656 research outputs found


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    Dunhang Block is located between the North China and the Tarim Cratons (Figure). It is bounded by the Beishan Orogenic Belt to the north and Altyn Tagh Orogenic Belt to the south, respectively; in the west the Qiemo-Xingxingxia fault separates the block from Tarim Craton, and in the east the Altyn Tagh Fault separates it from the Alxa block of western part of the North China Craton. Although Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement rocks, which are referred to as Milan Complex, exposed along the Northern Altyn Tagh Orogenic Belt, some researchers suggested that their rock associations, metamorphisms and evolutionary history present obviously different with those of the Dunhuang Complex in Dunhuang region, Gansu Provence, thus the Milan Complex should be excluded from the Dunhuang Block, and is considered as basement rocks of the southwestern Tarim Craton.Dunhang Block is located between the North China and the Tarim Cratons (Figure). It is bounded by the Beishan Orogenic Belt to the north and Altyn Tagh Orogenic Belt to the south, respectively; in the west the Qiemo-Xingxingxia fault separates the block from Tarim Craton, and in the east the Altyn Tagh Fault separates it from the Alxa block of western part of the North China Craton. Although Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement rocks, which are referred to as Milan Complex, exposed along the Northern Altyn Tagh Orogenic Belt, some researchers suggested that their rock associations, metamorphisms and evolutionary history present obviously different with those of the Dunhuang Complex in Dunhuang region, Gansu Provence, thus the Milan Complex should be excluded from the Dunhuang Block, and is considered as basement rocks of the southwestern Tarim Craton

    The nature of the silicaphilic fluorescence of PDMPO

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    PDMPO (2-(4-pyridyl)-5-((4-(2-dimethylaminoethylaminocarbamoyl)methoxy)phenyl)oxazole), has unique silica specific fluorescence and is used in biology to understand biosilicification. This ‘silicaphilic’ fluorescence is not well understood nor is the response to local environmental variables like solvent and pH. We investigated PDMPO in a range of environments: using UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy supported by computational data, (SPARC, molecular dynamics simulations, density functional theory calculations), dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements to understand the PDMPO–silica interaction. From absorption data, PDMPO exhibited a pKa of 4.20 for PDMPOH22+ to PDMPOH+ . Fluorescence emission measurements revealed large shifts in excited state pKa* values with different behaviour when bound to silica (pKa* of 10.4). PDMPO bound to silica particles is located in the Stern layer with the dye exhibiting pH dependent depolarising motion. In aqueous solution, PDMPO showed strong chromaticity with correlation between the maximum emission wavelength for PDMPOH+* and dielectric constant (4.8–80). Additional chromatic effects were attributed to changes in solvent accessible surface area. Chromatic effects were also observed for silica bound dye which allow its use as a direct probe of bulk pH over a range far in excess of what is possible for the dye alone (3–5.2). The unique combination of chromaticity and excited state dynamics allows PDMPO to monitor pH from 3 to 13 while also reporting on surface environment opening a new frontier in the quantitative understanding of (bio)silicification

    Effect of Xixin decoction on phosphorylation toxicity at specific sites of tau protein in brains of rats with sporadic Alzheimer disease

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    AbstractObjectiveTo explore the mechanism of action of Xixin decoction (XXD) for the prevention and treatment of sporadic Alzheimer disease (SAD) by investigating the effects of XXD on the phosphorylation of Thr231 and Ser422 sites of tau protein.MethodsSpecific pathogen-free (SPF) male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats with SAD were randomly divided into six groups: sham-operated, model (intracerebroventricular injection of Streptozotocin, ICV-STZ), donepezil (0.92 mg/kg), XXD low-dose (7.61 g/kg−1 · d−1), moderate-dose (15.21 g/kg−1 · d−1), and high-dose (30.42 g/kg−1 · d−1). Immunohistochemistry and western immunoblotting were used to detect the phosphorylation at Thr231 and Ser422 sites of tau protein.ResultsXXD different dose groups decreased to varying degrees the expression of phosphorylated tau at P-Thr231 and P-Ser422 sites in the hippocampus of SAD rats. No significant difference was found between the donepezil and model group.ConclusionXXD may prevent SAD pathological progress by inhibiting hyperphosphorylation at the key sites of tau proteins

