32 research outputs found

    Gluttony, excess, and the fall of the planter class in the British Caribbean

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    Food and rituals around eating are a fundamental part of human existence. They can also be heavily politicized and socially significant. In the British Caribbean, white slaveholders were renowned for their hospitality towards one another and towards white visitors. This was no simple quirk of local character. Hospitality and sociability played a crucial role in binding the white minority together. This solidarity helped a small number of whites to dominate and control the enslaved majority. By the end of the eighteenth century, British metropolitan observers had an entrenched opinion of Caribbean whites as gluttons. Travelers reported on the sumptuous meals and excessive drinking of the planter class. Abolitionists associated these features of local society with the corrupting influences of slavery. Excessive consumption and lack of self-control were seen as symptoms of white creole failure. This article explores how local cuisine and white creole eating rituals developed as part of slave societies and examines the ways in which ideas about hospitality and gluttony fed into the debates over slavery that led to the dismantling of slavery and the fall of the planter class

    Katalytische procesroute van butadiëen naar ethylbenzeen

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    Document(en) uit de collectie Chemische ProcestechnologieDelftChemTechApplied Science

    Effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 and 25(OH)D3 on C2C12 myoblast proliferation, differentiation and myotube hypertrophy

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    An adequate vitamin D status is essential to optimize muscle strength. However, whether vitamin D directly reduces muscle fiber atrophy or stimulates muscle fiber hypertrophy remains subject of debate. A mechanism that may affect the role of vitamin D in the regulation of muscle fiber size is the local conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)(2)D by 1α‐hydroxylase. Therefore, we investigated in a murine C2C12 myoblast culture whether both 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) and 25(OH)D(3) affect myoblast proliferation, differentiation, and myotube size and whether these cells are able to metabolize 25(OH)D(3) and 1,25(OH)(2)D(3). We show that myoblasts not only responded to 1,25(OH)(2)D(3), but also to the precursor 25(OH)D(3) by increasing their VDR mRNA expression and reducing their proliferation. In differentiating myoblasts and myotubes 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) as well as 25(OH)D(3) stimulated VDR mRNA expression and in myotubes 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) also stimulated MHC mRNA expression. However, this occurred without notable effects on myotube size. Moreover, no effects on the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway as well as MyoD and myogenin mRNA levels were observed. Interestingly, both myoblasts and myotubes expressed CYP27B1 and CYP24 mRNA which are required for vitamin D(3) metabolism. Although 1α‐hydroxylase activity could not be shown in myotubes, after treatment with 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) or 25(OH)D(3) myotubes showed strongly elevated CYP24 mRNA levels compared to untreated cells. Moreover, myotubes were able to convert 25(OH)D(3) to 24R,25(OH)(2)D(3) which may play a role in myoblast proliferation and differentiation. These data suggest that skeletal muscle is not only a direct target for vitamin D(3) metabolites, but is also able to metabolize 25(OH)D(3) and 1,25(OH)(2)D(3). J. Cell. Physiol. 231: 2517–2528, 2016. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Cellular Physiology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Beloop van COVID-19-infecties en impact op mentale gezondheid; opzet van een landelijk casusregister [Course of COVID-19 infections and impact on mental health; setting up a national case register]

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    Achtergrond: De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (NVvP) heeft een casusregister opgezet om de (neuro-)psychiatrische gevolgen van covid-19-besmetting in kaart te brengen. Doel: Inzicht krijgen in zowel kwetsbaarheden als beschermende factoren voor het krijgen van een covid-19-besmetting en het beloop hiervan in een (neuro)psychiatrische populatie. Methode: We verzamelen informatie van zo veel mogelijk patiënten met psychiatrische problematiek (zowel pre-existente psychiatrische problematiek als tijdens de infectie ontstane (neuro)psychiatrische klachten) en een covid-19-besmetting. De dataverzameling bestaat uit o.a. demografische gegevens, gegevens over de covid-19-besmetting en gegevens over de psychiatrische problematiek en de behandeling daarvan. Om een zo representatief mogelijk cohort te krijgen roepen wij alle ziekenhuizen, ggz-instellingen, verslavingszorg en andere zorginstellingen voor mensen met een psychiatrische aandoening in Nederland op om deel te nemen aan het CoviP-casusregister

    Roadmap for the Emerging Field of Cancer Neuroscience

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    Mounting evidence indicates that the nervous system plays a central role in cancer pathogenesis. In turn, cancers and cancer therapies can alter nervous system form and function. This Commentary seeks to describe the burgeoning field of "cancer neuroscience" and encourage multidisciplinary collaboration for the study of cancer-nervous system interactions

    Heed, a missing link between trust, monitoring and performance in knowledge intensive teams

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    This longitudinal study aimed to explain performance differences of knowledge intensive project teams. Team level data gathered at three measurement moments were used. Antecedents of performance studied were: trust in team members, trust in supervisors, monitoring by team members and monitoring by supervisors. Heedful interrelating, a concept developed by Weick and Roberts (1993) was expected to mediate between trust in team members, monitoring by team members and team performance. Correlation analysis and structural equation modelling were employed to analyse the data. The results show that heedful interrelating of team members, built on a combination of trust and monitoring by team members and trust in supervisors is an important factor in promoting team performance