4 research outputs found


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    This study aims at analyzing the deconstruction process in the short story Seribu Kunang-Kunang di Manhattanby Umar Kayam by looking at the binary oppositions as well as the form of deconstruction that happens in the short story. The theory used in this study is deconstruction theory by Jacques Derrida. The result showed that there were several binary oppositions, namely: West and East, big city and village, man and woman. The oppositions described in this story are problematic. The first opposition, West and East, was reversed and won by the East. The second opposition, the city and the village, experienced a reversal so that the village won. Likewise, with the third opposition, man and woman also experienced a reversal and won by the woman. In the end, this research shows that these hierarchical oppositions do not exist and are only the result of the construction of the author's imagination. Yet the author rejects what he wants to portray in the story, the Western life in Manhattan, United States

    The Emergence of New Medium

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    This study aims at finding the development of new medium of drama in English literary history. From the very first emergence of drama, the plays that have been written were performed in the theater and in many kinds of theater were appears to represent some ideas from the society. As time passing by, these kind of theater had a kind of transformation to be the new medium that we called motion picture. This motion picture began with the silent movie, then it became the talking picture, and it was improved to be the cinema. In its development until today, which we had been known as the movie. This new medium emerged to replace the live theater performance especially in Edwardian era

    The 21st Century Paradigm in Supporting Sustainable Development

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    This book chapter was prepared with the theme "21st century paradigm in supporting sustainable development", with the aim of describing the efforts that have been made to support sustainable development from various fields, not only in the field of education. The material contained in this book chapter illustrates that literacy is very important to apply, so that students are able to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world that requires students to be able to solve every existing problem. In fact, it's not just literacy, but numeracy literacy is also one of the things that must be considered in the learning process. Considering the low level of scientific literacy, if not immediately addressed, it will have an impact on the low quality of human resources and will hinder the progress of science and technology in Indonesia. Literacy in schools is implemented through various learning components that must be designed or prepared by teachers. The application of scientific literacy in science learning should be carried out using scientific inquiry to foster the ability to think, work and behave scientifically and communicate it as an important aspect of life skills

    Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Puisi dengan Metode Cooperative Script pada Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang

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    This study aims to describe the process of learning to read poetry with the cooperative script method and describe the results of learning to read poetry using the cooperative script method for class XI students of Senior High School Muhammadiyah Kupang in the 2020/2021 school year. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. Data collection techniques are observation, test and documentation. The data analysis technique used are descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. Qualitative analysis techniques to obtain student responses to learning activities. Quantitative analysis techniques used to describe the data from the results of students' ability to read poetry and take tests at the end of each cycle. The results showed that the results of the poetry reading skills test with the cooperative script method carried out in both cycles showed that the students experienced an increase in grades of 49.5%, the average value of students from 64.66 in the first cycle increased to the average score 76.54 in the second cycle. It is proven that students have increased in every aspect of reading poetry in the first cycle and the second cycle. Therefore, the cooperative script method can improve students' ability to read poetry in class XI students of Senior High School Muhammadiyah Kupang for the 2020/2021 school year.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran membaca puisi dengan metode cooperative script dan mendeskripsikan hasil pembelajaran membaca puisi dengan metode cooperative script pada peserta didik kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik analisis kualitatif untuk memperoleh respons siswa terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran. Teknik analisis kuantitatif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan data dari hasil kemampuan siswa dalam membacakan puisi dan tes setiap akhir siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil tes keterampilan membaca puisi dengan metode  cooperative script  yang dilakukan pada kedua siklus diperoleh hasil bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan nilai sebesar 49,5%, yaitu nilai rata-rata siswa dari 64,66 pada siklus I meningkat menjadi nilai rata-rata 76,54 pada siklus II. Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa siswa sudah mengalami peningkatan pada masing-masing aspek dalam membaca puisi pada siklus I dan siklus II. Dengan demikian maka metode cooperative script dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran membaca puisi siswa kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang tahun ajaran 2020/202