8 research outputs found

    Mesh implantation for pelvic organ prolapse improves quality of life

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    Purpose: The use of alloplastic meshes for repair of female pelvic organ prolapse (POP) has recently been discussed for its indications and safety. Mesh exposure and chronic pelvic pain are among the risks that need to be addressed to the patients. The purpose of this prospective observational study is to investigate the effect of vaginal mesh implantation on pelvic floor-related quality of life (QoL). Methods: 55 patients were included in this prospective multicenter study. A validated QoL questionnaire comprising items on prolapse symptoms and bladder, bowel and sexual function was used. QoL data were acquired before and 1year after POP surgery. Patients underwent POP surgery with implantation of either Prolift® or Seratom® mesh. Results: Quality of life scores improved significantly after surgery. Prolapse complaints were reduced from 4.43 to 0.26 (p<0.001), and bladder and bowel complaints improved from 3.03 to 1.46 (p<0.001) and from 1.93 to 1.60 (p<0.01) at follow-up. Furthermore, the sexual function score improved from 2.31 to 1.12 postoperatively (p<0.01). Conclusion: Despite the risks discussed for vaginal mesh repair, we observed a statistically significant improvement of pelvic floor-related quality of life of POP patients

    The dynamic cusp at low altitudes: A case study combining Viking, DMSP, and Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar observations

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    A case study involving data from three satellites and a ground-based radar are presented. Focus is on a detailed discussion of observations of the dynamic cusp made on 24 Sep. 1986 in the dayside high-latitude ionosphere and interior magnetosphere. The relevant data from space-borne and ground-based sensors is presented. They include in-situ particle and field measurements from the DMSP-F7 and Viking spacecraft and Sondrestrom radar observations of the ionosphere. These data are augmented by observations of the IMF and the solar wind plasma. The observations are compared with predictions about the ionospheric response to the observed particle precipitation, obtained from an auroral model. It is shown that observations and model calculations fit well and provide a picture of the ionospheric footprint of the cusp in an invariant latitude versus local time frame. The combination of Viking, Sondrestrom radar, and IMP-8 data suggests that we observed an ionospheric signature of the dynamic cusp. Its spatial variation over time which appeared closely related to the southward component of the IMF was monitored

    Das Universitätsranking im SPIEGEL der latenten Klassenanalyse

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    'In dem vorliegenden Artikel wird die SPIEGEL-Studie des Jahres 1989 für das Fach Psychologie reanalysiert. Es wird gezeigt, unter welchen Voraussetzungen ein Universitäts-Ranking eine Beratungsgrundlage für Studierende bieten kann. Der Vorgehensweise der SPIEGEL-Studie bei der Erstellung der Rangreihe wird die Auswertung mittels latenter Klassenanalyse gegenübergestellt. Wesentliches Charakteristikum dieser Analyse ist die größtmögliche Berücksichtigung der Urteile einzelner Studierender. Ergebnis ist ein spezifisches Profil der beurteilten Studienbedingungen an jeder Universität, das Aussagen über Einheitlichkeit oder Uneinheitlichkeit der Beurteilungen dieser Studienbedingungen zuläßt und sowohl negative als auch positive Bewertungen verdeutlicht. Dies kommt dem Informationsbedürfnis von Studierenden entgegen. Hierbei muß allerdings die Voraussetzung gemacht werden, daß die Urteile der Studierenden repräsentativ für die tatsächlichen Bedingungen am jeweiligen Hochschulort sind.' (Autorenreferat)'The paper presents the reanalysis of the university-ranking published by the German news-magazine 'Der SPIEGEL' in 1989. The Latent Class Analysis (LCA) is applied to the data in contrast to the original proceeding. The essential element of the LCA is to take into consideration all individual rankings of students as far as possible. The result is a specific profile of rated study-conditions for each university which meets the students' informational requirements. The principal assumption is that the ratings be representative according to the actual university's environment.' (author's abstract)

    Work values in European comparison: School education and work orientation in nine countries

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    The present contribution analyses work values in nine European countries using data from the ISSP study (International Social Survey Programme) conducted in 1989. The fundamental question deals with the influence school education and employment activity have on the evaluation of work attributes at the professional level. This has been achieved by applying a method in which school education in each country is divided into three ordinal categories, producing a standardisation for the nine countries. The resulting groups can then be clearly defined according to the importance awarded to various work values. Similarities between these hierarchies of preference are examined using cluster analysis for ordinal data. An interpretation of the clusters points to a clear determination of work values through the effects of education. Persons with higher education attribute disproportionately more importance to intrinsic values (interesting job, work independently) than is the case for the other levels of education. Those questioned that had low or middle levels of education considered both intrinsic and extrinsic values (job security, high income) important - and showed a distinct tendency to prefer extrinsic characteristics. There are also recognisable national effects that can be said to have less to do with economic parameters than with cultural affiliations such as, for example, a common language... (DIPF/Orig.