1,575 research outputs found

    Status: For WG2 consideration Date: 2000-09-04

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    Numbers (Two digit numbers with circle, Dual circled numbers and Inversed circled numbers) requested by Japan (for compatibility with JIS X 0213:2000) are one of the open issues. This paper confirms Japanese position on to the number issues. Note: Regular symbols issue is in progress as separated discussion, and only open issue (beside this paper) is request of pre-composed characters. First of all, for compatibility (and round trip conversion) with JIS X 0213, there is no question that there is a needs to have the same repertoires within ISO/IEC 10646. Since, other than acceptance of the proposal, there are no simple method to accommodate the requirements in short period of time. Even though there are many new tricks are possible to be invented for meeting the needs, there are no immediate proven solution yet, therefore, it would be better to provide the characters as original requirement for COMPATIBILITY WITH NATIONAL STANDARD immediately. Therefore, Japan requests to include the three types of circled characters into the BMP. 1 Japan noticed that there is an opinion which says “since number is endless, thus

    OSU-OARDC plant germplasm release guidelines and practices

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    One-sided learning about one’s own type in a two-sided search model: The case of n types of agents

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    This study analyzes a two-sided search model in which agents are vertically heterogeneous and agents on one side do not know their own type. Agents with imperfect self-knowledge update their beliefs based on the offers or rejections they receive from others. The results are as follows. An agent with imperfect self-knowledge lowers his or her reservation level if the agent receives a rejection that leads him or her to revise belief downward. However, an agent with imperfect self-knowledge does not raise his or her reservation level even if the agent receives an offer that leads him or her to revise his or her belief upward. As a result, an agent with imperfect self-knowledge has the highest reservation level when he or she has just entered the market; after that, a series of meetings gradually lowers his or her reservation level over the duration of the search.JEL Classification Codes: D82, D83, J12http://doi.org/10.24545/0000134

    Report of Special Committee on Distribution of Work

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    Responses of two temperate evergreen Nothofagus species to sudden and gradual waterlogging: relationships with distribution patterns Respuestas de dos especies siempreverdes de Nothofagus al anegamiento gradual y repentino: relaciones con patrones de dist

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    ABSTRACT The effects of gradual waterlogging on trees have been little studied. The temperate evergreens Nothofagus nitida and N. dombeyi are differentially distributed on soil moisture gradients, only the former being common on poorly-drained sites. We compared the relative height growth rate (RGR H ) and foliage loss of seedlings subjected experimentally to normal drainage (soil at field capacity), sudden waterlogging and gradual waterlogging for two months to determine which waterlogging regime more accurately predicts interspecific differences in tolerance, as evident from natural distributions. RGR H was similar between species but differed between treatments (normal watering > gradual waterlogging = sudden waterlogging). Sudden waterlogging caused massive foliage loss in the two species, but gradual waterlogging caused much greater foliage loss in N. dombeyi than in N. nitida, indicating some degree of acclimation by the latter species. Linear regressions indicated that RGR H was negatively affected by foliage loss in both species, without differences between them. Since no difference in RGR H was found between species in the waterlogging treatments, but yet in foliage loss, other mechanisms may be involved in the short term growth reduction of N. nitida. Effects of waterlogging on long-term performance in the field were evaluated by reciprocal transplants between a poorly-drained site naturally occupied by N. nitida, and a well drained site naturally occupied by N. dombeyi. After two growing seasons, N. dombeyi had significantly lower specific leaf area (SLA) and RGR H , at the poorly drained site than at its original site. At the poorly drained site N. nitida achieved 100 % survival, compared with 73.5 % in N. dombeyi. Reduced growth and survival of N. dombeyi associated with the negative effects on carbon gain of extensive foliage loss and reduced SLA may thus exclude it from the wetter sites. We conclude that tolerance may be better predicted from responses to gradual, rather than sudden waterlogging. Key words: Nothofagus, reciprocal transplants, seedling growth, temperate rainforest. RESUMEN Los efectos del anegamiento gradual sobre las especies arbóreas han sido poco estudiados. Nothofagus nitida y N. dombeyi son especies siempreverdes templadas diferencialmente distribuidas sobre gradientes de humedad del suelo; solo la primera es común en sitios de drenaje pobre. Comparamos la tasa de crecimiento relativo (RGR H ) y la pérdida foliar de plántulas de dos a tres años sujetas experimentalmente durante dos meses a drenaje normal (humedad del suelo en capacidad de campo), anegamiento repentino y anegamiento gradual, para determinar qué régimen de anegamiento predice mejor diferencias interespecíficas en tolerancia, las cuales son sugeridas desde las distribuciones naturales. RGR H resultó similar entre las especies pero difirió entre tratamientos (controles > anegamiento gradual = anegamiento repentino). El anegamiento repentino causó una masiva pérdida foliar en ambas especies, pero el anegamiento gradual causó mayor pérdida en N. dombeyi que en N. nitida indicando cierto grado de aclimatación por parte de esta última. Regresiones lineares indicaron que RGR H fue negativamente afectado por la pérdida foliar en ambas especies pero más en N. dombeyi, sugiriendo que otro mecanismo causó el decrecimiento de RGR H en N. nitida. Para evaluar el efecto del anegamiento sobre el desempeño en el largo plazo, se realizaron trasplantes recíprocos en la cordillera de la Costa entre un sitio de drenaje limitado dominado por N. nitida y sin N. dombeyi, y un sitio sin limitaciones de drenaje dominado por N. dombeyi y sin N. nitida. Luego de dos temporadas de 258 PIPER ET AL. crecimiento, N. dombeyi presentó menores área foliar específica (SLA) y RGR H en el sitio de drenaje limitado que en su sitio original. La sobrevivencia en el sitio de drenaje pobre fue 100 % para N. nitida y 73,5 % para N. dombeyi. Reducidos crecimiento y sobrevivencia de N. dombeyi asociados a los efectos negativos de masiva pérdida foliar y reducida SLA podrían excluir a esta especie de sitios muy húmedos. Concluimos que la tolerancia puede predecirse mejor desde respuestas al anegamiento gradual, más que al anegamiento repentino. Palabras clave: crecimiento de plántulas, Nothofagus, bosque lluvioso templado, trasplantes recíprocos


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    序章 第1章利己心,私有財産制度,市場 第2章庶民の幸福(?) 第3章労働分配率と労働者の実質賃金 第4章社会保障制度と最低生活の保障 第5章所得分配に関しての政策提言


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    I リカード体系のコア §1 古典派経済学一その時代と人物 §2 演鐸的方法とモデル・ビルディング §3 穀物の低価格が資本の利潤におよぼす影響についての試論」一1.5部門モデル Ⅱ リカードの価値理論一1.5部門モデソレから2部門 モデルへ,そして再び1.5部門モデルへ §4 穀物の交換価値上昇の3つの原因 §5 労働価値説と資本 §6 平均的「固定資本一流動資本」比率産業としての農業一再び1.5部門モデルへ Ⅲ リカードの分配理論 §7 富と価値 §8 分配理論の中心命題一地代・賃金・利潤の相対的シェアの変化 §9 製造業への言及 Ⅳ 経済学とは何か? §10 リカード・モデルとその前提 §11 消費パターンの変化と中心点の移動 §12 リカード体系と自由貿易