23 research outputs found

    The forgotten ocean: Why COP26 must call for vastly greater ambition and urgency to address ocean change

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    Of all the interconnected threats facing the planet, the top two are the climate and the biodiversity crises. Neither problem will be solved if we ignore the ocean. To turn the tide in favour of humanity and a habitable planet, we need to recognize and better value the fundamental role that the ocean plays in the earth system, and prioritize the urgent action needed to heal and protect the ocean at the ‘Earthscape’ level – the planetary scale at which processes to support life operate. The countries gathering at COP26 have unparalleled political capacity and leadership to make this happen. COP26 could be the turning point, but there must be commitment to united action for the ocean, as well as planning to meet those commitments, based on science-led solutions that address the interconnectivity of the ocean, climate, and biodiversity. Key ways in which the ocean both contributes to and acts as the major buffer for climate change are summarized, focusing on temperature, but not forgetting the role of storing carbon. It is noted with ‘high confidence’ that the ocean has stored 91% of the excess heat from global warming, with land, melting ice, and the atmosphere only taking up approximately 5, 3, and 1%, respectively. We also highlight the impact of the recent large release of heat from the ocean to the atmosphere during the 2015–2016 El Niño. We then present six science-based policy actions that form a recovery stimulus package for people, climate, nature, and the planet. Our proposals highlight what is needed to view, value, and treat the planet, including the ocean, for the benefit and future of all life

    Optimal control of predator-prey mathematical model with infection and harvesting on prey

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    This paper presents a predator-prey mathematical model with infection and harvesting on prey. The infection and harvesting only occur on the prey population and it assumed that the prey infection would not infect predator population. We analysed the mathematical model of predator-prey with infection and harvesting in prey. Optimal control, which is a prevention of the prey infection, also applied in the model and denoted as U. The purpose of the control is to increase the susceptible prey. The analytical result showed that the model has five equilibriums, namely the extinction equilibrium (E0), the infection free and predator extinction equilibrium (E1), the infection free equilibrium (E2), the predator extinction equilibrium (E3), and the coexistence equilibrium (E4). The extinction equilibrium (E0) is not stable. The infection free and predator extinction equilibrium (E1), the infection free equilibrium (E2), also the predator extinction equilibrium (E3), are locally asymptotically stable with some certain conditions. The coexistence equilibrium (E4) tends to be locally asymptotically stable. Afterwards, by using the Maximum Pontryagin Principle, we obtained the existence of optimal control U. From numerical simulation, we can conclude that the control could increase the population of susceptible prey and decrease the infected prey

    Pelaksanaan Konsep Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep Islam sebagai agama yang rahmatan lil ‘alamiin. Agama merupakan suatu kepercayaan yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai keadilan, kemakmuran, kedamaian yang dapat menyelamatkan umat manusia apabila taat dengan perintah Tuhan-Nya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Analisis penelitian ini dilakukan setelah pengumpulan dari beberapa data yang di ambil dari berbagai sumber. Yaitu dengan melakukan reduksi data, menyajikannya, kemudian mengambil kesimpulan dari data-data yang telah ditemukan di dalam penelitian. Tujuan kajian jurnal ini adalah untuk menyingkap hakikat Islam Rahmatan Lil'Alamin dan prinsipnya. Islam Rahmatan Lil'Alamin memberikan keselamatan dan kedamaian kepada seluruh umat manusia, dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip kemanusiaan yang mencakup keseluruhan dan realistis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Agama yang diturunkan Allah SWT kepada Nabi Muhammad untuk menjadi pedoman kehidupan manusia di seluruh alam semesta ini dan mengatur tata kehidupan manusia. Agama mengatur hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan-Nya dan mengatur hubungan manusia dengan sesamanya agar mendapatkan manfaat ataupun kemaslahatan. Sehingga dalam agama Islam terdapat prinsip Rahmatan Lil'Alamin, yang artinya rahmat bagi seluruh alam semesta. Islam Rahmatan Lil'Alamin merupakan Islam yang mengutamakan kedamaian, keadilan sesuai dengan apa yang telah dijelaskan dalam Al-Qur'an dan Hadist. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif yang berasal dari literatur kepustakaan dan referensi-referensi ilimiah terkait dengan Islam Rahmatan Lil'Alamin

    Scientists\u27 Warning of an Imperiled Ocean

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    In 2017, more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries signed a second warning letter to humanity to caution against our continued wholesale destruction of global ecosystems (Ripple et al., 2017). Here, we reaffirm their message with a similar warning specifically focused on the ocean: humanity must immediately and significantly alter our harmful trajectory in order to avoid irrevocably damaging our oceans in multiple ways that will further affect ocean health for both us and future generations. The ocean is the world\u27s largest realm, housing an astonishing array of biodiversity that provides critical ecological functions that ultimately support life on Earth. In this paper, we outline some of the significant ongoing and imminent activities that degrade ocean health, including destructive fishing practices, oil and natural gas extraction, seabed mining, coastal development, shipping, pollution, and greenhouse-gas emissions. We end by offering potential avenues to mitigate these impacts, including the cessation of particularly harmful activities, restoration of damaged habitats, strong protection of key and representative ecosystems, reduction in waste and emissions, and global policy shifts that prioritize ecosystem health

    The living infinite: Envisioning futures for transformed human-nature relationships on the high seas

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    We find ourselves at a critical crossroads for the future governance of the high seas, but the perceived remoteness of the global ocean creates a psychological barrier for people to engage with it. Given challenges of overexploitation, inequitable access and other sustainability and equity concerns, current ocean governance mechanisms are not fit-for-purpose. This decade offers opportunities for direct impact on ocean governance, however, triggering a global transformation on how we use and protect the half of our planet requires a concerted effort that is guided by shared values and principles across regions and sectors. The aim of the series of workshops outlined in this paper, was to undertake a futures thinking process that could use the Nature Futures Framework as a mechanism to bring more transformative energy into how humans conceptualise the high seas and therefore how we aim to govern the ocean. We found that engaging with the future through science fiction narratives allowed a more radical appreciation of what could be and infusing science with artistic elements can inspire audiences beyond academia. Thus, creative endeavours of co-production that promote and encourage imagination to address current challenges should be considered as important tools in the science-policy interface, also as a way to elicit empathetic responses. This workshop series was a first, and hopefully promising, step towards generating a more creative praxis in how we imagine and then act for a better future for the high seas