163 research outputs found

    Prevalence of anemia during pregnancy and its association with adverse perinatal outcomes in Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Background: The prevalence of anemia in India is increasing day by day and covers almost one third population. Anemia during pregnancy leads many perinatal complications such as miscarriage, abortion and still birth. So, the aim of the study was to determine prevalence of anemia during pregnancy and its association with adverse perinatal outcomes in region of Madhya Pradesh.Methods: The study population consisted of 15-49 years women of reproductive age group from the state Madhya Pradesh, India, which were taken from the National Family Healthy Survey-4 (2015-16). Various perinatal outcomes along with age and residence was cross tabulated and frequencies were generated. The chi-square statistic was used to test the significance.Results: In severe anaemic women prevalence of miscarriage (74.0%) was statistically significantly higher (p<0.05) as comparison to other forms of anemia. Also, in the age group 25-29 years and rural population prevalence of miscarriage (40% and 55%) was highly significant (p<0.001) as comparison to other age group and urban population.Conclusions: The severity of anemia is directly proportional to poor and adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancy

    A comparative study of oral, sublingual and vaginal route of misoprostol as cervical ripening agent before surgical method of termination of first-trimester pregnancy

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    Background: Cervical ripening is a critical step for surgical method of termination of first trimester of pregnancy. Misoprostol, PGE1 analogue have promising role as cervical ripening agent. The present study aimed to compare the efficacy and side effects of oral, sublingual and vaginal misoprostol at dosage of 400mcg for cervical priming before surgical method of termination in first-trimester pregnancy.Methods: It was a prospective hospital based randamosied study. Total 150 patients at 6-12 weeks gestation requesting for medical termination of pregnancy were divided equally in to 3 groups. Every group was advised to have single dose of 400 mcg misoprostol either oral, sublingual or vaginal route respectively 4 hour before suction and evacuation.Results: The sublingual group had highly significant cervical dilatation (P<0.001) and the duration of suction and evacuation was less as compared to the vaginal and oral routes (p<0.000). However, the mean intraoperative blood loss was more in sublingual as compared to the vaginal and oral groups. Loose motions and nausea/vomiting were more with oral routes while blood loss was more in the vaginal route.Conclusions: Thus, it can be concluded from present study that sublingual route of misoprostol is more preferable than oral or vaginal route as pro-abortion cervical ripening agent

    A comparative study of 4-hour versus 2-hour action line on who modified partograph

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    Background: World health organization has promoted modified partograph with action line, 4 hour to left of alert line. While others have used various action line 2, 3, or 4 hours to initiate and guide ‘‘active management’’ decisions. Objectives of the study were to evaluate outcome of labour in terms of caesarean section rate, augmentation of labour and fetal outcome in whom labour has been managed with 4-hour vs 2-hour action line on WHO modified partograph.Methods: This was a randomized, prospective, comparative study. Primigravida, 19-28 years, with single live foetus in vertex presentation without any medical and obstetrical complications, at term pregnancy have been included in the study. Results were compared between Group A, with 100 cases, in whom labour has been managed with WHO modified Partograph with 4-hour action line and Group B, with 100 cases, in whom labour has been managed with that of 2-hour action line.Results: The present study shows that more women in 2-hour arm crossed the action line, compared with the 4-hour arm, and therefore received more interventions to augment labour.  Rate of caesarean section is more in group B (11%) than in group A (9%) which is statistically nonsignificant.Conclusions: Neonatal outcome measured with APGAR score at 5 minute, has shown no significant difference in both groups. Therefore, partograph with 2-hour action line doesn’t show any superiority over that of 4-hour action line but to be associated with higher incidence of intervention. Further research is required in this field of active management.

    Analyze the Performance of Software by Machine Learning Methods for Fault Prediction Techniques

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    Trend of using the software in daily life is increasing day by day. Software system development is growing more difficult as these technologies are integrated into daily life. Therefore, creating highly effective software is a significant difficulty. The quality of any software system continues to be the most important element among all the required characteristics. Nearly one-third of the total cost of software development goes toward testing. Therefore, it is always advantageous to find a software bug early in the software development process because if it is not found early, it will drive up the cost of the software development. This type of issue is intended to be resolved via software fault prediction. There is always a need for a better and enhanced prediction model in order to forecast the fault before the real testing and so reduce the flaws in the time and expense of software projects. The various machine learning techniques for classifying software bugs are discussed in this paper

    Generalized -Type I Univex Functions in Multiobjective Optimization

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    A new class of generalized functions (---)-type I univex is introduced for a nonsmooth multiobjective programming problem. Based upon these generalized functions, sufficient optimality conditions are established. Weak, strong, converse, and strict converse duality theorems are also derived for Mond-Weir-type multiobjective dual program

