corelation of snouth vent length and body weight to the size of hemipenes. Forty male  Varanus salvator in random sizes  was measured in snoth vent length and body weight, then the measurement’s result was analized and correlated with the size of hemipenes. The size of hemipenes was the length of hemipenes, the diameter of radix hemipenes, the diameter of corpus hemipenes and the diameter of glands hemipenes. The datas was processed using Anova test, Linear regression test, correlation test, and double correlation test.The result showed that body weight and snouth vent length correlated to the size of hemipenes because the value of correlation test showed p>0,5. Based on double correlation test, the result showed that snouth vent lengt was more correlated to the size of hemipenes. The value of double corrrelation test showed z<1,96. Keyword : Snouth vent length, Hemipenis, Varanus salvator

    The Effect of Folic Acid as Supportive Therapy of Spiramycine on Weight of Foetus to Toxoplasma gondii-Infected Pregnant Mice (Mus Musculus)

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    This research aimed to investigate the effect of folic acid as supportive therapy of spiramycine on weight of foetus to Toxoplasma gondii‐infected pregnant mice (Musmusculus). Twenty pregnant female mice were divided into four groups as C ‐, C +, T1 and T2. C +, T1 and T2 were infected by Toxoplasma gondii. C – and C + administered orally 0.5 ml aquadest, T1 administered orally 130 mg/kg BW spiramycine and 0.052 ÎŒg/g BW folic acid and T2 administered orally 0.052 ÎŒg/g BW folic acid. Experimental groups received the treatments for 5 days, then animals of each groups were sacrified. Foetuses were dissected out for observation. The weight of fetuses were measured using an analytical balance. The data weight of foetuses was presented descriptively and analyzed by ANOVA test and continued by Tukey HSD. From this study, the weight of foetuses from the pregnant mice of T1 and T2 have difference compared with the controls. The result of this research is folic acid affects the weight of foetuses to Toxoplasma gondii‐infected pregnant mice. Keyword : folic acid, Toxoplasma gondii, Mus musculus, foetu

    The Effect of Spirulina as Feed Additive to Myocardial Necrosis and Leukocyte of Chicken on Avian Influenza (H5N1) Virus Infection

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    The aim of this research was to examine the effect of Spirulina sp. as feed additive to myocardial necrosis and leukocytes which were infected by Avian Influenza H5N1 virus. This research comprised three level treatment of Spirulina 0%, 10%, 20% of the fresh water algae as a liquid supplement, each of which consisted of seven replicates given to 7 day to 32 day old broiler chicken. Artificial infection of Avian Influenza virus H5N1 by entering the respiratory tract (nose drops) using a dose of 0.1 ml inoculum. Blood samples were collected from brachialis vein 0.5–1 ml to calculate leukocyte cell. Heart tissue of chicken were taken to histopathologic and immunohistochemistry examination. The results showed that there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in myocardial necrosis and significant difference (p<0.05) in leukocyte in the treatment of Spirulina sp. The result indicates that Spirulina sp.can be used as feed additive to increase immunity in broiler chicken. Keywords: feed additive; Spirulina sp; Avian Influenza H5N1 virus; chicken; myocardial necrosis; leukocyt

    Histopathological Alterations of Ceca in Broiler Chickens (Gallus gallus) Exposed to Chronic Heat Stress.

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    Heat stress has been found to cause adverse effects on small intestinal microstructure, but little is known about its impact on chicken's cecum. In this research, the histopathological alterations of broiler chicken's cecum following chronic heat stress were evaluated. 20 broiler chickens were randomly divided into control group and treatment group containing 10 replicates, respectively. Both groups were reared under standard conditions until 21 days of age. From day 22 to day 42, the control group was kept at 24-28°C as well as relative humidity of 40-55%, while the treatment group was exposed to high temperature of 36-40°C and relative humidity of 45-65% for eight hours per day. At the end of the period, proximal part of each chicken's cecum was collected and made into histopathological slides with Hematoxylin and Eosin staining. Villus height, villus width, crypt depth, villus surface area, and villus height to crypt depth ratio were examined from 10 villi per replicate. Results analysis revealed that chronic heat stress profoundly (P0.05) changes of the villus despite the long-term heat exposure might imply that the damage is at its early phase. In conclusion, chronic heat stress can produce morphological alterations in the ceca of broiler chickens, though requiring longer duration due to cecum's durabilit

    Analysis of The Cause of Cetacean “Short - Finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala Macrorhynchus)” Strandings on Probolinggo Coast, East Java Province, Indonesia

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    Indonesian waters is one of the habitat and simultaneously a migration path so many different species of mammals of Cetacean (whales and dolphins) and Sirenia. Whales and dolphins are a group of aquatic animals that are often washed up on the shores of Indonesia. Strandings of marine mammals requires fast action and precise handling, particularly those that are still alive so it can be saved, as a safeguard and preservation. The researchers do not have a definitive reason why stranded marine mammals, but there are many theories and analytical approach through the predictions are used to determine the cause. The social life of animals, bad weather, extreme ocean waves and animals follow prey to the beach are some of the most likely causes. Some of the other causes that have been identified is a disease, a parasitic infection, the growth of harmful algae, injuries from boat collisions or entangled, trauma, hunger and military exercises using special sonar. The current of the tides are strong and vary from day to day, causing indeterminate conditions for navigation are predicted as one of the causes. Decreased oxygen levels and water salinity are thought to be among the causes that led dozens of short-finned pilot whales to wash up on a beach in Randupitu village, Gending district, Probolinggo regency, East Java. Data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Juanda, Surabaya, reveals that it was likely that strong currents in the northern Java Sea had carried the pilot whales ashore. According to the data, strong winds of more than 28 knots caused high seas with 2 to 3.5 meter waves. The high waves also caused oxygen level decreases deep below the surface and lowered water salinity, which was accompanied with a sea level rise. The BMKG added that these three elements had led deep water fish to migrate to the surface, leading many of them to become stuck in shallow waters. Keywords: Pilot whales, analysis, cause, strandin