    Effect of Xixin decoction on O-linked N-acetylglucosamine Glycosylation of tau proteins in rat brain with sporadic Alzheimer disease

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    AbstractObjectiveTo study the effects of Xixin decoction (XXD) on O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) glycosylation of tau proteins in rat brain with sporadic Alzheimer disease (SAD), and discuss its possible mechanism on prevention and treatment of SAD.MethodsThe rat model of SAD was established by intracerebroventricular injection of streptozotocin. The specific pathogen free male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into sham-operation group (S), model group (M), donepezil group (D), XXD at a low dose group (XL), XXD at a medium dose group (XM) and XXD at a high dose group (XH). After treatment and praxiology test, immunohistochemistry and western blotting were used to detect O-GlcNAc glycosylation level of tau proteins in rat brain with SAD. O-GlcNAc glycosylation and expression of tau proteins were detected by O-GlcNAc-specific antibodies RL2 and CTD110.6.ResultsO-GlcNAc glycosylated proteins enriched by succinylated wheat germ agglutinin significantly improved in the hippocampus of SAD rats. The differences were statistically significant among XXD groups (P<0.05, P<0.01), while no obvious differences were observed between D group and M group (P>0.05).ConclusionXXD can significantly improve O-GlcNAc glycosylation level of tau proteins in the hippocampus of SAD rats, which maybe inhibit hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins on key sites and its toxicity, and prevent the pathological process of SAD

    A Novel Fluorogenic Coumarin Substrate for Monitoring Acid Phosphatase Activity at Low pH Environment

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    This article described the synthesis and application of 6-chloro-8-fluoro-4-methylumbelliferone phosphate (CF-MUP) in analyzing acid phosphatase activity. Compared to the existing MUP, the new coumarin phosphate, CF-MUP, demonstrateed much higher sensitivity and was more robust for detecting the activity of acid phosphatase than the classic substrate 4-methylumbelliferone phosphate (MUP). The product of enzyme reaction, 6-chloro-8-fluoro-4-methylumbelliferone (CF-MU) possesses strong fluorescence at ~450 nm with low pKa (4.7), high fluorescence quantum yield and pH independence in the physiological pH range. This new fluorescence dye, CF-MU, is a convenient tool for assays with buffer pH between 4.5 and 8

    Exploring grades 11 learners' scientific and indigenous worldviews of selected phenomena relative to traditional expository and argumentation instruction

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDIn response to the emerging multicultural classrooms in South Africa, the amended National Curriculum Statement (NCS) for grades R - 12, in the light of current curriculum policy and the NCS (Grades 10 - 12), has proposed the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) in the school science curriculum. Interfacing the two knowledge systems namely, science and IKS have implications for curriculum planning and instructional practices. This is more so if one considers the fact that both systems of thought are based on distinctively different ontological, epistemological, metaphysical and axiological assumptions

    Effects of a Dialogical Argumentation Instructional Model on Grade 10 Learners' Conception of Fermentation

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    Magister Educationis - MEd (Mathematics and Science Education)The study catered for empirical and metaphysical dimensions of science and IKS. The study employed a quasi-experimental design as well as a qualitative research design. Two cohorts of students from a fictitiously named Culture Secondary School have been used in this study. The list of instruments for data collection were as follows: Conceptions of Fermentation (COF) questionnaire which was used to elicit learnerss pre- and post-test conceptions of fermentation with special reference to traditional beer or Umqombothi an Attitudes to Science (ATS) questionnaire which was used to find out the learners' worldviews, a Science Achievement Test (SAT) which was used to assess the learners' generalised knowledge of fermentation, a classroom observation schedule as well as a focus group interview schedule to gather additional qualitative data. All the instruments were in English with all technical and difficult terms in both English and isiXhosa (the learners&rsquo; home language). Both groups were exposed to Science/IKS-based lessons. The only difference between the two groups was that, the experimental group (E group) was exposed to a Dialogical Argumentation Teaching Model (DAIM) and the comparison group (C group) to a traditional teaching approach. The data gathered were both analyzed in terms of qualitative and quantitative descriptions.South Afric


