13 research outputs found

    Identification and Characterization of Novel Mutations in the Human Gene Encoding the Catalytic Subunit Calpha of Protein Kinase A (PKA)

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    The genes PRKACA and PRKACB encode the principal catalytic (C) subunits of protein kinase A (PKA) Cα and Cβ, respectively. Cα is expressed in all eukaryotic tissues examined and studies of Cα knockout mice demonstrate a crucial role for Cα in normal physiology. We have sequenced exon 2 through 10 of PRKACA from the genome of 498 Norwegian donors and extracted information about PRKACA mutations from public databases. We identified four interesting nonsynonymous point mutations, Arg45Gln, Ser109Pro, Gly186Val, and Ser263Cys, in the Cα1 splice variant of the kinase. Cα variants harboring the different amino acid mutations were analyzed for kinase activity and regulatory (R) subunit binding. Whereas mutation of residues 45 and 263 did not alter catalytic activity or R subunit binding, mutation of Ser109 significantly reduced kinase activity while R subunit binding was unaltered. Mutation of Cα Gly186 completely abrogated kinase activity and PKA type I but not type II holoenzyme formation. Gly186 is located in the highly conserved DFG motif of Cα and mutation of this residue to Val was predicted to result in loss of binding of ATP and Mg2+, which may explain the kinetic inactivity. We hypothesize that individuals born with mutations of Ser109 or Gly186 may be faced with abnormal development and possibly severe disease

    Pain modulators regulate the dynamics of PKA-RII phosphorylation in subgroups of sensory neurons.

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    Knowledge about the molecular structure of PKA isoforms is substantial. In contrast, the dynamics of PKA isoform activity in living primary cells has not been investigated in detail. Using a High Content Screening microscopy approach, we identified the RIIβ subunit of PKA-II to be predominantly expressed in a subgroup of sensory neurons. The RIIβ-positive subgroup included most neurons expressing nociceptive markers (TRPV1, NaV1.8, CGRP, IB4) and responded to pain eliciting capsaicin with calcium influx. Isoform-specific PKA reporters showed in sensory neuron-derived F11 cells that the inflammatory mediator PGE2 specifically activated PKA-II but not PKA-I. Accordingly, pain sensitizing inflammatory mediators and activators of PKA increased the phosphorylation of RII subunits (pRII) in subgroups of primary sensory neurons. Detailed analyses revealed basal pRII to be regulated by the phosphatase PP2A. Increase of pRII was followed by phosphorylation of CREB in a PKA-dependent manner. Thus, we propose RII phosphorylation to represent an isoform-specific readout for endogenous PKA-II activity in vivo, suggest RIIβ as a novel nociceptive subgroup marker, and extend the current model of PKA-II activation by introducing a PP2A-dependent basal state

    Implementing fluorescence anisotropy screening and crystallographic analysis to define PKA isoform-selective activation by cAMP analogs

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    Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is a ubiquitous second messenger that regulates many proteins, most notably cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). PKA holoenzymes (comprised of two catalytic (C) and two regulatory (R) subunits) regulate a wide variety of cellular processes, and its functional diversity is amplified by the presence of four R-subunit isoforms, RIα, RIβ, RIIα, and RIIβ. Although these isoforms all respond to cAMP, they are functionally nonredundant and exhibit different biochemical properties. In order to understand the functional differences between these isoforms, we screened cAMP derivatives for their ability to selectively activate RI and RII PKA holoenzymes using a fluorescence anisotropy assay. Our results indicate that RIα holoenzymes are selectively activated by C8-substituted analogs and RIIβ holoenzymes by N6-substituted analogs, where HE33 is the most prominent RII activator. We also solved the crystal structures of both RIα and RIIβ bound to HE33. The RIIβ structure shows the bulky aliphatic substituent of HE33 is fully encompassed by a pocket comprising of hydrophobic residues. RIα lacks this hydrophobic lining in Domain A, and the side chains are displaced to accommodate the HE33 dipropyl groups. Comparison between cAMP-bound structures reveals that RIIβ, but not RIα, contains a cavity near the N6 site. This study suggests that the selective activation of RII over RI isoforms by N6 analogs is driven by the spatial and chemical constraints of Domain A and paves the way for the development of potent noncyclic nucleotide activators to specifically target PKA iso-holoenyzmes