129 research outputs found

    Organization of Inclusive Teaching for Children with sud at the Good Start Children’s Center in Limete in Kinshasa. Look and Perspectives

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    Children with trisomy 21 commonly referred to as Down syndrome or Down syndrome in the Anglo-Saxon space with an average intelligence quotient of 50 are unable to pursue an ordinary pace of learning in various fields such as mathematics reading writing because of their slower rhythms The presence of one more chromosome in their body 47 chromosomes instead of 46 makes these children unable to meet the requirements and rigors of ordinary schools In view of their lower intellectual level they deserve individualized teaching adapted to the pace and needs of the child To allow educators to easily follow up the number of children must be reduced in the room with an average of 7 students in a classroom The scientists who are in the laboratories of the educational apparatus propose suitable solutions for the integration of these children into society according to their needs and rhythms to reinvigorate and balance the demands of inclusive educatio

    Impact of the Black School Market in Some Primary Schools in Kinshasa on School Performance.

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    In the process of transforming circulating resources the producers and consumers direct and indirect of the offers of black school markets constitute a panacea for raising the level of the quality of the teaching-learning process long decried by educational actors Competition in the current school market is a function not only of the quantity of finished products but also and above all of its quality This is why an observation on the black or clandestine school market which reached a peak in the primary schools of Kinshasa deserved a sustained study Several practices emerge from this market with a more positive influence on school performance The study aimed to explain the impact of the black school market on the academic performance of students After survey and analysis of data collected from 148 teachers and administrators the results showed that almost all of the respondents practice the black school market and it has a positive impact on school performance but generates additional costs with a monthly average of 50 530 FC or 25 3 While the average hourly volume is one forty minute

    Taramiti Tominuku Tamengmeti Akengnuku: Studi tentang Eklesiologi Konstruktif di Jemaat GMIT Mebung

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    Tugas akhir ini dilandasi suatu argumen bahwa taramiti tominuku tamengmeti akengnuku (harfiah: walaupun tempat duduk atau tempat tinggal kita berbeda dan berjauhan namun kita adalah satu darah yang duduk bersama dalam sebuah persekutuan untuk dapat mewujudkan visi secara bersama) sebagai kearifan lokal orang Abui di Kecamatan Alor Tengah Utara merupakan model bagi sebuah eklesiologi konstruktif di Jemaat GMIT (Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor) Mebung. Model eklesiolgi konstruktif ini, di satu pihak, merupakan pandangan alternatif bagi pokok-pokok eklesiologi GMIT yang belum merangkum seluruh pemikiran-pemikiran eklesiologis jemaat-jemaat lokal, namun di lain pihak, sebagai suatu sumbangsih bagi usaha awal merekonstruksi eklesiologi kontekstual. Dalam tugas akhir ini, penulis mempertemukan konsep taramiti tominuku tamengmeti akengnuku dengan konsep “eklesiologi partisipatoris” yang dikembangkan Miroslav Volf. Dari pemikiran tersebut, penulis menganalisisnya berdasarkan pemikiran beberapa teolog dan pokok-pokok eklesiologi GMIT. Hasil perjumpaan ini ialah munculah sebuah konsep eklesiologi baru yang merupakan suatu bentuk eklesiologi konstruktif yang dibangun dengan melihat pada latar belakang budaya dari gereja GMIT Mebung. Studi ini berlangsung tentunya pada jemaat GMIT Mebung yang warga jemaatnya merupakan percampuran antara orang asli Abui dan yang berasal dari suku-suku lain di Alor, Pura, dan Pantar. “Eklesiologi partisipatoris” sebagai model eklesiologi konstruktif yang diajukan di dalam tulisan ini diharapkan memberi implikasi ganda: Secara internal setiap warga jemaat dapat juga memakai dalam setiap tata pelayanan baik didalam gereja, maupun diluar gereja sebagai salah satu wujud kebersamaan Secara eksternal, memberi kontribusi pemikiran bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat. Jemaat GMIT Mebung dapat benar-benar hadir sebagai pelopor bagi kehidupan yang menjunjung tinggi persatuan, persahabatan, dan persaudaraan di tengah-tengah situasi dan masyarakat Alor yang beragam

    Control of the setting reaction and strength development of slag-blended volcanic ash-based phosphate geopolymer with the addition of boric acid

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    This work aimed to evaluate the role of the addition of blast furnace slag for the formation of reaction products and the strength development of volcanic ash-based phosphate geopolymer. Volcanic ash was replaced by 4 and 6 wt% of ground granulated blast furnace slag to accelerate the reaction kinetics. Then, the influence of boric acid for controlling the setting and kinetics reactions was also evaluated. The results demonstrated that the competition between the dissolution of boric acid and volcanic ash-slag particles is the main process controlling the setting and kinetics reaction. The addition of slag has significantly accelerated the initial and final setting times, whereas the addition of boric acid was beneficial for delaying the setting times. Consequently, it also enhanced the flowability of the paste. The compressive strength increased significantly with the addition of slag, and the optimum replaced rate was 4 wt% which resulted in 28 d strength of 27 MPa. Beyond that percentage, the strength was reduced because of the flash setting of the binder which does not allow a subsequent dissolution of the particles and their precipitation. The binders formed with the addition of slag and/or boric acid are beneficial for the improvement of the water stability of the volcanic ash-based phosphate geopolymer.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    Modeling of hybrid vibration control for multilayer structures using solid– shell finite elements