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas kehidupan kaum religius Katolik yang jumlah anggotanya semakin menurun. Perlunya upaya yang serius dalam membantu para calon biarawati salah satunya adalah melalui pembentukan spiritualitas yang kokoh sejak awal melalui tahap-tahap formasi. Pembinaan di tahap formasi awal merupakan sebuah proses yang sangat penting untuk menguatkan komitmen mereka sebagai calon biarawati yang berproses dalam cahaya iman dan berakar dalam pengalaman hidup mereka sehari-hari serta dijalankan melalui jaringan relasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mendeskripsikan sejarah, spiritualitas, visi dan misi RSCJ, 2) untuk mendeskripsikan program-program selama masa formasi yang dilakukan oleh RSCJ, 3) untuk mendeskripsikan hambatan dan solusi dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter berbasis kecerdasan intrapersonal untuk calon RSCJ dalam membentuk spiritualitas yang kokoh, 4) untuk mengetahui hasil dari implementasi pendidikan karakter berbasis kecerdasan intrapersonal untuk calon RSCJ dalam membentuk spiritualitas yang kokoh. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analisis. Subjek penelitian adalah Live In (4 orang), Postulan (5 orang), Novis (6 orang), PTV (7 orang), dan para formator (6 orang). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu panduan wawancara, panduan observasi dan penelaahan dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pendidikan karakter berbasis kecerdasan intrapersonal untuk calon biarawati RSCJ dilakukan melalui berbagai kegiatan, antara lain: 1) Refleksi diri, yaitu kegiatan untuk memahami diri sendiri, termasuk kekuatan, kelemahan, potensi, dan nilai-nilai yang dimiliki; 2) Latihan spiritualitas, yaitu kegiatan untuk mengembangkan hubungan pribadi dengan Tuhan; 3) Kegiatan sosial, yaitu kegiatan untuk mengembangkan kepekaan sosial dan empati. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pendidikan karakter berbasis kecerdasan intrapersonal merupakan salah satu strategi yang efektif dalam membentuk spiritualitas yang kokoh bagi calon biarawati RSCJ. Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Kecerdasan Intrapersonal, Spiritualitas, RSCJ ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the reality of the life of religious whose membership is decreasing. Serious efforts are needed in helping prospective religious through the formation of a solid spirituality from the beginning and through all the stages of formation. Initial formation is a very important process that serves to strengthen their commitment as prospective religious who proceed in the light of faith, are rooted in their daily life experiences and who grow through a network of relationships. The objectives of this study are:1) to describe the history, spirituality, vision and mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart, 2) to describe the programmes undertaken by prospective religious of the Society of the Sacred Heart during the formation period, 3) to describe the obstacles and solutions in implementing intra-personal intelligence-based character education for candidates of the Society of the Sacred Heart, 4) to discover the results of the implementation of intra-personal intelligence-based character education for candidates of the Society of the Sacred Heart. The research method used was descriptive analysis. The instruments used in the research were interview guides, observation guides and a literature review. The results showed that the implementation of character education based on intra-personal intelligence for prospective candidates of the Society of the Sacred Heart was carried out through various activities, including: 1) Self-reflection, which is an activity to understand oneself, including strengths, weaknesses, potential, and values; 2) Spiritual training, which is an activity to develop a personal relationship with God; 3) Social activities, which are activities to develop social sensitivity and empathy. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of character education based on intra-personal intelligence can be one of the effective strategies in shaping a strong spirituality for prospective members of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Keywords: Character Education, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Spirituality, Society of the Sacred Heart
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