921 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic preliminary analysis system 2. Part 2: User's manual

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    An aerodynamic analysis system based on potential theory at subsonic and/or supersonic speeds and impact type finite element solutions at hypersonic conditions is described. Three dimensional configurations have multiple nonplanar surfaces of arbitrary planforms and bodies of noncircular contour may be analyzed. Static, rotary, and control longitudinal and lateral-directional characteristics may be generated. The analysis was implemented on a time sharing system in conjunction with an input tablet digitizer and an interactive graphics input/output display and editing terminal to maximize its responsiveness to the preliminary analysis. Computation times on an IBM 3081 are typically less than one minute of CPU/Mach number at subsonic, supersonic, or hypersonic speeds. This is a user manual for the computer programming

    Aerodynamic preliminary analysis system. Part 2: User's manual and program description

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    A comprehensive aerodynamic analysis program based on linearized potential theory is described. The solution treats thickness and attitude problems at subsonic and supersonic speeds. Three dimensional configurations with or without jet flaps having multiple nonplanar surfaces of arbitrary planform and open or closed slender bodies or noncircular contour are analyzed. Longitudinal and lateral-directional static and rotary derivative solutions are generated. The analysis is implemented on a time sharing system in conjunction with an input tablet digitizer and an interactive graphics input/output display and editing terminal to maximize its responsiveness to the preliminary analysis problem. Nominal case computation time of 45 CPU seconds on the CDC 175 for a 200 panel simulation indicates the program provides an efficient analysis for systematically performing various aerodynamic configuration tradeoff and evaluation studies

    A Service Robot for Navigation Assistance and Physical Rehabilitation of Seniors

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    The population of the advanced countries is ageing, with the direct consequence that an increasing number of people will have to live with sensitive, cognitive and physical disabilities. People with impaired physical ability are not confident to move alone, especially in crowded environment and for long journeys, highly reducing the quality of their life. We propose a new generation of robotic walking assistants whose mechanical and electronic components are conceived to optimize the collaboration between the robot and its users. We will apply these general ideas to investigate the interaction between older adults and a robotic walker, named FriWalk, exploiting it either as a navigational or as a rehabilitation aid. For the use of the FriWalk as a navigation assistance, the system guides the user securing high levels of safety, a perfect compliance with the social rules and non-intrusive interaction between human and machine. To this purpose, we developed several guidance systems ranging from completely passive strategies to active solutions exploiting either the rear or the front motors mounted on the robot. The common strategy at the basis of all the algorithms is that the responsibility of the locomotion belongs always to the user, both to increase the mobility of elder users and to enhance their perception of control over the robot. This way the robot intervenes only whenever it is strictly necessary not to mitigate the user safety. Moreover, the robotic walker has been endowed with a tablet and graphical user interface (GUI) which provides the user with the visual indications about the path to follow. Since the FriWalk was developed to suit the needs of users with different deficits, we conducted extensive human-robot interaction (HRI) experiments with elders, complemented with direct interviews of the participants. As concerns the use of the FriWalk as a rehabilitation aid, force sensing to estimate the torques applied by the user and change the user perceived inertia can be exploited by doctors to let the user feel the device heavier or lighter. Moreover, thanks to a new generation of sensors, the device can be exploited in a clinical context to track the performance of the users' rehabilitation exercises, in order to assist nurses and doctors during the hospitalization of older adults

    Mapping Plastic Pollution in the Amite Watershed, Louisiana

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    Microplastics have quickly emerged as a concerning pollutant in both freshwater and marine environments. Their recent discovery means that their impacts are still being studied, however, it is important to continuously monitor their concentrations. An important conduit of plastic pollution to marine environments are rivers and streams. Previous models have estimated the transport of plastics from land to sea in many parts of the world. Most of these models, however, have been conducted at coarse spatial resolutions that make it difficult to establish tractable management programs to minimize this impact. Here, a previously existing model was applied to model for microplastic emissions from rivers to sea (Lebreton et al., 2017) in the Amite Watershed using population density, watershed distribution, and dams as inputs. To validate this model, six different streams were selected and sampled at along the Amite River with a gradient of predicted microplastic exports. For this in-situ sampling, a simple and economically viable sampling method was chosen for three months of sampling (October, November, and December). The expected result was that the observed values from the in-situ sampling would correlate with the predicted model’s output. The model’s predicted waste outputs for the Amite watershed ranged from 3.33E-6 to 4.89E+3 kg/day. In general, predicted values were at a discrepancy from the observed values. Two sites sampled at (Mill Creek and Clay Cut Bayou), showed higher (observed being 8.78E-3 kg/day while the model predicted 8.28E-7 kg/day) and lower (observed being at 1.22E-2 kg/day while the model predicted the output to be 2.60E-2 kg/day) than expected values respectively, potentially due to the stream conditions and the sampling method chosen which did not account for microplastics caught in sediments. These discrepancies suggest that the sampling method chosen may not be adequate for microplastic analysis in the Amite River watershed. The modeling approach applied is easy to replicate and offers a first glimpse of potential plastic pollution hotspots at the sub watershed level. However, the results of the in-situ study suggest a need for further model validation efforts using alternative methods of plastic sampling that include sediment sampling for better characterizing slow moving waters in Louisiana. This study also highlights the potential need for incorporating other important spatial predictors of plastic pollution, aside from population and runoff. Recommendations for future studies include improving modelling and sampling accuracy for microplastics