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    A self-control method of vibrations is presented in this paper. This method combines the passive damping capabilities afforded by viscoelastic materials with the active control properties associated with piezoelectric materials. Active control is introduced, using the piezoelectric properties, in order to improve the reduction in vibration amplitudes that can be obtained by viscoelastic passive damping alone. To this end, a filter has been mounted between the sensors and actuators. The resulting nonlinear problem is discretized using the recently developed solid–shell finite element SHB20E, due to the advantages it offers in terms of accuracy and efficiency, as compared to standard finite elements with the same geometry and kinematics. In order to solve the discretized problem, a resolution method using DIAMANT approach is developed. A set of selective and representative numerical tests are performed on multilayer plates to demonstrate the interest of the proposed damping model

    Rheological behaviour of tropical clays of Togo (West Africa) under loads for energy saving in clay materials processing: numerical and experimental approaches

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    Exigences pour le respect de l'environnement encouragent à réduire l'impact de l'activité humaine sur la nature. Génie civil répond à ces exigences par le développement de matériaux de construction écologiques. Cet article traite de la transformation de l'argile matières premières qui permettent le traitement de matériaux de construction respectueux de l'environnement: en plus de leur biodégradabilité, les alvéoles ont tiré matériaux argileux permettent des économies d'énergie en chauffage de la maison grâce à leurs propriétés d'isolation thermique. Mais leur fabrication est un procédé de forte consommation d'énergie, en particulier pendant le compactage, le séchage et la cuisson qui contribuent à l'émission de gaz de serre. Le but de cet article est d'étudier la rhéologie des pâtes d'argile afin de développer des procédés de fabrication à faible consommation d'énergie. A cet effet, les approches théoriques et expérimentaux ont été réalisés sur six variétés d'argile. Dans l'approche théorique, un élément fini (FE) modèle de simulation a été développé pour presser un matériau non rigide prédire les déformations et les contraintes se produisant dans la structure de l'argile. Des expériences ont ensuite été effectuées pour valider la modélisation par éléments finis. Dans cette approche expérimentale, les pâtes d'argile ont été transformées avec une teneur en eau en respectant les limites d'Atterberg qui déterminent la plasticité de l'argile. Le compactage des échantillons a été réalisée sous chargements variables afin de déterminer la faible charge appropriée de la consommation d'énergie. La présente étude est réalisée dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche coopérative, y compris les laboratoires suivants: Institut de Recherche sur le Transport, l'Energie et la Société IRTES-M3M Belfort / France (TCHOMBI et al, 2012, [2], civil et génie des matériaux Département-Ecole Royale Militaire de Bruxelles / Belgique, Centre de la Construction et du Logement-Unité de Recherche sur les Matériaux et les Agroressources , le CCA-URMA-Togo

    Time Until Partial Response in Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma Long-Term Survivors

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    A partial response (PR) has been proposed as a surrogate for overall survival in advanced adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). The primary endpoint of the study was to characterize the time until a PR in patients with metastatic ACC treated with a standard therapy is achieved. Long-term survivors were selected to allow evaluation of delayed tumor response to mitotane. Records from patients with metastatic ACC that survived for > 24 months were retrieved. Tumor response was analyzed according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) 1.1 criteria. Time until a tumor response, after treatment initiation or therapeutic plasma mitotane level, was analyzed. Sixty-eight patients were analyzed. The first-line systemic therapy was mitotane as a monotherapy (M) (n = 57) or cytotoxic polychemotherapy plus/minus mitotane (PC ± M) (n = 11). The second-line therapy was M (n = 2) or PC ± M (n = 41). Thirty-two PRs occurred in 30/68 patients (44.1%): this was obtained for 13 (40.6%) during M and during PC ± M for 19/32 responders (59.4%). PRs were observed within 6 months of starting M or PC ± M in 76.9 and 94.7% of responses, respectively, within 6 months of therapeutic plasma mitotane being first observed in 88.9% of responses with M and in 53.3% of responses with PC ± M. All PRs (but one) occurred within 1 year after initiating treatment. To conclude, Most patients with metastatic ACC and long survival times had PRs within the first 6 months of standard systemic therapy, and almost all within the first year. The absence of response after that period could be considered as a treatment failure. Maintenance of mitotane therapy in non-responders after 1 year should be questioned in future randomized trials

    Moisture Control Capacity of Geopolymer Composites: Correlation of the Bulk Composition\u2013Pore Network with the Absorption\u2013Desorption Behavior

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    Abstract: Porous composites with the principal class of porosity in the range of those presented in the literature as ideal for the moisture control capacity of building environment are described. In the course of the design of the matrices, micrometric pores are introduced to give to the pore systems a bi- or multimodal characters with the aim of improving the phases percolation during the course of desorption and make the moisture accumulation\u2013desorption behavior of the porous composites essentially function of weather and environment. The porous composites present size of pores in the range 0.001-1\u3bcm for the gel pores and peak centered at 10\u3bcm for the micrometric pores which insure the matrices efficiency in moisture control capacity and durability. The results of cycles of moisture absorption\u2013desorption in the course of various seasons of the year permit to identify the activities of gel pores meanly efficient in the extreme environment: absorption when the temperature is under 11 18C; relative humidity is >60% and desorption when the temperature is above 18 18C. At ambient conditions, the pores more active are micrometric pores, while gel pores enter in activity only in the extreme environment conditions. The proposed porous geopolymer composites appeared promising candidates for the management of the moisture while improving the thermal insulation of residential building particularly in the regions with important fluctuation of weather. The use of geopolymerization process for the production of those porous composites, the choice of recycling industrial and municipal inorganic wastes appears ideal solution, environmentally friendly, eco-efficient and sustainable for the design of newly materials for the moisture control capacity in building environment. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
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