513 research outputs found

    Sestina for the \u27artist\u27

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    Disentangling the negativity bias: 7-9-month-old crawling and non-crawling infants\u27 responses to fearful and angry expressions.

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    Understanding the origins of the negativity bias in infancy and how it develops is important for building a complete understanding of emotion perception. The goal of the present study was to 1) examine attentional biases for emotional expressions in infants between 7-9 months of age, specifically the bias for fearful and angry expressions, 2) examine how the onset of crawling is related to these biases and what that suggests about the mechanism underlying emotion preference in infants, and 3) examine how infant expression production differs when viewing different facial expressions. Infant attention biases to fearful, angry, happy, and neutral facial expressions were measured using a paired comparison paradigm. Infant crawling status was assessed by an in-lab crawling test as well as a parent report measure. Infant expression production was measured during singly presented face stimuli using a novel program that codes micro-expressions from video (Affectiva). Results of the study 1) demonstrated that there was an overall preference for the fearful expression regardless of expression pairing, and that this preference was specific only to fear, 2) demonstrated that the robust fear bias seen in 6-9-month-olds is unrelated to the changes in the emotional environment caused by crawling, and 3) provided tentative evidence to suggest that infants react differently to fearful and angry faces in terms of both visual attention and affective response. Implications and limitations of these findings are discussed, along with ideas for future directions

    Neural Correlates of Face Processing: Perceptual Narrowing and Categorization

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    Perceptual narrowing is a developmental process that occurs between 6 and 9 months of age, during which infants transition from having more general perceptual abilities to more specific abilities. An example of this would be the other-species effect, in which infants experience a decline in the ability to individuate other species’ faces. It has been suggested that an infant’s growing ability to categorize could lead to a decline in their ability to discern individuals within other-species groups (Scott & Monesson, 2009), and that this difference is related to processing styles. In this study, 9-month-old infants were tested on their subordinate-level categorization ability with different species of monkey faces. Subordinate-level categorization is categorization on the species level. ERP data was recorded while the infants were shown presentations of the novel face/familiar species category and the novel face/novel species category after being familiarized to either a single face or a group of exemplars. It was predicted that the 9-month-olds in the categorization group would have a greater amplitude ERP response, namely the P400 component, to the Novel Other face category versus the Novel Same and Familiar face categories. This would provide evidence that infants at this age are not processing individual faces from other-species but are categorizing other species faces. It was also predicted that there would be differences in the Nc component between groups based on condition type. It was found that the categorization group showed an ability to categorize the monkey faces by species, as shown by a larger amplitude Nc and P400 for the Novel Other face category, whereas the individuation group did not. These findings add support to the idea that subordinate-level categorization could be a mechanism behind the effects seen from perceptual narrowing of other-species faces

    Should the United States adopt a territorial tax system: The effects of tax policy and administration on foreign-earned income

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    This thesis compares and contrasts two different systems for taxing US multinational corporations' foreign-earned income to determine whether the US should adopt the alternative territorial tax approach. This thesis begins with discussing the pros and cons of the current worldwide tax system in the US. It then follows with the comparison of the alternative territorial approach. Like the worldwide, the territorial system has important pros and cons the US needs to consider before deciding to switch from its current approach. To help strengthen the argument towards adopting a territorial tax system, this thesis evaluates the tax systems of other relevant and comparable countries, focusing on Japan who transitioned from a worldwide to a territorial in 2009. This thesis finishes with outlining specific policy actions that the US should implement when transitioning to a territorial system to not only ease the transition but also maximize the value of a territorial approach. Therefore, this thesis concludes that the US should adopt a territorial tax system in place of its current worldwide approach due to the territorial's superior tax policy and administration

    The application of Schneider's critical discourse analysis framework for a study of spirituality in nursing

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    Using a critical discourse analysis approach in analyzing data is useful in exploring meanings and the wider social, political, and historical context of the meanings. However, analyzing data using a critical discourse analysis approach can be difficult and complex. Hence there is a need for well-defined explicit approaches for discourse analysts to follow. The aim of this paper was to explore a clearly explained framework as a method for data analysis in a study investigating spirituality in nursing. Schneider’s method provided the researcher with such a clearly structured framework underpinned by critical discourse analysis that was used in the analysis of a series of interviews conducted with Australian registered nurses involved in the development of practice standards and those applying them in clinical practice. Schneider’s work steps provided a means of applying Fairclough’s and Chilton’s approaches to critical discourse analysis in a systematic and efficient manner to the analysis of the interview texts. The application of this method enabled the generation of findings that revealed the participants’ discursive constructions of spirituality

    Delito de lesiones por daño psíquico en casos de violencia psicológica contra la mujer, en los casos vistos del primer juzgado penal de la ciudad de Huancayo en el año 2016.

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    Resumen El siguiente trabajo de investigación titulado DELITO DE LESIONES POR DAÑO PSÍQUICO EN CASOS DE VIOLENCIA PSICOLÓGICA CONTRA LA MUJER, EN LOS CASOS VISTOS DEL PRIMER JUZGADO PENAL DE LA CIUDAD DE HUANCAYO EN EL AÑO 2016 , tuvo como objetivo principal determinar de qué manera se prueba el delito de lesiones por daño psíquico en casos de violencia psicológica contra la mujer, vistos en el Primer Juzgado Penal de la ciudad de Huancayo en el año 2016, y se planteó la siguiente problemática de investigación ¿De qué manera se prueba el delito de lesiones por daño psíquico en casos de violencia psicológica contra la mujer, vistos en el Primer Juzgado Penal de la ciudad de Huancayo en el año 2016?, frente a este problema se formuló la siguiente hipótesis: El delito de lesiones por daño psíquico en casos de violencia psicológica contra la mujer, se prueba acreditando la continuidad en el maltrato, en los casos vistos en el Primer Juzgado Penal de la ciudad de Huancayo en el año 2016. La metodología de estudio tuvo como métodos generales el análisis y síntesis y la Inducción y deducción, el tipo de investigación que se utilizó fue aplicada, el nivel de investigación y el diseño descriptivos simple, no experimental, de tipo transversal, y no longitudinal. Para la aplicación de encuestas se contó con 19 abogados especializados en Derecho Penal de la ciudad de Huancayo, la técnica utilizada para la recolección de datos fue Análisis documental -Observación y el instrumento el cuestionario. Lográndose determinar que el delito de lesiones por daño psíquico se prueba acreditando la continuidad en el maltrato, a través de un informe pericial psicológico, en los casos vistos en el Primer Juzgado Penal de la ciudad de Huancayo en el año 2016