    Food Imports in India: Prospects, Issues and Way Forward

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    India is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Among the various sectors contributing to the growth of the economy, food is one of the fastest growing sectors owing to factors such as a large population base, rising middle-class, increase in per-capita income, and greater consumer awareness. Demand for imported food products is increasing due to factors such as reduction in tariffs, changes in consumer preferences and growing adaptability to international cuisine. Several initiatives have been taken by the Indian government in recent years to improve the ease of doing business and reduce the compliance burden through use of technology. Despite these initiatives, India’s ranking compared to other countries in some selective indicators such as documentary and border compliance and logistics performance is quite low. To improve ease of doing business, reduce cost and time taken in importing food products, and improve India’s ranking in logistics performance indicators, there is an urgent need for backend process and information technology (IT) integration across the agencies involved in the import clearance process. Given this background, the objective of this paper is to (a) provide an overview of the food import clearance process in India, (b) identify issues in the import process and (c) make recommendations on how to streamline the process using technology and automation. The paper is based on a survey of key stakeholders engaged in the food import clearance process. Based on a primary survey of 150 stakeholders in the United Kingdom and India, this paper finds that while India is an attractive market for importing food; low penetration of technology in the food import clearance process, lack of inter-agency coordination, and lack of risk management systems impedes the ease of importing food products into India. This paper recommends that in order to enhance ease of doing business, especially for SMEs, there is need to reduce procedural barriers by implementing technology and automation-oriented solutions, and a robust risk management system. In addition, there is a need to conduct continuous regulatory impact analysis to assess the time and cost reduction in importing food into India.JEL classification: F10, F13, L66, O3

    Program Actions as Actual Causes: A Building Block for Accountability

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    Abstract-Protocols for tasks such as authentication, electronic voting, and secure multiparty computation ensure desirable security properties if agents follow their prescribed programs. However, if some agents deviate from their prescribed programs and a security property is violated, it is important to hold agents accountable by determining which deviations actually caused the violation. Motivated by these applications, we initiate a formal study of program actions as actual causes. Specifically, we define in an interacting program model what it means for a set of program actions to be an actual cause of a violation. We present a sound technique for establishing program actions as actual causes. We demonstrate the value of this formalism in two ways. First, we prove that violations of a specific class of safety properties always have an actual cause. Thus, our definition applies to relevant security properties. Second, we provide a cause analysis of a representative protocol designed to address weaknesses in the current public key certification infrastructure

    Comparative analysis of the stock markets of China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and Argentina

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    In this study that we are conducting, the end goal is to undertake a comparative analysis of the stock markets of Russia, China, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil

    Invasive Mechanical Ventilation of COVID-19 ARDS Patients

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    The purpose of this review article is to analyse evidence on the use of ventilatory strategies and associated cointerventions in adult patients with COVID-19 induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and to provide treatment recommendations based on these interventions. For each recommendation mentioned, it is important to consider the quality of the evidence reviews thoroughly before applying these recommendations to specific clinical situations or policy decisions. No guideline or recommendations can consider all the compelling clinical features of individual patients, as they are unique. Thus, it is imperative that clinicians, patients, policy makers, and other stakeholders should not regard these recommendations as mandatory. However, this review article, impartially discusses the nuances of treatment available and management protocols followed in many centres around the world for the consumption of all treating physicians.El propósito de este artículo de revisión es analizar la evidencia sobre el uso de estrategias ventilatorias y cointervenciones asociadas en pacientes adultos con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA) inducido por COVID-19 y brindar recomendaciones de tratamiento basadas en estas intervenciones. Para cada recomendación mencionada, es importante considerar la calidad de las revisiones de la evidencia a fondo antes de aplicar estas recomendaciones a situaciones clínicas específicas o decisiones políticas. Ninguna guía o recomendación puede considerar todas las características clínicas convincentes de los pacientes individuales, ya que son únicas. Por lo tanto, es imperativo que los médicos, los pacientes, los responsables políticos y otras partes interesadas no consideren estas recomendaciones como obligatorias. Sin embargo, este artículo de revisión analiza de manera imparcial los matices del tratamiento disponible y los protocolos de manejo seguidos en muchos centros alrededor del mundo para el consumo de todos los médicos tratantes

    In Vitro Antidiabetic Effect of Neohesperidin

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    Objective: The present study was performed to determine in vitro antidiabetic effect of neohesperidin. To evaluate inhibitory effect of neohesperidin on α-amylase and α-glucosidase diabetes causing enzyme. Methods and Materials: Invitro carbohydrate metabolizing enzyme based inhibitory methods were used to determine antidiabetic effect of neohesperidin. Alpha (α)-amylase inhibitory assay was performed using different sources i.e. wheat alpha (α)-amylase enzyme, salivary alpha (α)-amylase and fungal alpha (α)-amylase assay. Alpha (α)-glucosidase inhibitory assay was performed using alpha (α)-glucosidase (B. stearothermophil), alpha (α)-glucosidase rat intestine and alpha (α)-glucosidase from baker’s yeast. Sucrase inhibitory assay from rat small intestine. Result: Neohesperidin possess a potent anti-diabetic by significantly inhibiting alpha amylase activity. Conclusion: It was concluded that enzyme inhibitory activity of neohesperidin shown a significantly higher inhibitory activity on alpha-amylase in comparision to alpha-glucosidase &amp; Sucrase enzymes. Keywords: Neohespiridin, acarbose, alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidas
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