3,318 research outputs found

    Source code independent reverse engineering of dynamic web sites

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    This paper describes source code independent reverse engineering of dynamic web sites. The tool Revangie builds a form-oriented analysis model solely from the usage of a web application. The recovered models can be, for example, exploited for the purpose of requirements engineering and load test development. Revangie can explore a given web application fully automatically or can passively record its usages. The collected data, i.e., data about screens, server-side programs, and system responsiveness, are analyzed in order to build a user interface model. The paper presents several adequate screen classifications, which are utilized to yield significant models

    The JDownloader Immune System for Continuous Deployment

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    Continuous deployment can reduce the time from a source code change to a newly deployed application significantly. Increased innovation speed can make all the difference in a competitive market situation. However, deploying at high frequency requires high speeds of discovering bugs in the deployed software. Using the JDownloader file download manager as our example, we present a fitness model to evaluate a continuously deployed software during operation for expected behavior, present the design and implementation of a monitoring component, and evaluate the model and its implementation using data from JDownloader’s multi-million member strong user base. Our evaluation finds that there had been thousands of undetected bugs, and that newly created bugs can be detected and reported 16 times faster than before

    High Net Primary Production of Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) Meadows Determined with Aquatic Eddy Covariance

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    We report primary production and respiration of Posidonia oceanica meadows determined with the non-invasive aquatic eddy covariance technique. Oxygen fluxes were measured in late spring at an open-water meadow (300 m from shore), at a nearshore meadow (60 m from shore), and at an adjacent sand bed. Despite the oligotrophic environment, the meadows were highly productive and highly autotrophic. Net ecosystem production (54 to 119 mmol m-2 d-1) was about one-half of gross primary production. In adjacent sands, net primary production was a tenth- to a twentieth smaller (4.6 mmol m-2 d-1). Thus, P. oceanica meadows are an oasis of productivity in unproductive surroundings. During the night, dissolved oxygen was depleted in the open-water meadow. This caused a hysteresis where oxygen production in the late afternoon was greater than in the morning at the same irradiance. Therefore, for accurate measurements of diel primary production and respiration in this system, oxygen must be measured within the canopy. Generally, these measurements demonstrate that P. oceanica meadows fix substantially more carbon than they respire. This supports the high rate of organic carbon accumulation and export for which the ecosystem is known

    The response of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow metabolism to CO2-levels and hydrodynamic exchange determined with aquatic eddy covariance

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    We investigated light, water velocity, and CO2 as drivers of primary production in Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows and neighboring bare sands using the aquatic eddy covariance technique. Study locations included an open-water meadow and a nearshore meadow, the nearshore meadow being exposed to greater hydrodynamic exchange. A third meadow was located at a CO2 vent. We found that, despite the oligotrophic environment, the meadows had a remarkably high metabolic activity, up to 20 times higher than the surrounding sands. They were strongly autotrophic, with net production half of gross primary production. Thus, P. oceanica meadows are oases of productivity in an unproductive environment. Secondly, we found that turbulent oxygen fluxes above the meadow can be significantly higher in the afternoon than in the morning at the same light levels. This hysteresis can be explained by the replenishment of nighttime-depleted oxygen within the meadow during the morning. Oxygen depletion and replenishment within the meadow do not contribute to turbulent O2 flux. The hysteresis disappeared when fluxes were corrected for the O2 storage within the meadow and, consequently, accurate metabolic rate measurements require measurements of meadow oxygen content. We further argue that oxygen-depleted waters in the meadow provide a source of CO2 and inorganic nutrients for fixation, especially in the morning. Contrary to expectation, meadow metabolic activity at the CO2 vent was lower than at the other sites, with negligible net primary production

    Delayed wound repair in sepsis is associated with reduced local pro-inflammatory cytokine expression

