390 research outputs found

    Does acetaminophen activate endogenous pain inhibition in chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis? : a double-blind randomized controlled cross-over trial

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    Background: Although enhanced temporal summation (TS) and conditioned pain modulation (CPM), as characteristic for central sensitization, has been proved to be impaired in different chronic pain populations, the exact nature is still unknown. Objectives: We examined differences in TS and CPM in 2 chronic pain populations, patients with both chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and comorbid fibromyalgia (FM) and patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and in sedentary, healthy controls, and evaluated whether activation of serotonergic descending pathways by acetaminophen improves central pain processing. Study Design: Double-blind randomized controlled trial with cross-over design. Methods: Fifty-three women (19 CFS/FM patients, 16 RA patients, and 18 healthy women) were randomly allocated to the experimental group (1 g acetaminophen) or the placebo group (1 g dextrose). Participants underwent an assessment of endogenous pain inhibition, consisting of an evaluation of temporal summation with and without conditioned pain modulation (CPM). Seven days later groups were crossed-over. Patients and assessors were blinded for the allocation. Results: After intake of acetaminophen, pain thresholds increased slightly in CFS/FM patients, and decreased in the RA and the control group. Temporal summation was reduced in the 3 groups and CPM at the shoulder was better overall, however only statistically significant for the RA group. Healthy controls showed improved CPM for both finger and shoulder after acetaminophen, although not significant. Limitations: The influence of acetaminophen on pain processing is inconsistent, especially in the patient groups examined. Conclusion: This is the first study comparing the influence of acetaminophen on central pain processing in healthy controls and patients with CFS/FM and RA. It seems that CFS/ FM patients present more central pain processing abnormalities than RA patients, and that acetaminophen may have a limited positive effect on central pain inhibition, but other contributors have to be identified and evaluated

    Can exercise limits prevent post-exertional malaise in chronic fatigue syndrome? An uncontrolled clinical trial.

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    <b>Objective</b>: It was hypothesized that the use of exercise limits prevents symptom increases and worsening of their health status following a walking exercise in people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). <b>Design</b>: An uncontrolled clinical trial (semi-experimental design). <b>Setting</b>: Outpatient clinic of a university department. <b>Subjects</b>: 24 patients with CFS. <b>Interventions</b>: Subjects undertook a walking test with the two concurrent exercise limits. Each subject walked at an <i>intensity</i> where the maximum heart rate was determined by heart rate corresponding to the respiratory exchange ratio =1.0 derived from a previous sub-maximal exercise test and for a duration calculated from how long each patient felt they were able to walk. <b>Main outcome measures</b>: The Short Form 36 Health Survey or SF-36, the CFS Symptom List, and the CFS-Activities and Participation Questionnaire were filled in prior to, immediately and 24 hours post-exercise. <b>Results</b>: The fatigue increase observed immediately post-exercise (p=0.006) returned to pre-exercise levels 24 hours post-exercise. The increase in pain observed immediately post-exercise was retained at 24 hours post-exercise (p=0.03). Fourteen of 24 subjects experienced a clinically meaningful change in bodily pain (change of SF-36 bodily pain score ³10). Six of 24 participants indicated that the exercise bout had slightly worsened their health status, and 2 of 24 had a clinically meaningful decrease in vitality (change of SF-36 vitality score ³20). There was no change in activity limitations/participation restrictions. <b>Conclusion</b>: It was shown that the use of exercise limits (limiting both the intensity and duration of exercise) prevents important health status changes following a walking exercise in people with CFS, but was unable to prevent short-term symptom increases

    Chronic fatigue syndrome; an approach combining self-management with graded exercise to avoid exacerbations.

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    Controversy regarding the aetiology and treatment of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) continues to affect the medical professions. The Cochrane collaboration advises practitioners to implement graded exercise therapy for CFS sufferers using cognitive behavioural principles. In contrast there is evidence that exercise can induce symptom exacerbations in CFS where too vigorous exercise/activity promotes immune dysfunction, which in turn increases symptoms in patients with CFS. When designing and implementing an exercise programme it is important to be aware of both these seemingly opposing view points in order to deliver a programme without any detrimental effects on CFS pathophysiology. Using evidence from both the biological and clinical sciences, the present manuscript explains that graded exercise therapy for people with CFS can be safely undertaken without detrimental effects to the immune system. Exercise programs should be designed to cater for individual physical capabilities and should also account for the fluctuating nature of symptoms commonly reported by people with CFS. In line with cognitive behaviourally and graded exercise-based strategies, self-management for people with CFS involves encouraging the patients to pace their activities and respect their physical and mental limitations with the ultimate aim of improving their everyday function