    A Novel Mouse Model Of Neuroborreliosis

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    Lyme disease (LD) is a tick-borne infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) that has a global impact and a high incidence in the United States. If not treated with antibiotics during the early stages of the disease within the first few weeks of infection, patients usually develop musculoskeletal symptoms and neurological complications that can include neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric manifestations. For many, regardless of the stage of the disease or duration of the infection, antibiotic treatment with oral or intravenous antibiotics is curative. Nevertheless, up to 20% of individuals that receive antibiotic treatment during late-stage infection do not find relief from their symptoms, despite multiple rounds of antibiotic therapy. Collectively, the symptoms that persist after antibiotic treatment are called Refractory Lyme arthritis (RLA) when symptoms are predominantly rheumatologic, or post-treatment Lyme Disease syndrome (PTLDS) when symptoms are predominantly neurologic, neuropsychiatric and/or neurocognitive. Neither of the syndromes is mutually exclusive. Currently there is no FDA approved treatment for PTLDS, and although autoimmune etiologies have been proposed, a definitive causal mechanism has not been identified. A major limitation in our understanding of neurologic LD and its associated syndrome PTLDS is the lack of a suitable mouse model for modeling neurologic Bb infection. In section 1, we provide background on LD and summarize the hypotheses and approaches that we took in our research. In section 2, we review T cell and dendritic cell contributions to inflammation in RLA, to underscore what is known about complications of LD. Section 2 closes with a brief discussion of PTLDS and neuroborreliosis, to emphasize the questions that are currently understudied in LD. In section 3, we present a novel mouse model of neuroborreliosis that results from Bb infection of C3H/HeN mice, using the North American CSF-tropic strain of Bb, Bb 297, and an intradermal route of inoculation. We demonstrate that intradermal infection with Bb 297 results in persistent infection of the meninges and the brain, that CD4+ T cells accumulate in the brain during early and late-stage LD, and that both persistent infection and neuroimmune changes are temporally associated with significant behavioral deficits in nociception, mobility, and movement. In section 4 we provide a discussion of the implications of the research that we have performed

    Distribution of Ground-Layer Plant Species in a Fragmented Landscape in the Corozal District, Belize, Central America

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    In this study, I specifically looked at three major issues regarding 36 target plant species in a fragmented landscape in the Corozal district, Belize: 1) Determine woodlot characteristics that tend to favor the target species. 2) Determine plant characteristics that tend to favor the target species. 3) Determine whether age and size of a woodlot favors the presence of the target species. The study area was divided into three areas and each area had woodlots varying in sizes and ages. 36 plant species were sampled in all woodlots upon which woodlot characteristics and species characteristics were associated with the number and frequency of these plants. Data was analyzed using Correlation techniques, Stepwise Regression analysis and Detrended Correspondence analysis. Woodlot and species characteristics seem to be confounding. Woodlot characteristics that yielded greater species richness for the correlation and regression techniques are older, larger, closer to Shipstern Nature Reserve, farther from sugar cane fields and farther away from papaya fields. Woodlots that are older, closer to Shipstern Nature reserve and farther away from papaya fields had higher Axis 1 values for DECORANA. Species were more widespread when they were insect pollinated for the correlations and regression analysis. Species had higher Axis 1 values if they were insect pollinated and higher Axis 2 values if they are perennials. Over all, our data suggest that the Copper Bank area is more species rich because the woodlot and species variables accounted seem to favor the presence of more of the target species in this area, whereas these properties of woodlots are lacking in the other two areas namely San Narciso and Santa Elena

    Salinic to Neoacadian Deformation within the Migmatite Zone of the Central Maine Belt in Western Maine

