
This book chapter was prepared with the theme "21st century paradigm in supporting sustainable development", with the aim of describing the efforts that have been made to support sustainable development from various fields, not only in the field of education. The material contained in this book chapter illustrates that literacy is very important to apply, so that students are able to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world that requires students to be able to solve every existing problem. In fact, it's not just literacy, but numeracy literacy is also one of the things that must be considered in the learning process. Considering the low level of scientific literacy, if not immediately addressed, it will have an impact on the low quality of human resources and will hinder the progress of science and technology in Indonesia. Literacy in schools is implemented through various learning components that must be designed or prepared by teachers. The application of scientific literacy in science learning should be carried out using scientific inquiry to foster the ability to think, work and behave scientifically and communicate it as an important aspect of life skills

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