    Reduced pressure pain thresholds in response to exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome but not in chronic low back pain: an experimental study

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    Objective The aims of this study were to examine (i) base line pressure pain thresholds in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and those with chronic low back pain compared with healthy subjects, (ii) the change in mean pain threshold in response to exercise, and (iii) associations with exercise induced increase in nitric oxide Participants Twenty six patients with chronic fatigue syndrome suffering of chronic pain, 21 patients with chronic low back pain and 31 healthy subjects Methods Participants underwent a submaximal aerobic exercise protocol on a bicycle ergometer, preceded and followed by venous blood sampling (nitric oxide) and algometry (hand arm calf low back) Results Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome presented overall lower pain thresholds compared with healthy sub jects and patients with chronic low back pain (p<0 05) No significant differences were found between healthy subjects and patients with chronic low back pain After submaximal aerobic exercise, mean pain thresholds decreased in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and increased in the others (p<0 01) At baseline nitric oxide levels were significantly higher in the chronic low back pain group After controlling for body mass index no significant differences were seen be tween the groups at baseline or in response to exercise Nitric oxide was not related to pain thresholds in either group Conclusion The results suggest hyperalgesia and abnormal central pain processing during submaximal aerobic exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome, but not in chronic low back pain Nitric oxide appeared to be unrelated to pain processin

    Are we there yet?:An update on transitional care in rheumatology

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    Abstract Significant progress has been made in the understanding of transitional care in rheumatology over the last few decades, yet universal implementation has not been realised and unmet needs continue to be reported. Possible explanations for this include lack of evidence as to which model is most effective; lack of attention to the multiple dimensions, stakeholders and systems involved in health transitions; and lack of consideration of the developmental appropriateness of transition interventions and the services/organisations/systems where such interventions are delivered. Successful transition has major implications to both the young people with juvenile-onset rheumatic disease and their families. Future research in this area will need to reflect both the multidimensional (biopsychosocial) and the multisystemic (multiple systems and stakeholders across personal/social/family support networks and health/social care/education systems). Only then will we be able to determine which aspects of transition readiness and service components influence which dimension. It is therefore imperative we continue to research and develop this area, involving both paediatric and adult rheumatology clinicians and researchers, remembering to look beyond both the condition and our discipline. Neither should we forget to tap into the exciting potential associated with digital technology to ensure further advances in transitional care are brought about in and beyond rheumatology

    Mechanical Loading Attenuates Radiation-Induced Bone Loss in Bone Marrow Transplanted Mice

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    Exposure of bone to ionizing radiation, as occurs during radiotherapy for some localized malignancies and blood or bone marrow cancers, as well as during space travel, incites dose-dependent bone morbidity and increased fracture risk. Rapid trabecular and endosteal bone loss reflects acutely increased osteoclastic resorption as well as decreased bone formation due to depletion of osteoprogenitors. Because of this dysregulation of bone turnover, bone’s capacity to respond to a mechanical loading stimulus in the aftermath of irradiation is unknown. We employed a mouse model of total body irradiation and bone marrow transplantation simulating treatment of hematologic cancers, hypothesizing that compression loading would attenuate bone loss. Furthermore, we hypothesized that loading would upregulate donor cell presence in loaded tibias due to increased engraftment and proliferation. We lethally irradiated 16 female C57Bl/6J mice at age 16 wks with 10.75 Gy, then IV-injected 20 million GFP(+) total bone marrow cells. That same day, we initiated 3 wks compression loading (1200 cycles 5x/wk, 10 N) in the right tibia of 10 of these mice while 6 mice were irradiated, non-mechanically-loaded controls. As anticipated, before-and-after microCT scans demonstrated loss of trabecular bone (-48.2% Tb.BV/TV) and cortical thickness (-8.3%) at 3 wks following irradiation. However, loaded bones lost 31% less Tb.BV/TV and 8% less cortical thickness (both p\u3c0.001). Loaded bones also had significant increases in trabecular thickness and tissue mineral densities from baseline. Mechanical loading did not affect donor cell engraftment. Importantly, these results demonstrate that both cortical and trabecular bone exposed to high-dose therapeutic radiation remain capable of an anabolic response to mechanical loading. These findings inform our management of bone health in cases of radiation exposure