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    Detailed bedrock mapping coupled with new geochronology in the southern part of the Gilead 7.5’ Quadrangle in Western Maine has revealed at least three phases of Salinic through Neoacadian deformation. The geology of the study area is dominated by the migmatized Silurian Rangeley, Perry Mtn. (?), and Smalls Falls Formations of the Central Maine Belt (CMB), which are intruded by quartz diorites from the Piscataquis Volcanic Arc, two-mica granites, and pegmatite. All of the metasedimentary rocks are stromatic migmatites, part of the Migmatite-Granite Complex (Solar and Tomascak, 2016). The geochronology (Wheatcroft, 2017) brackets the cycle of deposition, metamorphism, migmatization, and deformation to between circa 435 Ma. to 352 Ma. D1 is represented by cryptic pre-metamorphic faults that offset and truncate the stratigraphic units. Premetamorphic faults are observed outside of the study area in a contiguous section to the north. These faults are likely Salinic in age and developed synchronous with deposition or circa 435 Ma.. D2 deformation is characterized by nappe-scale, isoclinal folding of unknown vergence where bedding, S0, is parallel to schistosity, S2. Only a few F2 folds are present in the study area and in these places bedding, S0, is antiparallel to S2 schistosity. The gray schists and quartzites above Bog Brook in the study area preserve this fabric relationship and suggest the presence of a macroscale F2 hinge zone. The extensive migmatization has obscured most of the D2 fabrics that are likely Early Acadian in age. D3 deformation is characterized by numerous open, reclined, upright to overturned, macroscopic folds with limbs striking 245, 87 and 345, 62, a calculated inter-limb angle of 83°, and a hinge line trend and plunge of 55, 60. Mesoscopic D3 folds of the composite S0/S2 fabrics are common but of diverse fold orientations due to the migmatization. The S3 axial planar cleavage is characterized by a zonal crenulation in the F3 mesoscale folds. The stratigraphic age assignment supported by lithologic correlation and new detrital zircon geochronology suggests the stratigraphy is inverted due to D2 isoclinal folding. As such the D3 folds are best characterized as antiformal synclines and synformal anticlines and are likely of Late Acadian or Neoacadian in age (pre-352 Ma.)

    The effectiveness of intratissue percutaneous electrolysis for the treatment of tendinopathy: a systematic review

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    Background: Tendinopathy is highly prevalent in the general public and common in athletes. It makes up nearly 50% of all sport injuries. A number of treatment techniques with varying evidence of effectiveness are currently available. Intratissue percutaneous  electrolysis (EPI) is one such modality, however little consensus exists for EPI’s efficacy or the most effective treatment parameters. Objective: To review and appraise available evidence for Intratissue Percutaneous Electrolysis (EPI) in the treatment of tendinopathy, examining the effectiveness of EPI in conjunction with other modalities and identifying the strengths and limitations of the evidence base for EPI in order to make evidence-based recommendation for future studies of EPI. Methods: PubMed, Embase and Scopus were searched with keywords related to EPI and tendinopathy. Grey literature searches were conducted with Embase, OpenGrey, and ProQuest. Extensive citation searching was undertaken. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), uncontrolled and observational studies of the application of EPI in patients aged 18-65 years with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or clinical Ultrasonography (US) confirmed diagnosis of tendinopathy were eligible. Results: Eleven studies met inclusion criteria: six randomised control trials (RCTs) and five uncontrolled studies. Clinical trials of EPI as an adjunct modality with physical therapy reporting greater decreased pain and return to function than treatment with physical therapy alone. The evidence for EPI is limited and influenced by small sample sizes, varying treatment protocols, clinical heterogeneity and high risk of bias. Conclusion: It is currently not possible to conclude that EPI is an effective modality for the treatment of tendinopathy. RCTs with clearly described EPI treatment protocols, larger sample sizes and intervention reporting sufficient to support reproducibility are needed to determine the effectiveness of EPI for the treatment of tendinopathy

    Understanding how students manage their employability

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    In this study we explored the process by which students manage their employability, the skills and attributes gained by students as a consequence of undertaking a particular activity and how their experiences influence how they subsequently manage their employability. Quantitative and qualitative data were collated from five separate groups of students. Each student cohort had completed one of the following activities: a credit-weighted optional professional development module (PDM), an industrial placement year (IPY) or a study year abroad (SYA).  The fourth student cohort was in the final stages of completing an integrated Master’s degree (MBiol). The final student group was the control group who had undertaken none of these four activities and were in the final stages of their three-year undergraduate degree. On the whole, students who have undertaken an activity were very positive about their experience. We found that students had very clear reasons for engaging in a particular activity and, in many cases, related to enhancing their employment prospects.  Those engaged in any activity report more focused career plans (in the case of the MBiol, IPY and SYA groups) and, in the case of the PDM group, high levels of self-awareness and understanding of employer requirements. We found students in the control group to be the most uncertain of their future career plans.  The reasons for not engaging in the employability initiatives described here and lack of career planning amongst the control group require further investigation.Keywords: Employability, career management, industrial placement year, integrated masters, study year abroad, professional development modul
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