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    Sepsis is one of the main causes for morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. Moreover, sepsis associated complications involving impaired wound healing are common. Septic patients often require surgical interventions that in-turn may lead to further complications caused by impaired wound healing. We established a mouse model to the study delayed wound healing during sepsis distant to the septic focus point. For this reason cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was combined with the creation of a superficial wound on the mouse ear. Control animals received the same procedure without CPL. Epithelialization was measured every second day by direct microscopic visualization up to complete closure of the wound. As interplay of TNF-α, TGF-ÎČ, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) is important in wound healing in general, TNF-α, TGF-ÎČ, MMP7, and TIMP1 were assessed immunohistochemical in samples of wounded ears harvested on days 2, 6, 10 and 16 after wounding. After induction of sepsis, animals showed a significant delay in wound epithelialization from day 2 to 12 compared to control animals. Complete wound healing was attained after mean 12.2± standard deviation (SD) 3.0 days in septic animals compared to 8.7± SD 1.7 days in the control group. Septic animals showed a significant reduction in local pro-inflammatory cytokine level of TNF-α on day 2 and day 6 as well as a reduced expression of TGF-ÎČ on day 2 in wounds. A significant lower expression of MMP7 as well as TIMP1 was also observed on day 2 after wounding. The induction of sepsis impairs wound healing distant to the septic focus point. We could demonstrate that expression of important cytokines for wound repair is deregulated after induction of sepsis. Thus restoring normal cytokine response locally in wounds could be a good strategy to enhance wound repair in sepsis

    Subjektive Sinnzuschreibungen zur Mathematik in der Grundschule inmitten digitaler Transformation

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    Aus kulturphilosophischer Perspektive stellt ein durch digitale Medien geprĂ€gter Erfahrungsraum bereits die dominante Bedingung der heutigen Gesellschaft dar (Stalder, 2021). Diskussionen um einen Mathematikunterricht, der SchĂŒler*innen ĂŒber den speziellen Bereich des Fachs hinaus bildet und auf gesellschaftliche Bedingungen vorbereitet, sind nicht neu. So warf etwa Bauer (1988) bezugnehmend auf eine technisierte und moderne Welt die Frage auf: Was sind die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Bildung durch das Fach Mathematik? Hierbei wird das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen Bildung und Fachlichkeit angestoßen, dessen historische Entwicklung zwar mit Blick auf postulierte Kompetenzorientierung ein Verstehen von Mathematik durch die Lernenden intendiert, jedoch infolge einer Reduzierung auf Performanz Gefahr lĂ€uft, in eine Rechenunterrichtstradition des 19. Jahrhunderts abzudriften (Vohns, 2016). Zweifelsohne skizziert diese Einleitung eine normative und in Teilen epistemologische Perspektive. Um die Beziehung von Lernenden zum Gegenstand Mathematik in der digitalen Gesellschaft zu untersuchen, sollten sich in einer explorativen Studie 85 SchĂŒler*innen der dritten und vierten Jahrgangsstufe frei und schriftlich zur Frage Ă€ußern: „Wozu lerne ich in der Schule Mathematik?“ Damit wird ein Zugang verfolgt, wie ihn Bauer (1988) nahm, der herausstellte, dass SchĂŒler*innen Mathematiklernen im Sinne subjektiver Sinnzuschreibung zumeist auf seine lebenspraktische Bedeutung beziehen. Die aktuellen Äußerungen zeigen hierzu keine nennenswerten Unterschiede. So deuten die mithilfe qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewerteten Antworten auf ein MathematikverstĂ€ndnis der befragten GrundschĂŒler*innen hin, das sich auf praktisches Rechnen konzentriert, wobei sich keine Hinweise auf einen digital geprĂ€gten Erfahrungsraum finden. Offen ist, ob dies auf fehlende Lern- oder Anwendungserfahrungen im Mathematikunterricht, mangelnde Reflexionskompetenzen der jungen SchĂŒler*innen oder eine geringe subjektive Bedeutsamkeit des Mathematiklernens fĂŒr das Zurechtfinden in der digitalen Gesellschaft zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist

    Energy Efficient Massive MIMO Array Configurations

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    The high spectral efficiency of massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) is mainly achieved through the exploitation of spatial multiplexing, i.e. by using a high number of MIMO layers that are applied simultaneously to many users. The power consumption of a massive MIMO base station is determined by the hardware driving a high number of antenna ports and elements. This paper focuses on practical deployment situations with varying user load. During hours with low number of users a certain significant part of hardware power consumption would remain with conventional massive MIMO processing, while the full potential of spectral efficiency cannot be exploited due to the low number of users, resulting in low power efficiency and cost. We investigate the impact of different hybrid array architectures on spectral efficiency, average user throughput and power consumption and show how to design a massive MIMO system with significantly improved energy efficiency for a given target scenario, while maintaining a targeted service quality
